Btw, Tassadar, would it theoretically be allowed that PEACE remained in existence as a seperate faction, but that all cyborgs were authorized in the PEACE forum, and vice versa, in effect creating one faction?
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Assimilation of PEACE members
Theoretically possible as in allowed by the vbb forums, yes.
People would have to join both teams though, and have the forum mod of each authorise them.
To have both forums linked to the same team would most likely require the services of a real mod or even an admin to set up.I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).
We will both lose to much time and resources if we destroy PEACE - we should instead unificateSMAC/X FAQ | Chiron Archives
The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. --G.B.Shaw
Originally posted by Maniac
Btw, Tassadar, would it theoretically be allowed that PEACE remained in existence as a seperate faction, but that all cyborgs were authorized in the PEACE forum, and vice versa, in effect creating one faction?
If they agree than
SMAC/X FAQ | Chiron Archives
The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. --G.B.Shaw
If. I doubt they will, but we can hope. Hoping they don't sabotage us either, like join us just to wreck itSmile
For though he was master of the world, he was not quite sure what to do next
But he would think of something
"Hm. I suppose I should get my waffle a santa hat." - Kuciwalker
Can I send this?:
Greetings most honoured PEACE Captains,
I've just heard some great news.I asked TassaGod whether, if you agreed to unify with us, it would be allowed for PEACE to remain in existence as a seperate faction, but that all cyborgs were authorized in the PEACE forum, and all Pirates authorized into the CyCon forum, in effect creating one faction.
Previously I suggested for all PEACE members to join the Consciousness after we had captured all your bases. But now it appears that is not necessary at all. If you are interested at least, we can end this war right now, sign a permapact, and authorize everyone in each other's forum, creating effectively one faction where we commonly decide on the course and orders of both in-game factions. In this scenario it would probably also be best to return a few bases to the PEACE side of the PEACE/CyCon Union, as PEACE can make much better use of all those sea bases.
How does such a unification sound to you? IMHO it would be the best way to forget our past differences and get along well with each other again.
Friendly greetings,
If. I doubt they will, but we can hope. Hoping they don't sabotage us either, like join us just to wreck it
Btw, even if only one PEACE member is interested in joining us after their faction is destroyed, we should delete or edit a whole bunch of posts where we express our negative opinion about PEACE, or where we are planning our lies against them (eg the "DBTS-absent" claim). We'd better start making a list of threads to clean.Last edited by Maniac; January 28, 2004, 16:10.
Originally posted by Maniac
Btw, even if only one PEACE member is interested in joining us after their faction is destroyed, we should delete or edit a whole bunch of posts where we express our negative opinion about PEACE, or where we are planning our lies against them (eg the "DBTS-absent" claim). We'd better start making a list of threads to clean.more brainwashing
And I thought Tass was already enough!!!
Originally posted by Maniac
If they agree to effectively unify, but then tell all our plans to the competition for example, I would propose to end this ACDG, as all rules of fairplay would have been broken.
But i do not see any reason to end the game
Their is a downside to letting the Pirates keep all their bases. They wont share any of our Secret Projects, wont contibute reserch (they could go all Econ though and just send that to us). On the other hand we would have less Buracracy Drones to deal with and many units would be saved from destruction.
If we do think then I would think the best course of action in the long run would be to transfer the Pirate bases to the Cycon at some point in the future when B-Drones are of less importance so that the combined Resarch and Energy production will be that much higher.
Ending the war though will be very good for us and could make the differnce between getting to MMI first so I am totaly for this proposal if they agree to it.Companions the creator seeks, not corpses, not herds and believers. Fellow creators, the creator seeks - those who write new values on new tablets. Companions the creator seeks, and fellow harvesters; for everything about him is ripe for the harvest. - Thus spoke Zarathustra, Fredrick Nietzsche
I've received two conflicting replies to my unification offer:
It's been posted to our diplomacy thread and we're rolling out the kegs and sharpening our knives for discussion.
Hi foolish_icarus,
Can I ask why you say "no" in such a resolute way?Are you simply no longer interested in participating in this ACDG, or is it truly so that when faced with the choice between a) Join a PEACE-Consciousness Union, or b) Being forced to leave the ACDG, you'd much rather leave the ACDG than unifying with the Consciousness and continuing to participate??
Friendly greetings,
Hi Makahlua,
Makahlua wrote on 29-01-2004 03:09:
It's been posted to our diplomacy thread and we're rolling out the kegs and sharpening our knives for discussion.I hope to hear from you soon, as this is a rather urgent matter as you understand. Sorry I didn't offer this proposal earlier, but I didn't know before it was allowed.
Btw, I received a PM from foolish_icarus where he simply replied "no" to my unification proposal. Is that an official opinion, or is he one of many voices?
Also could I please ask what PEACE members are still active these days? That way I know to who I should send further correspondence about this matter.
Thank you,
From Makahlua:
Btw, I received a PM from foolish_icarus where he simply replied "no" to my unification proposal. Is that an official opinion, or is he one of many voices?
Also could I please ask what PEACE members are still active these days? That way I know to who I should send further correspondence about this matter.
From foolish_icarus:
under no circumstances would I be willing to surrender to your faction while there remains anything left of PEACE. I will probably remain in the ACDG, but even then I might join another team instead of yours. And I will never consent to having our forum opened up prior to the end of the game.
Hmm, can I inform him of our intention not to destroy PEACE but let them keep one base which we keep under siege all the time, so that they cannot move to other factions? Something like below? And should I also send a copy to Makahlua?
Hi foolish_icarus, (cc to Makahlua, johndmuller and Gert, Hercules - others have told me they're not active anymore or haven't read previous PMs yet)
under no circumstances would I be willing to surrender to your faction while there remains anything left of PEACE. I will probably remain in the ACDG, but even then I might join another team instead of yours.I beg you not to consider this a threat. I just want to give you an honest view of your likely options.
Btw, regarding joining other factions, I hope you don't consider the Consciousness the ultimate evil monsters, and the Hive or Drones paradise. They've screwed you over, and are still screwing you over, just as much as the Consciousness has months back in MY 2141.
For example why do you think we have been able to conquer you so efficiently? Because the Hive was most eager to provide us with their pact infiltration information on your F4 and F7 screens. They even offered us credits (which we refused) back then to help our war. So the Hive is not at all interested in your wellfare - they actively helped in your destruction. And now, if my informants are correct, they are trying to exploit you one last time by hoping to get Adaptive Economics from you, knowing full well a trade won't do you any good anymore anyway. Also after Jamski's Revolution it has become clear to all that the Hive is led by an elite. If you joined them, you would always remain second-rate citizens.
The same counts for the Drones. Apparently they are trying, or will try, to trade AdapEcon and ProgPsych with you in exchange for SFF and DAP, claiming they want to help you against us. But if they were so interested in your wellfare, why didn't they give you High Energy Chemistry right at the start of the war? The truth is that just like the Hive they are only out to exploit you one last time, knowing full well you having SFF and DAP won't make any difference anymore at this stage of the war. And with the Drones too you would be second-rate citizens - buster does everything mostly on his own, only with limited input of jtsisyoda and Crazy-Achmed, so I observed by checking who posted last on the CGN-SMAXDG forum.
At least the Consciousness has an open and democratic decision making process and a lively roleplay. And unlike the Hive and Drones we are now offering you a fair proposal and an honest view of how things stand and what your options are.
Friendly greetings,
Btw, should I send a message to the Hive and Drones asking whether they would accept former PEACE members who ask to join them after their faction is destroyed?Last edited by Maniac; January 31, 2004, 10:43.
So far it looks as only one guy is opposed.
No reactions from others yet?
But for opening our forum and not vice-versa? Mmm... sounds dangerous.
And, under the rules, can't a faction decide to obliterate it's own last base when no other options exists anymore (under siege is no other option in my opinion)?
Then they're free as well to flock to other factions.