Future Base Sites:
SW of the South Borehole.
1W of the North Western Borehole.
3W of the North Western Borehole.
SE of the Southern Nut. Bonus, on the tile our scout is currently on.
Former Orders:
Mir Lab: Continue building Forest.
Zoloto Gold: Continue leveling the Rocky/Nut. Bonus.
Uni Base: Move South to build Sensor on South Base site.
NW: Begin moving back down to garrison Uni. Base. Should arrive 1 turn before pop growth, providing police to allow it to work the Rocky/Min/Road square to speed completion of Rec. Commons.
NE: Continue moving E for exploration.
E: Move South to pop remaining Pod Next Turn.
S: Attempt to move south through fungus for 3rd time.
Move SE around peninsulla, towards open sea.
Future Base Sites:
SW of the South Borehole.
1W of the North Western Borehole.
3W of the North Western Borehole.
SE of the Southern Nut. Bonus, on the tile our scout is currently on.
Former Orders:
Mir Lab: Continue building Forest.
Zoloto Gold: Continue leveling the Rocky/Nut. Bonus.
Uni Base: Move South to build Sensor on South Base site.
NW: Begin moving back down to garrison Uni. Base. Should arrive 1 turn before pop growth, providing police to allow it to work the Rocky/Min/Road square to speed completion of Rec. Commons.
NE: Continue moving E for exploration.
E: Move South to pop remaining Pod Next Turn.
S: Attempt to move south through fungus for 3rd time.
Move SE around peninsulla, towards open sea.