In the interest of providing the best for you, our citizens and comrades, the Department of Statistical Anomalities has commissioned this report. Could everyone that still wants to be a member of the Hive simply fill in this questionaire and post below. Copy and Paste is your friend here, I'd say.
SECTION 1 : Hive Policy
1.) Are you happy with the current constitution?
2.) Are you happy with the current allocation of positions?
3.) Do you feel that you personally are able to influence decision making in the Hive?
4.) Do you personally WANT to influence decision making in the Hive?
5.) Do you think that the current system of making gaming descisions is :
a) fair?
b) public?
c) reliable?
d) responsible?
e) effective?
f) successful?
6.) Do you have any more comments on the Hive Government?
SECTION TWO : Hive Forum
7.) Are you happy with the Hive forum?
8.) If not, why not.
9.) Do you think we need more/less polls?
10.) Do you think we need more/less roleplaying?
11.) Do you think we need more/less spam?
12.) Do you think we need more/less discussions
13.) Do you think we need more/less dissent?
14.) Are you afraid to give your opinion, incase you look stupid?
15.) Do you care about this forum?
SECTION THREE : Hive gameplay
16.) Would you like to have a fixed turnchat time so that everyone can attend?
17.) Would you like to play a turn?
18.) Do you have a "feel" for the progress of the game, or do you feel left out?
19.) Do you agree with the current policy of Kody playing the turn and posting updates, or do you feel like an idle spectator with this method?
20.) How do you think the Hive is doing, compared to your experience?
Thankyou for taking the time to answer these questions. The Chairman and I will be very interested in the results as we work together to build a better Hive. PEOPLE WHO DO NOT EITHER REPLY IN THIS THREAD OR BY PM OR E-MAIL WITHIN 14 DAYS WILL BE CONSIDERED MISSING IN ACTION AND/OR CYCON SPIES, AND MAY BE REMOVED FROM THE MEMBERS LIST AS NON-PARTICIPANTS. If you are just here for the ride, then please at least post to say that you don't care enough to fill in our questionaire, which is, after all,to save us having to nervestaple you all for your benefit, and a chance ti give your opinion on the Hive.
SECTION 1 : Hive Policy
1.) Are you happy with the current constitution?
2.) Are you happy with the current allocation of positions?
3.) Do you feel that you personally are able to influence decision making in the Hive?
4.) Do you personally WANT to influence decision making in the Hive?
5.) Do you think that the current system of making gaming descisions is :
a) fair?
b) public?
c) reliable?
d) responsible?
e) effective?
f) successful?
6.) Do you have any more comments on the Hive Government?
SECTION TWO : Hive Forum
7.) Are you happy with the Hive forum?
8.) If not, why not.
9.) Do you think we need more/less polls?
10.) Do you think we need more/less roleplaying?
11.) Do you think we need more/less spam?
12.) Do you think we need more/less discussions
13.) Do you think we need more/less dissent?
14.) Are you afraid to give your opinion, incase you look stupid?
15.) Do you care about this forum?
SECTION THREE : Hive gameplay
16.) Would you like to have a fixed turnchat time so that everyone can attend?
17.) Would you like to play a turn?
18.) Do you have a "feel" for the progress of the game, or do you feel left out?
19.) Do you agree with the current policy of Kody playing the turn and posting updates, or do you feel like an idle spectator with this method?
20.) How do you think the Hive is doing, compared to your experience?
Thankyou for taking the time to answer these questions. The Chairman and I will be very interested in the results as we work together to build a better Hive. PEOPLE WHO DO NOT EITHER REPLY IN THIS THREAD OR BY PM OR E-MAIL WITHIN 14 DAYS WILL BE CONSIDERED MISSING IN ACTION AND/OR CYCON SPIES, AND MAY BE REMOVED FROM THE MEMBERS LIST AS NON-PARTICIPANTS. If you are just here for the ride, then please at least post to say that you don't care enough to fill in our questionaire, which is, after all,