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Introducing the University Coding Standard: Babecode!

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  • Introducing the University Coding Standard: Babecode!

    Seeing as how the coding foolishness won't stop, I suggest we overtake the competition with the ultimate in secret messages - shots from our labs!

    iii:iii::  iZaZB@a8W@MMSa@Z7a    .::::::,,.ii2SSZ@
    ::::::::. WMB0BMMX;SWZXMM2:M;2Z,   ..,:::::ii2SSXW
    :::::,,. 2Mar20MMZZWZ28Z BM7.BX0      .,,,,i;X7X7S
    :::,:,,  @a2WaMMM@MMMM@i,7 2Mi8WX ,,,,,,,..:i;;ii;
    ::,,,...r@2a2MZ:.,ii,;XMX @8 M;i8r.,,:i:,...iii;i;
    ,,,,..:,8XZr;M  .,:i;rraMB  Zi02S0:.      ..i;iii;
    ::,:,ii 8ZZ8SMi.;r7X7XXaZMMM.i0:027;.  .....:;iii;
         ,  872MZMS irr7rr;;i27rMMS0788X:   ...,,iiiii
         . ,0aZXiM:  ,;;iSSXr,;ZaSB8a7Z8a.   ...,i:::i
         : ZWBB,Z8ZMMX.rS8BMMM2WM 77Mr:X78X.  ..,,::::
      ..,, aBBSiMXMiW8,iZ8X;:i;XM@7i2MBW r7X  . .,,:::
          .SX07XM;i,.. iS2SXXX;,;XM7 ZZMB,70  , .,:,::
    ,.    :78M:SXM .:i.,, 2Xr;iXMM8MM. 7Za:7X, ..,,,,:
    , .  ;ZaZBr7ZMM .7:.7XS7X7rr8B@ZMB088ZX82,   .,,,,
    ... iX720787aMMM  :7SZ@Wri,.M:M2MMS822 XXaZi....,:
    .    riXWXM;2@MMM  X0WW2;i:MMMW2M,;2Xaai202 .,. .,
    .  . ;MB22Z7MMMMMMa   .,.XZMMM0ZBSrXaZ2S7;7iSrr.,,
      : ZM SX:.SMMMMMMMM02Sa8Z20MMM0@8MaMMMMM8;2  7   
      ..:W,WX.M8BM@MMMMi7a22SXr;i7MMMMZ,:aX. .7 7 7X.,
      .ZMXZSX;M0@MMMMMM@Xi8:Z:7a,870MMMM0@a;0MB7M.  .:
     a.i08WSBMMMMM8WM@@MMS22rSXX2;B 2;2ZBXZ2MMMBX, Wi 
      M Z;;2aWMM@@MMW8WMWaaXSr2.8i8X;Wi0:@77a7@8;MMX.,
      . XWMBSW@@MBW0@ZXBB0r0:@.MiS 2,0Z2X7r0XrZ7BM7 ; 
      ,. rZBB@@MM8WMM@W2ia2iM @ , :r:B.X  X;WZ.;7WB;,i
      ,:. ;iMW8W 20@XZ,r8Z B r: ..i 8 7X .  r,r:X: 2Z0
      ,,.,r78MW0 MMi;iM0r M : i r Z;Xi0 M;:i .;  MMW  
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    Ma,,,i;0WX:iX .:M@7X::ii: S r   .M r X; 8 X;i    .
      ,.ir7ZZ7 ,a 8WM a 0 S; a X  i 8 ZB7;:7 iSi@Mi ..
     .:,i7SS2r  S i  7 B  8 W Z: X Z M7 M7:227;8.@    
     .:irXSXX     .ii,;:rZ M i ,.   W. M r0i22X:7S  ..
     ,ir7SSS7     : 7.SrXrr2a2r,r ,S.;Z.@W M,2WaX   ,.
     :i7XaZZ      i,; a 8,8,M ;7 S 277Xa:SM M,   :.  ,
     ;rZ008Z      :.;;i; a Z M SS M ZXXZ2i7rir  .0.   
    .r;Sa2ZZ      :i.X a:SXia,Z ZB M:rW 0;XSi.  SaXi  
    .;rXXX7Z  ... ,i.:.r,;i:SXX77ia,r;;W M:SS   27XZi 
    ,r7X22S8  ...  :,:S.0;iZ B;ZarWSi2Xi0 Mi;  a2rrXZr
    ,r77S228. ,.. .r::i7 8,X7rX;7B 072a7S7: r  SS7r7XX
    A picture, after all, is worth more than a thousand, uhm, ascii tokens.
    "The number of political murders was a little under one million (800,000 - 900,000)." - chegitz guevara on the history of the USSR.
    "I think the real figures probably are about a million or less." - David Irving on the number of Holocaust victims.

  • #2
    That's cute!

    You must have stayed up all night doing that!
    Everything changes, but nothing is truly lost.


    • #3
      I feel somewhat embarassed for having to ask, but...

      What exactly is that?


      • #4
        ....It's a woman GT. Babecode.
        Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos


        • #5

          Lean back a-ways from your monitor and look again...

          And, no, I didn't sit all night. I have a program that'll convert any GIF into ascii art. Quite nifty, in fact.
          "The number of political murders was a little under one million (800,000 - 900,000)." - chegitz guevara on the history of the USSR.
          "I think the real figures probably are about a million or less." - David Irving on the number of Holocaust victims.


          • #6

            University Professors fantasize about Lady Deirdre Skye

            The first attempt to clone Lady Deirdre Skye was released by University researchers during the past week.

            It is believed that the clone was produced from DNA from a strand of Lady Skye's hair that was found clutched in the hand of the now-departed leader, Academician Zakharov (presumably obtained during a hair-pulling skirmish on the UNS Unity)

            Further attempts will be made .........

