Originally posted by Vev
Who among the ACDG actually are seasoned veterans in gameplaynot spamming?
Who among the ACDG actually are seasoned veterans in gameplay

Me - for a start, Frankychan too, Tass, Voltaire?... I don't know about the rest of you

On the Uni...
General Tactitus, Archaic... (2)
On the CyCon...
Cedayon, Drogue, Maniac, TKG, MrWhereItsAt...(5)
On the Pirates...
Hercules, Flubber, JDM...(3)
On the Drones...
Mongoose, Buster, Main_Brain, Mark13, Monkspider...(5)
That's just off the top of my head who I'm sure can really play the pants off of SMAC. There may well be others.