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MSN : 30/09/2003 "Kody´s past / educating a stupid drone"

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  • MSN : 30/09/2003 "Kody´s past / educating a stupid drone"


    {Kody sends the new simulator turn}
    Micha says:

    Kody says:
    Kody says:
    got to love how that transfer bar jumps backwards anf forwards

    Micha says:
    Micha says:
    how do I load this simulator? Single Player?

    Kody says:

    Micha says:
    gotta love the faction dominance

    Kody says:
    Kody says:
    In the simulator I haven't botheorange to build up the factions I have very little knowledge about

    Micha says:
    isn´t it a bit risky to have a base left undefended with 5 tiles of xenofunghus around?
    Micha says:
    well, four

    Kody says:
    that base is going to be rebuilt in 3 turns
    Kody says:
    after 500 simulator reloads I've never seen a mindworm pop up
    Kody says:
    Mindworms have a very low chance of popping up in base radius
    Kody says:
    they have an even lower chance of popping up in fungus in a square next to a base
    Kody says:
    mindworms generally only pop up in fugus outside of base radius
    Kody says:
    and then move in through the fungus

    Micha says:
    well, I experienced that on a lower difficulty lever several times...

    Kody says:
    we've had a few mindworm attacks in the simulator from fungus squares 2 squares away

    Micha says:
    it just would be bad to have a second "tragedy" to announce in PRAVDA, this time a real one
    Micha says:
    hm, ok
    Micha says:
    And Rokossovkygrad is going to grow in 5 turns to size four, which will cause major drone riots, won´t
    Kody says:
    network node is going to be placed in rokossovky
    Kody says:
    and a hive colony pod will be moved in and added to rokossovky's population
    Kody says:
    then specialists made

    Micha says:
    (actually, it is growing in 4 turns)

    Kody says:
    network node + police unit+HGP = 4

    Micha says:
    ok, sounds good

    Kody says:
    then add 1
    Kody says:
    but the colony pod pushes it to 5
    Kody says:
    but then we convert 5th citizen to a specialist
    Kody says:
    so we only have to quell 4 drones

    Micha says:
    hm.. I´m pretty sure you´ve tested it

    Kody says:
    the recycling tank is so we don't run out of food
    Kody says:
    4 citizens and 1 specialist need the recycling tanks

    Micha says:
    Micha says:
    or a crawler

    Kody says:
    yeah but crawler takes up valuable land
    Kody says:
    well terraformed land

    Micha says:
    Micha says:
    btw, when is the Jamski peninsula going to be colonized?
    Micha says:
    Or are you planning to use it as a crawler park?

    Kody says:
    Let me check
    Kody says:
    if you notice crawlers are already on their way roading up I think
    Kody says:
    I mean formers
    Kody says:
    Jamski Clove 2nd colony pod will be heading up there

    Micha says:

    Kody says:
    The first colony pod from Jamski heads to that sensor site close by
    Kody says:
    oh the sensor isn't quite finished yet

    Kody says:
    but you can see the terraformers working on it

    Micha says:
    you mean south of kommie city?

    Kody says:
    Kody says:
    from Jamski go 1 square south-west, then 1 square west

    Micha says:
    yeah, saw it now
    Micha says:
    but why there?
    Micha says:
    isn´t it too close to the other base sites?

    Kody says:
    because it fits in with our tight base spacing

    Micha says:
    and what happens to the old base site?

    Kody says:
    at Jamski?
    Kody says:
    it gets moved 1 south
    Kody says:
    have you seen the baseplan?

    Micha says:
    but then we are losing a harbour
    Micha says:
    no, where?

    Kody says:
    Kody says:
    let me find it
    Kody says:

    Kody says:

    Kody says:
    this link
    Kody says:
    The reason why we decided to move it
    Kody says:
    was because that nut bonus would be useful to condensor and crawl
    Kody says:
    under a base it's only 4 nutrients
    Kody says:
    with a condensor you get 7 nutrients, (1 extra nutrient)
    Kody says:
    and with a soil enricher even more

    Micha says:
    hm.. I have no complaints against moving it, but we will need shipwrights, that means harbours
    Micha says:
    we can´t have just one base building all our ships

    Kody says:
    soil enricher gives you 10
    Kody says:
    We do have several bases for ships

    Micha says:
    St.Octaviansburg and HongHu KongHu
    Micha says:
    the Hive will be busy I guess

    Kody says:
    6 bases on the north side
    Kody says:
    The hive becomes a land base
    Kody says:
    Kody says:
    7 bases on the south side

    Micha says:
    then you are planning very far into the future....

    Kody says:
    out for 31 bases planned so far in total
    Kody says:
    also Buster seems to be planning for air power rather than sea power
    Kody says:
    I don't think we're going to be able to match the pirates on the sea.

    Micha says:
    who knows...

    Kody says:
    One of the reasons why we're closing off an inland sea.
    Kody says:
    We would need initative

    Micha says:
    a combined force can brake the greatest powers of a single faction

    Kody says:
    and if the pirates don't get initative then they're going for air power
    Kody says:
    air power beats sea power from what everyone else says

    Micha says:
    I don´t like sea power as well, but looking at our location it will be inevitable

    Kody says:
    Am I correct in saying that the pirates can't take over land bases with ships?

    Micha says:
    at least transports, escorts for them, Sea crawlers, probe foils
    Micha says:

    Kody says:
    you mean we have alot of sea to contend with?
    Kody says:
    sea crawlers for the inland sea

    Micha says:
    no, but we are trapped on a small continent, together with a faction we are allied with

    Kody says:
    probe foils yes, but they don't require support
    Kody says:
    drop troops

    Micha says:
    why not?

    Kody says:
    the land discoveorange by the drones is within drop troop range

    Micha says:
    @ support

    Kody says:
    probe foils don't require support
    Kody says:

    Micha says:
    in general?

    Kody says:
    probes don't require support at all
    Kody says:
    in general

    Micha says:
    this is quite enlightening...

    Kody says:
    have you read the ambassador thread?

    Micha says:
    not recently
    Micha says:
    I have read about ten threads in the embassy

    Kody says:
    the drones have put their maps there

    Micha says:

    Kody says:

    Kody says:

    Kody says:
    that rather
    Kody says:
    you should read all the official threads
    Kody says:
    and the question - strategy if you want to keep up the actual ingame
    Kody says:
    "question -strategy"

    Micha says:
    "official" threads not including polls suggerate something like "the constitution" thread... the mob.. excuse me, we drones are instantly scaorange away...

    Kody says:
    Kody says:
    well it's about as detailed much of what I say

    Micha says:
    yeah... not bad... Interesting.... Why did Buster say: "New West area exploorange - still not fully clear if we have a land bridge but starts looking like not:" ?
    Micha says:
    The map clearly shows a land bridge

    Kody says:
    land bridge to somewhere else
    Kody says:
    you see we're been using the elevation maps
    Kody says:
    we know that south of the drones' terriority is more land
    Kody says:
    to the west is ocean I think

    Micha says:
    I see...
    Micha says:
    What is ICS?

    Kody says:
    Kody says:
    Infinite city crawl
    Kody says:
    basically the really tight base packing we're doing

    Micha says:
    S=crawl? well, ok...

    Kody says:
    Kody says:
    Kody says:

    Micha says:
    hehe, sounds better
    Micha says:
    What do you think of including links (PRAVDA, important threads, posts etc.) in the history file?

    Kody says:
    Kody says:
    that could work

    Micha says:
    And, should we paste a copy of it into the embassy forum? Hm... without the links of course...

    Kody says:
    well I don't think the drones are interested in the past
    Kody says:
    they're running with a skeleton crew I think
    Kody says:
    notice that the drones rarely interact with us on a roleplay level
    Kody says:
    However, having the links etc will be useful for new members.

    Micha says:
    hehe... true... Just for roleplay issues... I thought "The Recall" could become the "Bible of the Hive"..

    Kody says:
    we can point them to the history thread

    Micha says:
    Micha says:
    ok, I´ll start on it now

    Kody says:
    someone really ought to the the drone's introduction
    Kody says:
    not that we need to curry favour
    Kody says:
    but I don't think they're ever going to write an introduction
    Kody says:
    maybe I could get achmed to do it

    Micha says:
    would be great!
    Micha says:
    What other factions have started on (or completed) it?

    Kody says:
    apparently Hercules has completed his
    Kody says:
    it's just awaiting approval
    Kody says:
    cycon and university said they planned on doing it

    Micha says:
    okay... hehe, I´m really looking forward to the Pirate´s intro...

    Kody says:
    actually that does sound like fun
    Kody says:
    Hrmm sometimes these days I think I concentrate too much on getting things done.
    Kody says:
    I had to quit my last hobby from over obession too.

    Micha says:
    Micha says:
    what was it?

    Kody says:
    do you know what a mud is?
    Kody says:
    Kody says:
    do you remember those choose your own adventure books?

    Micha says:

    Kody says:
    actually it's kindof like an online nethack
    Kody says:
    you have a character you make it more powerful etc

    Micha says:

    Kody says:
    you attack things get experience gather items
    Kody says:
    lets just say within a rather short time I had 4 maxxed level characters, with a 5th on it's way.

    Micha says:
    yay, I know nethack... was fun to play... So you created an online game on your own? AS A HOBBY???

    Kody says:
    nope there was one around
    Kody says:
    that I joined

    Micha says:
    Micha says:

    Kody says:
    anyway I had 4 legend character (basically level 127)
    Kody says:
    the next most powerful player had 2

    Micha says:
    so you played a loooooooooot

    Kody says:
    and had been playing a couple more years than me

    Micha says:

    Kody says:
    also I managed to know most items
    Kody says:
    and know almost all the areas
    Kody says:
    so people would often ask me where things were etc, or ask for advice on how to do things
    Kody says:
    I had played a couple of classes that were called "impossible"
    Kody says:
    and managed to legend them too

    Micha says:
    lol ...

    Kody says:
    and a legend character usually took the experienced players a year or two.

    Micha says:
    you really put your entire energy in one thing, don´t you?

    Kody says:
    the "impossible" legends classes were eventually done (after I had already done it) by other people but they had taken 5 years doing it.
    Kody says:
    anyway I probably was 3rd place in the knowledge department
    Kody says:
    and 1st place in high level character department with a lead of double.

    Micha says:

    Kody says:
    also I had written computer programs to calculate reloads etc
    Kody says:
    and to gain faster reaction times, by making my character part cyborg
    Kody says:
    not in the actual game
    Kody says:
    but programs that would do certain things to save my life way faster than a human could.
    Kody says:
    anyway I knew it was really eating away at my time, but the final straw was when I started snapping at some of my friends there.
    Kody says:
    basically I was getting annoyed at them for slowing the hunting party down
    Kody says:
    that's sort of when I decided I was going down the track of very bad obessive

    Micha says:

    Kody says:
    so I said my goodbyes and quit

    Micha says:
    and then you have been made an immortal legend by the remaining players?

    Kody says:
    Kody says:
    and "immortal" was another name for an administrator
    Kody says:
    and I kindof try to avoid lording over other people so I stayed clear

    Micha says:
    Micha says:
    I thought those people still tell the newbies about the legendary hero who managed to achieve what noone before him could achieve

    Kody says:
    Kody says:
    people have short memories
    Kody says:
    they probably mention it, but they'll more often talk about people that are still around
    Kody says:
    In retrospec one funny thing
    Kody says:
    one of the veteran players was trying very hard to kill my first character off.
    Kody says:
    back when I was a newbie
    Kody says:
    after I asked him why
    Kody says:
    he claimed that I must be an old player in disguise

    Micha says:

    Kody says:
    probably one of those old players that left because of gaining and anti-social reputation or something.
    Kody says:
    He didn't believe I had managed to learn all the ins and outs so fast.
    Kody says:
    you see it usually took at least a year or more before players started getting good.
    Kody says:
    and I was already getting powerful in my first few months
    Kody says:
    anyway enough polishing of my old memories

    Micha says:
    I can imagine that
    Micha says:
    Micha says:
    how long did you play SMAC before joining this demo game?

    Kody says:
    1 week

    Micha says:

    Micha says:
    you´re kidding

    Kody says:
    Vev gave me the CD like in March, but we played AOM for a while.
    Kody says:
    then I got curious about what vev was spending all his time on in the office
    Kody says:
    that's when I got intrested in cracking the cycon's code

    Micha says:
    I remember...

    Kody says:
    after that I gave up, and had a look at the SMAC cd
    Kody says:
    played that for a week, then vev started his IC story
    Kody says:
    I'm kindof into ametuar writing
    Kody says:
    so I decided to join the hive to particpate in that

    Micha says:
    so you wanted to become an IC spammer...

    Kody says:
    so it was 1 week before I joined the demo game that I first started playing SMAC
    Kody says:
    nah I wanted to write stories
    Kody says:
    and I was interested in doing a joint story thing with my friend

    Micha says:
    like I said...

    Kody says:
    there's a difference between IC spammer and a writer

    Micha says:
    so you don´t really see SMAX as a game, more as a fuction that needs to be optimized.... do you?
    Micha says:
    of course...

    Kody says:
    it's like the difference between an artist and someone that likes painting walls

    Micha says:

    Kody says:
    although I'm amateur
    Kody says:
    well SMAX is a game, but I'm kindof of a perfectionist

    Micha says:
    I see...

    Kody says:
    I'm the kind of person that can play an RPG
    Kody says:
    and have the levels roll over back to 0
    Kody says:
    because the programmers didn't think anyone would sit there getting exp for that long without finishing the game

    Micha says:
    it´s just that I played SMAC for three years, had about 50 games and didn´t get half the insider knowledge you now have

    Kody says:
    I've only played 2 single player games past the first 40 years to tell the truth.

    Micha says:

    Micha says:
    that´s exactly what I mean...

    Kody says:
    what I do is just come up with ideas and test them in the editor
    Kody says:
    or read most of the posts in the help/strategy forum

    Micha says:
    Micha says:

    Kody says:
    I think it also helps being able to program
    Kody says:
    Like I helped a friend work on a game he was building.
    Kody says:
    That kind of stuff helps you figure out some of the details, with dodgy games.

    Micha says:
    yeah... you know HOW things are usually calculated which we call "luck" or "random"

    Kody says:
    SMAC is a dodgily programmed
    Kody says:
    with a well programmed game you can't tell how it was programmed
    Kody says:
    just how it works

    Micha says:
    Micha says:
    but this is why we all love Sid´s games

    Kody says:
    that luck and random thing, is just about noticing certain patterns

    Micha says:
    almost everyone can edit them

    Kody says:
    or thinking of a mistake I might have made
    Kody says:
    if I was programming it
    Kody says:
    it crashes nicely too if you edit it too much

    Micha says:
    Heinrich, King of Germany, Duke of Saxony in Cyclotron's amazing Holy Roman Empire NES
    Let me eat your yummy brain!
    "be like Micha!" - Cyclotron

  • #2

    Kody says:
    hrmm I wonder if the cycon tried building the ME

    Micha says:
    I don´t think so... there are more valuable projects to concentrate on

    Kody says:
    there aren't any other projects
    Kody says:
    unless they're far advanced in techs
    Kody says:
    but they only got IA like 10 turns ago at best
    Kody says:
    so they couldn't have gotten that many techs

    Micha says:
    oh you meant if they changed from VW to ME

    Kody says:
    there's basically planetary energy grid and CN
    Kody says:
    I can't think of anything else
    Kody says:
    not this early anyway

    Micha says:
    Well, I bet they changed from VW to ME, since it´s been their best chance not to lose all those minerals
    Micha says:
    bad luck for them

    Kody says:
    thing is Drones had already started it
    Kody says:
    so they might have suspected

    Micha says:
    but it was a chance
    Micha says:
    if only to stockpile more minerals for a real effort, like building a future project pretty fast

    Kody says:
    Kody says:
    even then it'll be a while for them to get that far
    Kody says:
    although they do have the bonus tech rate
    Kody says:
    we've got more citizens
    Kody says:
    so we're probably on even tech rate
    Kody says:
    so that's 7 turns per tech
    Kody says:
    also it depends on what techs they already have

    Micha says:
    +2 science / +1 growth...?

    Kody says:
    if they have flexibility

    Micha says:
    well, ok, we have PTS

    Kody says:
    then they could go initiative
    Kody says:
    or if they have progetinor pysch
    Kody says:
    they could go energy grid
    Kody says:
    but if they don't have either
    Kody says:
    they're pretty screwed

    Micha says:
    they don´t. I thought Honghu was observing the other factions in matters of tech

    Kody says:
    there's limits to how much you can find out
    Kody says:
    like we know that applied physics hasn't been given to the pirates
    Kody says:
    but pirates aren't willing to trade for it
    Kody says:
    so I assume they can get it from the cycon
    Kody says:
    we don't know if the cycon have techs that we don't have
    Kody says:
    we which techs they do have of ours, or don't have of ours

    Micha says:
    oh I see

    Kody says:
    Teams Haves Have Nots Votes

    Univ BioGen, IN, CE, PN, IE, IA AP, Loyalty 12

    CC BioGen, IN, CE, PN, IE, IA, AP Loyalty 14

    PEACE IN, CE, PN, IE, IA BioGen, AP, Loyalty 15
    Kody says:
    that's what honghu wrote in her last report
    Kody says:
    she hasn't written a report recently hrmmm
    Kody says:
    she's skipped 2137 and 2138
    Kody says:
    oh well

    Micha says:

    Micha says:
    I propose nervestapling...

    Kody says:
    then again I said it might be alright I think
    Kody says:
    can't remember
    Kody says:
    I think the reason she stopped was because she realised I checked most of the information myself anyway.
    Kody says:
    and I admited I did

    Micha says:

    Kody says:
    maybe I should tell her to keep doing that
    Kody says:
    it's just I couldn't think of a good reason for her to continue

    Micha says:
    and promise you won´t do it

    Kody says:
    you see I check most of the information myself, so it's really just for other team members
    Kody says:
    and other team members didn't seem to care

    Micha says:
    to make her job become important, better "crucial"

    Kody says:
    the crucial part isn't every turn
    Kody says:
    you see most of the time the information is useless
    Kody says:
    and I check over buster's bases to learn new things from him mainly.
    Kody says:
    but that requires someone willing to think about what they've seen
    Kody says:
    which takes a bit of time
    Kody says:
    otherwise it would be honghu copying loads of information down, which is time consuming
    Kody says:
    It's hard asking people to do things you know won't be that useful.

    Micha says:
    yep... so you´ll have to assign more important tasks to her

    Kody says:
    what I could do is ask for inital turn planning

    Micha says:
    like that roleplay thing

    Kody says:
    the problem is important tasks take time
    Kody says:
    and I don't want to push more responsibilities than what someone can handle
    Kody says:
    so I just suggest most of the time

    Micha says:
    Micha says:
    do you know what "RASPHH" does actually mean?

    Kody says:
    sorry don't know

    Micha says:
    Micha says:
    Rokossovky calls our rovers that
    Micha says:
    and I´d like to explain in my history thread
    Micha says:
    but I don´t know either

    Kody says:
    I missed when he said that

    Micha says:
    hm... it was before your time... he used it quite often, and I referorange to it in "the recall", so I just wanted to add an explaination...

    any idea when he´s going to come online again?

    Kody says:
    not sure
    Kody says:
    usually during the day
    Kody says:
    when you're sleeping

    Micha says:
    lol.. so you say I´m sleeping during the day?

    Kody says:
    my day

    Micha says:
    Micha says:
    could you ask him for me, please?
    Micha says:

    Kody says:
    he doesn't really talk to us anymore
    Kody says:
    If I remember I'll ask
    Kody says:
    you could always email that MSN address

    Micha says:
    usually people don´t use their non-spam e-Mail addresses for msn...

    Kody says:
    yeah I guess
    Kody says:
    anyway I'm going to bed
    Kody says:
    if there's anything useful that we've talked about you can post it

    Micha says:
    Micha says:
    good night

    Kody says:

    Micha says:
    sleep long and well
    Heinrich, King of Germany, Duke of Saxony in Cyclotron's amazing Holy Roman Empire NES
    Let me eat your yummy brain!
    "be like Micha!" - Cyclotron


    • #3
      Making the program understandable could be a design decision to make it modable.
      Promoter of Public Morale
      Alpha Centauri Democracy Game

