Each of our bases not producing a crawler or a secret project may have production switched to a crawler. Information on what each base is building, and how many turns are left, is here. Vote for whether or not production should be switched to a crawler for each base.
DBTSverse Portal: Formers, 13 minerals (16 needed), 3 turns left
Pi Square: Recreation Commons, 11 minerals (32 needed), 7 turns left
Boolean Bay: Colony Pod, 19 minerals (24 needed), 2 turns remaining
Aurora: Colony Pod, 20 minerals (24 needed), 2 turns remaining
Crawlers require 24 minerals to complete.
DBTSverse Portal: Formers, 13 minerals (16 needed), 3 turns left
Pi Square: Recreation Commons, 11 minerals (32 needed), 7 turns left
Boolean Bay: Colony Pod, 19 minerals (24 needed), 2 turns remaining
Aurora: Colony Pod, 20 minerals (24 needed), 2 turns remaining
Crawlers require 24 minerals to complete.