In response to requests by other departments of the Human Hive, the Central Military Commission has developed a basic outline of the forces necessary to achieve our foreign policy objectives. We ask that the Minister of Development and other applicable departments respond immediately to our requests.
In order to achieve the goals set forth by the Continuing Central Committee, the Office of the Marshal of the Revolutionary Army of the Socialist People of the Human Hive requests the following units undergo design and construction immediately:
3 x Sea Transport (Unarmed + Unarmoured)
1 x Sea Combatant (Maximum Available Arms + Unarmoured)
1 x Sea Combatant (Maximum Available Arms + Maximum Available Armour)
These units are required for a successful initiation of affirmative action.
The land units required to initiate the affirmative action are as follows:
3 x Rover (Maximum Available Arms + Unarmoured)
3 x Infantry (Maximum Available Arms + 1 Level Down Armour)
In order for the action to be successful, these units will need to be reinforced promptly with:
1 x Infantry (Maximum Available Arms + 1 level down Armour)
1 x Rover (Maximum Available Arms + Unarmoured)
4 x Garrison (Hand weapons + Maximum Available Armour)
Departments responsible please report back with what arms and armour will be available at time of action (i.e. Kody)
Also, the CMC would like to know if there is a possibility of Air Cover during this operation?
Lastly, the CMC recommends upgrading all garrison units to maximum available armour before this task in undertaken.
- Office of the Marshal
In order to achieve the goals set forth by the Continuing Central Committee, the Office of the Marshal of the Revolutionary Army of the Socialist People of the Human Hive requests the following units undergo design and construction immediately:
3 x Sea Transport (Unarmed + Unarmoured)
1 x Sea Combatant (Maximum Available Arms + Unarmoured)
1 x Sea Combatant (Maximum Available Arms + Maximum Available Armour)
These units are required for a successful initiation of affirmative action.
The land units required to initiate the affirmative action are as follows:
3 x Rover (Maximum Available Arms + Unarmoured)
3 x Infantry (Maximum Available Arms + 1 Level Down Armour)
In order for the action to be successful, these units will need to be reinforced promptly with:
1 x Infantry (Maximum Available Arms + 1 level down Armour)
1 x Rover (Maximum Available Arms + Unarmoured)
4 x Garrison (Hand weapons + Maximum Available Armour)
Departments responsible please report back with what arms and armour will be available at time of action (i.e. Kody)
Also, the CMC would like to know if there is a possibility of Air Cover during this operation?
Lastly, the CMC recommends upgrading all garrison units to maximum available armour before this task in undertaken.
- Office of the Marshal