I have sent very general messages to bother the cyborgs and the university. Basically I said that I just wanted to touch base after my absence and that I hoped fro strong friendship and close relations.
The cycon has already responded indicating an interest in acquiring doc flex and also indicating they might still owe us ethical calc from the prior deal. Could whomever negotiated the prior deal with cycon confirm whether or not there are ANY outstanding obligations either way ??
THAT LEaves Doc flex. I was one of the loudest voices against trading it early but the cycon are now researching it and at least one AI have it . . . SO my view is that we trade it now and try to get something for it. If we trade it to the cycon and then PUT, it will still take them a little time to find the Hive and Drones-- it may be even possble for us to trade the tech to the Hive and drones.
MY view is this:
We make a deal with the cycon to trade them doc: flex a turn or two before they would otherwise discover it. Around the same time we trade it to the University. IF the Hive/drones don't have the tech, we trade it to them 6 or 8 turns later. My hope is to trade it FOUR times for benefit but try to time it so we keep everyone out of the water as long as we can. I would trade for tech or cash. Personally I would like to garner some cash and rush a bunch of infrastructure. Having a tech lead makes us a target while having a better empire hardly registers in the powergraphs.
The cycon has already responded indicating an interest in acquiring doc flex and also indicating they might still owe us ethical calc from the prior deal. Could whomever negotiated the prior deal with cycon confirm whether or not there are ANY outstanding obligations either way ??
THAT LEaves Doc flex. I was one of the loudest voices against trading it early but the cycon are now researching it and at least one AI have it . . . SO my view is that we trade it now and try to get something for it. If we trade it to the cycon and then PUT, it will still take them a little time to find the Hive and Drones-- it may be even possble for us to trade the tech to the Hive and drones.
MY view is this:
We make a deal with the cycon to trade them doc: flex a turn or two before they would otherwise discover it. Around the same time we trade it to the University. IF the Hive/drones don't have the tech, we trade it to them 6 or 8 turns later. My hope is to trade it FOUR times for benefit but try to time it so we keep everyone out of the water as long as we can. I would trade for tech or cash. Personally I would like to garner some cash and rush a bunch of infrastructure. Having a tech lead makes us a target while having a better empire hardly registers in the powergraphs.