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CNN Issue 16 - VICTORY SPECIAL (warning - eight large images inside)

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  • CNN Issue 16 - VICTORY SPECIAL (warning - eight large images inside)

    Chironian News Network Issue 16 – VICTORY SPECIAL

    Victory Though Unity – Diplomatic Victory Achieved
    By GeneralTacticus

    In an announcement that has been eagerly awaited for years of game time and weeks of real time, the Commissioner’s office disclosed yesterday that the United Nations, in spite of unanimous opposition from the other factions, had been appointed as leaders of a new united humanity. The last resolution passed by the Planetary Council before it’s dissolution handed overall power over all factions to Commissioner DeathByTheSword of the UN, with Acting Commissioner and Alpha Talent GeneralTacticus as his deputy. Given that DBTS had been AWOL for some time prior to this and has still not been found, GeneralTacticus has been left with essentially unchallenged power. Asked what he planned to do with it, he replied “Classified.” Plans for the majority of factional leaders who had opposed and fought against the UN remain undisclosed, but will probably involve war crimes tribunals for Yang and his subordinates. Plans for the others are unknown.

    Screenshots of the victory process:

    Final Push Against Hive Before Victory
    By GeneralTacticus

    Just short time before Alpha Talent GeneralTacticus and DFA Hercules convened the Planetary Council for the very last time, UN troops under the personal direction of the Alpha Talent launched a major push into Hive territory, seizing three bases form the Hive and leaving the countryside littered with the wreckage of destroyed Hive tanks and jets. Much of Yang’s remaining air force was utterly pulverised, along with a large number of infantry, and the hovertanks that first entered The Leader’s Horde, The Hive and Labourer’s Throng to raise the UN flag did so effectively unopposed. Word from those bases before the victory celebrations started was that UN forces had successfully restored order in an area of the Hive notorious for rioting by it’s impoverished majority, and were attempting to begin integrating the bases into the UN political and economic system. Asked to estimate when the integration process will be complete, local Governors said it was too early to tell, but ti could take up to fifty years or more.

    Bunnies, Schoolgirls, and Xenobrew – Party of a Lifetime
    By Kassiopeia

    After taking a few anti-hangover pills, I managed to get myself up from my lovely bed to tell you about the directorate meeting that lead us to supreme leadership and the party that followed soon afterwards.

    In the evening, rather late already on my timezone, we had gathered to #smacdg. The people present were Alpha Talent and acting-commissioner GeneralTacticus, the Director of Science Kassiopeia, the Director of Foreign Affairs Hercules, and citizen ColdWizard. TKG, the Director of Internal Affairs, dropped by but had to leave soon on an urgent matter.

    At the beginning of the chat, we decided unanimously to follow Maniac's earlier proposal of basically tossing the current orderset and just concentrating on the decided-upon form of victory, namely, planetary leadership. ColdWizard and I whipped our calculators out, and every now and then GT would tally up the numbers for counting. Tension rose as the numbers climbed up: 70%, 71.875%...

    I myself rather enjoyed the way we played the game. GT would concentrate on playing and giving us heads-up information every now and then. I would scour some orders he wanted to follow for him, and decided on research goals. I strayed a bit from the polled path since I wanted us to get as much Secret Projects as possible.

    Later on we got some grief over Morgan who wanted a pact - the wording regarding co-operative victory in the manual was a bit ambivalent, so we just turned him down and continued on our sprint for supreme leadership.

    Finally, we were getting very, very close. Some bases were taken from the Hive, which increased our vote base somewhat. Then, year 2285 was complete. The calculations showed that we held a bit over 75 percent of the total votes in the Planetary Council. We took one more turn to make sure, and to complete a few SPs, and finally, we were there. Cheers and dancing broke out as we retitled ourselves to acting supreme leader, supreme science director and whatnot.

    After the election, we decreed upon certain aspects of the celebrations. GT ordered several thousands of crates of Xenobrew, a week-long planetary holiday was declared, and the Rec Commons are still having a happy hour. Even the green bouncy things joined us in the party; at least I think they did, but I was too dr... er, happy, to recall.

    However, now, you must excuse me. I don't remember much of last might, but I just noticed that there is a discarded schoolgirl uniform on the floor...

    The First Apolyton SMAC Democracy Game: September 3rd 2002 - April 19th 2003
    By Kassiopeia

    After a bit over eight months, 186 turns, and over 830 threads with over 21500 posts in them, the first ACDG is finally completed.

    On this moment of triumph, it is good to take a little look back to the past and tally up the progress of the game. The first turn was played by Alpha Talent Darkness' Edge in September 3rd, after about a month of discussion - the forum was created on August 5th.

    The first Commissioner was the enigmatic Crisler, who has been absent ever since. After him, we have had three different Commissioners. GeneralTacticus and DeathByTheSword are the leading figures of the game, Tacticus was Commissioner for three terms in a row, and DBTS was Commissioner for three terms as well.

    Tacticus was also either AT, Commissioner or a Director on every single term: His wide resume includes the chairs of Director of Peacekeeping Operations, Director of Foreign Affairs and several terms of Governorhood. Fittingly, Tacticus was also the acting commissioner as the game was finished in MY 2286 (April 19th 2003).

    Let us return to the very first steps of the game. Some might raise an eyebrow at the notion that in the initial discussions, Kassiopeia was suggested for the position of Commissioner, as his large postcount hinted - at least to Maniac, or M@ni@c back then - that he is an active poster with "free time". In the end, Kassiopeia was Director for only the first and last terms, I and VIII, holding first the chair of Director of Social Engineering and then Director of Science. He posted only one single official poll during the DG, and focused more on spending his time in the Recreation Commons and being a member of the UN court.

    TKG was also a noteworthy person, not only for being a pain in the neck and getting banned while in office, but since most of the following tables of statistics were compiled with the help of his brain child, the very helpful ACDG Directory (which he did fail to update after his (un)fortunate and rather lengthy ban). TKG also served as Governor, Director of Science and Director of Internal Affairs. His crazy experiments are rumoured to have caused the GMTLFITRCBR (green mysterious tentacled life form in the rec commons bath room. pronounced guhm-TEL-fit-RICK-ber) invasion.

    Lemmy, Director of Exploration and Intelligence for three consecutive terms and Alpha Talent for a few terms, was notorious in his attempts to become even (slightly) evil and get locked up in jail.

    Charges against Lemmy were:

    1 Serial murder (sample exhibits, Tacticalmarine, juliennew)
    2 Non grand theft microkred
    3 Grand Theft xenobrew
    4 Being evil
    5 witchcraft
    6 vampirism
    7 Leaving the scene of a crime
    8 Use of horrendously bad humour while on duty

    And one must not forget the factor Archaic brought in. Some of you might not like him, but as far as I'm concerned he was a very good and skillful addition to the game.

    Also, some memorable quotes from The Rec Commons Part 2, which is hereby given the well-deserved title of "The funniest and most legendary thread of the ACDG":

    "Kass and TKG after seeing who posted how many times here....i must say havent got anything better to do?" -- DeathByTheSword

    "I would contend that the recent manifestations of Kass as furniture and as a chandelier is yet more evidence of Lemmy dabblings in witchcraft. " -- Hercules in Lemmy's trial

    "cant we get a restraining order for lemmy that forbids him for going to Jail?" -- DeathByTheSword

    "Maniac should really do something about the restroom. I think the green thing growing behind the urinals that I saw three weeks ago is going to reach sentience and try to overthrow Mankind soon." -- Kassiopeia

    "you know i had a weird dream this night, nightmare actually, i dreamt that TKG became a mod on Apolyton" -- Lemmy

    Personally, I would like to express my thanks to all of you guys (and girls) who participated in this democracy game. I myself made a great deal of new chums during this game, had a damn good time and don't regret having time invested in this game - not that I should be saying that, since my participation pales in comparison to what most of you have done. It has been a great eight months and an honour to work with you. "And to all the children... Congratulations!"

    Here are the Term governments:

    Term I

    Commissioner: Crisler

    Alpha Talent: Darkness' Edge
    Director of Science: TKG
    Director of Exploration and Intelligence: Lemmy
    Director of Base Production: MrWhereItsAt
    Director of Industry and Energy: Vlad Antlerkov
    Director of Terraformation and Colonization: Pandemoniak
    Director of Peacekeeping Operations: GeneralTacticus
    Director of Foreign Affairs: Anodyne
    Director of Social Engineering: Kassiopeia

    Term II

    Commissioner: DeathByTheSword

    Alpha Talent: Diablero (was impeached, replaced by MrWhereItsAt)
    Director of Science: TKG
    Director of Exploration and Intelligence: Lemmy
    Director of Base Production: Makahlua
    Director of Industry and Energy: Maniac
    Director of Terraformation and Colonization: Pandemoniak
    Director of Peacekeeping Operations: Darkness' Edge
    Director of Foreign Affairs: GeneralTacticus
    Director of Social Engineering: Abstain (MrWhereItsAt elected in new election)

    Term III:

    Commissioner: DeathByTheSword

    Alpha Talent: Joeno
    Director of Science: TKG
    Director of Exploration and Intelligence: Lemmy
    Director of Base Production: Makahlua
    Director of Industry and Energy: dmm1285
    Director of Terraformation and Colonization: Maniac
    Director of Foreign Affairs: GeneralTacticus
    Director of Peacekeeping Operations: Darkness' Edge
    Director of Social Engineering: AdamTG02

    Term IV:

    Commissioner: Darkness' Edge

    Alpha Talent: Lemmy
    Director of Science: AdamTG02
    Director of Exploration and Intelligence: Drogue
    Director of Internal Affairs: TKG
    Director of Foreign Affairs: GeneralTacticus
    Director of Peacekeeping Operations: DeathByTheSword
    Director of Social Engineering: Archaic
    Governors (replaced DBP): Maniac, DeathByTheSword, Voltaire, GeneralTacticus

    Term V:

    Commissioner: GeneralTacticus

    Alpha Talent: Lemmy
    Director of Science: Voltaire
    Director of Exploration and Intelligence: Drogue
    Director of Internal Affairs: TKG
    Director of Foreign Affairs: AdamTG02
    Director of Peacekeeping Operations: Hercules
    Director of Social Engineering: Pandemoniak
    Governors: Drogue, GeneralTacticus, Maniac, Voltaire, DeathByTheSword

    Term VI:

    Commissioner: GeneralTacticus

    Alpha Talent: Maniac
    Director of Science: AdamTG02
    Director of Exploration and Intelligence: Vultur
    Director of Internal Affairs: TKG
    Director of Foreign Affairs: Voltaire
    Director of Peacekeeping Operations: Hercules
    Director of Social Engineering: Pandemoniak
    Governors: GeneralTacticus, Maniac, TKG, Voltaire, Cedayon

    Term VII:

    Commissioner: GeneralTacticus

    Alpha Talent: Maniac
    Director of Science: War of Art
    Director of Internal Affairs: Cedayon
    Director of Peacekeeping Operations: MrWhereItsAt
    Director of Foreign Affairs: Hercules
    Director of Social Engineering: Lemmy
    Governors: Archaic, Cedayon, TKG, Voltaire, Hercules, lucky22

    Director of Exploration and Intelligence merged to DPO

    Term VIII:

    Commissioner: DeathByTheSword

    Alpha Talent: GeneralTacticus
    Director of Science: Kassiopeia
    Director of Internal Affairs: TKG
    Director of Peacekeeping Operations: Drogue
    Director of Foreign Affairs: Hercules
    Director of Social Engineering: Archaic
    Governors: GeneralTacticus, Hercules, TKG, Drogue, Lucky

    First turn played: September 3rd 2002 (GMT)
    Last turn played: April 19th 2003 (GMT)
    Last edited by GeneralTacticus; April 20, 2003, 09:35.

  • #2
    Great issue! Also, may I bring into memory another memorable statement:

    Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
    Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


    • #3
      Um... Is it just me or wasn't DBTS Commissioner at the end? Hence, although he won us the game, Commissioner Tacticus may not be entirely true Byw what the hey, well done GT, a great achievement
      For though he was master of the world, he was not quite sure what to do next
      But he would think of something

      "Hm. I suppose I should get my waffle a santa hat." - Kuciwalker


      • #4
        yeah maniac, that's a classic. i tried to get markos to put it in the "here's something to think about while you wait" rotation


        • #5
          Good thing you added that Maniac, it wasn't in the Rec Commons 2 thread so I didn't recall it. Sorry.

          Some commentary:

          I omitted mentioning the parties, by accident though. Maybe I just wanted to forget about the whole sordid affair. Also, I didn't concentrate on the latest faces of the DG, since my purpose was to focus on the days of yore when we had people like Crisler and Darkness' Edge aboard. To freshen our memories, so to speak. I really recommend reading some of the early threads from August and September 2002.
          Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


          • #6
            No mention of Judges either, when talking about positions. Just a few thoughts. I don't mean to be critical, well done all
            For though he was master of the world, he was not quite sure what to do next
            But he would think of something

            "Hm. I suppose I should get my waffle a santa hat." - Kuciwalker


            • #7
              I omitted the Justices since I would have had to dig up threads in order to find who was elected when. TKG's directory is a bit failing in this respect. And Justices weren't included in the "term X government" threads until very lately, so getting the info would have required more time than what I had.
              Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


              • #8
                uhm, no. i have all the justice elections right there with all the other ones


                • #9
                  Great issue. Glad I was there at the end.

                  So many memories. Must mention STEP. There mentioned.
                  On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation


                  • #10
                    What Avatars were we all using at the start (after getting 250 posts)? I don't remember most, although GT's the only one I know who still has the same.
                    For though he was master of the world, he was not quite sure what to do next
                    But he would think of something

                    "Hm. I suppose I should get my waffle a santa hat." - Kuciwalker


                    • #11
                      avatars, you say? let me see...before 500, i was pirates logo, then that neural grafting head with the computer...then the soup nazi () then this. i think DBTS has used the same one for quite a while.


                      • #12
                        Um... Is it just me or wasn't DBTS Commissioner at the end? Hence, although he won us the game, Commissioner Tacticus may not be entirely true
                        I know, I really should have changed it to 'Alpha Talent/Acting Commissioner' Tacticus, but I forgot. Who cares anyway?


                        • #13
                          Exactly, I don't care, just wanted to make sure I didn't have the wrong commissioner
                          For though he was master of the world, he was not quite sure what to do next
                          But he would think of something

                          "Hm. I suppose I should get my waffle a santa hat." - Kuciwalker


                          • #14
                            damn! computer down for 2 weeks and what do you guys without me! but anyways.... and I want to express my thanx to all who posted in the forum and gave their free time to play the turns....up to the next DG!
                            Welcome to the DBTSverse!
                            God, Allah, boedha, siva, the stars, tealeaves and the palm of you hand. If you are so desperately looking for something to believe in GO FIND A MIRROR
                            'Space05us is just a stupid nice guy' - Space05us


                            • #15
                              DBTS! DBTS! DBTS!
                              Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!

