Okay, seeing as the colony pod has just finished at Logic Loop, we need another item for the build queue. Based on previous discussions, the options stand at the following:
Another Colony Pod
After production of this colony pod, we will immediately regrow to 2 population, meaning we can produce another colony pod. This could be crucial in overcoming our growth penalty, and in improving our research rate and economy.
A Terraformer
We can terraform faster and improve production. Pretty self-explanatory.
A Military Unit of Some Sort
All of our military units so far are scout patrols, and though it seems more unlikely now, PEACE could still be out to get us. Here, we could produce another scout patrol and reinforce our base defences, or we could prototype the laser, rover, or both.
Recycling Tanks
One additional nutrient, mineral, and energy for Logic Loop, which will certainly help in all ways.
Recreation Commons
We can deal with the drone problem, and allow our population to grow above 3 without having to divert doctors or energy, and we won't have to use nervestapelling. This would do well if followed up by a secret project.
Secret Project
One of the Human Genome Project, the Weather Paradigm, or the Virtual World. We need to start these early if we want them. Fortunately, the only other faction working on Secret Projects are the Drones, and they're going for the Merchant Exchange, so we still have time.
Post something that's not on the poll.
You surrender your biological and technological distinctiveness to us. Resistance if futile.
You have two days.
Another Colony Pod
After production of this colony pod, we will immediately regrow to 2 population, meaning we can produce another colony pod. This could be crucial in overcoming our growth penalty, and in improving our research rate and economy.
A Terraformer
We can terraform faster and improve production. Pretty self-explanatory.
A Military Unit of Some Sort
All of our military units so far are scout patrols, and though it seems more unlikely now, PEACE could still be out to get us. Here, we could produce another scout patrol and reinforce our base defences, or we could prototype the laser, rover, or both.
Recycling Tanks
One additional nutrient, mineral, and energy for Logic Loop, which will certainly help in all ways.
Recreation Commons
We can deal with the drone problem, and allow our population to grow above 3 without having to divert doctors or energy, and we won't have to use nervestapelling. This would do well if followed up by a secret project.
Secret Project
One of the Human Genome Project, the Weather Paradigm, or the Virtual World. We need to start these early if we want them. Fortunately, the only other faction working on Secret Projects are the Drones, and they're going for the Merchant Exchange, so we still have time.
Post something that's not on the poll.
You surrender your biological and technological distinctiveness to us. Resistance if futile.
You have two days.