As you know we're going after a secret project, so I was looking at how to build it faster.
One idea that has been banging around is upgrading crawlers before cashing them in. For our case it is not very useful. I will now outline why.
Upgrades are independant of industry. It will cost the same to upgrade whether we have +5 industry or -2 industry. Hence upgrading is more useful for a faction that has bad industry.
We currently can only get +2 armor (we can obtain it from the drones). We also haven't prototyped it yet. Here are the results of the experiments I did.
With +3 industry, planned, wealth, and hive bonus.
Crawler = 21 minerals
+2 Armored Crawler = 35 minerals
+2 Armored Crawler unprototyped = 56 minerals
Crawler -> +2 Armored Crawler unprototyped = 730 EC to upgrade
Crawler -> +2 Armored Crawler unprototyped = 21 mins -> 56 mins
Cost per mineral = 730/35 = 20.86 EC/Mins
The above definitely means we need to prototype the armor first. If we were to do it.
Crawler -> +2 Armored Crawler = 60 EC to upgrade
Crawler -> +2 Armored Crawler unprototyped = 21 mins -> 35 mins
Cost per mineral = 60/14 = 4.29 EC/Mins
At 4.29 EC/Min to do the upgrade we're better off directly rush buying the secret project at 4 EC per mineral.
However, we can rush buy the crawlers.
With some careful mircomanagement of crawler building and rush buying we can channel our energy into the secret project making it build faster, for 1 mineral every 2 EC. Or 1 mineral for 3 ECs.
One idea that has been banging around is upgrading crawlers before cashing them in. For our case it is not very useful. I will now outline why.
Upgrades are independant of industry. It will cost the same to upgrade whether we have +5 industry or -2 industry. Hence upgrading is more useful for a faction that has bad industry.
We currently can only get +2 armor (we can obtain it from the drones). We also haven't prototyped it yet. Here are the results of the experiments I did.
With +3 industry, planned, wealth, and hive bonus.
Crawler = 21 minerals
+2 Armored Crawler = 35 minerals
+2 Armored Crawler unprototyped = 56 minerals
Crawler -> +2 Armored Crawler unprototyped = 730 EC to upgrade
Crawler -> +2 Armored Crawler unprototyped = 21 mins -> 56 mins
Cost per mineral = 730/35 = 20.86 EC/Mins
The above definitely means we need to prototype the armor first. If we were to do it.
Crawler -> +2 Armored Crawler = 60 EC to upgrade
Crawler -> +2 Armored Crawler unprototyped = 21 mins -> 35 mins
Cost per mineral = 60/14 = 4.29 EC/Mins
At 4.29 EC/Min to do the upgrade we're better off directly rush buying the secret project at 4 EC per mineral.
However, we can rush buy the crawlers.
With some careful mircomanagement of crawler building and rush buying we can channel our energy into the secret project making it build faster, for 1 mineral every 2 EC. Or 1 mineral for 3 ECs.