Due to time constraints, I was unable to get as many turns done as I hoped, but this was not a great problem.
Main Events:
1) We built the Cyborg Factory in DEM.
2) We managed to eliminate the worms without difficulty.
3) We got Monopole Magnets, and built a faction-wide magtube network.
4) We also devleoped Unified Field theory (sadly, Advanced Spaceflight wasn't avaialble at the time), and ar enow researching AS.
5) We got Nanominituarization from an Alien Artefact.
6) Egregion is now a fully specialist base.
7) We built more than a dozen offenseive choppers for use against the Hive.
8) We managed to destroy a number of Hive units with said choppers, including a transport & the rover it had on board, along with 8 other units and a former.
9) Unfortunately, Lady Deirdre of teh Gaians declared war on us, which meant that we lost her commerce (which was a good bit of money).
Main Events:
1) We built the Cyborg Factory in DEM.
2) We managed to eliminate the worms without difficulty.
3) We got Monopole Magnets, and built a faction-wide magtube network.
4) We also devleoped Unified Field theory (sadly, Advanced Spaceflight wasn't avaialble at the time), and ar enow researching AS.
5) We got Nanominituarization from an Alien Artefact.
6) Egregion is now a fully specialist base.
7) We built more than a dozen offenseive choppers for use against the Hive.
8) We managed to destroy a number of Hive units with said choppers, including a transport & the rover it had on board, along with 8 other units and a former.
9) Unfortunately, Lady Deirdre of teh Gaians declared war on us, which meant that we lost her commerce (which was a good bit of money).