This has been proposed by Drogue quite a while back. Any unit built under Wealth will have a permanent -1 Morale compared to other unit, so therefore the proposal is to switch to Wealth next year MY 2146 before we complete all our military units.
I was wondering, shouldn't we wait a bit longer before we switch to Wealth? IIRC the only unit we'll complete in two years, MY 2147, is an impact squad. The advantage of switching out of wealth is that that unit would be 12.5% stronger. The disadvantages however are 5 credits and 2.4 labs less per year. Then there's the -1 Industry. We currently gain about 50 minerals a year, so switching out of Wealth would in a way make us lose about 5 minerals a year. Does the lost energy and minerals really compare to the +12.5% morale of that one unit? A prototyped impact squad under Industry +1 setting costs 27 minerals. If we would stay in Wealth a little longer, the unit would loose 12.5% percent of its attack value. If you translate that 12.5% to the mineral cost it means we lose 3 to 4 minerals. But that's still less than the +-5 minerals and 7.4 energy we lose yearly. I therefore wonder, wouldn't it be better to not go out of Wealth at the moment? The unit will be a little weaker, but on the other side we'll have a much stronger industry and more energy to build more units faster. More quantity instead of quality!
I was wondering, shouldn't we wait a bit longer before we switch to Wealth? IIRC the only unit we'll complete in two years, MY 2147, is an impact squad. The advantage of switching out of wealth is that that unit would be 12.5% stronger. The disadvantages however are 5 credits and 2.4 labs less per year. Then there's the -1 Industry. We currently gain about 50 minerals a year, so switching out of Wealth would in a way make us lose about 5 minerals a year. Does the lost energy and minerals really compare to the +12.5% morale of that one unit? A prototyped impact squad under Industry +1 setting costs 27 minerals. If we would stay in Wealth a little longer, the unit would loose 12.5% percent of its attack value. If you translate that 12.5% to the mineral cost it means we lose 3 to 4 minerals. But that's still less than the +-5 minerals and 7.4 energy we lose yearly. I therefore wonder, wouldn't it be better to not go out of Wealth at the moment? The unit will be a little weaker, but on the other side we'll have a much stronger industry and more energy to build more units faster. More quantity instead of quality!