The CyCon formallyl offered us a PACT in the in-game trading/dialog window and have posted the following proposal on the Bravenet Forum:
I suppose that we need time to think about it and barring an unusual outpouring of quick responses, I imaine that I will tell them something positive, but delaying.
Meanwhile, assuming that we are probably going to go through with this eventually, we should think about any terms we might want to institutionalize or be on record for, as well as whatever other elements we want to pre-negotiate.
Date: 07/1/03 10:41:52 AM
Name: Drogue
Subject: Pact Discussion
Firstly I would like to thank PEACE, and in particular Flubber for the eventual happy outcome of our discussions. Flubber said that the poll on the PEACE forum about a pact was looking favourable last time we spoke, and I would like to enquire if this is the case, and if so, whether PEACE would like to formalise our friendship and declare ourselves Pact Brothers?
I would also like to discuss details. Obviously anything going further than the in-game effects would have to be ratified by both people, however if in discussion we can come to personal agreement over terms, possibly in a contract, that we could put to our citizens to ratify. I believe that corroborating over what techs to research, so that we can trade, would be logical and mutually beneficial. We have a long term basic science plan, just as an overview to see where we are going, which on signing a pact we would be able to share. However it is quite obvious what the "core" techs that we wish to aim for. I believe Ind Auto and Gene Splic are 2 of the first to aim for, as well as probably Doc Initiative and Non Math/Synth Foss Fuels. This could be discussed so that we both get our aims. I would favour a system whereby all techs are traded, one for one, regardless of level, and as few as possible (possibly none) are deemed to important to trade. Importantly, I think we need to progress ASAP to Pre-Sentient Algorithms, to stop the PUT getting the Hunter Seeker Algorithm, rendering their -40% probe penalty (Knowledge+Faction) a non-issue.
Looking at this, not only would it be logical to agree on which techs to research, it would also be logical to look at which SPs each wishes to build. For example, we could play to strengths and have PEACE build the Maritime Control Centre while the CyCon get the Supercolider, or we could do the opposite, to mean that the alliance get's almost complete sea domination and great tech.
These are just a couple of ideas of how it could work with regards to SPs and techs. We could also put forward a system where loans can be offered where more beneficial (for instance to prevent another faction building an SP). We could even have a system whereby techs or money are traded for units. For example, if the CyCon wanted a ship to attack another faction, they might be able to offer a tech for a ship.
Personally I am open to all these ideas, and many of them would be things that would be worked out once the Pact is there and trading is under way. However I wanted to start to discuss what is and is not a good idea, and most importantly, if we can get a Pact signed. Whatever else, I see the Pact as being as long term as possible (co-op victory is on isn't it?) as that is of mutual benefit, and by far the best opportunity we have of winning this game. "Seperate we are flawed and weak, but together we will become masters of our own destiny!" (adapted from American Pie
- Prime Function Drogue Beta-8
PS. This is probably a better place to discuss diplomacy, since all our factions can read it, but if PMs are nbeeded, either send them to myself as Prime Function or to DBTS as Foreign Affairs (name to be confirmed) Although he is not as active ATM.
Name: Drogue
Subject: Pact Discussion
Firstly I would like to thank PEACE, and in particular Flubber for the eventual happy outcome of our discussions. Flubber said that the poll on the PEACE forum about a pact was looking favourable last time we spoke, and I would like to enquire if this is the case, and if so, whether PEACE would like to formalise our friendship and declare ourselves Pact Brothers?
I would also like to discuss details. Obviously anything going further than the in-game effects would have to be ratified by both people, however if in discussion we can come to personal agreement over terms, possibly in a contract, that we could put to our citizens to ratify. I believe that corroborating over what techs to research, so that we can trade, would be logical and mutually beneficial. We have a long term basic science plan, just as an overview to see where we are going, which on signing a pact we would be able to share. However it is quite obvious what the "core" techs that we wish to aim for. I believe Ind Auto and Gene Splic are 2 of the first to aim for, as well as probably Doc Initiative and Non Math/Synth Foss Fuels. This could be discussed so that we both get our aims. I would favour a system whereby all techs are traded, one for one, regardless of level, and as few as possible (possibly none) are deemed to important to trade. Importantly, I think we need to progress ASAP to Pre-Sentient Algorithms, to stop the PUT getting the Hunter Seeker Algorithm, rendering their -40% probe penalty (Knowledge+Faction) a non-issue.
Looking at this, not only would it be logical to agree on which techs to research, it would also be logical to look at which SPs each wishes to build. For example, we could play to strengths and have PEACE build the Maritime Control Centre while the CyCon get the Supercolider, or we could do the opposite, to mean that the alliance get's almost complete sea domination and great tech.
These are just a couple of ideas of how it could work with regards to SPs and techs. We could also put forward a system where loans can be offered where more beneficial (for instance to prevent another faction building an SP). We could even have a system whereby techs or money are traded for units. For example, if the CyCon wanted a ship to attack another faction, they might be able to offer a tech for a ship.
Personally I am open to all these ideas, and many of them would be things that would be worked out once the Pact is there and trading is under way. However I wanted to start to discuss what is and is not a good idea, and most importantly, if we can get a Pact signed. Whatever else, I see the Pact as being as long term as possible (co-op victory is on isn't it?) as that is of mutual benefit, and by far the best opportunity we have of winning this game. "Seperate we are flawed and weak, but together we will become masters of our own destiny!" (adapted from American Pie

- Prime Function Drogue Beta-8
PS. This is probably a better place to discuss diplomacy, since all our factions can read it, but if PMs are nbeeded, either send them to myself as Prime Function or to DBTS as Foreign Affairs (name to be confirmed) Although he is not as active ATM.
Meanwhile, assuming that we are probably going to go through with this eventually, we should think about any terms we might want to institutionalize or be on record for, as well as whatever other elements we want to pre-negotiate.