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. . . On trading Doc: Flexibility

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  • . . . On trading Doc: Flexibility

    Since there have been a number of emails circulating about whether or not we trade the Doc: Flex tech to the DataJack (and nobody gave me the "we don't want Googlie to know about this" sign), I figured we should maybe have a thread about it. Since Cap'n Herc is still unable to start threads AFAIK, I thought I'd do it. After a while, we can have a poll, if it seems like we need one.

    As I said somewhere else, I don't have really strong feelings about this, but it does strike me as strange that only a few game-years after everyone was adamantly against trading it, even to the point of risking our relationship with the Borg (and currently with the University) . . . just a short time afterwards, there is an apparent groundswell in favor of trading it to AI Roz. It strikes me that the AI is more rather than less likely to trade it to or have it stolen by one or more of the human factions. At least you can try to get the human factions to agree to not trade it, at least for a while, and if you can't necessarily trust them not to trade it or to protect it from being stolen, IMhO, you can definitely not trust the AI to keep it to itself.

    Like I said up top, I'm not necessarily against trading this tech, it just seems strange that we should change our tune so soon after singing it at the top of our lungs.

    I do feel that if we are going to trade it to the AI, we should at the same time or very shortly afterwards negotiate to trade it to the Borg and University (preferably at about the same time), mostly to avoid looking like the untrustworthy two-faced bloodthirsty pirates that we are, particularly to the Borg, who were quite anxious to get it.

    We should seriously consider getting some defensive tech if we are opening up the sea as we have next to no defense at our bases at present.

  • #2
    see mid turn 2127 report. This will effect views here in that trading Doc Flex for Ind Econ is no longer an option. i bought the tech from Roze for 100ecs.

    But there still needs to a be discussion on just when or under what circumstance we trade it. If Roze finished Doc. Mob is Doc Flex or next quest?

    In addition your views on general techs and the intricate dealings to aczquire Ind Auto would be useful. especially in discussion with the CyCon. They may have to slow there discover rate by a year, this one time.
    On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation


    • #3
      well, right now I think the best option is waiting untill we meet at least one more faction (hive or drones) and then offer it to all of them at once, either for tech or just plain old pieces of eight.


      • #4
        I suppose we should begin negotiating the trade of Doc: Flex. However I think it would be good if we could get a few more years of exclusivity to allow us to explore further and get some more CPs out there. Maybe even to that piece of uninhabited territory.

        Also say in 5/6 turns when we trade it to the Borg at least we would not have to wait long for the return tech. Whereas a useful return tech and the other one we are owed would be long time arriving (if traded now unless it was Ethical Calc) whereas they would have the immediate benefit.

        Also I think it important we discover Doc: Init first and get the MMC started before the Drones get at it.

        After we discover Doc.Init, if offered Adapt.Economics maybe we should go for it to get a headstart on the PEG.

        i wonder what the PUT have to offer. I bet they've traded on, Doc Mob. If they're researching Doc Flex then maybe we can agree to trade but also spin out the negotiations for a good tech.

        Somewhere in the negotiatons, if we can, backing for our governorship bid (for the income) should be there provided we are a candidate. It's my view that, for a limited period when we have all the comms, we can call the shots.
        On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation


        • #5
          I guess the main point is to conclude the trade of Doc:Flex with the Borg enough so that they can't back out if/when they discover that the DJ's have it too. As long as they consider themselves locked in, we should be able to be comfortable that they are not going to slip the deal and trade with the DJ's instead, but based on the IndAuto deal where they were not shy about reopening those negotiations when the DJ's appeared on their radar, we may not be sure until the deal is fully done, or at least until something is exchanged (and that would have to be us doing the giving if anyone was going to do it).

          Regarding the governorship, did you check the current vote counts to see if we are even in the running for being on the ballot?


          • #6
            Re the Vote count yes I did: we're not there at the moment. Miriam and Roze were ahead and maybe the Drones in there. We have work to do.
            On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation

