Current vote status:
Hive 97
Miriam 53
Buster 132
Roze 56
Makh 1
We 59 -2 (DBTS obliterated)
PUT shall selfdestroy soon so it is not counted here.
398 votes in council total, meaning that Hive/Drones have 97+132+1 (PEACE) votes now =230
75 percent of 398 is 298.5, whcih means that Hive/Drones need a lot more votes for Supreme Leader.
Considering our current votes, and the fact that we will lose population while they conquer us, I can say that they will need to conquer us fully to win. Thought some of you might wish to know this
Also one Hive base shall grow next turn, two for two turns, two in next three turns and one in five turns.
I do not know if Drones are pop-booming still, but it will take them time, if at all, to make enough votes for Supreme Leader Voting
Anyway this is what I wanted to say.
Jamski you may spam now if you wish
Hive 97
Miriam 53
Buster 132
Roze 56
Makh 1
We 59 -2 (DBTS obliterated)
PUT shall selfdestroy soon so it is not counted here.
398 votes in council total, meaning that Hive/Drones have 97+132+1 (PEACE) votes now =230
75 percent of 398 is 298.5, whcih means that Hive/Drones need a lot more votes for Supreme Leader.
Considering our current votes, and the fact that we will lose population while they conquer us, I can say that they will need to conquer us fully to win. Thought some of you might wish to know this

Also one Hive base shall grow next turn, two for two turns, two in next three turns and one in five turns.
I do not know if Drones are pop-booming still, but it will take them time, if at all, to make enough votes for Supreme Leader Voting

Anyway this is what I wanted to say.
Jamski you may spam now if you wish
