I think that an interesting approach to this would be to have public decision-making for factions representing open "Democratic" societies and secret decision-making for factions representing closed "Totalitarian" societies. In other words, open societies would use threads to hash out their policies and moves, etc, while the closed societies would make their decisions in private and put whatever propaganda they wanted in the threads.
The category for each society could either be predetermined (like the Hive = Totalitarian and the Peacekeepers = Democratic) or it could depend on SE settings (If PoliceState, then secrecy OK; if Democracy, then openness required; if FreeMarket, economic matters are public; if Planned, then economic matters secret; Power=Military Secrecy; Wealth=Econ Secrecy; Knowledge=??; etc).
As to the particular teams, I guess I'd favor those with the more obvious ideologies, like the Hive, if we are to go this way. I suppose that Brother Lal would have a Democratic faction and Miriam another totalitarian one. After that the original 7 are probably a little gray, but Morgan is probably a democrat and while the rest could go either way, I would put Santi and Dierdra in the Demo category and Zak in the totalitarian mode. I don't have as clear an image with respect to the SMAX new factions, but if we went the SE route it wouldn't matter.
The category for each society could either be predetermined (like the Hive = Totalitarian and the Peacekeepers = Democratic) or it could depend on SE settings (If PoliceState, then secrecy OK; if Democracy, then openness required; if FreeMarket, economic matters are public; if Planned, then economic matters secret; Power=Military Secrecy; Wealth=Econ Secrecy; Knowledge=??; etc).
As to the particular teams, I guess I'd favor those with the more obvious ideologies, like the Hive, if we are to go this way. I suppose that Brother Lal would have a Democratic faction and Miriam another totalitarian one. After that the original 7 are probably a little gray, but Morgan is probably a democrat and while the rest could go either way, I would put Santi and Dierdra in the Demo category and Zak in the totalitarian mode. I don't have as clear an image with respect to the SMAX new factions, but if we went the SE route it wouldn't matter.