Apologies for not posting the pictures for the past few turns. I've had some problems with the computer recently, though they seem to be fixed now.
Finally popped that east most pod. It was a Mineral Resource and 25 credits. Using those creds, plus 5 more, I've rushed the Rec. Tanks in Uni Base. We'll have 11 mins a turn there from next turn on, though we'll need to use Crawlers to get the most out of those tiles.
I haven't heard anything from the Pirates, or from our own Ambassador, however from the power graph positions of the factions, and the fact the Cyborgs are listed with the most tech, I'd hazzard a guess that the Borgs have met the Pirates already, and traded quite substantially. For all we know, they could've formed an alliance against us. -_-;; If the Pirates have already met them, it also raises the question...how close are they to us? One wouldn't think it'd be too far, unless the Pirates are doing a *LOT* of exploring. No way to tell unless someone's lips slip up really.

Finally popped that east most pod. It was a Mineral Resource and 25 credits. Using those creds, plus 5 more, I've rushed the Rec. Tanks in Uni Base. We'll have 11 mins a turn there from next turn on, though we'll need to use Crawlers to get the most out of those tiles.
I haven't heard anything from the Pirates, or from our own Ambassador, however from the power graph positions of the factions, and the fact the Cyborgs are listed with the most tech, I'd hazzard a guess that the Borgs have met the Pirates already, and traded quite substantially. For all we know, they could've formed an alliance against us. -_-;; If the Pirates have already met them, it also raises the question...how close are they to us? One wouldn't think it'd be too far, unless the Pirates are doing a *LOT* of exploring. No way to tell unless someone's lips slip up really.
