In the chaos and confusion of Landing, I feel we have somewhat lost fokus of the larger strategic challange that the presence of several factions on Chiron present us with. In order to establish mutually agreeable and profitable arrangements as soon as possible, there are several things we need to consider.
Overall foreign policy:
Should we strive to maximise or minimize overall faction co-operation? At the moment it would seem it would benefit us less to have everybody trade/swap techs - we will gain, but less so in absolute terms than other factions. Perhaps we should try to stir up trouble for the time being? Or should we go all-out on a diplomatic offensive to shore up as many trade treaties as possible, knowing others will do the same?
We also need to think of foreign policy in faction terms. While much of this will be governed by realpolitik, i.e. hitting the leader, there are still some differences.
Foreign Policy (the AIs):
AI likes and dislikes are mostly governed by relative strength and SE choices. Morganites are a natural ally fo us, seeing as how we will run ME most of the time. For the same reason, the Cult will probably not be very co-operative. The Angels, with their slow research rate and tremendous probe bonus, will probably not be trusty allies no matter what.
Foreign Policy (the other factions)
* CyCon. Ought to be allies, if we can talk them into it. Their base rate of research is as good as ours, but since they can't pop-boom through SE + infrastructure and have to build base facilities to match what our students build for free in every base, they won't be matching us in sheer output anytime soon. Still, given their tech stealing abilites, an alliance could prove very profitable: we research, they conquer and steal.
* Pirates. If they are smart, they'll play the tech broker game. No immediate danger, since their start is fairly slow, but we'd be well advised to have air power before they can really crank up production. Their far-flung network of bases would make them ideal allies in any global conflict.
* Drones. I'd argue they're the best early-game allies we can possibly get. The abysmal research and stellar production is an ideal theoretical complement to our abilities. Properly handled they could easily provide us with a mighty army by proxy. An army that we must make sure is engaged on another continent, of course.
* Hive. Normally I would suck up to the Hive until such time came to stamp them out, but this time we might consider coalition-building in order to isolate them and force them to do their own science. Given who they are (IRL, not RP) I don't think there are any chances of buildning any solid long-term relationship with them.
Discuss, please.
In the chaos and confusion of Landing, I feel we have somewhat lost fokus of the larger strategic challange that the presence of several factions on Chiron present us with. In order to establish mutually agreeable and profitable arrangements as soon as possible, there are several things we need to consider.
Overall foreign policy:
Should we strive to maximise or minimize overall faction co-operation? At the moment it would seem it would benefit us less to have everybody trade/swap techs - we will gain, but less so in absolute terms than other factions. Perhaps we should try to stir up trouble for the time being? Or should we go all-out on a diplomatic offensive to shore up as many trade treaties as possible, knowing others will do the same?
We also need to think of foreign policy in faction terms. While much of this will be governed by realpolitik, i.e. hitting the leader, there are still some differences.
Foreign Policy (the AIs):
AI likes and dislikes are mostly governed by relative strength and SE choices. Morganites are a natural ally fo us, seeing as how we will run ME most of the time. For the same reason, the Cult will probably not be very co-operative. The Angels, with their slow research rate and tremendous probe bonus, will probably not be trusty allies no matter what.
Foreign Policy (the other factions)
* CyCon. Ought to be allies, if we can talk them into it. Their base rate of research is as good as ours, but since they can't pop-boom through SE + infrastructure and have to build base facilities to match what our students build for free in every base, they won't be matching us in sheer output anytime soon. Still, given their tech stealing abilites, an alliance could prove very profitable: we research, they conquer and steal.
* Pirates. If they are smart, they'll play the tech broker game. No immediate danger, since their start is fairly slow, but we'd be well advised to have air power before they can really crank up production. Their far-flung network of bases would make them ideal allies in any global conflict.
* Drones. I'd argue they're the best early-game allies we can possibly get. The abysmal research and stellar production is an ideal theoretical complement to our abilities. Properly handled they could easily provide us with a mighty army by proxy. An army that we must make sure is engaged on another continent, of course.
* Hive. Normally I would suck up to the Hive until such time came to stamp them out, but this time we might consider coalition-building in order to isolate them and force them to do their own science. Given who they are (IRL, not RP) I don't think there are any chances of buildning any solid long-term relationship with them.
Discuss, please.