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Plea from the outgoing Director of Peacekeeping Ops

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  • Plea from the outgoing Director of Peacekeeping Ops

    We are hoping to attack the Hive one day an free their citizens. For this we have assembled a fair number of Choppers in UNSG (8). The plan was for about 15, but this number is tolerable. HOWEVER, we will need the ground troops to take their bases. There are two transports in Egregion and a AAA Cruiser around to escort them, but at present we have:
    AAA Missile Squad 2
    Chaos Speeder 1
    Fusion AAA Infantry 2
    Probe Teams 2

    This totals Only 4 possible defense units, enough for at most 2 - 4 bases. I have no idea what we want the Probe teams for.

    Governors - we need more troops, most particularly Fusion AAA Infantry and AAA Gatling Squads. Hovertanks would be nice, but most of our attacks will be from the air, and we only need defensive troops on the ground.

    My blanket plea to all Governors is to supply troops and to do so quickly. These troops will move to the peace-distribution base of Egregion where they will rehome and not cause your regions any happiness problems. Thus they will only slow down your builds by a few turns at most if most bases comtribute. Some have contributed, most have not.

    I ask for the following in order to fill the transports we have before commencing the attack on the Hive proper"

    3-5 more Clean Choppers (Fusion at least)
    5-6 more AAA Gatling or other 1-4-1 or 1-5-1 units.
    3-4 Fusion or Shard Hovertanks or Speeders

    Thank you.

    Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!

  • #2
    MWIA: As the most probably incoming DPO (shouldn't the polls have finished? IIRC it is ~3 days 2 hours since they started ) I will put your plan to the governors and the people, but as you may know, I stood on a platform of having a relatively small military. I will have a look at the save, see what we are up against, and what is needed, and come up with a few plans to put to the people. I think a few more defensive units will be a good idea, as making sure we keep bases we take is a big priority.

    The Probe Teams are for removing air defenses that are hampering our 'copters.

    To all Governors: How do you feel about spending time helpign the military? I know we have a big push at the moment for SPs, and crawlers to help, but how much do you think you could contribute?
    For though he was master of the world, he was not quite sure what to do next
    But he would think of something

    "Hm. I suppose I should get my waffle a santa hat." - Kuciwalker

