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MSN - We have too much time

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  • MSN - We have too much time

    HongHu says:
    I can say hi all day today
    HongHu says:
    EZRhino says:
    hi guys
    Vev says:
    HongHu says:
    Octavian X says:
    HongHu says:
    is this the party?
    Vev says:
    How is the pirate negotiation coming?
    Octavian X says:
    Social engineering changes for ll!
    EZRhino says:
    I'd love one
    Voltaire says:
    No word yet from the Pirates.
    HongHu says:
    you love one social engineering change?
    HongHu says:
    how long have we been holding the turn
    Vev says:
    Social Values: Xenodoughnuts
    EZRhino says:
    :embarresed:, a xenodonut...
    HongHu says:
    that'll speed our research up
    Voltaire says:
    Octavian X says:
    It's good for growth.
    HongHu says:
    growth +2
    EZRhino says:
    efficiency -1
    Vev says:
    why are we holding the turn?
    HongHu says:
    to wait for the peace
    Voltaire says:
    Waiting for the Pirates to decide on the tech trade.
    HongHu says:
    we want to wait to see if they want biogen
    HongHu says:
    because next turn we have HGP
    EZRhino says:
    which are we giving them?
    HongHu says:
    they might not want biogen then
    EZRhino says:
    which did we offer, that is
    HongHu says:
    two of the three
    HongHu says:
    HongHu says:
    EZRhino says:
    which tow in particular?
    Vev says:
    but would they know we are building HGP?
    EZRhino says:
    hopefull not doct:loyalty?
    HongHu says:
    not now
    HongHu says:
    but next turn we'll have it completed IIRC
    Voltaire says:
    No, they'll find out only after we build it.
    Vev says:
    that's a bummer
    HongHu says:
    Vev says:

    Octavian X says:
    I'd be responding, but MSNIM on my end is being bvery, very stubborn.
    HongHu says:
    HongHu says:
    what's IM?
    Octavian X says:
    This thing.
    Voltaire says:
    Instant messanger
    HongHu says:
    ahh THIS THING huh
    Octavian X says:
    I prefer IRC, but who cares...
    Vev says:
    The xenodoughnuts cares
    Octavian X says:
    I'm a global IRCop on a network. Come by, and I'll torture you..
    HongHu says:
    ok so anything to talk today?
    HongHu says:
    torture cared:
    HongHu says:
    Vev says:
    IC fun!
    HongHu says:
    Octavian X says:
    Octavian X says:
    let's burn someone at the stake!
    HongHu says:
    who wants to be drunk at the peace party?
    Vev says:
    Voltaire says:
    HongHu says:
    comrade VEV!
    Voltaire says:
    I've just had an idea
    Voltaire says:
    Jamski will be attending the Peace party
    HongHu says:
    you need to be sober enough to collect evidence
    Voltaire says:
    as will all other senior officials
    HongHu says:
    * honghu looks at vev disapprovingly
    Voltaire says:
    which means we can entrap him
    Octavian X says:
    *Octavian hopes he's sa senior...
    Vev says:
    Okay, there are distractions other than loads of booze
    HongHu says:
    invitation only
    HongHu says:
    define entrap
    Vev says:
    is entrapment - Catherine Zeta-Jones
    HongHu says:

    Octavian X says:
    two words: nerve stappler.
    HongHu says:
    HongHu says:
    so jamski got drunk and rumbles state secrets
    Vev says:
    someone should photoshop the cockatoo to wear the soviet hat that Claire Forlani was wearing at one stage
    Voltaire says:
    To catch in or as if in a trap.

    To lure into danger, difficulty, or a compromising situation. See Synonyms at catch.
    To lure into performing a previously or otherwise uncontemplated illegal act.
    Octavian X says:
    false state secrets, mind you. to thorow them off.
    HongHu says:
    Claire Forlani of course will be there
    Octavian X says:
    *Otcavain kuntines to mkae spkllling erots.
    HongHu says:
    Vev says:
    I can do that if I go psycho typing speed
    HongHu says:
    I love spkllling erots
    Vev says:
    but the typing is quite loud and may draw attention
    Octavian X says:
    they're delicious.
    Vev says:
    spelling eros?
    HongHu says:
    HongHu says:
    ok who's gonna write it
    Octavian X says:
    *Octavian eats another xenodoughnut...
    Vev says:
    what are we writing?
    HongHu says:
    who has mastered the skills to talk like a pirate?
    HongHu says:
    peace party of course
    Octavian X says:
    why are wehWhat te hell are we doing here?
    Voltaire says:
    Ask Vev he called us all here.
    HongHu says:
    beats me
    Voltaire says:
    Voltaire says:
    What government position do you hold?
    Octavian X says:
    god damn this thing...
    Voltaire says:
    I forgot
    Vev says:
    Yarr, Chairman
    Vev says:
    I think something to do with intelligence
    Vev says:
    I have been slack of late ...
    HongHu says:
    he used to be the commissionar of internal security or something like that
    Voltaire says:
    Let me check
    HongHu says:
    and public morale
    HongHu says:
    basically secret police
    Voltaire says:
    Ah just as I thought..
    Voltaire says:
    This may be news to you Vev
    HongHu says:
    that's why he is training the probe team
    Voltaire says:
    but you're a magistrate on the Supreme People's Court
    Voltaire says:
    Which means we are all legaly bound to be here and listen to his inane rambelings.
    HongHu says:
    Octavian X says:
    *Octavian proudly shines up his Magna Frater badge.
    Vev says:
    HongHu says:
    I'm an equal to him at least am not I?
    Voltaire says:
    I'm sorry Comrade Octavian
    Voltaire says:
    That doesn't get you out of htere.
    Voltaire says:
    Vev says:
    so agenda, Pirates is still recovering from a hang-over
    Voltaire says:
    since you're an administrative official
    Vev says:
    thus no reply
    Voltaire says:
    not a policy maker
    HongHu says:
    HongHu says:
    /me shaking her heads
    HongHu says:
    waht hang over
    Vev says:
    so that leaves discussion on IC STORY!!!
    HongHu says:
    Octavian X says:
    *Octavian suddenly notices that he's been chained to his seat
    HongHu says:
    people go to read ic oitnow!:
    Vev says:
    the seat also have spikes beneath it cushion
    Vev says:
    ready to pop up uncomfortably
    HongHu says:
    IC please people
    EZRhino says:
    reminds me of this meuseam in SIngapore...
    HongHu says:
    Voltaire says:
    HongHu says:
    has anybody been drinking the xenorum?
    Octavian X says:
    Vev says:
    I am stuck stuck in Drone territory
    HongHu says:
    how come I'm getting the feeling that I'm listenning a bunch people who doesn't know what they are talking about
    Vev says:
    Perhaps I should give up the investigation and pop over to the Pirate greeting
    HongHu says:
    of course you need to go there
    EZRhino says:
    dont mind me HongHu
    Octavian X says:
    bedcuae, we're mnot even sure why were hgere/
    Voltaire says:
    Jamski will be there
    HongHu says:
    you need to gether evidence
    Voltaire says:
    And I will be making my first public apperance in months
    HongHu says:
    Jamski is drunk remember?
    HongHu says:
    Octavian X says:
    wow, I can't type..
    Vev says:
    even he can do anything we want with him
    HongHu says:
    yes you can
    Vev says:
    did you cut and paste?
    HongHu says:
    try it a little harder
    Vev says:
    you couldn't possible be this drunk right now are you?
    HongHu says:
    Vev says:
    Octavian, due have a char for the IC story?
    Octavian X says:
    technically, me being druk in rather illeagl.
    Vev says:
    or a personality?
    HongHu says:
    HongHu says:
    Octavian X says:
    no clue. I'm just the fat idiot...
    HongHu says:
    Voltaire says:
    HongHu says:
    what is your position comrade Oct
    Voltaire says:
    you being drunk is legal, you buying alcohol is not
    HongHu says:
    yea as long as you got drunk drink soda
    Vev says:
    Just remember ... Don't do a Clinton
    Octavian X says:
    Still, my parents would have my head.
    Voltaire says:
    HongHu says:
    for having soda?
    Octavian X says:
    And, I am the magna frater of Social Engineering...
    Vev says:
    what does that position do again?
    Voltaire says:
    HongHu says:
    people, who's gonna take the important task of writing peace party?
    Voltaire says:
    At least it's suppose to
    Voltaire says:
    granted we've pretty much thrown the constitution out the window
    HongHu says:
    well I guess you can get drunk too
    Octavian X says:
    I social engineer.
    HongHu says:
    and brag about the sps we are gonna build
    HongHu says:
    I would not be in the party
    HongHu says:
    cause I'm hiding
    Vev says:
    And we can have really paranoid security due to a murder that I will write in soon
    HongHu says:
    everybody else should be in
    HongHu says:
    how soon
    EZRhino says:
    I think it would be better if the SPs were a suprise
    Vev says:
    When I get around writing it, next 2 hours?
    HongHu says:
    EZRhino says:
    a diplomatic coup of sorts
    Octavian X says:
    Voltaire says:
    Same here, about the SPs being a surprise
    HongHu says:
    speed ic
    Vev says:
    I need a volunteer to die
    HongHu says:
    oh you could brag aobut other sps thta we will build in say 50 years
    Vev says:

    HongHu says:

    Vev says:
    okay I will make one up
    HongHu says:
    another governor?
    Octavian X says:
    oooh! o! kill me!
    HongHu says:
    how about somebody who is not active?
    HongHu says:
    HongHu says:
    comrade T?
    Octavian X says:
    In that case, kill CivGeneral!
    Vev says:
    He was sacrificed to the Proggies
    Vev says:
    Tass I mean
    Voltaire says:
    Who's going to do the killing?
    Vev says:
    No one knows
    Octavian X says:
    Comrade Mr. T?
    Vev says:
    I certainly don't, well not yet
    HongHu says:
    univ gene altered probe
    HongHu says:
    they are everywhere ...
    Octavian X says:
    Hive mystery thater!
    Vev says:
    Okay I write a murder and a summary?
    HongHu says:
    what summary?
    Octavian X says:
    Make sure you involve one of my evil clones...
    Vev says:
    for people to ease into hive politics
    Vev says:
    major players, etc...
    HongHu says:
    you mean peace people?
    HongHu says:
    or hive people
    Vev says:
    anyone really
    HongHu says:
    Vev says:
    future Hivers, peace, maybe Cycons too
    HongHu says:
    but who's gonna do the party?
    Vev says:
    HongHu says:
    I can't since I'm not there
    Vev says:
    Someone mentioned before, who can write pirate talk?
    Voltaire says:
    I can't even read it
    HongHu says:
    Vev says:
    Yarr, tha be a good mug 'o ale yar got thar
    Octavian X says:
    arrgh, me mateys!
    Octavian X says:
    etc, etc. etc.
    HongHu says:
    Aye maties

    WE de pirates resents da thought o' bein' "linked" with a cyborg. They's smart an' all but we just dinna understand how they can not be interested in beddin' a fine wench. Our fellers tried to " link" wit dem cyborg wenches and let me tell you . . . der ain't been no "links" between no cyborgs and no pirates despite our best efforts.

    Now we hears the Hive women will do " anythin' fer
    Vev says:
    also how do we get the pirates to join?
    HongHu says:
    listen to this
    HongHu says:
    Octavian X says:
    HongHu says:
    we need flubber to write part of the party
    HongHu says:
    or just use that and alter it to what you need
    HongHu says:
    well I have to go now
    Vev says:
    HongHu says:
    you guys have fun parting ok?
    HongHu says:
    Octavian X says:
    HongHu says:
    Vev says:
    where should da pirates be postin' thar replies
    HongHu says:
    we need another common board?
    HongHu says:
    alright I'm leaving
    HongHu says:
    Vev says:
    Octavian X says:

    HongHu has left the conversation.

    Vev says:
    So who is really going to write the party?
    Vev says:
    I'll be working on the summary
    Octavian X says:
    not me. I need to run off to bed in half an hour
    Voltaire says:
    Hmm, I'll give it a shot tomorrow morning before class
    Voltaire says:
    i have 2 hours to waste
    Vev says:
    I could try something short, but I need a seed
    Vev says:
    Voltaire, shall we try a short roleplay?
    Voltaire says:
    Voltaire says:
    What do you have in mind?
    Vev says:
    creating a framework for the party
    Vev says:
    location, time, purpose
    Vev says:
    location at meeting point?
    Octavian X says:
    I might but in and eat a xenodougnnut or two...
    Vev says:
    time = night?
    EZRhino says:
    I have to go, see yall later
    Vev says:
    purpose - cultural greeting?
    Voltaire says:
    Location Voltairograd, Chairman's Private Residence located on the sufrace
    Vev says:

    TrickyAnansi has left the conversation.

    Voltaire says:
    Time night
    Vev says:
    I'll try to be a pirate
    Voltaire says:
    purpose to observe pirate ambassador more closely
    Voltaire says:
    Voltaire says:
    I'll be random Hive government official #4
    Octavian X says:
    I'll be an evil clone of Octavian X....
    Voltaire says:
    I'll be Theus Demazarel (personal secretary to the Chairman, overseer of the estate)
    Vev says:
    Do yar serve anything stronger than this watery ale?
    Voltaire says:
    I need names....
    Vev says:
    Ambassador Jonas Bjorn
    Voltaire says:
    I'm afraid the Chairman isn't much of a drinker.
    Vev says:
    Tis a shame, tha be missin' out one of de greastest joys in life
    Voltaire says:
    "Though I will see what I can do for our honored guests." calls over one of the waiters, "Comrade would you be so kind as to bring our honored guest here something stronger?"
    Vev says:
    I brought meself a healthy supply of xenorum, I don't suppose yer hav' clean mugs?
    Voltaire says:
    We have glasses and cups if that will suffice?
    Voltaire says:
    I truly do apoligize, had we known in advance what needs you would have they would have been arranged for.
    Vev says:
    Those be a tad small, but I take it if tha is de best yer can do.
    Vev says:
    *calls over to his own men*
    Voltaire says:
    *waiter provides our Ambassador with a cup*
    Vev says:
    "Roger! Sing'us a sea chanty to rouse the spirits"
    Vev says:
    "A good rum needs to be celebrated."
    Vev says:
    "Although we have many celebrations." *winks/
    Voltaire says:
    Damazarel could feel the attention of the room focus on the singing man, his voice cut through the classical music playing in the background.
    Vev says:
    *a pipe follows with the voice and when the chantry enters the chorus, all the pirates joined in singing as a group
    Vev says:
    "So whatch yer do to entertain yerself in the Hive?"
    Voltaire says:
    Damazarel was cought off guard by the question, trying to focus his attention back on the man he replied:
    Voltaire says:
    "Many things, we've a diverse group of people..." the answer was a copout, he at the moment could not thing of any activity he himself undertook for enjoyment, most (if not all) of his time was taken up by his duties for the Chairman
    Vev says:
    *Laugh uproariously*
    Vev says:
    "Yer ne'd to release yerself. Coop up underground huddlin' together."
    Octavian X says:
    *Octavian's evil clone, as a result of excessive xenorum and xenodoughnut consumption, falls asleep*
    Octavian X says:
    g'night folks.
    Voltaire says:
    lol, night
    Vev says:
    "We laddies sail tha trackless seas, seeking adventure at ev'ry turn
    Vev says:

    Jacob (aka Octavian X) has left the conversation.

    Voltaire says:
    "A brutish life! Surely you should settle down and enjoy what life has to offer"
    Voltaire says:
    In the Hive we guarantee this to citizens
    Voltaire says:
    We work hard, but afterwards we play hard
    Vev says:
    "Tha sea, she be givin' us everything we need"
    Voltaire says:
    (the life the man painted seemed interesting, disturbingly so, the hive did not allow for independant thought much, Damazarel was high enough in the social class [yes there was such a thing in the hive] to be allowed some intelectual liberties)
    Vev says:
    So much of tha world is covered by her and we're her children trying to understand her
    Voltaire says:
    (at times he wishes he himself could life such a life)
    Voltaire says:
    He shruged. "To each his own I guess"
    Vev says:
    "Why settle when we hav the thrill of explorin' tha world, find new treasures both above and beneath tha sea.
    Voltaire says:
    Ah my friend, you may not see it, but we at the Hive are explorers as well
    Voltaire says:
    We explore the human condition
    Voltaire says:
    We navigate the waters of politics
    Voltaire says:
    the true last frontire
    Voltaire says:
    Waves may be conquored, we will even conquor the stars once again
    Voltaire says:
    but to tame man is something that will not occur soon
    Vev says:
    *one of the pirates can be heard shouting*
    Vev says:
    *followed by lots of commotion*
    Vev says:
    *and shouting*
    Voltaire says:
    pause for a sec
    Voltaire says:
    Voltaire says:
    that would really cause a diplomatic incident
    Voltaire says:
    if he was speaking to a hiverian citizen
    Voltaire says:
    good call
    Vev says:
    have to use this somehow
    Voltaire says:
    Voltaire says:
    except we would have to call for the man to be tried
    Voltaire says:
    which the pirates will comply with
    Vev says:
    I mean this conversation
    Vev says:
    even if as a templat
    Voltaire says:
    ah yes
    Voltaire says:
    i really must be going now, too late must get sleep
    Voltaire says:
    we should try this again tomorrow when i'm rested
    Vev says:
    okay, we need a diplomatic MSN
    Voltaire says:
    my literary skills tend to decline with sleep deprivation
    Vev says:
    I is good
    Vev says:
    yes, you sleep, good sleep?
    Voltaire says:
    sleep good
    Vev says:
    I happy you
    Voltaire says:
    stupid school wake me up
    Voltaire says:
    don't want to go
    Voltaire says:
    Vev says:
    Vev says:
    Promoter of Public Morale
    Alpha Centauri Democracy Game

  • #2
    Very good roleplaying! Must use it in your (whoever gonna write it) PEACE party write up.
    Be good, and if at first you don't succeed, perhaps failure will be back in fashion soon. -- teh Spamski

    Grapefruit Garden

