Alas and alack, the efficiency of our faction has been lowered recently, due to a computer failure. A part of my own self, known affectionatly as the "floppy disk drive" has broken, leading to a complete lack of SMAC*. Woe is me 
This affects us in two different ways. Firstly, I will be unable to play if Maniac can't, hence someone else will need to be second player. Secondly, I won't be able to look at the turn to see whats what, hence my advice will be slighly lessened (Although I have only opened the turn twice so far, so maybe not too much
Sorry about this, should be fixed by the end of the month...
* Since I can't put SMAC on the pc I use for the internet, being as it's not mine, I have to use my laptop. Now the fdd is broken, I can't get turns to or from the internet to my laptop to play them.

This affects us in two different ways. Firstly, I will be unable to play if Maniac can't, hence someone else will need to be second player. Secondly, I won't be able to look at the turn to see whats what, hence my advice will be slighly lessened (Although I have only opened the turn twice so far, so maybe not too much

Sorry about this, should be fixed by the end of the month...

* Since I can't put SMAC on the pc I use for the internet, being as it's not mine, I have to use my laptop. Now the fdd is broken, I can't get turns to or from the internet to my laptop to play them.
