This thread is for debate on what technologies we want to research.
We are currently researching Gene Splicing. Two beelines have been completed: Secrets of the Human Brain via Biogenetics and Social Psych, and Industrial Automation via Information Networks (free), Planetary Networks, Industrial Base, and Industrial Economics. We also have knowledge of Ethical Calculus, our previous research project; Centauri Ecology, our other free tech; and Doctrine: Mobility, through trade with the Pirates.
The following technologies are options for our subsequent research.
Doctrine: Flexibility refers to a military doctrine of combining traditional land-based capabilities with a sea-based force. This technology would build on the vehicles designed under Doctrine: Mobility. providing blueprints for Transport Foils capable of carrying colonists or troops to the narby islands, or beyond. Foils could also be armed with weapons, and the most visionary aspect of this theory would involve vast Pressure Domes under which undersea cities could be constructed. Due to the focus required by the Pressure Dome technology, larger ships such as cruisers would be out of the grasp of this research project, but further research into Doctrine: Initiative might allow even these to be prototyped. While it would double the available military tools at our disposal, this Doctrine would not in and of itself encompass strategies for applying the best tool for the situation; our military theorists do however believe that it would enable such an Adaptive Doctrine. Furthermore, the more tools our military has at its disposal, the better; our strategists are already looking forward to the day when we can return to the skies with Doctrine: Air Power.
Some of our researchers into Centauri Ecology and the Secrets of the Human Brain have recently called for the cultivation of a philosophy of Centauri Empathy, which would provide concrete ways of harmonizing human activities with the native life of Chiron. If these procedures were adopted, the result would be a Green economy, and capture of native life might be possible. Even without revamping our economy around these practices, infant Mind Worm specimens might still be captured and bred in captivity in Biology Labs, which this research would enable to be constructed. Furthermore, the understanding of the motivations of native life would allow our engineers to coax the fungus away from roads, building roads through the fungus, and allow our military trainers to develop an "Empath Song" technique, a method whereby our troops could subvert and disrupt the psychic links that hold Mind Worm boils together. Spotty data imply that similar techniques allowed the builders of the monoliths and borehole cluster to create an Empath Guild allowing communication across the entire planet; due to residual psychic energies, duplicating this feat is probably not possible. However, similar feats of engineering might be manageable through further research into Centauri Meditation, and if empathic techniques were better understood, the resulting theory of Bioadaptive Resonance might have far-reaching applications.
The monoliths and borehole cluster give evidence of a highly advanced spacefaring civilization, dubbed the Progenitors by popular media. Study of the scattered artifacts and remains near these edifices might reveal Progenitor Psych, the knowledge of the culture and techniques of these aliens. Our archaologists believe that this race possessed incredibly productive undersea farms, or Aquafarms, which this line of research might help us to duplicate. The Progenitors are also thought to have had knowledge of Bioadaptive Resonance and Adaptive Economics; their culture might give us some leads on these technologies. This research would also allow contact with the aliens should they ever return to Alpha Centauri.
Much of Planet's environment is still inhospitable. To carve out a niche for humanity on Planet's surface, some of our terraforming specialists think we can with some effort develop a system of Ecological Engineering to reshape this world. Our study of Centauri Ecology implies that powerful nitrate-fixing bacteria engineered with Gene Splicing will allow our Formers to crate a miniture xenofungal bloom, planting fungus throughout a particular area. This technology would focus on changes of such scope through engineering -- we could create Condensers allowing us to generate moisture for greater crop production, Echelon Mirrors to focus energy on our solar collectors, and Boreholes into the mantle of Planet, with expected gains for mining and geothermal power. The ability to reshape our world might breed arrogance; philosophers and would likely react to this by developing a closer rapport with Planet through Centauri Meditation, while ecological scientists might propose a more pragmatic schema of Environmental Economics.
Polymorphic Software -- self-modifying code -- has the potential to bring the diversity and complexity of life into the digital realm. Like life forms, polymorphic programs would adapt to circumstances and evolve toward maximum effectiveness. The much greater speed of the electronic realm, combined with the avoidance of the somewhat disruptive process of competition between species, makes it possible to duplicate leaps of evolution in only a few years. The first application of this code is expected to be calculation of trajectories for Heavy Artillery. Covert operatives might also be able to use this software to good effect, boosting Probe Team morale. More intensive developments of this code are expected to pave the way for Optical Computers utilizing photons rather than electrons, Advanced Subatomic Theory detailing the smallest reaches of matter, and an Adaptive Doctrine based on finding the ideal strategy for any given situation.
Applied Physics refers to research done to provide our troops with cheap and efficient laser weaponry estimated to be twice as powerful as a handgun, and just as portable. Experiments with these lasers would prove invaluable in researching High Energy Chemistry. They would also prove valuable in designing a system of Optical Computers. Data from the field-testing of the lasers might also lead to advances in Nonlinear Mathematics.
Present military strategy, based upon Doctrine: Mobility, stresses fast movements and decisive assaults. While these tactics work admirably for units in the field, protection of base populations and facilities requires fundamentally different tactics. Doctrine: Loyalty would emphasize defensive strategies and armaments such as Perimeter Defenses. In order to maintain security, it also would seek to ensure the loyalty of the armed forces by granting officers favored positions in the governmental and collegiate hierarchy. This infrastructure would allow us to establish a Police State based on control of the population through armed force, should that be necessary. It would also allow coordination of all training and operations from one central Command Nexus. Some scholars, however, maintain that loyalty is irrational; they are likely to react to this doctrine with a renewed focus on Intellectual Integrity.
Industrial Automation prompted a sustained drive toward greater and greater levels of efficiency in operating machinery. Neural Grafting would be the next step along this path, eliminating standard interfaces by placing computers or other useful devices directly within an individual's skull. Our knowledge of the Secrets of the Human Brain would in theory allow a human's synapses to interface with an electronic device. The difficult part is designing this interface itself, but if this is accomplished, improvements in reaction speed and memory would allow soldiers to be augmented in our Bioenhancement Centers and to master two special abilities. Application of this technique to psychically gifted humans might allow the creation of a Neural Amplifier magnifying psi waves. Furthermore, the interfacing technique could be applied to biologically grown components as well in a system of Bio-Engineering. This technology would not be a true Mind-Machine Interface, though it is a step in that direction; interfacing would be limited to those devices specifically installed in the brain itself.
Of these choices, what do you think should be our first priority? What should be secondary priorities, if that choice is not available? And what long-term plans or beelines should we undertake? The floor is open.
We are currently researching Gene Splicing. Two beelines have been completed: Secrets of the Human Brain via Biogenetics and Social Psych, and Industrial Automation via Information Networks (free), Planetary Networks, Industrial Base, and Industrial Economics. We also have knowledge of Ethical Calculus, our previous research project; Centauri Ecology, our other free tech; and Doctrine: Mobility, through trade with the Pirates.
The following technologies are options for our subsequent research.
Doctrine: Flexibility refers to a military doctrine of combining traditional land-based capabilities with a sea-based force. This technology would build on the vehicles designed under Doctrine: Mobility. providing blueprints for Transport Foils capable of carrying colonists or troops to the narby islands, or beyond. Foils could also be armed with weapons, and the most visionary aspect of this theory would involve vast Pressure Domes under which undersea cities could be constructed. Due to the focus required by the Pressure Dome technology, larger ships such as cruisers would be out of the grasp of this research project, but further research into Doctrine: Initiative might allow even these to be prototyped. While it would double the available military tools at our disposal, this Doctrine would not in and of itself encompass strategies for applying the best tool for the situation; our military theorists do however believe that it would enable such an Adaptive Doctrine. Furthermore, the more tools our military has at its disposal, the better; our strategists are already looking forward to the day when we can return to the skies with Doctrine: Air Power.
Some of our researchers into Centauri Ecology and the Secrets of the Human Brain have recently called for the cultivation of a philosophy of Centauri Empathy, which would provide concrete ways of harmonizing human activities with the native life of Chiron. If these procedures were adopted, the result would be a Green economy, and capture of native life might be possible. Even without revamping our economy around these practices, infant Mind Worm specimens might still be captured and bred in captivity in Biology Labs, which this research would enable to be constructed. Furthermore, the understanding of the motivations of native life would allow our engineers to coax the fungus away from roads, building roads through the fungus, and allow our military trainers to develop an "Empath Song" technique, a method whereby our troops could subvert and disrupt the psychic links that hold Mind Worm boils together. Spotty data imply that similar techniques allowed the builders of the monoliths and borehole cluster to create an Empath Guild allowing communication across the entire planet; due to residual psychic energies, duplicating this feat is probably not possible. However, similar feats of engineering might be manageable through further research into Centauri Meditation, and if empathic techniques were better understood, the resulting theory of Bioadaptive Resonance might have far-reaching applications.
The monoliths and borehole cluster give evidence of a highly advanced spacefaring civilization, dubbed the Progenitors by popular media. Study of the scattered artifacts and remains near these edifices might reveal Progenitor Psych, the knowledge of the culture and techniques of these aliens. Our archaologists believe that this race possessed incredibly productive undersea farms, or Aquafarms, which this line of research might help us to duplicate. The Progenitors are also thought to have had knowledge of Bioadaptive Resonance and Adaptive Economics; their culture might give us some leads on these technologies. This research would also allow contact with the aliens should they ever return to Alpha Centauri.
Much of Planet's environment is still inhospitable. To carve out a niche for humanity on Planet's surface, some of our terraforming specialists think we can with some effort develop a system of Ecological Engineering to reshape this world. Our study of Centauri Ecology implies that powerful nitrate-fixing bacteria engineered with Gene Splicing will allow our Formers to crate a miniture xenofungal bloom, planting fungus throughout a particular area. This technology would focus on changes of such scope through engineering -- we could create Condensers allowing us to generate moisture for greater crop production, Echelon Mirrors to focus energy on our solar collectors, and Boreholes into the mantle of Planet, with expected gains for mining and geothermal power. The ability to reshape our world might breed arrogance; philosophers and would likely react to this by developing a closer rapport with Planet through Centauri Meditation, while ecological scientists might propose a more pragmatic schema of Environmental Economics.
Polymorphic Software -- self-modifying code -- has the potential to bring the diversity and complexity of life into the digital realm. Like life forms, polymorphic programs would adapt to circumstances and evolve toward maximum effectiveness. The much greater speed of the electronic realm, combined with the avoidance of the somewhat disruptive process of competition between species, makes it possible to duplicate leaps of evolution in only a few years. The first application of this code is expected to be calculation of trajectories for Heavy Artillery. Covert operatives might also be able to use this software to good effect, boosting Probe Team morale. More intensive developments of this code are expected to pave the way for Optical Computers utilizing photons rather than electrons, Advanced Subatomic Theory detailing the smallest reaches of matter, and an Adaptive Doctrine based on finding the ideal strategy for any given situation.
Applied Physics refers to research done to provide our troops with cheap and efficient laser weaponry estimated to be twice as powerful as a handgun, and just as portable. Experiments with these lasers would prove invaluable in researching High Energy Chemistry. They would also prove valuable in designing a system of Optical Computers. Data from the field-testing of the lasers might also lead to advances in Nonlinear Mathematics.
Present military strategy, based upon Doctrine: Mobility, stresses fast movements and decisive assaults. While these tactics work admirably for units in the field, protection of base populations and facilities requires fundamentally different tactics. Doctrine: Loyalty would emphasize defensive strategies and armaments such as Perimeter Defenses. In order to maintain security, it also would seek to ensure the loyalty of the armed forces by granting officers favored positions in the governmental and collegiate hierarchy. This infrastructure would allow us to establish a Police State based on control of the population through armed force, should that be necessary. It would also allow coordination of all training and operations from one central Command Nexus. Some scholars, however, maintain that loyalty is irrational; they are likely to react to this doctrine with a renewed focus on Intellectual Integrity.
Industrial Automation prompted a sustained drive toward greater and greater levels of efficiency in operating machinery. Neural Grafting would be the next step along this path, eliminating standard interfaces by placing computers or other useful devices directly within an individual's skull. Our knowledge of the Secrets of the Human Brain would in theory allow a human's synapses to interface with an electronic device. The difficult part is designing this interface itself, but if this is accomplished, improvements in reaction speed and memory would allow soldiers to be augmented in our Bioenhancement Centers and to master two special abilities. Application of this technique to psychically gifted humans might allow the creation of a Neural Amplifier magnifying psi waves. Furthermore, the interfacing technique could be applied to biologically grown components as well in a system of Bio-Engineering. This technology would not be a true Mind-Machine Interface, though it is a step in that direction; interfacing would be limited to those devices specifically installed in the brain itself.
Of these choices, what do you think should be our first priority? What should be secondary priorities, if that choice is not available? And what long-term plans or beelines should we undertake? The floor is open.