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Chatlog thread

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  • Chatlog thread

    I figured it would be good to have a thread where we can post chat logs of the #cycon channel. Handy for members not online at the moment of chats. Posting eg MSN conversations with members of other factions about in-game matters might also be useful.

    Here's the chatlog I've saved of the entire time I have been present in #cycon:

    Session Start: Sat Nov 22 22:59:17 2003
    Session Ident: #cycon
    * Now talking in #cycon
    * changes topic to 'The Cybernetic Consciousness
    team chatroom'
    * ChanServ sets mode: +npsr-o+k Maniac betterliving
    * Maniac: you're not channel operator
    * Logging #cycon to 'D:\My Documents\Peter\Games\SMAC Demo Game\#cycon.GRNet.log'
    [23:01] blah
    [23:28] * MrWIA has joined #CyCon
    [23:28] Oh crap - were there ppl here?
    [23:29] Nope.
    [23:29] Only me.
    [23:29] So I just played the turn with the orders in the SF's thread.
    [23:29] Btw, shouldn't we automatically become ops when we join this channel?
    [23:31] hang on - will need to look at that soon - will finsih Civ3 stuff first..
    [23:31] ok
    [00:17] * MrWIA has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
    Session Close: Sun Nov 23 00:17:13 2003

    Session Start: Sun Nov 23 00:34:45 2003
    Session Ident: #cycon
    [00:34] * Now talking in #cycon
    [00:34] * changes topic to 'The Cybernetic Consciousness team chatroom'
    [00:34] * ChanServ sets mode: +npsr-o+k Maniac betterliving
    Session Close: Sun Nov 23 00:34:55 2003

    Session Start: Sun Nov 30 01:24:19 2003
    Session Ident: #cycon
    [01:24] * Now talking in #cycon
    [01:24] * Topic is 'The Cybernetic Consciousness tearoom - Todays menu: liquid hydrogendarjeeling'
    [01:24] * Set by laurentius on Tue Nov 25 14:05:16
    [01:24] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Maniac
    [01:25] HI Maniac!
    [01:25] [13:20] I will be back in a few hours
    [01:25] [13:20] cant talk now just wanted to sit in here k
    [01:25] That was 5 minutes ago. I have to go in 5 as well, but I will certainly be here hoping to discuss sometime the next 12 hours or so
    [01:26] Hi. I was just busy opening the turn.
    [01:26] Anything you want me to do before you leave, or is everything ok?
    [01:26] Oh, you just got it?
    [01:26] The turn you mean?
    [01:27] Yes
    [01:28] I haven;t seen the 2147 save yet - and my turnthread was based on 2146
    [01:28] No no, I have already played most of it this afternoon as there were no further comments back then, and attached a temporary file in the turn report thread. However our laser cruiser ran into a nautilus scout rover. Therefore I waited with posting it on the main forum.
    [01:28] The Cruiser is in no danger, surely.
    [01:28] No need to upgrade, is there?
    [01:28] BRB
    [01:29] ok
    [01:29] Back
    [01:29] I was just thinking that, where there is a rover, there might be a transport or pirate ship nearby.
    [01:29] But no need to upgrade then if you say. :-)
    [01:30] Let's keep the surprise for later. :-D
    [01:30] I think so.
    [01:30] OK - I gotta go for some time... Will check in in 30 mins and be properly back later
    [01:31] * WIA is now known as WIA_AFK
    [01:46] * Impaler has joined #cycon
    [01:46] hey its me
    [01:46] just logging on from a differnt computer
    [01:46] anyone home
    [01:47] hey their Manic
    [01:47] hi!
    [01:47] howdy
    [01:47] I dont have much time, I will be eating dinner soon
    [01:47] I was just busy writing a reply to your geographic thread.
    [01:48] oh how do you like it
    [01:48] Great!
    [01:48] thanks
    [01:48] You'll read it in the forum. I have quite a lot to say in response.
    [01:49] ok
    [01:49] have you finished the turn yet?
    [01:49] Btw, if you have to leave soon again, is there anything you want to recommend for me before I finish the turn?
    [01:49] no
    [01:49] I'm planning though if you have no more suggestions.
    [01:49] well did you read the idea for selling Uni com to the Angels?
    [01:49] Indeed.
    [01:49] I was using an old save 45 I belive
    [01:50] I dont know if it will work in the present
    [01:50] So how much did they pay, 20 ec?
    [01:50] yes 20
    [01:50] I figured it was a good deal with counsil coming soon
    [01:51] I just contact the Angesl and they ask for it
    [01:51] but then they ask for HEC and ofcorse we cant release that
    [01:51] and this "disapoints" them ofcorse
    [01:51] Indeed. One possible drawback I thought of was that PUT might trade the Believer frequency from the Angels, and that PUT might discover that Miriam has NonlMath. Then PUT can tell that to PEACE, and they'll have Impact guns as well. :-(
    [01:52] humm you have a point
    [01:52] So I would like to hear a third opinion about whether or not to do your suggestion.
    [01:52] but if the council is called then everyone gets the com anyways
    [01:52] do you think the Hive will delay further?
    [01:53] Don't know. We should ask them. Hopefully they'll respond... :-(
    [01:53] hummm
    [01:53] they say its going to be very soon
    [01:53] But with their inner chaos, who knows they'll delay the vote.
    [01:53] but their so unreliable after the coup
    [01:53] I think they would be fools to do so
    [01:54] True. :-( On the other side, if they're gonna call the council, they would have to call us first and be assured of our votes.
    [01:54] well I was thinking
    [01:54] And that hasn't happened yet
    [01:54] if we and the Drones go with Hive
    [01:54] yes?
    [01:55] and Miriam, Roze and Uni area against
    [01:55] the Pirates would be able to swing it
    [01:55] I belive
    [01:55] would need to check most resent vote totals
    [01:55] True. But PEACE is pacted to Hive (did you know that?), so who knows they can bribe them.
    [01:56] oh yes I remember now
    [01:56] well I am wondering do we want Roze to get Govenorship?
    [01:56] How about we wait a turn with your idea and first check out when the Hive is planning to go to council?
    [01:57] ok
    [01:57] If the Hive further remains unwilling to cooperate with us, I would indeed prefer Roze as governor...
    [01:57] The Hive can no longer be trusted at the moment. :-(
    [01:58] but then she infiltrates everyone and gets the tec that any 3 factions have
    [01:58] darn true
    [01:58] Waitasecond - don't the votes for Governor go by population?
    [01:58] and if the Hive later gets the Govenorship she keeps that
    [01:58] yes
    [01:58] The Hive is bound to have more than anyone anyway.
    [01:58] yes they do
    [01:58] but Roze is second
    [01:58] If we and Drones supported them then there should be no problem
    [01:59] add up the Pops and see
    [01:59] I'll calculate.
    [01:59] * WIA_AFK is now known as WIA
    [01:59] us 23
    [01:59] hi
    [01:59] only 23?
    [01:59] Hive 48...
    [01:59] yep
    [01:59] I though we had more
    [01:59] hopefully that'll increase with a few PEACE bases ;-)
    [01:59] heheh yes
    [01:59] PUT 21
    [02:00] Believers 35
    [02:00] boy thats a lot
    [02:00] PEACE 29 (we were about equal pop for a long time but lately they have been growing fast)
    [02:01] all thouse Nut bonuses no doupt
    [02:01] If the drones support Hive too then we are all safe
    [02:01] drones 31 (I think they've just started pop booming some two turns ago- I should check it out)
    [02:01] like I say Recycling tanks rule!
    [02:01] Wait - depends on Roze's pop I guess
    [02:01] what is Roze
    [02:01] Roze 42
    [02:01] now add up the numbers
    [02:02] 23+45+31?
    [02:02] 48
    [02:02] for hive
    [02:02] 127
    [02:02] any faction can swing it
    [02:02] for the four other factions
    [02:03] 102 for Cy-Hi-Dr?
    [02:03] yes
    [02:03] Then they'll need someone's support
    [02:03] 98 for Roze with Uni and Beliver support
    [02:03] belivers might abstane as they hate everyone
    [02:04] Googlie might have Roze and Miriam permapactmates
    [02:04] have made
    [02:04] I dont belive they are pacted with each other
    [02:04] wouldnt that show up under the profile
    [02:05] Don't remember. I think only if we have infiltrator info
    [02:05] ok so that 229 global population
    [02:05] I should check an earlier save... (Talking about that, should I upload all the previous presend saves I still have?)
    [02:06] size over a MB I must say
    [02:06] so 115 will give you a win, or a plurality if someone abstains
    [02:06] indeed
    [02:07] WIA still here?
    [02:07] Notice that we have second lowest Pop
    [02:07] we realy need to focus on pop growth
    [02:07] both conquered and homegrown
    [02:07] Unfortunately yes. If we had the HGP or PTS, we could have pop boomed or something, but since the Hive has those...
    [02:08] what SP should we get next
    [02:08] I am sort of here - doing lots of other things, but trying to keep up
    [02:08] if we are the first to get the tec we can potentialy steal it from the Hive
    [02:08] A bit hard to tell now.
    [02:08] what?
    [02:08] I say Cyborg Factory is a Must
    [02:09] for RP of course. :-D
    [02:09] yes and military too, it rocks
    [02:09] Let's make that a game goal! :-D
    [02:09] ok their are a few projects before that too
    [02:09] HSA
    [02:09] Astetic Virtues
    [02:10] Global energy grid thingy
    [02:10] All of the above...
    [02:10] inorder to have a shoot at any we need to get the tec first
    [02:10] I believe PEACE was researching that when we cancelled the pact, so we might be able to obtain global energy grid.
    [02:10] or the industry factions will gobble them up
    [02:12] we might want to consider using FreeMarket inbetween wars to rake in energy
    [02:12] We'll need a few more rec commons before we can do that though
    [02:12] but we can hurry those hopefully
    [02:12] yes
    [02:13] after we steal PEACE's treasures ;-)
    [02:13] you see with all this war production our growth is behind
    [02:13] I know, I know, but there's hardly a turning back now. :-(
    [02:13] We have to make the best of the current situation.
    [02:13] after we assimilate the conquered territory we need to boom and grow for the next war effort
    [02:14] I agree
    [02:14] yes I agree go into the war without flinching
    [02:14] the moment we know its in the bag switch to Econmic growth
    [02:14] idealy as our ships our still concouring
    [02:15] Economic growth - you mean FM or simply biulding facilities instead of units?
    [02:15] both
    [02:15] FM while still conquering might be hard :-(
    [02:15] and intensive terraforming
    [02:15] well the FM would have to wait a bit
    [02:16] ok
    [02:16] but facility production, base expantion, extra formers
    [02:16] and crawlers!
    [02:16] all incresse our power
    [02:16] yep them too
    [02:16] and dont forget
    [02:16] BORE HOLES!
    [02:16] I usually focus on formers and crawlers before starting on facilities
    [02:17] I would get 2 formers per base then basic facilites alternating with formers
    [02:17] Regarding boreholes, PUT has EcoEng, so we might steal it from them if they refuse to trade and after we have conquered PEACE. ;-))))))))
    [02:17] yes UNI is the next logical target
    [02:18] then we have tec monopoly
    [02:18] then Belivers
    [02:18] And the Hive would be more than happy if we attacked PUT
    [02:18] yes I think we might split the territory
    [02:18] oh I got too go
    [02:18] good talking too you
    [02:18] ok
    [02:18] will be back in a few hours
    [02:18] * Impaler has quit IRC (Quit: )
    [02:25] * Maniac is now known as ManiacAFK
    [02:55] Have to log off - will be back within a couple of hours though
    [02:55] TTFN
    [02:55] * WIA has left #CyCon
    Session Close: Sun Nov 30 03:12:12 2003

    Session Start: Sun Nov 30 21:58:26 2003
    Session Ident: #cycon
    [21:58] * Now talking in #cycon
    [21:58] * Topic is 'The Cybernetic Consciousness tearoom - Todays menu: liquid hydrogendarjeeling'
    [21:58] * Set by laurentius on Tue Nov 25 14:05:16
    [21:58] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Maniac
    [21:58] I have sent some other PM's out hopefully Manic will show up
    [21:58] Hi all. :-)
    [21:58] oh speak of the devil
    [21:58] just read your PM
    [21:58] I figured
    [21:59] I also sent PM's out too some of our inactive members
    [21:59] Lemmy and WhaleBoy ect
    [21:59] Alpharad etc?
    [21:59] Actually, Peace war will go well
    [21:59] And Vlad
    [21:59] Whaleboy doesnt come on
    [21:59] Good idea.
    [21:59] how can we be shure?
    [21:59] its a cert,a triumverate victory, iof we decide to do it
    [22:00] because we outclass them in every way, and I have informationm regarding their defenses that kinda highlight that
    [22:00] And what is that information?
    [22:00] ooo info tell us *slavates*
    [22:00] *salavates some more*
    [22:00] well... i had a list of which bases were undefended. Had a talk with HongHu about my 2145/6 and most of them still are
    [22:01] oh excelent
    [22:01] there are quite a few
    [22:01] I think we should be taking Alexandria in 4-5 turns
    [22:01] How far has the war got so far? havent looked at save yet (though got it).
    [22:02] well I will be coming up with a revised plan
    [22:02] Could you please post that information in the forum? We are quite desperate to know any piece of information about the current PEACE defences, especially since Hive is stalling the votes<->infiltrator info deal.
    [22:02] I talked to Kody about that
    [22:02] the hive isn't shure its got the votes
    [22:03] I can understand that.
    [22:03] if Unit and Peace support Roze then they lose
    [22:03] and they feel that will happen
    [22:03] Its all from the save we had, with our infiltration when we were pacted. HongHu just confirmed that most were still undefended, of those
    [22:03] Kody also says that Beliver and Roze are pacted
    [22:03] dont know precise details, thouhg I could ask
    [22:04] of the military they do have what type was it?
    [22:04] ships, marines?
    [22:04] So the Hive isn't going to call the council as I expected. We could use that with PUT as an argument to sell them the comm frequencies after all.
    [22:04] Uni thinks that the counsil will be called though
    [22:04] or atleast they said that
    [22:05] But they are just guessing the Hive's intentions I suppose. We know better.
    [22:05] I will try to get info from Jamski and HongHu, theyve been good so far, and we have mutual trust. What can I give them in return?
    [22:05] Well we know the Hives population growth is slowing down
    [22:06] I think as time passes the hives chances of wining the vote decline as AI pops rise
    [22:06] so we should prepare for a Roze govenorship
    [22:06] probably
    [22:06] really? they could try to bribe miriam for her vote?
    [22:07] we could assist the hive with out of game organizational support
    [22:07] Fundy<->PS?
    [22:07] I doubt PS Hiveans could persuade fundy believers or democratic Angels.
    [22:07] Kody says Miram is a submisive Pact mate of Roze
    [22:07] point taken. Imp: we cant, they wont let us
    [22:08] Drogue: how do you mean?
    [22:08] I ment that we give them a bit of coaching on how to run a functional goverment
    [22:08] by doing so we show our support for them
    [22:08] Kody needs no tips on that I think. :-)
    [22:09] well Kody aint giving them game tips anymore
    [22:09] so they are floundering
    [22:09] I see
    [22:09] You've spoken him on MSN right?
    [22:09] notice the distinct flattening of their power graph
    [22:09] its only 45 degrees as of late
    [22:09] more than us I guess
    [22:10] as oposed to the 60 degree incline Kody was managing
    [22:10] If this keeps up Hive will be equal to Roze soon
    [22:11] ive talked to voltaire, Tass added us on msn, and hes orgaising it,a nd wont let us
    [22:11] ok well I still feel we should show support
    [22:11] he didnt need help, he just sacked everyone and put them on trial
    [22:11] so do i
    [22:12] but then, i cant really, sicne i support Jamski (the rebel), though he still likes HongHu, so If i get talk to her
    [22:12] I wold advise them to all work together
    [22:12] forget past differences and such
    [22:12] They are really having differences??
    [22:12] as would i
    [22:12] yes
    [22:12] the more together they are the more we are with them
    [22:13] They should copy us: having arguments on the course to follow, but not bite each other throats.
    [22:13] like for one thing I hear they dont open up save files
    [22:13] they do nothing for 6 days and then try to have a turn chat in the 24 hours after they get sent the turn
    [22:14] so its all very chaotic
    [22:14] * WIA has joined #CyCon
    [22:14] * ChanServ sets mode: +o WIA
    [22:14] Wow...
    [22:14] hey
    [22:14] HI all
    [22:14] So who's still actually really playing this game then?
    [22:14] Just got to work
    [22:14] hi!
    [22:14] PUT not, Hive not...
    [22:14] CyCon, PEACE and Drones I guess
    [22:15] whats wrong with Uni?
    [22:15] They're just extremely inactive
    [22:15] I hadent heard they had problems?
    [22:15] I doubt they have any discussions at all.
    [22:15] so its just a 1 man show?
    [22:15] Give me a minute - making a phone call
    [22:15] Archie running everything
    Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
    Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)

  • #2
    [22:16] Or GT or Minute Mirage playing the turn - whoever feels like it.
    [22:16] But hardly any coordination afaik
    [22:16] That's at least the impression I get
    [22:16] well whats the threat level from Uni?
    [22:17] low
    [22:17] I dont think the Hive is organized enough or motivated enough to threaten Uni
    [22:17] they will, but neither has much sea power
    [22:17] hive running builder style too
    [22:18] yes Hive is Pure Builder I think
    [22:18] Uni has low pop
    [22:18] That's why they closed pacts with the drones and PEACE afaik: avoid invasion
    [22:18] so they probly arn't going builder
    [22:18] but Kody says their was a transport insident
    [22:18] Uni landed on Hive land
    [22:19] was told to leave
    [22:19] did leave
    [22:19] then came back
    [22:19] so Hive is very distrustfll of Unit now
    [22:19] And because of that the ecoEng deal failed or something
    [22:19] Giving us a chance to negotiate. :-)
    [22:20] actualy I got some subtle hints from Kody that they may have Eco Eng
    [22:20] they may have been reserching it themselves
    [22:20] that would be great, if only the Hive talked to us. :-(
    [22:20] Back now
    [22:20] and were planing a trade so they could switch
    [22:20] Sort of... supervisor in background, so may be idle occasionally
    [22:20] but the trade feel through and their own reserch finished it
    [22:21] so I would bet they have it
    [22:21] perhaps we should ask for it in exchange for Votes??
    [22:21] I had a lonmg talk with Kody last night....
    [22:21] They don;t have EcoEng yet
    [22:21] you shure?
    [22:21] It has been delayed
    [22:21] for extra cash or so?
    [22:21] how long?
    [22:22] Well although he is no longer Hive he seems to know what he is talking about
    [22:22] I wish I was at home... I have the full log there.
    [22:22] well he was Hive only 3 turns ago
    [22:22] and he has access to their Turns
    [22:22] Just a moment...
    [22:22] he just isn't contributing
    [22:22] he is the perfect MOLE!!
    [22:22] They have Doc: Mob.
    [22:23] I can't remember the rest well enough
    [22:23] also DocFlex
    [22:23] yes he said they had rovers
    [22:23] They are interested in HEC and Doc:Flex from us
    [22:23] And one other...
    [22:23] you can see that in the in-game diplobox
    [22:23] Uni said it wanted Aplied Physiscs
    [22:23] Yes, but not all that we have they want
    [22:23] Hive doesn;t want Soc:Psy according to Kody
    [22:23] hey you know that might mean that Uni is uterly naked when it comes to weapons
    [22:24] That's why they're dying for AppPhys I guess
    [22:24] so they cant threaten us
    [22:24] They MUST be naked, unless they got Nonlin in a trade
    [22:24] they cant intervene in support of Peace
    [22:24] do they have NLM?
    [22:24] Nope
    [22:25] then their running aroudn with guns and sythmetal at best
    [22:25] god
    [22:25] we should concour them next
    [22:25] But how about we offer them AppPhys for EcoEng, if they don't agree with the drone commlink added to the pot?
    [22:25] They can get the tech easily elsewhere anyway
    [22:26] thats a might unbalanced trade
    [22:26] I doupt they will acept
    [22:26] and it opens up them getting HEC
    [22:26] or NLM
    [22:26] they could be equal too us very quickly
    [22:26] But PEACE has AppPhys anyway
    [22:27] well peace would likly gift it as soon as we go too war
    [22:27] If PEACE is losing, I think PEACE would give PU AppPhys anyway.
    [22:27] indeed
    [22:27] and beg for Unit intervention
    [22:27] So we better give it them ourselves and gain something out of it
    [22:27] just gift Apy Physics to Uni?
    [22:28] humm
    [22:28] no no, in exchange for EcoEng :-)
    [22:28] and perhaps a few comm frrequencies
    [22:28] well I agree sugjesting that is good
    [22:28] but I doupt they will accept
    [22:28] We could also tell them we can soon get EcoEng from the Hive anyway. ;-)
    [22:28] lets also ask the Hive about Eco Eng
    [22:28] if they will share it for a promise of Votes
    [22:28] indeed. And tell them as well we could get it from PUT. :-D
    [22:29] but we dont want to trade with a hive enemy if we dont have too
    [22:29] So what. At the moment you can hardly consider the Hive a cooperating friend...
    [22:29] true
    [22:30] We have no use for a far friend
    [22:30] but they need the votes
    [22:30] and its a we get now and they get later arangment
    [22:30] I have started planing BoreHole sites *salavates*
    [22:31] Ok. Let's ask them, and give them preference. But if they keep silent, personally I wouldn't mind trading with PUT.
    [22:31] ok give them a turn or 2
    [22:31] Also yall should know
    [22:31] Octavian X is likly going to head up Hive Diplomacy
    [22:32] so be shure too send copies of all comunications to him
    [22:32] you mean lead the diplomacy?
    [22:32] something like that
    [22:32] Odd. AFAIK he has hardly been cative in the main forum recently
    [22:32] Hong might also be doing Diplomacy
    [22:32] Unless I overlook all his posts.
    [22:32] I can contact HongHu and Octy outside of the ACDG easy enough.
    [22:33] ok well try to keep in touch
    [22:33] we need to keep hive happy cause they know of our PEACE war plans
    [22:33] indeed
    [22:34] ok lets switch to internal matters
    [22:34] I am going to open up the save k
    [22:34] Btw, is anyone willing to write diplomatic message proposals? I have too little time right now to write any myselves.
    [22:34] OK - unsure if I can do very much for some time (work), but will try to catch up every now and again
    [22:34] We have quite a few things to discuss with PUT, drone and Hive!!
    [22:35] i have to go. sorry, emergency
    [22:35] * Drogue has quit IRC (Quit: )
    [22:35] :-(
    [22:36] too bad
    [22:37] oh well like I said internal
    [22:37] I looked at the save for a while last night and posted some thoughts - I should be able to remember bits..
    [22:37] I've read them, but haven't had time yet to response
    [22:37] well I think our top priority is to hammer out a final miliary plan
    [22:38] takeing us from now right up to the fall of Alexandria and the infiltration of PEACE
    [22:38] then we will be in a more informed position
    [22:39] I agree - though I've never found enough time to sit down and write one.
    [22:39] I think we can take Alexandria in 4-5 more turns
    [22:39] I think I can do it
    [22:39] thanks :-)
    [22:39] we just need to agree on "T Turn"
    [22:39] T for turn rather then D for day
    [22:40] 52 or 53 I guess
    [22:40] depending if we rush the transport a bit
    [22:40] thats rather long
    [22:40] why is the transport armored anyways
    [22:40] So it couldn't be sunk with all our troops in it. :-s
    [22:41] well transports are non combat right?
    [22:41] As PEACE's best weapon is laser, they wouldn't dare attack it I hope.
    [22:41] so they get killed easy anyways
    [22:41] like -50%
    [22:41] non-combat units only get -50% for defence if their armour is 1
    [22:41] I though it aplied no matter the armor
    [22:41] If it's higher, synthmetal or plasmasteel eg, it has normal defence fortunately :-)
    [22:42] so it would be a 3 on 2 fight and the transport destroyes its attacker??
    [22:42] With a 60% chance yes
    [22:43] ok sounds good too me
    [22:43] better than nothung :-)
    [22:43] now the transport could be done in 3 turns if we hurry it the last turn
    [22:43] I belive that would cost 12 credits
    [22:44] However hopefully the tactic we will be able to use, is to move the transport besides a base, let the marines empty and conquer it, and then move the transport into the base. Then it will never be open for attack.
    [22:44] yes that is best
    [22:44] I'll check the hurry cost out next turn. Now it's still way too high as we haven't even accumulated 10 mins of production.
    [22:45] the transport should move to the nut bonus north of Binary first
    [22:45] Our troops will only have 1 defense?
    [22:45] Really Imp? I would move it to Boolean and then attack Alexandria.
    [22:45] thier it can load troops
    [22:46] if its on the Nut bonus its closer to Alexandria and troops can load from the north directly off the road
    [22:46] MWIA: yes, but after we conquered Alexandria we should send our transport directly back to Boolean to pick up thre plasme garrison
    [22:46] back?
    [22:46] I though we would leap from from base to base
    [22:47] Imp: nut bonus? Are you confusing Boolean with Binary?
    [22:47] opps yes Bolean I ment
    [22:47] sorry
    [22:47] OK Maniac, that bit with the Garrisons sounds good
    [22:47] Imp: yes to leaping, but we need to leave behind defences behind in the conquered bases.
    [22:47] its only 5 movment points to get adjasent to Alexandraia from the nut
    [22:48] Preferably we should build a second transport to supply defences to our conquered bases
    [22:48] and then 1 more to move into Alexandria
    [22:48] yes but it wont need to be as heavely armored as it will be in the rear
    [22:48] indeed
    [22:49] ok I think the Marines being built in Apolyton will miss the Boat
    [22:49] if we attack in 5 turns
    [22:49] It can catch the next one. :-)
    [22:49] they will still be walking south when Alexandria falls
    [22:49] I assume we will need new troops as we will have losses.
    [22:50] true
    [22:50] we will need ocupation troops
    [22:50] We are fighting a human after all, not an AI.
    [22:50] yea
    [22:50] I have never fought a human before
    [22:50] So a few more ships, marines and plasma sentinels would be best. :-)
    [22:51] the Pirates have Marine Detachments right?
    [22:51] we need to be carfull of that
    [22:51] They don't have AdapDoc yet afaik
    [22:51] oh
    [22:51] so no problem about that :-)
    [22:51] ok should we make a second Impact Cruiser in Pi
    [22:51] along with the one from Zetaris
    [22:51] I would favour that
    [22:51] that would give us 3
    [22:52] and a 0-1-7 transport next in Aurora?
    [22:52] whats the closes peace base too Pi?
    [22:52] and an extra 4-3-8 if we upgrade the laser cruiser
    [22:52] true
    [22:52] its ok too use the workshop upgrade function?
    [22:53] (57.63 I think
    [22:53] yes
    [22:53] Yes to more Cruisers!
    [22:53] yep 57,63
    [22:53] whats the name of that
    [22:53] But additional clicking in the dark could reveal more :-)
    [22:53] We dont know
    [22:53] its relativly new base?
    [22:54] Has someone explained how to do that in the forum?
    [22:54] We haven't been able yet to match that with the tentative map Drogue drew.
    [22:54] Imp has
    [22:54] IIRC
    [22:54] yes I posted a response
    [22:54] its quite simple
    [22:54] Great - thanks
    [22:54] ok that base is 8 spaces from Pi
    [22:55] if the first Pi Cruiser goes south
    [22:55] so too long for a transport - that's why we chose Alexandria as our first target
    [22:55] perhaps the second cruiser and the laser cruiser can hit that base
    [22:55] simultaniosly with the attack on Alex
    [22:55] dose that sound good
    [22:56] Shouldn't we send the laser cruiser south to join the Alex attack force? It can be there in time.
    [22:56] no the first Cruser will be done next turn
    [22:56] the second cruiser will take quite a while after all. I doubt it will be ready when we attack Alex
    [22:56] the first cruser should hug the coast and move south
    [22:56] second Cruser should be 3-4 turns
    [22:57] indeed to (62.68), the first cruiser
    [22:57] if alex falls in 5 turns
    [22:57] it will be just in time
    [22:57] then in 2149 it can sail past Alex to check out its defences :-)
    [22:57] the Zetaris Cruiser might not get their in time
    [22:57] NO
    [22:57] ?
    [22:58] we shouldnt move near their at all
    [22:58] it would tip off Peace
    [22:58] why not?
    [22:58] (62.68) is fungus though. We would remain hidden.
    [22:58] and in 2149 we can sail back out Alex's range after we sail besdies it
    [22:58] They wouldn't suspect a thing.
    [22:59] oh I see what you mean
    [22:59] Besides i'd say it's worth the risk: we HAVE to know Alex' defences in advance.
    [22:59] then the Cruiser waits near the coast
    [22:59] yep
    [22:59] and moves in first before the transport dose
    [22:59] and dose some artilery too
    [23:00] Are you talking about 2149 now?
    [23:00] well let me see
    [23:00] if transport is 3 more turns
    [23:01] then that means it can move first on what turn?
    [23:01] then one turn to near BB, and one turn to move into Alex
    [23:01] yes so alex falls on 52?
    [23:01] So we're looking at MY 2152 for the fall of Alexandria IMHO.
    [23:01] yep
    [23:02] ok so thats "T" turn
    [23:02] hurray! :-D
    [23:02] The date is set. :-)
    [23:02] ok we should post that on forms when we are done
    [23:02] or post this log
    [23:03] ok so cruiser can wait in the fungus a year and scoot in and scoot out
    [23:03] yep
    [23:03] it can get adjasent to Alex see the production and get fully back out again
    [23:03] and after that exploration trip it could wait in BB or so - I don't know.
    [23:04] not the production - only the defences
    [23:04] it need not go to Bolean
    [23:04] yes thats what I ment
    [23:04] ok
    [23:04] :-)
    [23:04] and if their are surrounding ships
    [23:04] like some sea formers
    [23:04] should we try to subverte them?
    [23:04] or destroy?
    [23:05] Not in MY 2149 I'd say. Only when our real attack force is approaching
    [23:05] so on turn 51 the cruiser scouts?
    [23:05] why not '49?
    [23:05] If on MY '51, then it would have to wait two years in the fungus
    [23:06] perhaps the first cruiser can similarly scout the northern base
    [23:06] first and then proseed south to do it again in Alex
    [23:06] and then imediatly doubles back for the assault
    [23:06] To what tile would you move it first then next year?
    [23:07] well hold on let me re-open
    [23:07] we could also let the laser cruiser move on their northern borders and explore (57.63).
    [23:08] Then they will perhaps less focus on the PI Square cruiser. :-)
    [23:08] less focus = not notice I mean
    [23:08] and perhaps they'll expect an attack from the north
    [23:08] instead of near Alexandria
    [23:09] ok wares the base again
    [23:09] (57.63)
    [23:10] yes that sounds posible
    [23:10] I was hoping the laser cruiser would continue to explore that island it found
    [23:10] moving along the souther coast
    [23:10] and aproatch 57 63
    [23:10] from the north
    [23:11] sounds good
    [23:11] the second cruiser coming from the south
    [23:11] that way we see if Peace is on that island
    [23:11] second cruiser : do you mean the Pi Sq cruiser??
    [23:11] I suspec the rovers is just pod popping
    [23:11] yes Pi's second Cruiser
    [23:11] I think we should name our ships for better reference.
    [23:11] yes
    [23:12] ok now Zetaris is working on a Cruiser too
    [23:12] yep
    [23:12] it will be a bit behind the second cruiser Pi makes
    [23:12] it will need about 2 turns to get their
    [23:12] Haven't checked that out yet
    [23:13] to get around to near Pi
    [23:13] 17 tiles to move from Pi to Zet
    [23:13] but it dosent need to go directly to Pi
    [23:13] how many from zet to Peace Base
    [23:14] 22
    [23:14] so three turns
    [23:14] to (57.63)
    [23:15] so we might want to change that to a faster building ship
    [23:15] Zetaris production?
    [23:15] I was wondering if an armored gun boat would be usefull for defending the Cruisers
    Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
    Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


    • #3
      [23:16] armoured ships without weapon don't seem very useful IMHO
      [23:16] ok
      [23:16] Especially not if we would try a base-to-base tactic
      [23:16] when ships are attacked will they be killed because of low armor?
      [23:16] I would vote to upgrade the 2-1-8 to 4-3-8 though when the war starts
      [23:17] agreed
      [23:17] I don't really know I must say :-( Sea combat is rare in most of my games
      [23:17] wait perhaps its better to upgrade future ships
      [23:17] as they will have better morale
      [23:18] you have a point
      [23:18] the second Cruiser Pi builds will have the Navel yard Bonus
      [23:18] do we need to prototype a 4-3-8 first?
      [23:18] Perhaps we should wait until we have PEACE infiltration and know whether we need armoured ships, and how many?
      [23:18] to decide
      [23:18] on upgrading
      [23:18] no
      [23:19] we already have impact and plasmasteel prototyped
      [23:19] ok so the laser Cruiser moves westward exploring islands
      [23:19] then south to reach 57,63 by T Turn
      [23:19] and scouts it
      [23:19] not before?
      [23:20] scouts it before T turn I mean
      [23:20] :-)
      [23:20] so be near it 2 turns before
      [23:20] so on turn 51 it scouts
      [23:20] and on turn 52 comes back to concoure with help of second Cruiser
      [23:21] so that means it can explore for a few more turns
      [23:21] won't that be finished only around MY 2154?
      [23:22] I figured it would take about 4 turns
      [23:22] and we hurry it a bit at the end
      [23:22] ok
      [23:23] yes we will need to hurry it but it can be done in 4 more turns
      [23:23] indeed
      [23:24] so it can just slip into that base
      [23:24] if the laser Cruiser can defeat what ever defends the base
      [23:24] That rover to our far east - that is Hive, not Peace?
      [23:24] what rover????
      [23:24] you mean the one that the Laser Cruiser found??
      [23:24] thats a Peace rover
      [23:24] Not that one, to the EAST
      [23:25] Near a scout patrol of ours
      [23:25] in the right there's a drone scout patrol and a CyCon rover
      [23:25] Drone, OK thanks
      [23:25] it's our rover :-)
      [23:25] Right....
      [23:25] * WIA is horribly confused over two SMAXDGs
      [23:26] How do we have a rover?
      [23:26] If we don;t have Doc:Mob?
      [23:26] gotten from a unity pod
      [23:26] AH, OK
      [23:26] but wo do have docmob!
      [23:26] gee you thout that was an enemy rover ahahahaha
      [23:27] Huh?
      [23:27] How can we have DocMob when the Hive can offer it to us?
      [23:28] hey that reminds me why didnt a farm get built in the Nut Bonus worked by Mytthica Matrix
      [23:28] we got a damn useless road instead
      [23:28] they can't
      [23:28] ???
      [23:29] ofcorse they can build a farm
      [23:29] * WIA is totally lost...
      [23:29] We're confusing two subjects
      [23:30] Sorry - I'm not helping. I'll just shut up
      [23:30] well their is a road their now and we dont need that
      [23:30] Why not?
      [23:30] its ok WIA
      [23:30] cause we alaredy have road in the monolith tiles
      [23:30] The more questions you ask, the faster you'll learn. :-)
      [23:30] so it dosent get us anyware faster
      [23:31] But it will be handy for when we visit that tile later, to build a condenser for example
      [23:31] um thats a long ways off
      [23:31] we might as well build the road LAST
      [23:32] I notice yall tend to do that
      [23:32] moving a former into an empty space you want to terraform
      [23:32] and building a road first
      [23:32] Oh, I was planning to plant a forest there now.
      [23:32] I would go with farm
      [23:32] should we poll what to do?
      [23:33] First task for the new IAF. :-)
      [23:33] theirs are some empty desolate tiles that can have forests in them
      [23:34] But why not also on the nutrient? It'll give 3-2-1, as opposed to 4-1-0 with farm
      [23:34] adsactly we want nuts
      [23:34] Later when we have condensers farming is more profitabel, but right now
      [23:34] that base needs to grow pop
      [23:34] the extra pop can then go work the forests
      [23:35] and we get 1/2/1 and 4/1/(1 with solar)
      [23:36] the pops going to grow soon and their nothing else to work
      [23:36] I'll analyze the matter if I have time. :-) I remember a discussion way back in the beginning about this very same question: farm or forest a nutrient. My analysis indicated a forest was more profitabel and we went with that. i'll try to do a similar analysis again.
      [23:37] well you need to consider that the next worker their is going to be eating fungus if we do that
      [23:38] Isn't it going to eat fungus no matter what we terraform on the nutrient?
      [23:38] no I mean we out a forest in the desolate tile and a farm in the Nut tile
      [23:38] then we have good nut and min intake
      [23:39] Impaler, this is a typical matter we can discuss endlessly and still not agree. Let's start a poll and let the majority decide. :-) In the past that was the best way to end discussions. :-D
      [23:40] true
      [23:40] it comes down to my Nut preferene vs the mineral preference
      [23:40] indeed
      [23:40] and few arguments can change that basic choice: pro-nuts or pro-mins
      [23:40] yes
      [23:41] I feel the pro-min was wise for the war build up
      [23:41] but we need to switch to nuts and energy for an inter-war boom
      [23:41] mins from Bore Holes then fuel our next war
      [23:42] Impaler, MWIA, I'm afraid I have to leave. One of my family members needs the computer. :-(
      [23:42] ok see ya around
      [23:42] bye :-)
      Session Close: Sun Nov 30 23:42:20 2003
      Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
      Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


      • #4
        [22:21] I had a lonmg talk with Kody last night....
        [22:21] They don;t have EcoEng yet
        [22:21] you shure?
        [22:21] It has been delayed
        [22:21] for extra cash or so?
        [22:21] how long?
        [22:22] Well although he is no longer Hive he seems to know what he is talking about
        [22:22] I wish I was at home... I have the full log there.
        [22:22] well he was Hive only 3 turns ago
        [22:22] and he has access to their Turns
        [22:22] Just a moment...
        [22:22] he just isn't contributing
        [22:22] he is the perfect MOLE!!

        Hrmm now apparently I'm the mole for the Cycon.

