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Policy toward the PUT *discussion thread*

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  • #16
    Well maybe Miriam. The Human factions would expect the pirates to have made some contact by now with some faction and Miriam would be a useful diversionary ploy to broadcast about.

    Just some thoughts.

    I can't remember how much ecs the Borg have but say we bought Ind Base from Roze would the Borg be interested in buying it from us. Though I would like to disguise source if possible.

    Must check, but didn't Googlie exclude tech from Pod as an option. If so, then a bit difficult to account for source except by revealing that we have contacted another faction.

    In the Pact situation at this stage, ie pre planetary council, do our (and theirs if any) diplomatic relations with other factions show up. We can't yet claim to have probed any one because we have only just finished our first party boat. Also Miriam is an unlikely source for Ind Base.
    On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation


    • #17
      We could just be straight up with the Borgs (I know, that's unpiratelike, but . . . ) and offer to split the cost with them. 50 P's of E isn't that bad if the Borg step up for the other 50. Ultimately, we might be able to sell/trade the tech again to someone else and get some/all of our share back later. The Borg would of course be getting the next tech that much quicker and we would also benefit from that too.

      I understand the temptation to keep some of our activities from the Borg, but they've gotta realize that we are going to be meeting other people soon enough (what size map is this anyway? - We seem to have met 4 other factions within quite a small radius from our territory). Unless there is a lot of ocean up north, the other two factions must have pretty big domains.


      • #18
        Cap'n Flubber sire, What be ye story on the diplomatic front., especially with da University. The turn's coming around again pretty fast. Also on the question of sharing the cost of Ind Base with the Borg.

        If we secured that and Ind Econ from the Uni, the Borg could switch to IA and maybe speed their research up a bit.
        On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation


        • #19
          arr--- I 'aven't ' erd diddly squat since me las' message to 'em-- I aksed 'em to tell me any tech theyr be wilin' to trade
          You don't get to 300 losses without being a pretty exceptional goaltender.-- Ben Kenobi speaking of Roberto Luongo


          • #20
            Last edited by Googlie; October 14, 2003, 12:00.


            • #21
              Latest message exchange with the university

              RE: ACDG Uni/PEACE Relations

              I will have to put forth your proposal to the Peace council of captains but I can give an initial response

              pact-- I have no instructions on this point and will start a thread in our private forum

              Hive-- I'm not aware of us meeting them-- I've gotten no messages and no mention of a Hive meeting in our forums-- where were these rumors-- was it Kody's cartoon?

              Our initial internal discussions on possible tech policy indicated a strong reluctance to trade doc flex-- I will bring your proposal to the council but it would have to be a pretty sweet deal

              Maps-- Our treasure maps are considered secret-- feelings on this were very strong as the biggest advantage our faction has is the extensive maps.

              I feel like I am a naysayer but the reality is that your proposals ask for our most valuable assets which many inside the council are reluctant to part with.

              I understand that I may offer doc mob in trade-- If you have something to trade for that tech we can probably reach a deal. Your other proposals will be brought to council and I'll get back to you


              Given that Mr. President appears to not be doing much in his capacity as our Foreign Minister, Archaic has asked me to temporarily take his place. This is, hwoever, only a temporary arrangement, which may end at any time.

              Anyway, with that out of the way, We'd like to make the following proposal to the PEACE:

              - We both sign a Pact of Brotherhood.
              - If, as rumours have suggested, the PEACE have met another group of survivors from the Unity disaster, calling themselves 'The Hive', the University will trade Industrial Economics for Doctrine: Mobility and the Hive commlink.
              - The PEACE will trade Doctrine: Flexibility in exchange for another University tech (to be negotiated).
              - The University and the PEACE will trade maps, with the University possibly throwing in some ECs or another tech as well.

              Does that sound acceptable to you, or is there anything you would like revised?
              You don't get to 300 losses without being a pretty exceptional goaltender.-- Ben Kenobi speaking of Roberto Luongo


              • #22
                Maybe the PUT would accept Doc. Mob and Miriam's Commlink for Ind Econ.

                In my view Doc Flex is still not up for trade. Our maps are definitely not for exchange yet.
                On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation


                • #23
                  Just popping in to note that the PUT ( normally quite diligent) are taking longer to send on the turn (by their terms). So I presume they are in discussions with another faction.

                  Just thought I'd share that.
                  On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation


                  • #24
                    New message from the PUT responding to my general offer of friendship


                    Honored Ambassador Flubber,

                    I thank you for your gracious message. The University of Technology has fond memories of our past exchange with the PEACE, and hopes that this trend will continue in the future.

                    I have spoken with the faculty in the last two days. They have requested that I propose the following transaction:

                    We are very interested in receiving the commlink frequency for the Cybernetic Consciousness. We are also interested in the Doctrine of Flexibility, which allows the construction of seagoing vessels. In return, we would offer our files on Ethical Calculus and a sizable sum of energy credits to cover your expenses.

                    Would PEACE be interested in this exchange?


                    Ambassador Sunrise

                    You don't get to 300 losses without being a pretty exceptional goaltender.-- Ben Kenobi speaking of Roberto Luongo


                    • #25
                      Nobody responded here so I sent the PUT a message indicating that we see commlinks as very valuable and are reticent to sell but we might condsider a " considerable" number of energy credits.

                      I also rejected ethical calc, telling them we would soon acquire it by other means and asked if they could offer some other techs in trade.

                      I hated mentioning getting eth calc but they all know we met the cycon. PLus I needed a good reason to reject what looks to be a decent deal . I asked for Gene splicing or another offer-- Hopefully what they tell us will give us a little more info on them.

                      I hope to essentially stall them for a bit longer but we should trade them flex sooner or later or they might run into the AI and get it that way.
                      You don't get to 300 losses without being a pretty exceptional goaltender.-- Ben Kenobi speaking of Roberto Luongo


                      • #26
                        I thought that was discussed somewhere else, perhaps in the Doc:Flex thread - we need a cross reference system or else fewer overlapping threads (easy to say, anyway).


                        • #27
                          The PUT currently have the turn. Are they holding it, awaiting an agreement from us for an immediate trade; I hope not.

                          An interesting thing as you are aware, trading Doc:Flex for Ethical Calc with the PUT in a few years gets us that tech, earlier than with the Cycon.

                          I wonder if the PUT, because of our brief visits to their territorial waters, think we are to their south. So when they get with Doc: Flex they might explore North, West or East.

                          We guess they have met the Drones but we won't know until we ourselves contact the Drones. Interesting times (and dangerous, in the sense of losing our near monopoly) for us traders.
                          On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation


                          • #28
                            If we are more interested in getting EthicalCalc than we are in delaying the proliferation of Doc:Flex, then we could make the EthicalCalc for Doc:Flex trade with the PUT. It's too bad that Ambas'dor Flubber is so specific about EthicalCalc in his discussions with the Cycon because we might be able to get them to research NonLinear (or HiEnergyChem) instead. Of course, the same may apply to the PUT, but somehow I get the impression that they either already have EthicalCalc or are in the process of researching it.

                            I don't know who is going to research those military techs, and whoever does may consider us their potential enemy and be reluctant to trade them casually.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by johndmuller
                              It's too bad that Ambas'dor Flubber is so specific about EthicalCalc in his discussions with the Cycon because we might be able to get them to research NonLinear (or HiEnergyChem) instead.

                              I don't know who is going to research those military techs, and whoever does may consider us their potential enemy and be reluctant to trade them casually.
                              Hmm I thought we wanted ethical calc so we would be on line for GS and restrictions lifting-- I know they are the techs I most want if there is no immediate military threat. If you want, I can accept the deal with the PUT and tell the Cycon that they need to provide us with 2 techs.

                              I also did think that slowing the proliferation of DOC flex was a goal of ours. Thats why I was tending to stall the trades now without appearing to be stalling.
                              You don't get to 300 losses without being a pretty exceptional goaltender.-- Ben Kenobi speaking of Roberto Luongo


                              • #30
                                No doubt we do want Ethical Calc, but I've seen a fair amount of interest in NonLinear and also HEC. You seem to have been feeling out the PUT on Gene Splicing and we know, I think, that they have Ethical Calc already, so if they don't have GS or anything more desirable than Ethical Calc, then it might make sense to get it from them and try to work with the Cycons to get something else, since we know what their choices will be after Doc:Flex, whether they get it from us or from the AI. They would be Doc: Initiative, Ethical Calculus, Polymorphic SWare, NonLinear Math, High Energy Chemistry and Doc: Loyalty.

                                The matter of whether or not they would accept our guidance on going for NonLinear or HEC instead of EthicalCalc is problematic, I would imagine, as they probably would want that for themselves, requiring yet another deal - and they are such a delight to negotiate with. Getting both Ethical Calc and one of the others from the Borg also will take a considerable time, their recent claim of 5 years for the next tech notwithstanding (versus the 8 it said when I looked in the latest turn; that is also interesting - and they haven't even gotten the turn yet as of this moment, so it is still 8 in the game, it is 5 only in their negotiations).

                                So, since the Cycon are still acting like &^%$es, I don't feel real obliged to do our prime shopping in their store.

