As advertised, here is the vote on our proposed Pact with the CyCon. As I see it, the Pact would not start out being a "Permanent" Pact-to-the-Bitter-End sort of thing (but could become that later), but would be for some minimum period of time and could be extended or ended without malice at that point. I don't have any particular conditions, but those of you who do, if you put them into this thread, we'll try to incorporate them into the ultimate deal. I suppose that we could also use that Bravenet forum here that Googs setup if we need to hash anything out with them. I plan to inform them that we have a poll going on right after I finish this post.
Just to be a little specific, let's say we agree to Pact through 2150 and renew (or not) every 25 years thereafter, i.e. 2175 ,2200, 2225, etc. The intention is to coordinate research and to trade more or less freely at 1 for 1 regardless of tech level with a minimum of untouchable techs (allowing us to withhold Doc:Flex, but not forever and not much else).
The choices are:[list=1][*]Yes, Pact with the CyCon[*]Nay, No Pact;[*]I'm interested in a Pact, but this proposal sucks, back to the drawing boards.[/list=1]
Just to be a little specific, let's say we agree to Pact through 2150 and renew (or not) every 25 years thereafter, i.e. 2175 ,2200, 2225, etc. The intention is to coordinate research and to trade more or less freely at 1 for 1 regardless of tech level with a minimum of untouchable techs (allowing us to withhold Doc:Flex, but not forever and not much else).
The choices are:[list=1][*]Yes, Pact with the CyCon[*]Nay, No Pact;[*]I'm interested in a Pact, but this proposal sucks, back to the drawing boards.[/list=1]