If it's still going on, then I'll join in.
No announcement yet.
Comrade Corellion, Secretary of Science and Social Engineering for the Human Hive in the Alpha Centauri Police State Game (ACPSG).
Function Corelli Omega-9, Internal Affairs Function (Terms 110, 101, 100, 011, and 010) and Advisor on Foreign Affairs (Term 001) for the Cybernetic Consciousness in the Alpha Centauri Democracy Team Game (ACDTG).
The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or one.
Well I think we still need to decide the factions we're gonna use. But if we can choose out of Googlie's adapted set, I have a few concerns about balance. He gave the Consciousness a free skunkworks, the Drones a free naval yard ( ), the Believers rec commons, Gaians biology lab, Morgan energy bank, Spartans command center, and the PKs a free children's creche, along with a few other minor changes I sometimes don't understand. These changes are in the disadvantage of those factions who already had a free facility. Also the Pirates are still the original, now making them quite weak compared to Googlie's aquatic set. So there are a few things we might need to discuss, adapt the factions a little ourselves so they seem more balanced. (Or I could do a few proposals, and you guys could say whether you like them or not. )
It turned out to be a long night.
Basically I worked from Googlie's set and deleted the free facilities and some other things (eg free sea colony pod for Spartans and PKs) he had given. On the other hand I added a few things myself eg free unity foil for the Spartans.
I changed three factions:
The Disciples I gave one free mineral on fungus.
For the Hackers I gave them a free probe cutter instead of a probe team (I added the probe cutter in my edited alphax.txt. I haven't tested if it works though). I also lessened their probe bonus from +2 to +1 to avoid the rollover bug. In return I gave them impunity for Knowledge, which seems a fitting SE choice for them.
The original Pirates had become quite weak compared to the all-aquatic set, so I boosted them with +1 Support and impunity for Power. A true warmonger's faction! They may again be too powerful now though.
As for the alphax.txt, it contains a probe cutter, a -1 instead of -2 industry penalty for Power SE, and halved chassis costs for foils and cruiser.
Disclaimer: I didn't test all these changes. I just threw together some files in a hurry tonight.