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Turn Report 2271-2277

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  • Turn Report 2271-2277

    Due to time constraints, I was unable to get as many turns done as I hoped, but this was not a great problem.

    Main Events:

    1) We built the Cyborg Factory in DEM.

    2) We managed to eliminate the worms without difficulty.

    3) We got Monopole Magnets, and built a faction-wide magtube network.

    4) We also devleoped Unified Field theory (sadly, Advanced Spaceflight wasn't avaialble at the time), and ar enow researching AS.

    5) We got Nanominituarization from an Alien Artefact.

    6) Egregion is now a fully specialist base.

    7) We built more than a dozen offenseive choppers for use against the Hive.

    8) We managed to destroy a number of Hive units with said choppers, including a transport & the rover it had on board, along with 8 other units and a former.

    9) Unfortunately, Lady Deirdre of teh Gaians declared war on us, which meant that we lost her commerce (which was a good bit of money).
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Start of #smacdg buffer: Sat Mar 15 22:32:49 2003
    [16:31] * GT^Commish|sleep is now known as GT^Commish
    [16:36] * Method has joined #smacdg
    [16:36] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Method
    [16:36] [GT^Commish] ey TKG
    [16:36] [Method] hey
    [16:36] [Method] just sent you my revised orders
    [16:36] [Method] the non-land-raising ones
    [16:37] [GT^Commish] Do they replace all the orders, or just some of them?
    [16:37] [Method] .....all of them
    [16:37] [Method] except the mag tube ones
    [16:38] [GT^Commish] Right.
    [16:46] [Cedayon|AFK] *is actually in the room, just playing games until folks get
    [16:57] * Method sets mode: +o GT^Commish
    [16:57] * ChanServ sets mode: -o Method
    [17:00] [GT^Commish] Okay, we stil need to know what MWIA wants in a few areas.
    [17:00] [Cedayon|AFK] specifically?
    [17:00] [GT^Commish] Aurora.
    [17:00] [Cedayon|AFK] an empath rover that'll finish in 1 turn, most likely
    [17:01] * Maniac-AT has joined #smacdg
    [17:01] [GT^Commish] ey Maniac.
    [17:01] * Cedayon|AFK is now known as Cedayon^DIA^JVGov
    [17:01] [Maniac-AT] Hi.
    [17:01] [Cedayon^DIA^JVGov] Hey Maniac
    [17:01] * Method is now known as Method|Evil
    [17:02] [Cedayon^DIA^JVGov] how appropriate
    [17:02] [Method|Evil] indeed.
    [17:02] [Cedayon^DIA^JVGov] it's 2155 or so GMT, right?
    [17:03] [GT^Commish] Right.
    [17:03] [Maniac-AT] Will we please start as GT is here anyway? The sooner we start,
    the sooner we can end.
    [17:03] [Cedayon^DIA^JVGov] I figure he's already been doing orders for a few
    [17:03] [Maniac-AT] Wonderful.
    [17:04] [Method|Evil]
    [17:04] * Method|Evil is now known as Method
    [17:04] [Cedayon^DIA^JVGov] don't want that logged, eh?
    [17:05] [Method] no, i was trying to change the mode lock through chanserv :P
    [17:05] * Method is now known as Method|Evil
    [17:06] [Method|Evil] just to keep unwanted visitors out this time, i've set the
    channel to secret and banned Trip
    [17:06] [Cedayon^DIA^JVGov] *lol*
    [17:06] [Method|Evil] er, no i havn't... odd.
    [17:07] [Cedayon^DIA^JVGov] perhaps your "ban Trip" button isn't working right
    [17:07] * Method|Evil is now known as Method
    [17:07] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Method
    [17:07] * Method sets mode: +b Trip!
    [17:07] * Method is now known as Method|Evil
    [17:08] [Cedayon^DIA^JVGov] I hear most "Panel of Evil Buttons" models come with a
    3-attempts-at-world-domination warantee, if you need any maintenence done
    [17:08] [GT^Commish] Dammit, I need to find a way to make the orders more concise.
    [17:08] [Method|Evil]
    [17:08] [GT^Commish] It was virtually impossible to staple the sheets together.
    [17:08] [Maniac-AT] How much pages do you have? I ten last time.
    [17:08] [Method|Evil] hmph
    [17:09] [Cedayon^DIA^JVGov] I *tried* to keep my order length down
    [17:09] [Method|Evil] 10? ouch.
    [17:09] [GT^Commish] 16.
    [17:09] [Maniac-AT] My my.
    [17:09] * Method|Evil realises his former orders probably take up a whole page
    [17:09] [Cedayon^DIA^JVGov] who was the big culprit? *glances in TKG's direction*
    [17:09] [Method|Evil] i erm *hem* made each road order individually :Cute:
    [17:09] [Maniac-AT] Akiria 2 pages.
    [17:10] * Method|Evil sets mode: +p
    [17:10] [Cedayon^DIA^JVGov] bad stand-in governor, bad!
    [17:10] [GT^Commish] MWIA's orders helped a bit.
    [17:10] [GT^Commish] They took up more than a page.
    [17:10] [GT^Commish] As did Cedayon's.
    [17:10] [Method|Evil] :P
    [17:10] [Cedayon^DIA^JVGov]
    [17:11] [Method|Evil]
    [17:11] [Cedayon^DIA^JVGov] I'll try to have a more concise version available for
    you in the future
    [17:11] [Cedayon^DIA^JVGov] was it the DIA or JV orders that were worse?
    [17:11] [Maniac-AT] That's hardly possiblez I think if you want to keep things
    [17:12] [GT^Commish] DIA orders.
    [17:12] * Maniac-AT is now known as Maniac-afk
    [17:12] [Cedayon^DIA^JVGov] yea, I was sorta rambling in those, wasn't thinking of
    the line count
    [17:13] [Cedayon^DIA^JVGov] anyway it's a few minutes past 2200, if we haven't
    already started
    [17:13] [Cedayon^DIA^JVGov] *has been logging*
    [17:13] [GT^Commish] -BEGIN CHAT-
    [17:13] [Cedayon^DIA^JVGov]
    [17:16] * Maniac-afk is now known as Maniac-AT
    [17:17] * Cedayon^DIA^JVGov is now known as Cedayon^Overworked
    [17:18] * Cedayon^Overworked is now known as Cedayon
    [17:18] [Cedayon] bah, everyone knows what I do...
    [17:18] [Method|Evil] overworked. :P
    [17:27] [Method|Evil] dum di dum...
    [17:27] * Cedayon is now known as cricket
    [17:27] [cricket] chrip
    [17:27] [cricket] chirp
    [17:28] [cricket] can't even type right for a joke...
    [17:28] * cricket is now known as Cedayon
    [17:28] [Method|Evil] o.O
    [17:29] [GT^Commish] Which unit was meant to be built in Aurora again? Did MWIA say?
    [17:29] [Cedayon] hmm, I think he went with Maniac's suggestion, no?
    [17:29] [Method|Evil] unless it's in his orders i don't know
    [17:30] [Maniac-AT] Don't think so. Let's make it a 2e-1-2 empath clean
    [17:30] [Cedayon] fine with me
    [17:30] [Maniac-AT] without fusion reactor of course
    [17:37] [GT^Commish] TKG: We don't have AS yet, so what shoud I put in the UNPD
    queue in place fo the Shard Chopper?
    [17:37] [GT^Commish] * should
    [17:37] [GT^Commish] * of
    [17:37] [Method|Evil] fusion i guess
    [17:38] [Cedayon] yea, just the highest weapon... when we get shard, please change
    the choppers in the JV queues accordingly
    [17:38] [GT^Commish] Ok.
    [17:38] [Maniac-AT] And the Tassadar rovers.
    [17:38] [Cedayon] no sense having outdated weaponry
    [17:38] [Method|Evil] upgrading through the workshop should do it.
    [17:39] [Cedayon] probably should wait until shard's been prototyped to switch most
    of the production, though, and cover the rest with a workshop upgrade if we have
    the cash
    [17:39] [Cedayon] with that many shard choppers and everything else Yang wont stand
    a chance
    [17:39] [GT^Commish]
    [17:41] [Cedayon] I'm somewhat surprised no one opposed the use of choppers in this
    DG because of how easy they're gonna make this
    [17:41] [Method|Evil] yes, people seem opposed to doing things that would allow us
    to win
    [17:41] [Method|Evil] running FM for example
    [17:41] [GT^Commish] I think it's because there's no possible way to make the link
    between FM and choppers.
    [17:41] [Cedayon] I had the greenies in mind, yep
    [17:42] [GT^Commish] By any stretch fo the imagination.
    [17:42] [GT^Commish] * of
    [17:42] [Maniac-AT] Well, the pilots are min-machine hybrids...
    [17:42] [GT^Commish] Right!
    [17:42] [Maniac-AT] min - ]mind
    [17:42] [Cedayon] *won't mention the contracts he has with several large companies
    to put advertisements in the paintwork of the JV choppers*
    [17:42] [GT^Commish] Let's bail them up the next time they claim we can't lose and
    see if they want us to stop using choppers.
    [17:43] [GT^Commish] Build queue orders done.
    [17:43] [Cedayon] excellent
    [17:43] [Cedayon] rushes?
    [17:43] [GT^Commish] Some.
    [17:43] [GT^Commish] Those that I came across on the way.
    [17:44] [Cedayon] k
    [17:44] [Maniac-AT] Btw, if you all want us to win as efficiently as possible, and
    not be sidetracked for RP reasons, why don't you go for a diplomatic victory??

    [17:44] [Cedayon] I'm not opposing a diplomatic victory
    [17:44] [Maniac-AT] But would you vote in favour?
    [17:44] [GT^Commish] I wouldn't.
    [17:44] [GT^Commish] I'd want us to win by as much as possible.
    [17:44] [GT^Commish] And that means Transcending.
    [17:45] [Cedayon] I would... but no one seems to bring it up, even though I sorta
    hinted that the DFA should do some discussion
    [17:45] [Method|Evil] we can't win by diplo ATM...i caclulated it and i think we
    had something like 68%
    [17:45] [Maniac-AT] Well he isn't around anyway.
    [17:45] [Maniac-AT] Ah that changes it.
    [17:45] [GT^Commish] Yah, it's not possible right now.
    [17:45] [Cedayon] it's not yet possible... well, if people want the game to
    continue, I think it would be somewhat un-cool for it to end because some people
    voted so
    [17:46] [Cedayon] once Yang's crippled, however, this is going to become sim city
    [17:47] [Maniac-AT] True, I doubt I would vote in favour too. I just brought up the
    subject hoping to find a hole in the "use-the-most-efficient-way-for-winning"-tact
    [17:47] [Method|Evil] what happens when we're done? do we start again?
    [17:47] [Maniac-AT] Are enough people interested? That's the question.
    [17:47] [Method|Evil] i would, probably...
    [17:47] [GT^Commish] Yes, quite.
    [17:47] [Method|Evil] just as long as we don't play PK again. *shudder*
    [17:47] [GT^Commish] I'm not actually sure if I'd take part in another ACDG.
    [17:47] [GT^Commish] What's worng with PKs?
    [17:48] [GT^Commish] * wrong
    [17:48] [Method|Evil] all this "ethics" stuff.
    [17:48] [Method|Evil] genejack factories
    [17:48] [Maniac-AT] Let's have some Spartans!
    [17:48] [Cedayon] bah, Uni or Morgan
    [17:49] [Method|Evil] i'd do UoP
    [17:49] [Maniac-AT] But then it would become the same old builder game.
    [17:49] [Method|Evil] perhaps
    [17:49] [Cedayon] indeed... if there's any I'd go for it'd be uni going for fastest
    [17:49] [Method|Evil] what if we did a PBEMish thing like they did with PTW?
    [17:49] [GT^Commish] Not enough people.
    [17:49] [GT^Commish] Not nearly enough.
    [17:49] [Method|Evil] you don't think?
    [17:49] [Maniac-AT] And I would really argue even stronger for a normal-sized map,
    if only to prevent endless expansion and lack of gvoernors.
    [17:49] [GT^Commish] We'd only have 3-4 people per team.
    [17:50] [Method|Evil] what if we played with a few AIs
    [17:50] [Maniac-AT] And everyone in Morgan or UoP.
    [17:50] [Maniac-AT] Anyway, is there a thread somewhere with the rules of PtW?
    [17:51] [GT^Commish] In what sense?
    [17:51] [Method|Evil] my, my, kass has odd conversations...
    [17:51] [Method|Evil] somewhere.
    [17:51] [Method|Evil] i can find it
    [17:51] [Cedayon] has something to do with Kass being very odd
    [17:52] [Method|Evil] not ATM...i've uninstalled my browser
    [17:53] [Maniac-AT] o.0
    [17:53] [GT^Commish] Maniac: When you said to crawl minerals from SESE of Aurora, I
    assume you meant nuts?
    [17:53] [GT^Commish] There's a condesnor there.
    [17:53] [GT^Commish] * condenser
    [17:53] [Maniac-AT] I guess so - I haven't got the game running.
    [17:53] [Cedayon] the one in range of both Twin peaks and Aurora...
    [17:54] [Maniac-AT]
    [17:54] [Cedayon] *built many condensors in that area*
    [17:54] [GT^Commish] And where should the NT trawler go?
    [17:54] [Cedayon] a square where it won't get beached by TKG next chat
    [17:54] [Maniac-AT] I'll look in my orders - wait a minute.
    [17:54] [Method|Evil]
    [17:55] [Maniac-AT] ah - that trawler
    [17:55] [Maniac-AT] Somewhere convoying nutrients??
    [17:55] [GT^Commish] Ok.
    [17:55] [GT^Commish] Plent of places to do that.
    [17:55] [Maniac-AT] I haven't got the slightest idea why that trawler was needed
    [17:55] [GT^Commish] * plenty
    [17:55] * GT^Commish shrugs.
    [17:55] [GT^Commish] It's there, w ehave to do something with it.
    [17:55] [Cedayon] how many more does NT need? and the not-in-base-radius FWS square
    has a kelp farm
    [17:55] [GT^Commish] * we have
    [17:56] [Cedayon] rehome to NA and convoy energy?
    [17:56] [Maniac-AT] NA isn't near the sea.
    [17:56] [Cedayon] bah, details
    [17:56] [Maniac-AT] Consequence of Darkness' Edge first turn.
    [17:56] [Maniac-AT]
    [17:56] [GT^Commish] He was supposed to move it 1 tile E, wasn't he?
    [17:56] [Cedayon] guess it'll have to wait til we have gravship supply units
    [17:57] [Method|Evil] still mad about that? :P
    [17:57] [Maniac-AT] I'm not sure as I can't remember. I just know it was wrong.

    [18:06] * Lemmy has joined #smacdg
    [18:06] [Lemmy] Boo?
    [18:06] [GT^Commish] ey Lemmy.
    [18:06] [Lemmy] ey
    [18:06] [Method|Evil] BOO!
    [18:07] * Maniac-AT pokes Lemmy.
    [18:07] [Cedayon] Ah, good, the concentration of evil in the room was dropping too
    [18:07] [Lemmy] ey, do you have a license to have 'evil' in your name?
    [18:07] [Method|Evil] yes. it came with my Panel of Evil Buttons
    [18:07] [Lemmy] oh cool, you got that to
    [18:07] [GT^Commish] 2271 complete.
    [18:08] [GT^Commish] The worms near Cyclops attacked and were flamed.
    [18:08] [Cedayon] Morgan Industries still holds the patent to the Panel, and to
    Evil, but since the pact was cancelled we're able to be a little more...
    sluggish... in our responses to their legal requests
    [18:08] [Method|Evil]
    [18:08] [Cedayon] haha, the prototype is operational?
    [18:08] [Method|Evil] [img][/img
    [18:08] [GT^Commish] Ok, the worms near Aurora attacked and were killed as well, by
    an interceptor (!)
    [18:09] [Cedayon] whoa, worms aren't having a good day
    [18:09] * Lemmy wonders what his orders were..
    [18:09] [Lemmy] (aka, checking the poll results)
    [18:09] [Cedayon] FM won the poll
    [18:09] [GT^Commish] "I have Sister Miriam on Channel 1. Should w eput ehr through?"
    [18:09] [Method|Evil]
    [18:09] [GT^Commish] * we put here
    [18:09] [GT^Commish] Hello?


    • #3
      [18:09] [Method|Evil] ok, just don't do anything illegal
      [18:09] [Cedayon] is there any harm in it?
      [18:09] [GT^Commish] Not that I can see.
      [18:10] [GT^Commish] We didn't initate it.
      [18:10] [Cedayon] go ahead, I'll just hit you with a gavel if I have to
      "deliberate" because of what happens
      [18:10] [Maniac-AT] She called us, an emergency. We can decide anything we want.

      [18:10] [Lemmy] denying it would be just as bad as accepting
      [18:10] [GT^Commish] She wants 1175 ECs.
      [18:10] [Lemmy] assuming accepting would be bad
      [18:10] [Cedayon] um, no?
      [18:10] [GT^Commish] To hell with her.
      [18:10] * Lemmy seconds that 'no'
      [18:10] * Method|Evil thirds it
      [18:10] [Maniac-AT] fourth
      [18:10] [Maniac-AT] s
      [18:11] [GT^Commish] She responded with one of her usual sermons on the evils of
      [18:11] [Maniac-AT] it
      [18:11] [Method|Evil] right
      [18:11] [Maniac-AT] no truce offer for nothing?
      [18:11] [GT^Commish] Nope.
      [18:11] [Cedayon] I'll have to write her again, she doesn't understand that she's
      talking to a wall
      [18:11] [GT^Commish] btw, that former near TA that was being menaced by worms is
      sitll there.
      [18:11] [Maniac-AT] TA?
      [18:11] [Cedayon] did the worms do anything mischievous?
      [18:11] [Maniac-AT] Tac Ac
      [18:12] [Cedayon] Tacticus Academy
      [18:12] [Method|Evil] TacAC,
      [18:12] [Method|Evil] yes.
      [18:12] [Maniac-AT]
      [18:12] [Cedayon] any catastrophic events yet?
      [18:12] [GT^Commish] I don't think they did anything.
      [18:12] [Maniac-AT] Send the Concordian empath rover due south I'd suggest.
      [18:12] [GT^Commish] And, no, no catastrophies yet.
      [18:12] [GT^Commish] We have an empath rover just built in TacAc.
      [18:13] [Maniac-AT] Even better.
      [18:13] [Cedayon] *gets nervous when nothing bad happens, thinks the game is saving
      [18:13] [GT^Commish] Odds of victory: 235 to 96 in our favour.
      [18:13] [GT^Commish] Standing orders from Term I say we attack.
      [18:13] [Cedayon] go for it
      [18:13] [Cedayon] over 2:1
      [18:14] [GT^Commish] We got 40 ECs out of it.
      [18:14] [Cedayon]
      [18:14] [GT^Commish] However, the rover took 50% damage.
      [18:14] [Cedayon] hmm, annoying, but repairable... or are there more hostiles in
      [18:14] [GT^Commish] There's another worm enarby.
      [18:15] [GT^Commish] * nearby
      [18:15] [GT^Commish] But not within attack range.
      [18:15] [GT^Commish] Can I rush the empath rover being built in Antioch for160 ECs?
      [18:15] [Cedayon] hmm, divert another empath rover to be able to flame it without
      trouble? or wait until the TacAc one is repaired?
      [18:15] [Cedayon] what's our current reserve?
      [18:15] [Method|Evil] i wonder if i can convince MWIA to let me drive the ACS Pizza
      [18:16] [GT^Commish] Current reserves: 3030 ECs.
      [18:16] [Cedayon] it'll likely be shelling hive territory on the maiden voyage,
      feel free to hop on... and ok to the rover rush in Antioch
      [18:22] [GT^Commish] Did Voltaire submit any plans for a magtube network in Twin
      [18:22] [Method|Evil] nope
      [18:22] [GT^Commish] I guess I'll ahve to do it for him then.
      [18:22] [Cedayon] it's a fairly straightforward thing
      [18:23] [Cedayon] I was going to draw up some plans, but I got lazy
      [18:23] [Method|Evil] just connect his bases then i guess
      [18:23] [Cedayon] yea, keeping the tubes away from coast where possible, even
      though our defense concerns are practically minimal down there
      [18:24] [Method|Evil] be back later...probably.
      [18:24] [Cedayon] cya
      [18:24] * Method|Evil has left #smacdg
      [18:30] [GT^Commish]
      [18:30] [GT^Commish] I was just rehoming some of our troops in Egregion to there,
      and some of them aren't clean
      [18:30] [GT^Commish] Which is screwing up production there.
      [18:30] [Maniac-AT] Is it facing a mineral shortage?
      [18:31] [GT^Commish] IT will if we make it a specialist base.
      [18:31] [Lemmy]'s getting late here...and i'm not really needed anyway, so
      i'm going to bed
      [18:31] [Cedayon] hrm, hopefully none of mine are culprits
      [18:31] [Maniac-AT] Ouch...
      [18:31] [Lemmy] bye
      [18:31] [GT^Commish] 'Night
      [18:31] [Maniac-AT] Probably.
      [18:31] [Cedayon] cya Lemmy
      [18:31] * Lemmy has quit IRC (Quit: buhbye!)
      [18:31] [Maniac-AT] I sent the Jedinican troops to Egregion the previous session.
      [18:31] [Cedayon] and they've already moved so upgrading to clean is problematic?
      [18:31] [GT^Commish] Unless we use the design workshop.
      [18:31] [Cedayon] what would the bill be?
      [18:32] [GT^Commish] Dunno, I'll check.
      [18:32] [Cedayon] if it's even halfway reasonable I'll ok it, this is important
      [18:32] [Maniac-AT] Is it really worth upgrading now when we can have shard
      prototyped in a few years?
      [18:32] [Cedayon] hmm...
      [18:32] [GT^Commish] If we want to avoid mass drone riots, yes.
      [18:33] [Cedayon] will those JV choppers cause drones even while in bases?
      [18:33] [Maniac-AT] So the specialist base can't wait? Damn.
      [18:33] [GT^Commish] Yes.
      [18:33] [Cedayon] *mutter*
      [18:33] [Cedayon] well, enough of those troops need to be clean that Eg at least
      can break even
      [18:33] [GT^Commish] Okay, there's one non-clean interceptor there: upgrade cost 80
      [18:34] [GT^Commish] There's onyl four non-clelan units rehomed, butt hey're too
      [18:34] [GT^Commish] * only
      [18:34] [GT^Commish] * non-clean
      [18:34] [GT^Commish] * but they're
      [18:34] [Cedayon] no prob with upgrading the interceptor, what about the others?
      [18:35] [GT^Commish] Checking.
      [18:35] [Cedayon] and does this have to be done *this* turn? or will there be riots?
      [18:35] [GT^Commish] No, it doesn't have to be done just yet.
      [18:35] [GT^Commish] But we might as well, becaus entohing will change next turn.
      [18:35] [GT^Commish] * because nothing
      [18:36] [GT^Commish] Okay, there's also a transport which will cost 50 ECs to
      [18:36] [GT^Commish] Two, actually.
      [18:36] [Maniac-AT]
      [18:37] [Cedayon] sounds fine to me
      [18:37] [Cedayon] *is back and forth between windows*
      [18:37] [Cedayon] we can also crawl in some mins to Eg
      [18:37] [GT^Commish] I intend to.
      [18:37] [Cedayon] good
      [18:38] [GT^Commish] There's also a AAA Missile Squad that needs to be upgraded,
      but that can wait until he has some movement.
      [18:38] [GT^Commish] Other than that, it's all good.
      [18:38] [Cedayon] k
      [18:38] [Cedayon] crisis averted?
      [18:38] [GT^Commish] Yes.
      [18:39] [Cedayon] good, on to next crisis
      [18:39] * MrWIA_back_from_jog has joined #smacdg
      [18:39] [MrWIA_back_from_jog] Hi.
      [18:39] [GT^Commish] ey
      [18:39] [Cedayon] 'ola MWIA
      [18:40] [MrWIA_back_from_jog] Bit later than I thought, but I blame daylight saving
      that ended today.
      [18:40] [GT^Commish] Just averted a crisis over Egregion's mineral production.
      [18:40] [MrWIA_back_from_jog] Due to the rehoming?
      [18:40] [GT^Commish] Yes.
      [18:40] [GT^Commish] Some of the units weren't clean.
      [18:40] [MrWIA_back_from_jog] Really?
      [18:40] [MrWIA_back_from_jog] The Choppers?
      [18:40] [GT^Commish] Yes.
      [18:40] [GT^Commish] No, nto choppers.
      [18:40] [GT^Commish] * not
      [18:40] [GT^Commish] They haven't been built yet.
      [18:41] [MrWIA_back_from_jog] What units? Ones already there?
      [18:41] [GT^Commish] Yes.
      [18:41] [GT^Commish] Two transports, a jet, and a AAA Misisle Squad.
      [18:41] [GT^Commish] * Missile
      [18:41] [MrWIA_back_from_jog] Yeesh - sorry - I didn't even look at them, thought
      they'd been dealt with.
      [18:42] [Cedayon] don't worry, we found some low-ranking flunkies to flog
      [18:42] [MrWIA_back_from_jog] Quick question - what year are we at?
      [18:43] [Cedayon] '72
      [18:43] [MrWIA_back_from_jog] Cool.
      [18:43] [Cedayon] I think...
      [18:43] [GT^Commish] Yesl
      [18:43] [GT^Commish] * yes.
      [18:43] [MrWIA_back_from_jog] I'll stop the questions now until needed.
      [18:43] * MrWIA_back_from_jog is now known as DPO_WIA
      [18:43] [Cedayon] better to ask now than to be surprised later
      [18:43] [Cedayon] things tend to cost more if you wait
      [18:44] [DPO_WIA] Not much can have happ - OOh! What about the worm situation?
      [18:44] [GT^Commish]
      [18:44] [Cedayon] I think they're all flamed except one near TA
      [18:44] [GT^Commish] Only one left, and they've done no harm.
      [18:44] [DPO_WIA] And that's being taken care of by the Rover in TacAc, right?
      [18:44] [GT^Commish] Um... not quite.
      [18:44] [Cedayon] That rover suffered 50% damage killing the other one
      [18:44] [GT^Commish] The TacAc rover has to be repaired.
      [18:45] [Cedayon] another one's being rushed in Antioch
      [18:45] [DPO_WIA] Ah, I see.
      [18:45] [GT^Commish] But there's one being built in Antioch that can take car eof
      the matter.
      [18:45] [Cedayon] partially paid for by the hide of the other worm
      [18:45] [DPO_WIA] Nothing too beyond what I thought anyway.
      [18:45] [DPO_WIA] Thanks Mr WOrm!
      [18:45] [DPO_WIA] Phew! Sounds like I am in the loop! Carry on...
      [18:46] [GT^Commish] Ok, we have a probe foil down south next to a pod.
      [18:46] [Cedayon] *lol* "This butt-kicking brought to you by over 3 million dead
      mind worms"
      [18:46] [GT^Commish] We have 5 moves left out of 6.
      [18:46] [GT^Commish] Pop?
      [18:46] [Cedayon] up to you, DPO
      [18:46] [DPO_WIA] Where exactly?
      [18:46] [GT^Commish] 108,120
      [18:46] [GT^Commish] Near the Isle of Dexamenus.
      [18:47] [GT^Commish] and in the Sea of Mnesimache.
      [18:47] [DPO_WIA] Unless there is a concrete important plan for the foil, do it.
      [18:47] [GT^Commish]
      [18:47] [Cedayon] it'll just be an IoD, or a sonar pod, who are we kidding?
      [18:47] [GT^Commish] IoD.
      [18:47] [GT^Commish] Fortunately, we have enough moves to run awey.
      [18:47] [GT^Commish] * away
      [18:47] [Cedayon] run for the hills?
      [18:47] [DPO_WIA] Yep.
      [18:48] [Cedayon] it'll probably go bug Miriam now
      [18:48] [DPO_WIA] West seems OK, no fungus
      [18:48] [GT^Commish] Um... we went north.
      [18:48] [GT^Commish] Does it make a difference?
      [18:48] [DPO_WIA] That's fine too
      [18:48] [GT^Commish] Good
      [18:48] [DPO_WIA] Not much fungus about
      [18:49] [DPO_WIA] Only if ir gets killed should you worry...
      [18:49] [Cedayon] I think we still need to clean it up *launches fleet of prototype
      gravship fungicidal formers to "do a little sweeping"*
      [18:50] * DPO_WIA wants a gravship
      [18:50] [DPO_WIA] Actually, I want 20
      [18:50] [DPO_WIA] Per faction
      [18:51] [Cedayon] to fly over and drop cows on our enemies?
      [18:51] [DPO_WIA] Including the eliminated Uni :b
      [18:51] [DPO_WIA] Not cows, poisoned Xenobananas!
      [18:51] [Cedayon] I think we'd need to repeal the U.N. charter to get away with
      [18:51] [DPO_WIA] Or even worse - to drop panag on our enemies!
      [18:52] [DPO_WIA] Instant vendettas
      [18:52] [GT^Commish]
      [18:52] [GT^Commish] Anything but panag
      [18:52] [DPO_WIA] Sorry - I'm told that's inhuman. I guess I will stick with the
      [18:53] [GT^Commish] "I have Lady Deirdre of the Gaians on Channel 5. Shall I put
      her through?"
      [18:53] [GT^Commish] This cannot be good.
      [18:53] [Cedayon] what, you mean you don't like listening to greenies demand 4
      digit sums of ecs?
      [18:53] [DPO_WIA] We're at peace ATM, yes?
      [18:53] [GT^Commish] Yes.
      [18:53] [GT^Commish] But probably nto for long.
      [18:53] [GT^Commish] * not
      [18:54] [DPO_WIA] She can't attack us.
      [18:54] [GT^Commish] But she can block trade.
      [18:54] [Cedayon] hmm, if we open a channel she'll likely declare vendetta
      [18:54] [GT^Commish] Which would be a nuisance.
      [18:54] [Cedayon] but if we refuse...
      [18:54] [DPO_WIA] If we ignore her, all she could do is sign an alliance with Sparta
      [18:54] [GT^Commish] But if we don't, she'll do it anyway.
      [18:54] [GT^Commish] She won't ally with Santiago.
      [18:54] [DPO_WIA] I say ignore and hope. There's a chance there.
      [18:54] [Cedayon] hmm, I guess we can hurl insults if we let her through...
      [18:54] [GT^Commish] Not after them having beaten the hell out of each other for so
      [18:54] [Maniac-AT] Factiosn can also declare vendetta without having contact
      [18:55] [DPO_WIA] Whoops, I mean alliance with the Believers
      [18:55] [GT^Commish]
      [18:55] [GT^Commish] She wants 1425 ECs.
      [18:55] [DPO_WIA] They already are Pacted
      [18:55] [Cedayon] I knew it
      [18:55] [DPO_WIA] Thought so...
      [18:55] [Cedayon] tell her to hug some worms
      [18:55] [DPO_WIA] Tell her to go kvetch soime worms
      [18:55] [DPO_WIA] LOL
      [18:55] [GT^Commish] "Do not boast of your pagan rituals to me, deidre."
      [18:55] [Cedayon]
      [18:55] [DPO_WIA] OK.... one more tick on the list
      [18:56] [Cedayon] lined up for crushing
      [18:56] [GT^Commish] -SNIP- "This means war."
      [18:56] [DPO_WIA] "To Kill" - Yang, Santiago, Miriam, Deirdre
      [18:56] [Cedayon] *begins R&D work on really long range chopper fuel tanks*
      [18:56] [DPO_WIA] Sigh
      [18:56] [GT^Commish] She just committed murder.
      [18:56] [Cedayon] on her own people
      [18:56] [GT^Commish] She sank one of our sea formers.
      [18:56] [Cedayon] oh, on ours
      [18:56] [DPO_WIA] Agh! Where?


      • #4
        [18:56] [GT^Commish] W of DEM.
        [18:57] [Cedayon] any of those choppers online yet?
        [18:57] [GT^Commish] Dunno.
        [18:57] [GT^Commish] Possibly.
        [18:57] [GT^Commish]
        [18:57] [GT^Commish] We have Monopole Magnets.
        [18:57] [DPO_WIA] OK... I guess we need a net of ships W of our lands too now.
        [18:57] [Cedayon]
        [18:57] [DPO_WIA] That helps.
        [18:58] * DPO_WIA won't dance - too many enemies
        [18:58] [Cedayon] we have mag tubes now, we don't need friends
        [18:58] [GT^Commish] Now what were we meant to research next?
        [18:58] * DPO_WIA sits down and despairs a bit, just a bit though
        [18:58] [Cedayon] Adv spaceflight
        [18:58] [Cedayon] by the poll
        [18:58] [GT^Commish] Not available
        [18:58] [DPO_WIA] What is before it?
        [18:58] [DPO_WIA] Superlube needed first
        [18:58] [Cedayon] I think Bioengineering was the next... rather it's the only other
        one with a vote
        [18:58] [Cedayon] we have superlube
        [18:58] [GT^Commish] That's not avilable either.
        [18:58] [Cedayon] we have fusion lasers, remember?
        [18:59] [DPO_WIA] A vote for Adv space was a vote for Superlube first
        [18:59] [Maniac-AT] Let's quickpoll
        [18:59] [Cedayon] we already have superlube
        [18:59] [DPO_WIA] Damn
        [18:59] [Maniac-AT] War of Art's poll was worthless anyway.
        [18:59] [Cedayon] what's available?
        [18:59] [GT^Commish] Okay: 1 = Centauri Genetics, 2 = Unified Field Theory, 3 =
        Photon/Wave Mechanics, 4 = Abstain
        [18:59] [Cedayon] hrm...
        [18:59] [DPO_WIA] Hang on... deciding
        [18:59] * Maniac-AT takse tech tree
        [18:59] [Cedayon] UFT will give us access to the second big-science SP
        [19:00] [Maniac-AT] for Concordia?
        [19:00] [Cedayon] placed in Concordia it will allow for... yep
        [19:00] [DPO_WIA] 2 or 3
        [19:00] [Maniac-AT] Tgen I vote 2
        [19:00] [Cedayon] I'm gonna go for 2
        [19:01] [DPO_WIA] Fair enough... 2
        [19:01] [Cedayon] 3's nice, but I like science
        [19:01] [GT^Commish] Going for two, then.
        [19:01] [Cedayon] k
        [19:01] [DPO_WIA] I like 3, but when we get 2 we can concentrate on the military
        [19:01] [DPO_WIA] And maybe even drop science
        [19:01] [GT^Commish] And to answer your question about choppers, no, we haven't
        built any yet.
        [19:01] [GT^Commish] But they're on the way.
        [19:02] [Cedayon] k
        [19:02] [Cedayon] I thought they'd be very near, but if they're still under
        [19:02] [GT^Commish] They aren't.
        [19:03] [GT^Commish] In 1 turn, we'll have 3-4.
        [19:03] [Cedayon] are any of the JV ones not happening next turn?
        [19:03] [GT^Commish] No.
        [19:03] [Cedayon] any other ones a few mins off (I'm looking for rush oppurtunities
        [19:03] [Cedayon] ?
        [19:04] [GT^Commish] We can do one in UNPd for ~75 ECs.
        [19:04] [GT^Commish] * UNPD
        [19:04] [Cedayon] reserves?
        [19:04] [DPO_WIA] One of the clean fusion choppers?
        [19:04] [GT^Commish] Yes.
        [19:05] [GT^Commish] 3642 ECs.
        [19:05] [GT^Commish] * 3
        [19:05] [GT^Commish] 3643
        [19:05] [Cedayon] a drop in the bucket, and those Gaian's need to be taught a
        lesson, go for it
        [19:05] [DPO_WIA] Excellent.
        [19:05] [Cedayon] though I guess it'll need to be rehomed to Eg first
        [19:05] * DPO_WIA rubs hands
        [19:05] [Cedayon] I thought you might like that, MWIA
        [19:06] [DPO_WIA] Why rehome first? It doesn't cause drones yet does it?
        [19:06] [Cedayon] I think offensive air units always cause drones
        [19:06] [DPO_WIA] Unless it's out of our territory
        [19:06] [DPO_WIA] Oh.
        [19:06] [Cedayon] just to make our lives difficult
        [19:07] [GT^Commish] We can wait a few turns before doing that if you want to sink
        the Gaian ship.
        [19:07] [DPO_WIA] Let's hope that their aren't troops with their foil
        [19:07] [DPO_WIA] I'd prefer to take out whatever's there - it's not likely to be
        much, but there could be something else.
        [19:07] [DPO_WIA] It's UNPD gov's call too though
        [19:07] [Cedayon] TKG's not here
        [19:08] [GT^Commish] TKG's not here.
        [19:08] [GT^Commish] So it's Cedayon's call.
        [19:08] [GT^Commish] And the ACS Pissa just got built, btw.
        [19:08] [Cedayon] the rush is, but the movement?
        [19:08] [GT^Commish] * Pizza
        [19:08] [GT^Commish] About the rehoming.
        [19:08] [DPO_WIA] A Pisser? YAY!
        [19:08] [GT^Commish] Given that it will cause Drones.
        [19:08] [DPO_WIA] Yes - attack first or rehome first. Difference ~ 2 turns
        [19:09] [GT^Commish] I'd say we attack.
        [19:09] [Cedayon] hmm, how long will it take to rehome and get back? and what are
        our defenses in DEM?
        [19:09] [DPO_WIA] Actually 3-4 turns difference.
        [19:09] [DPO_WIA] 2 turns to Egreg
        [19:09] [Cedayon] 2 turns back...
        [19:09] [DPO_WIA] and then 1 top attack
        [19:09] [DPO_WIA] If it hasn't moved on or any troops have landed
        [19:10] [Cedayon] will the single (right?) drone cause massive problems in UNPD?
        [19:10] [GT^Commish] No.
        [19:10] [DPO_WIA] Double drone, I think
        [19:10] [Cedayon] 1 drone because we have the Ascetic Virtues
        [19:10] [DPO_WIA] Sorry - you're right
        [19:10] [GT^Commish] And I don't think there are any troops for it to land.
        [19:10] [DPO_WIA] True, but we can't be certain
        [19:10] [DPO_WIA] If we rehome first, there will be other helis online by then
        [19:11] * DPO_WIA wants SMAX to build Brood Pits and increase Police rating!
        [19:11] [Cedayon] there might be more behind it... hmm, I don't mind having it
        attack first... is UNPD in GA, btw?
        [19:11] [DPO_WIA] Yes.
        [19:11] [GT^Commish] Actually, now that I look at it, it's a Believer ship, not a
        Gaian one.
        [19:11] [Cedayon] oh, so it was Miriam commiting murder
        [19:11] [Cedayon] ?
        [19:11] [DPO_WIA] 8 Talents, 6 citizens
        [19:11] [GT^Commish] And UNPD isn't in GA.
        [19:11] [DPO_WIA] Really?
        [19:11] [GT^Commish] It's grown.
        [19:12] [GT^Commish] And ti has a Drone.
        [19:12] [GT^Commish] * it
        [19:12] [Cedayon] oh, k, then this 1 drone won't change anything?
        [19:12] [DPO_WIA] O - looking at 2171
        [19:12] [GT^Commish] Anyway, what should we do with the ACS Pizza?
        [19:12] [DPO_WIA] Is that IoD still there?
        [19:12] [DPO_WIA] Next to Aurora
        [19:12] [Cedayon] if UNPD's not in GA, attack before rehome with that chopper
        [19:12] [GT^Commish] No, it's gone.
        [19:13] [GT^Commish] It vanished with the worm.
        [19:13] [DPO_WIA] OK, Pizza can stay - nothing else to do.
        [19:13] [DPO_WIA] It was just a prototype, right?
        [19:13] [Cedayon] could station it in New Suez
        [19:13] [GT^Commish] What for?
        [19:13] [Cedayon] nearer to the action?
        [19:13] [DPO_WIA] Sounds fine - it's useless where it is.
        [19:14] * GT^Commish shrugs.
        [19:14] [DPO_WIA] Reservation, GT?
        [19:15] [GT^Commish] No.
        [19:15] [DPO_WIA] OK.
        [19:15] [GT^Commish] I don't care wher eit goe,s just wondering why there in
        [19:16] [Cedayon] oh, wherever is fine, just thought New Suez would be appropriate
        since it has the MCC SP
        [19:16] [DPO_WIA] We will need a crawler or two advance warning near Morgan in case
        a taskforce is sent through there - if it was there it could attack sooner
        [19:16] [GT^Commish] Make it MWIA's flagship.
        [19:16] [DPO_WIA] I only get one?
        [19:16] [GT^Commish] And if we send it out of territory, we'll ahve to send it to
        Egregion first.
        [19:17] [Cedayon] may as well send it around for rehoming, I was talking about
        where to keep it until needed
        [19:17] [DPO_WIA] So, to Suez for now. Rethink when it gets there
        [19:17] [Cedayon] It'll probably reach Suez on this turn's movement, no?
        [19:17] [DPO_WIA] Will have to move out of territory to get to Egreg
        [19:17] [Cedayon] *thinks a cruiser gets 8 moves with the SP*
        [19:17] * GT^Commish is checking.
        [19:17] [Cedayon] oh, right, sea territory is messed up
        [19:18] [DPO_WIA] Yep - fungus
        [19:18] [GT^Commish] The fungus is irrelevant.
        [19:18] [DPO_WIA] But annoying
        [19:18] [GT^Commish] We have the Xenoempathy Dome.
        [19:18] [DPO_WIA] YAY!
        [19:18] [Cedayon] does the XD have an effect on fungus?
        [19:18] [GT^Commish] So it's no obstacle.
        [19:18] * DPO_WIA didn't know that
        [19:18] [GT^Commish] Yes.
        [19:18] [GT^Commish] It turns all fungus into roads.
        [19:18] [Cedayon] and yea, I went to a fair effort to secure the XD
        [19:18] [GT^Commish] For movement pruposes.
        [19:18] [GT^Commish] * purposes
        [19:18] [Cedayon] I meant sea fungus in my question
        [19:19] [GT^Commish] yes, it makes it like sea.
        [19:19] [DPO_WIA] OK - no probs, send it to Egreg, making sure to keep it in our
        boundaries at turn end
        [19:19] [Cedayon] *knows what it does to land fungus*
        [19:19] [DPO_WIA] That improves my view of our defence options considerably
        [19:20] [Cedayon] particularly in the north if there are enemies there, we can run
        circles around them in rovers
        [19:20] * DPO_WIA wonder if his system can take SMAX, mIRC, Poly and Settlers IV
        all at the same time
        [19:20] [Cedayon] probably
        [19:20] [DPO_WIA] Hang on a mo' - I may crash
        [19:20] [Cedayon] hehe
        [19:21] [GT^Commish] I beleiv ethe term si rings, not circles
        [19:21] [GT^Commish] * beleive the
        [19:21] [GT^Commish] * believe
        [19:21] [Cedayon] oh? I've heard it both ways... the point being we'll be able to
        embarass them speed-wise
        [19:21] [GT^Commish] Indeed
        [19:22] [DPO_WIA] It works!
        [19:22] [DPO_WIA] Buzz me when there's issues to discuss. I got little settlers to
        boss about
        [19:22] [Cedayon] uh, MWIA, was that "This computer will self-destruct in 5
        seconds" I just heard from your side?
        [19:23] [Maniac-AT] Yeah buzz me too. Then I don't have to check all the time.
        [19:23] [DPO_WIA] Negative! My computer is a TANK!
        [19:24] [Maniac-AT] Btw, could you please buzz me once now so I know what to
        [19:24] [Cedayon] mine too... it's slow, but it doesn't crash
        [19:24] [DPO_WIA] I think if you type the nick then the use hears a "ding"
        [19:24] * DPO_WIA tries
        [19:24] [DPO_WIA] Cedayon
        [19:24] [DPO_WIA] Maniac-AT
        [19:24] [Cedayon] *has no sound card in this computer*
        [19:24] [DPO_WIA] Anything?
        [19:24] [DPO_WIA] DPO_WIA
        [19:25] [DPO_WIA] damn.
        [19:25] [GT^Commish] Try me.
        [19:25] [Maniac-AT] Does no one know anymore how to beep?
        [19:25] [GT^Commish] GT^Commish.
        [19:25] [GT^Commish] GT^Commish
        [19:25] [GT^Commish] Doesn't work for me.
        [19:26] [GT^Commish] GT^Commish.
        [19:26] [GT^Commish] GT^Commish
        [19:26] [Cedayon] GT^Commish
        [19:26] [GT^Commish] Nothing.
        [19:26] * DPO_WIA slaps GT^Commish around a bit with a large trout
        [19:27] [DPO_WIA] Anything?
        [19:27] [GT^Commish] I here beeps whenever someone posts in the chatroom.
        [19:27] [Cedayon] I think beeping happens if you turn the option on in the system
        [19:27] [GT^Commish] But nothign special then.
        [19:27] [Cedayon] if the window isn't active and you have beeping on
        [19:28] * Method|Evil has joined #smacdg
        [19:28] [Maniac-AT] Hi method, could you please beep me once.
        [19:28] [Cedayon] the system menu being what comes up when you click the
        upper-left-hand corner icon of the chat window
        [19:28] [Maniac-AT] And tell the command.
        [19:28] [Method|Evil] what?
        [19:28] [Method|Evil] oh, beep you.
        [19:28] [GT^Commish] Welcome back TKG.
        [19:28] [Cedayon] we're trying to figure out how to make beeping, and wb
        [19:28] [Maniac-AT] Welcome back.
        [19:29] [Method|Evil] you go /notice Nick message
        [19:29] -Maniac-AT- Boo!
        [19:29] * Evangelion-Freak has joined #smacdg
        [19:29] -Method|Evil- BEEP :P
        [19:29] [Evangelion-Freak] Beeping?
        [19:29] [Method|Evil] beeping
        [19:29] [Evangelion-Freak] /notice nick
        [19:29] [Cedayon] Oh *beep* it's Kass
        [19:29] [Maniac-AT] Isn't that just sending a personal message??
        [19:29] [Evangelion-Freak] yes
        [19:29] [Method|Evil] yes, but it makes a beeping sound
        [19:29] [Evangelion-Freak] Method here is the one calling it "beeping"
        [19:30] [Evangelion-Freak] Not necessarily
        [19:30] [Method|Evil] no?
        [19:30] * Method|Evil shrugs
        [19:30] [Cedayon] we were calling it "Beeping" earlier
        [19:30] [Maniac-AT] Could someone please try it on me?
        [19:30] [Cedayon] then TKG wandered in
        [19:30] [Evangelion-Freak] You can alter your client programme to make different
        sounds, or you're client might not make a sound at all
        * /notice: insufficient parameters
        [19:30] [DPO_WIA] TKG! KASS!
        [19:30] -] -Maniac-AT- BEEP!
        [19:30] [Evangelion-Freak] And, if your soundcard is busy, you won't hear anything
        even if you're supposed to
        [19:30] [Method|Evil] MWIA! MWIA!
        [19:30] [Evangelion-Freak] Hi MWIA
        [19:30] [Maniac-AT] Darn. That sound isn't very loud.
        [19:30] [GT^Commish] TKG, what did you want me to do with those two crawlers
        outside UNPD?
        [19:30] [Cedayon] or if you don't have a soundcard
        [19:30] [Evangelion-Freak] You can switch it, Maniac
        [19:31] [GT^Commish] They just arrived there and I have no diea what they're for.
        [19:31] [Method|Evil] 2 crawlers?!
        [19:31] [Method|Evil] there are 2?
        [19:31] [Evangelion-Freak] Or set your computer's speaker louder :P
        [19:31] [Evangelion-Freak] 'speakers
        [19:31] [Evangelion-Freak] *speakers
        [19:31] [GT^Commish] There are two crawlers there.
        [19:31] [Method|Evil] where'd they come from?
        [19:31] [GT^Commish] Don't ask me why.
        [19:31] [Cedayon] oh, btw TKG, Miriam just popped one of your sea formers near DEM
        [19:31] [GT^Commish]
        [19:31] [Maniac-AT] Well no, then my other music will be unbearable
        [19:31] [Evangelion-Freak] Other music?
        [19:31] [Method|Evil] rush the cyb fac i guess
        [19:31] [GT^Commish] Ok.
        [19:31] [Evangelion-Freak] How can you hear a beep if you're listening to music=?
        [19:32] [Method|Evil] you can't i guess
        [19:32] [Maniac-AT] I don't see why you couldn't if the beep is completely
        different than the music.
        [19:32] [Evangelion-Freak] Uh...
        [19:32] [DPO_WIA] I'm pretty sure I hear beeps and music..
        [19:32] [Evangelion-Freak] I don't. I have beeping on.
        [19:32] [DPO_WIA] But then I ALWAYs hear the beeps...
        [19:32] [Method|Evil] try turning the music down, but not your speakers?
        [19:32] [Evangelion-Freak] Uh...
        [19:33] [Method|Evil] like turn the volume down on WMP or whathaveyou


        • #5
          [19:33] [Evangelion-Freak] Okay, there's miscommunication going on here
          [19:33] [Maniac-AT] Could someone please beep me again?
          [19:33] [GT^Commish] 2273 complete.
          [19:33] -] -Maniac-AT- BEEP!
          [19:33] [Maniac-AT] Darn.
          [19:33] [Cedayon] list of catastrophies?
          [19:33] [Evangelion-Freak] Look. WMP and IRC clients use the SAME soundcard.
          [19:33] [Evangelion-Freak] You can't hear BOTH.
          [19:33] [DPO_WIA] But Winamp?
          [19:33] [Evangelion-Freak] Same with Winamp.
          [19:33] [GT^Commish] No particular calamities this time.
          [19:33] [Evangelion-Freak] They're just programmes. Not some magic gimmicks able to
          do miracles.
          [19:33] [Maniac-AT] But I do. :confused;
          [19:34] [Evangelion-Freak] That is odd.
          [19:34] [Method|Evil] WMP has a volume control on it...shouldn't that matter?
          [19:34] [DPO_WIA] OK - I hear beeps, the music from Settlers IV AND winamp
          [19:34] [Evangelion-Freak] No.
          [19:34] [Method|Evil] oh?
          [19:34] [Cedayon] I think you can play a midi and an mp3 at the same time, or
          something like that
          [19:34] [Evangelion-Freak] Cedayon got it
          [19:34] [Evangelion-Freak] midis run from a different base, you can hear those.
          [19:34] [DPO_WIA] Anyway - 2273 completed, let's all shut up and listen to the
          events. GT?
          [19:34] [Method|Evil] well i'll just stick to evil then, and kass can worry about
          [19:34] * Method|Evil is now known as Method
          [19:34] [Evangelion-Freak] But beeps and Winamp shouldn't work simultaniously.
          Unless you have a two-way soundcard or something like that.
          [19:34] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Method
          [19:34] [GT^Commish] Nothing special happened.
          [19:34] [Cedayon] but TKG, computers are an integral part of evil
          [19:34] [Evangelion-Freak] Method: you mean slightly evil
          [19:34] [GT^Commish] But we did build abotu 5 choppers.
          [19:34] [Cedayon]
          [19:35] [Method] only SMAC evil
          [19:35] [DPO_WIA] Great!
          [19:35] [Evangelion-Freak] oh
          [19:35] [Method] governorial evil.
          [19:35] [GT^Commish] Go for that annoying beleiver ship?
          [19:35] [Cedayon] I'm taking care of the DIA evil for now
          [19:35] [DPO_WIA] Closest one - crush it.
          [19:35] [Evangelion-Freak] The volume shouldn't affect it, in any case. Even if the
          volume was at zero, the soundcard is still busy with the music.
          [19:35] [Cedayon] unless it's a "built-just-to-annoy-Kass" model of soundcard
          [19:35] [Evangelion-Freak] Yeah...
          [19:36] * DPO_WIA going to find cheese - back in a sec
          [19:36] [GT^Commish] *BOOM*
          [19:36] [GT^Commish] No more beleiver ship
          [19:36] * DPO_WIA is now known as WIA_finding_cheese
          [19:36] [Cedayon] did we sink the battleship?
          [19:36] [Cedayon]
          [19:36] [Evangelion-Freak] Or, well, it's not the soundcards annoying me. It's
          [19:36] [GT^Commish] It was a foil.
          [19:36] [Evangelion-Freak] Miriam's foil was foiled.
          [19:36] [Cedayon] whatever, it's dead
          [19:36] [GT^Commish] And we were able to land at the conveniently close by DEM,
          thus saving oursleves form further damage
          [19:37] [Method] do we have a sensor yet west of DEM?
          [19:37] [Method] it was 0.100 i think
          [19:37] [GT^Commish] No, not yet.
          [19:37] [GT^Commish] IT was foiled by those interminable worm alndings.
          [19:37] [GT^Commish] * landings
          [19:38] [Method]
          [19:38] * Evangelion-Freak kicks *
          [19:38] * WIA_finding_cheese is now known as WIA_found_cheese
          [19:38] * WIA_found_cheese is now known as DPO_WIA
          [19:38] * Evangelion-Freak is hungry *
          [19:38] * DPO_WIA offers victory cheese
          [19:38] [DPO_WIA] That's one more for the good guys
          [19:38] * Evangelion-Freak just brushed his teeth :\ *
          [19:39] * DPO_WIA shrugs and scoffs cheese
          [19:39] [DPO_WIA] So, the rest of the Choppers rehome in Egreg ASAP.
          [19:39] [GT^Commish] Well the Aurillion mag tube network has proven itself useful
          [19:39] [GT^Commish] * ,
          [19:39] [Cedayon]
          [19:39] [GT^Commish] Bringing crawlers to DEM in record time.
          [19:39] [Method]
          [19:40] [Cedayon] yea, we should be able to instabuild SPs at will once it all gets
          up and running... particularly with all the crawlers I'm going to be building
          next chat
          [19:41] [Cedayon] should be able to crank out around 20...
          [19:42] [DPO_WIA] Insta-build SPs?
          [19:42] [DPO_WIA] Joy.
          [19:42] [Cedayon] I've got the theory of everything in mind
          [19:42] [Method] :P
          [19:43] [Method] you just wait...
          [19:43] * Method grumbles about boreholes and land-raising
          [19:43] [Cedayon] I want those too, but I also don't want to be lynched for not
          polling it
          [19:43] [Method] aha! he doesn't want me to go ahead with my evil plans so JV can
          be superior! damn you...
          [19:43] [GT^Commish] Okay, about to finish off that worm near TA.
          [19:43] [GT^Commish] Odds of victory: 9 to 3 in our favour.
          [19:44] [Cedayon] crush
          [19:44] [Method] kill
          [19:44] [Method] destroy
          [19:44] [GT^Commish]
          [19:44] [DPO_WIA] Murder
          [19:44] [GT^Commish] no morw orms.
          [19:44] [GT^Commish] No more worms.
          [19:44] [GT^Commish] And we got 50 ECs out of it.
          [19:44] [Method] must crush capitalism...rar...ROAR!
          [19:44] [Cedayon] anywhere in our territory?
          [19:44] [GT^Commish] ...?
          [19:45] [DPO_WIA] Worms, he means
          [19:45] [Method]
          [19:45] [Cedayon] *pockets 50ecs*
          [19:45] [Method] BTW:
          [19:45] [Method] what year are we in
          [19:45] [GT^Commish] No more worms that i can see.
          [19:45] [Cedayon] '74?
          [19:45] [GT^Commish] Yes.
          [19:45] [DPO_WIA] WIA and Cedayon think as one, allowing us to "have the ToE in
          [19:45] [Method] ok, rushbuild time for Aurillion
          [19:45] [DPO_WIA] Joy - BRB - back to Settlers
          [19:45] [Method] what do we have in ZG right now (and how much to rush it)
          [19:46] [Cedayon] just give me the cost and our reserve, and I'll say yes or no
          [19:46] [GT^Commish] Research Hospital, will be done in 1 turn.
          [19:46] [Method] Xan?
          [19:46] [GT^Commish] Hab Complex, 1 turn.
          [19:46] [Method] curses...
          [19:46] [Method] how long for cyb fac?
          [19:47] [Method] and a few other things:
          [19:47] [GT^Commish] 4 turns.
          [19:47] [Method] a) did we get Adv spaceflight
          [19:47] [Method] b) what is UNPD doing
          [19:47] [GT^Commish] And xanadu could do with some extra cash for carryover.
          [19:47] [Cedayon] uh, I'd rather not rush the cyb fac
          [19:47] [GT^Commish] 1) No.
          [19:47] [Method] i know :P
          [19:47] [GT^Commish] b) Empath Chaos Rotor.
          [19:47] * Method mutters
          [19:47] [Method] ok, carry on.
          [19:47] [Cedayon] go ahead and toss a few ecs into Xan for carryover if you want
          [19:47] [GT^Commish] So, shall we inject another 18 ECs in Xanadu for carryover?
          [19:48] [Method] 18? ok
          [19:48] [Cedayon] what's UNMI up to, btw?
          [19:48] [Method] UNMI, i keep forgetting it
          [19:48] [Method] i don't even think i did orders for it
          [19:48] [Cedayon] *figured TKG wanted that one checked too*
          [19:49] [Cedayon] bad banned governor, bad!
          [19:49] [Method] :P
          [19:49] [GT^Commish] Net Node, 140 ECs to rush.
          [19:49] [Cedayon] how many turns normally?
          [19:49] [Cedayon] and reserve?
          [19:49] [Method] yes, we need drone control there
          [19:49] [GT^Commish] 35 turns normally.
          [19:49] [Method] we only have something like 2 minerals
          [19:49] [GT^Commish] Reserves: 4378 ECs.
          [19:49] [Cedayon] 4378? good grief, find stuff to rush, quick!
          [19:49] [Method] build some mining platforms around there, will you?
          [19:49] [Cedayon] (go ahead on the UNMI net node, btw)
          [19:50] [GT^Commish] NA will have a food sat to rush soon.
          [19:50] [Method] rush they Cyb FAC!
          [19:50] [Method]
          [19:50] [GT^Commish] Can I rush the formers in NA for 75 ECs?
          [19:50] [Cedayon] *lol* DEM has that monster min production for something, no rush
          for Cyb fac... will consider in 2 turns though
          [19:51] [Cedayon] go for it
          [19:51] * Method grumbles about lack of genejacks...
          [19:51] [Method] :P at you all ;-)
          [19:51] [Cedayon] Method, if you built a genejack in DEM, you'd get constant fungal
          [19:52] [Method] hence the empath copter i just built in UNPD
          [19:52] [Method] thinking ahead!
          [19:52] * Method taps head with index finger
          [19:52] [Method]
          [19:52] [Cedayon] hmm, I'm beginning to see your point... we *could* get a mighty
          high clean mineral limit if we kept enough units around there... but the greenies
          would go coo-coo for cocoa puffs
          [19:53] [Method] i still have a few cent preserves too
          [19:53] [Method] ZG and DEM still lack them IIRC
          [19:53] [GT^Commish] Okay, we now have a respectable magtube network going in the
          central areas.
          [19:53] [Method] DEM's been so busy with projects
          [19:53] [Method] :bouncedance:
          [19:53] [Cedayon] to the mag tubes
          [19:53] [Cedayon] btw, do choppers benefit from them?
          [19:54] [Cedayon] *can't remember*
          [19:54] [Method] no
          [19:54] [Method]
          [19:54] [Cedayon] doh
          [19:54] [GT^Commish] No.
          [19:54] [Method] how ironic. the apolyton 100 contains 120 posters
          [19:54] [GT^Commish] What's that?
          [19:54] [Evangelion-Freak] Yes, and the pariah 20 outsiders contain Method :P
          [19:54] [Cedayon] *will be building land units in the future*
          [19:54] [Method] yes kass, i'm ahead of you :P
          [19:55] [Method]
          [19:55] [Method] no
          [19:55] [Method] wrong link
          [19:55] [DPO_WIA] Am I in the hundred? I think I am in the pariah 20
          [19:55] [Evangelion-Freak] oh right, well I wasn't when it was made
          [19:55] [Method]
          [19:55] [Maniac-AT] Woohoo! I'm already 112th.
          [19:55] * Evangelion-Freak shrugs *
          [19:55] [Evangelion-Freak] I still was Emperor before you :P
          [19:55] [Method] wow.
          [19:56] [Method] i should be at 81st. instead? 113
          [19:56] [DPO_WIA] Huh? 106... but I have about 300 more posts than that!
          [19:56] [Evangelion-Freak] They are old stats. Am I in the 100?
          [19:56] [Cedayon] anything going on in SMAC-land, GT?
          [19:57] [GT^Commish] I'm working on the magtube nets.
          [19:57] [Method] you should be
          [19:57] [GT^Commish] And the lack of a map for JV is making things difficult.
          [19:57] [Method] this is like 1000 posts ago for GT
          [19:57] [Cedayon] oh, sorry
          [19:57] [Evangelion-Freak] Drat, I'm 104th
          [19:57] [Method] i thought i saw a JV mag map
          [19:57] [GT^Commish] Can you find it again?
          [19:58] [Evangelion-Freak] 104. Kassiopeia 2714 NEW
          [19:58] [Evangelion-Freak] I have 3070
          [19:58] [Cedayon] the JV map is slightly different than the orders I gave
          [19:58] [Method] i have 3152 :P
          [19:58] [Evangelion-Freak] I should be in the Emperor group
          [19:58] [Method]
          [19:58] [Cedayon] I thought there were few enough squares that it wouldn't be a
          [19:58] [DPO_WIA] DC must have been working on that for a while
          [19:58] [GT^Commish] I have 3670
          [19:58] [Method] and *I* should be ahead of kass!
          [19:58] [Method]
          [19:59] [Evangelion-Freak] True. Method should be ahead of me. His self esteem is
          in shambles now.
          [19:59] [DPO_WIA] My GOD! GenghisFarb and Skanky spammed a lot recently!
          [19:59] [DPO_WIA] I'm 2936.... not far now.
          [19:59] [Method] skanky? god yes.
          [19:59] [Method] A heavy poster in the NationStates game, GeneralTacitus is also
          well known in Demogame circles- such as the Alpha Centauri Democracy game,
          [20:00] [Method] heavy poster in NS :P
          [20:00] [Evangelion-Freak] "A heavy Alpha Centauri poster. Kassiopea currently
          posts in Sprayber/LMP’s Beyond Alpha Centauri roleplaying game as well as filling
          the AC section with ideas, hints, cheats, etc."
          [20:00] [Evangelion-Freak] "Kassiopea"
          [20:00] [DPO_WIA] Trip - 3786
          [20:00] [Evangelion-Freak] "Kassiopea also posts heavily in the Other Games and Off
          Topic section."
          [20:00] [Cedayon] Trip - "insane"
          [20:00] [Method] NOOOOO!
          [20:00] [DPO_WIA] panag 4190!
          [20:00] [Method] my entry: Finnish. NationStates Participant
          [20:00] [Evangelion-Freak] Heavily in the OTF? HELL YES! Over 2500 posts in the
          [20:00] [Method]
          [20:00] [GT^Commish] *SIGH* Why does nobody ever spell my name right?
          [20:00] [Method] FINNISH?!
          [20:00] [Evangelion-Freak] FINNISH?!?!
          [20:00] * Evangelion-Freak slaps DarkCloud around a bit with a large trout *
          [20:00] [Evangelion-Freak] FINNISH?!?!?!
          [20:01] [Evangelion-Freak] IS HE RAVING MAD?!
          [20:01] [Cedayon] FINNISH!?@?@?@?@!!@$!#$
          [20:01] * Method slaps DC around a bit with the worlds largest trout
          [20:01] [Evangelion-Freak] God forbid!
          [20:01] [Method] that must be fixed.
          [20:01] [Evangelion-Freak] Pm him.
          [20:01] [Method] i may be evil, but finnish?!
          [20:01] [Method] wait a sec...
          [20:01] [Cedayon] *rounds up the copters to hunt down DC*
          [20:01] [Evangelion-Freak] You might be evil, but not evil enough to be a Finn


          • #6
            [20:01] [Method] i'm not even evil. i only have aspirations of evil.
            [20:01] [DPO_WIA] I contribute to Nation States apparently
            [20:01] [Cedayon] yea, one cannot transcend from simply evil to finnish, no matter
            how evil you become
            [20:03] [Evangelion-Freak] DarkCloud got my entry ngly correct
            [20:03] [Evangelion-Freak] (save for the spelling)
            [20:03] [DPO_WIA] Nothing known about cavebear?!?! Heresy!
            [20:04] [DPO_WIA] Whoa - Uber's Dad died in the WTC
            [20:04] [Evangelion-Freak] W00t.
            [20:04] [Method] ??!
            [20:04] [Method] really
            [20:05] [Method] hmm, message to DC: "i know you worked long and hard on this, but
            there is simply no excuse for calling me a finn "
            [20:05] [Evangelion-Freak]
            [20:05] [Cedayon] indeed, it calls for a public flogging!
            [20:05] [DPO_WIA] We should compile what we can and send edits to him for future
            [20:05] [DPO_WIA] Not one at a time.
            [20:05] [Evangelion-Freak] This is the only time I'll be listed though, I think.
            The DG spammers will fly by me and leave my out next year.
            [20:05] [Evangelion-Freak] my=me
            [20:06] [Method] hmm
            [20:06] [DPO_WIA] GT - any advice needed? Just let us know what happens every now
            and again. I guess you're doing terraforming
            [20:06] [Evangelion-Freak] Unless I decide to run for a High Council position at
            SMACDG :P
            [20:06] [Maniac-AT] Another argument for starting a new smacdg after this one is
            finished: staying in the top 100!
            [20:06] [DPO_WIA] The Civ3 PtW game is where the most discussion for the least
            action happens
            [20:06] [Evangelion-Freak] (which is unlikely to happen, since my interests are
            continuously moving outside AC)
            [20:07] [GT^Commish] WIA: Yup, just forming right now.
            [20:09] [Method] hmm, do you think i should give him real stats for me, or just get
            him to remove the finn part.
            [20:09] [Maniac-AT] Maniac-afk
            [20:09] * Maniac-AT is now known as Maniac-afk
            [20:09] [Method] i mean, he might get lots of PMs about this.
            [20:10] [Evangelion-Freak] s/might/will/;
            [20:10] [GT^Commish] 2274 complete.
            [20:10] [Evangelion-Freak] If it wasn't for my calming down, all the outraged Finns
            would be massPMing him to remove your status as a Finn
            [20:11] [DPO_WIA] No emergencies, GT?
            [20:11] [Method] believe me, you're not the only outraged one...
            [20:11] [Cedayon] it's been too quiet, we're bound to get some sort of massive
            catastrophe soon
            [20:11] [Method] s
            [20:11] [GT^Commish] Drone Riots in Egregion.
            [20:11] [Evangelion-Freak] np : Vangelis - Rotation's Logic
            [20:12] [Evangelion-Freak] I think my work here is done
            [20:12] * Evangelion-Freak has left #smacdg
            [20:12] [GT^Commish] Can I rush the crawler so we can crawl nuts and turn it into a
            specialist base?
            [20:12] [Cedayon] wasn't Eg supposed to be an all-specialist base by now?
            [20:12] [GT^Commish] No, ti doesn't have enough food.
            [20:12] [GT^Commish] * it
            [20:12] [Cedayon] is Eg linked up to the mag tube network yet?
            [20:12] [GT^Commish] Almost, I think.
            [20:13] [Cedayon] can one of the JV speeder crawlers get there, rehome, and crawl
            nuts inside this turn?
            [20:13] [GT^Commish] Possibly.
            [20:13] [GT^Commish] I'll check.
            [20:14] [GT^Commish] No.
            [20:14] [Cedayon] or a non-JV one that's nearer, that will be replaced by the JV
            one... then rush the Eg crawler and send it to JV
            [20:14] [DPO_WIA] Good point - I wondered when we were going to be able to have Eg
            operating as a specialist base
            [20:14] [GT^Commish] The magtube net in JV isn't devleoepd enough.
            [20:14] [Cedayon] k
            [20:14] [Cedayon] just rush the crawler then... can Eg go short on nuts for just
            this turn without losing a pop point?
            [20:14] [DPO_WIA] Should do
            [20:15] [GT^Commish] Yes.
            [20:15] [Cedayon] then let them eat from stores for this turn and have the rushed
            crawler stabilize the situation next turn
            [20:15] [Cedayon] make them all specialists, if possible
            [20:16] [Cedayon] any mineral problems? was that last non-clean unit upgraded?
            [20:16] [GT^Commish] Yes.
            [20:16] [Cedayon] k, all's well?
            [20:16] [GT^Commish] I've sent a crawler from TBIBTU there to stop them froms
            tarving, as they won't rush if they do.
            [20:16] [GT^Commish] AFAI, that is.
            [20:16] [GT^Commish] * AFAIK
            [20:18] [GT^Commish] Anyway, the magtube net now extends froom Xanadu to Concordia.
            [20:18] [Method]
            [20:18] [Method] hurray for Xanadu!
            [20:18] [Cedayon] most excellent
            [20:19] [GT^Commish] So, can we start sending shoppers to UNSG?
            [20:19] [GT^Commish] And start attacking Hive untis that come too close?
            [20:19] [Cedayon] just keep a couple choppers around Solaris/northern JV
            [20:19] [Cedayon] if you don't mind
            [20:20] [Cedayon] should we beep MWIA?
            [20:20] [GT^Commish] Go ahead.
            [20:21] * GT^Commish slaps DPO_WIA around a bit with a large trout
            [20:21] -] -DPO_WIA- we have a question for you
            [20:21] [DPO_WIA] I heard that.
            [20:21] [GT^Commish] Well?
            [20:21] [DPO_WIA] Send choppers to UNSG?
            [20:21] [GT^Commish] Yes.
            [20:22] [DPO_WIA] Yep. how many we have?
            [20:22] [GT^Commish] And shoudl we use them to0 pcik off Hive units?
            [20:22] [GT^Commish] 4.
            [20:22] [Cedayon] and can we keep a few on the north border for defense?
            [20:22] [GT^Commish] Plus one more incoming from Aurillion.
            [20:22] [GT^Commish] And mroe to come form the factories.
            [20:22] [DPO_WIA] Yes, pick off Hive units 2 or closer to UNSG
            [20:22] [GT^Commish] * more
            [20:22] [GT^Commish] * from
            [20:22] [GT^Commish]
            [20:22] [Cedayon] are you sure they're rehomed to Eg?
            [20:23] [GT^Commish] Yes.
            [20:23] [Cedayon] good
            [20:23] [GT^Commish] They were the cause of the riots.
            [20:23] [DPO_WIA] Send 3, have one somewhere in the N with an Aero Complex or
            building one.
            [20:23] [DPO_WIA] Translation: send 3 to UNSG, one stays in the North at or near a
            base with an Aero Complex
            [20:24] [DPO_WIA] Careful not to expose them to hive jets on the way.
            [20:25] * Method sets mode: +p
            [20:27] * Method is now known as Method|Evil
            [20:28] [GT^Commish] Can I rush the hydro sat in NA for 150 ECs?
            [20:28] [Method|Evil] how's ZG and Xan coming?
            [20:28] [Cedayon] I presume our reserves are in the 4000-5000 range, so sure
            [20:28] [Method|Evil] (what are they doing, how long...)
            [20:29] [GT^Commish] ZG: Aeorspace Complex, 2 turns.
            [20:29] [Method|Evil] rush?
            [20:29] [Cedayon] how much to rush it?
            [20:29] [GT^Commish] Xan: Research Hospital, 4 turns.
            [20:29] [Method|Evil] hmm, i'll hold off on that one.
            [20:29] [GT^Commish] ZG doesn't ahve ten mins yet.
            [20:29] * Maniac-afk is now known as Maniac
            [20:29] [Cedayon] oh, nm
            [20:29] [Method|Evil] curses. foiled again!
            [20:29] [Maniac] What year are we?
            [20:29] [Cedayon] how about the choppers in JV?
            [20:29] [Cedayon] '75?
            [20:30] [GT^Commish] Yes.
            [20:30] [Cedayon] *wondering if any of the choppers are particularly close*
            [20:30] [GT^Commish] And the JV choppers are coming along nicley.
            [20:30] [GT^Commish] * nicely
            [20:30] [Cedayon] any cheap 1 turn savings to be had?
            [20:30] [GT^Commish] All will be done next turn.
            [20:30] [Cedayon] k, good
            [20:31] [Cedayon] any good rushes to be had in Solaris? I imagine they're kinda
            hurting for infrastructure
            [20:31] [Cedayon] *imagines A-M will be needing that hab complex not too long from
            [20:31] [GT^Commish] A-M's Hab Complex could be done for 130 ECs.
            [20:31] [Cedayon] go for it
            [20:31] [Cedayon] although I suppose Lucky didn't give orders for much after that
            [20:32] [GT^Commish] btw, Morgan's mood seems to be improving towars us.
            [20:32] [Method|Evil] what are we researching/how long?
            [20:32] [GT^Commish] He asked for a Tree Farm.
            [20:32] [Cedayon] probably has something to do with us making obscene amounts of
            [20:32] [GT^Commish] We're doing Unified Field Theory, and it will be doen next
            [20:32] [Cedayon] Adv. spaceflight was unavailable
            [20:32] [Method|Evil] still no Adv Space? :curses:
            [20:32] [GT^Commish] It wasn't on the list.
            [20:33] * Method|Evil wants orbital power transmitters BADLY
            [20:33] * GT^Commish does too.
            [20:33] [Cedayon] I turned several of our researchers over to your secret police,
            TKG, hopefully they'll learn prudency there
            [20:33] [Method|Evil]
            [20:33] [Method|Evil]
            [20:33] [Cedayon] then the mass building of energy satts can begin
            [20:33] * DPO_WIA wants shards
            [20:34] [Cedayon] as well as the further stomping of Yang
            [20:34] [Method|Evil] will you settle for tachyons?
            [20:34] [DPO_WIA] Yang wants Shards...
            [20:34] [DPO_WIA] I merely want to GIVE him Shards
            [20:34] [Cedayon] up the ....
            [20:34] [DPO_WIA] At speed...
            [20:34] [GT^Commish] Should we upgrade out missile interceptors to fusion for 1080
            ECs, or wait for shards?
            [20:35] [DPO_WIA] Wait, I think.
            [20:35] [Method|Evil] what do we have in UNPD? i might consider the ACS Pizza II,
            this time with tachyon
            [20:35] [Cedayon] wait for shards, unless MWIA has plans I don't know about
            [20:35] [DPO_WIA] Shards are the best for a while, so wait and get the best sooner
            [20:35] [Cedayon] does UFT give tachyon or something?
            [20:35] [Method|Evil] i know...
            [20:35] [Method|Evil] yes it does
            [20:35] [DPO_WIA] Tachyon is 12
            [20:35] [Cedayon] oh, k
            [20:35] [DPO_WIA] Shard is 13
            [20:35] [Method|Evil] yea, yeah.
            [20:35] [Cedayon] just wait for shard
            [20:36] [Method|Evil] but tachyon looks cooler :P
            [20:36] [DPO_WIA] So if we wait, it gives me more time to plan
            [20:36] [Cedayon] fusion'll kick Yang's butt any day for now
            [20:36] [DPO_WIA] In my games, I always get Shard before Tachyon
            [20:36] [GT^Commish] We'd have got it first here, too, if it had been avaialble.
            [20:36] [Method|Evil] me too
            [20:36] [GT^Commish] * available
            [20:36] [Cedayon] but the game decided to be mean
            [20:37] [Cedayon] it has been turned over to the Aurillion secret police
            [20:37] [GT^Commish] How can they be secret if no-one knows they exist?
            [20:37] [DPO_WIA] closed, suspects succumbed to questioning? Or did they
            commit "suicide" whilst in custody again?
            [20:37] [GT^Commish] Sory.
            [20:37] [GT^Commish] * Sorry
            [20:37] [GT^Commish] If peoiple know tehy exist?
            [20:37] [GT^Commish] * people
            [20:37] [DPO_WIA] We do just because it's our job to.
            [20:38] [DPO_WIA] We tell them about people...
            [20:38] [Cedayon] "secret" sounds better than "evil" for the press
            [20:38] [GT^Commish] But now everyone knows they exist.
            [20:38] [GT^Commish] Or will onc ethey view the log.
            [20:38] [GT^Commish] Shall we erase it all?
            [20:38] [Cedayon] drat, now I gave that away too!
            [20:38] [Cedayon] *is the logging officer this time*
            [20:38] [Cedayon] :muwuhahaha;
            [20:38] [DPO_WIA] So? We'll nerve staple the others.
            [20:38] [Method|Evil] IIRC, it's the Secret, Evil Aurillian Police
            [20:39] [Method|Evil] so it's both secret AND evil
            [20:39] [Cedayon] I know, I was covering up the evil part
            [20:39] [DPO_WIA] Founded on the greatest of Old Earth Finnish traditions...
            [20:39] [DPO_WIA] D:
            [20:39] [DPO_WIA]
            [20:39] [Cedayon] they're not THAT evil... are they, TKG?
            [20:39] [Method|Evil] ooh,
            [20:39] [DPO_WIA] I've never missplet a smiley before
            [20:39] [Method|Evil] i ought to kick you just for implying i was a finn :P
            [20:39] [Method|Evil] oh, they're evil. they're evil alright.
            [20:40] [Method|Evil] they oversee the construction of boreholes, genejack
            factories, raising of land, and some of them even EAT small children
            [20:40] [DPO_WIA] Quantum Laser is miles away. Probably 15 or so turns at the rate
            we are going.
            [20:41] [GT^Commish] Longer than that.
            [20:41] [Cedayon] it's not like we'll need more than shard for quite some time
            [20:42] [DPO_WIA] 24 turns - 8 techs
            [20:42] [Cedayon] if we don't cut the tech rate down to 2
            [20:42] [DPO_WIA] 2??
            [20:42] [GT^Commish] We did that before.
            [20:42] [DPO_WIA] How low can it go?
            [20:42] [Method|Evil] we did? when
            [20:42] [GT^Commish] Last chat.
            [20:42] [Method|Evil] oh.
            [20:42] [Cedayon] you can get multiple techs per turn if you really hit it hard
            [20:42] [GT^Commish] But the cost rose faster than our albs output.
            [20:42] [DPO_WIA] Whoa!
            [20:42] * DPO_WIA must try that
            [20:43] [Cedayon] if my plans for Concordia go correctly we'll be well on our way
            [20:43] [DPO_WIA] I stopped in my latest game when I got to 3turns/tech
            [20:44] [Method|Evil] yeah, i set it to 20/20/60 once just to speed my
            transcendance at the expense of economy. then once i got ToT i set the econ way
            back up to rake in 5K+ EC/turn to rush the VoP and AtT
            [20:45] [Method|Evil] it got up to 2 techs/turn at the end. first time i've done
            [20:45] [DPO_WIA] Wow.
            [20:45] [Cedayon] bah, no need to cash rush the last 2 SP's, you should have enough
            crawlers by then to do it
            [20:45] [Method|Evil] well, crawlers too.
            [20:45] [Cedayon] I've gotten 3 techs/turn once when I was really going for it, and
            got a secret tech and built the Uni translator in the same turn...
            [20:46] [Cedayon] so I think I got 6 techs in that one turn, not sure though
            [20:46] [Method|Evil] a few crawler-10-20*3 clean trance's will do the trick
            [20:46] [Method|Evil] IOW, they cost like 700 mins
            [20:46] [Cedayon] *lol* yea, I go for the cheapest that still uses the base's full
            mineral output
            [20:46] [Cedayon] can upgrade them though
            [20:47] [Method|Evil] i also had a little incident with quantum convertors...
            [20:47] [Method|Evil] many bases were producing in excess of 200 ED for a few turns
            [20:47] [Cedayon] yea, at that point you've probably got bases that put out 700
            mins... and I think DEM would clear 300 if you built a gennie there
            [20:47] [Cedayon] 300 ED that is
            [20:47] [Method|Evil] genejack+robot+quantum+nanorep
            [20:47] [Method|Evil]
            [20:48] [Cedayon] =pissed off planet
            [20:48] [Method|Evil] my 12res tanks helped :P
            [20:48] [Cedayon] I once got a pop with a stack of what looked a lot like 40 locusts
            [20:48] [Method|Evil] besides, i was near the voice anyways...
            [20:48] [Method|Evil]
            [20:48] [Method|Evil] i had incidences like that with IODs as the pirates
            [20:48] [Cedayon] they took one of my 60+ pop bases down to like 20 pop
            [20:48] [Method|Evil] ...somehow
            [20:49] [Method|Evil] pah!
            [20:49] [Cedayon] I then proceeded to systematically eradicate Planet
            [20:49] [Method|Evil] 60+ pop! how long do you play!?
            [20:49] [Cedayon] that was like two years ago, I barely play anymore
            [20:49] [GT^Commish] 2275 complete.
            [20:49] [Cedayon] and it's not hard once you get hab domes
            [20:49] [Method|Evil] what year did that game to till?
            [20:49] [Cedayon] I don't remember, I imagine into the late 2300's
            [20:50] [Cedayon] any disasters yet, GT?
            [20:50] [GT^Commish] Not yet.
            [20:50] [GT^Commish] We just got UFT.
            [20:50] [Cedayon]
            [20:50] [Method|Evil] hm, i guess. hab domes + nut sats + clone vats...
            [20:50] [GT^Commish] Now we go for Adv Spaceflight, yes?
            [20:50] [Cedayon] condensor crawling
            [20:50] [Method|Evil] just a matter of time until you get up to 60
            [20:50] [Cedayon] is it available?
            [20:50] [GT^Commish] Yes.
            [20:50] [GT^Commish] This time.
            [20:50] [Cedayon] click. it. now.
            [20:50] [Method|Evil] go for it. (connect 4)
            [20:50] [Cedayon]
            [20:51] [GT^Commish] Drone Riots in UN Pace Anchorage.
            [20:51] [GT^Commish] * PEACe
            [20:51] [GT^Commish] And there's a Hive ship outside.
            [20:51] [Method|Evil] how well is it defended?
            [20:51] [Cedayon] two cruisers last I checked
            [20:51] [GT^Commish] We have 2 cruisers and a garrison there.
            [20:51] [Method|Evil] also, should we upgrade the garrison to silksteel?
            [20:51] [Cedayon] how much would the upgrade cost?
            [20:51] [Method|Evil] 2 cruisers? we're fine then.
            [20:51] [GT^Commish] Don't see why not.
            [20:52] [Method|Evil] speaking of that...
            [20:52] [GT^Commish] Shall we fry the hive ship?
            [20:52] [Method|Evil] MWIA? will you let me drive the ACS Pizza around?
            [20:52] [DPO_WIA] Why not?
            [20:52] [Cedayon] of course, if MWIA has no objections
            [20:52] [GT^Commish] Odds are 27-7 in our faovur.
            [20:52] * GT^Commish slaps DPO_WIA around a bit with a large trout
            [20:52] [Method|Evil] splendid
            [20:52] [Method|Evil] he said why not
            [20:52] [DPO_WIA] Hey! I was here...
            [20:52] [Cedayon] MWIA likes blowing things up
            [20:52] [DPO_WIA] Go for it - what do you need ACS Pizza for.
            [20:52] [GT^Commish] *BOOM*
            [20:52] [DPO_WIA] It's in the job description Cedayon
            [20:52] [GT^Commish] No more Hive ship.
            [20:53] [Cedayon]
            [20:53] [DPO_WIA] TKG - that's my flagship you're talking about.
            [20:53] [Cedayon] are those choppers in UNSG yet?
            [20:53] * Method|Evil shrugs
            [20:53] [GT^Commish] Almost.
            [20:53] [GT^Commish] They will be enxt turn.
            [20:53] [GT^Commish] * next
            [20:53] [Method|Evil] i'll build the ACS Method soon.
            [20:54] [Cedayon] How about the ACS Emperor's Yacht instead?
            [20:54] [Method|Evil] perhaps
            [20:54] [Cedayon] or Emperor's Fist or something
            [20:54] [Maniac] ACS Pepperoni?
            [20:54] [Method|Evil]
            [20:54] [Method|Evil] we'll see
            [20:54] [DPO_WIA] What?! Let's not get above ourselves here - I am in charge of
            all military units, making me supreme somethingorother ;D


            • #7
              [20:55] [GT^Commish] Can I use the chopper that just arrived in UNSG against the
              Hive Missile Squad nearby?
              [20:55] [DPO_WIA] Yes - strongly encouraged.
              [20:55] [Cedayon] you heard the man
              [20:55] [Method|Evil] fine. we'll build the ACD WhereItsAt
              [20:55] [Method|Evil] *ACS
              [20:55] [DPO_WIA] And the rover underneath if it's still there.
              [20:55] [GT^Commish] *BOOM*
              [20:55] [GT^Commish] No mroe Hive Missile Squad.
              [20:55] [GT^Commish] * more
              [20:55] [Cedayon]
              [20:55] [GT^Commish] Sadly, we have insufficient fuel to deal with the rover.
              [20:55] [DPO_WIA] What about the former near the Hive base?
              [20:55] [DPO_WIA] Never mind then.
              [20:56] [GT^Commish] But there's another chopper on the way
              [20:56] [DPO_WIA] A good start :b
              [20:56] [Cedayon] *grins when he thinks about what all 4-5 choppers are going to do
              when they're in position*
              [20:56] [DPO_WIA] Kill everyhting. BWWAAAAAGH!!!
              [20:56] [Method|Evil]
              [20:56] * DPO_WIA grins when he thinks about what all 10 or so choppers are going
              to do...
              [20:56] [Method|Evil] i like the BWWAAAAAGH!!!
              [20:56] [GT^Commish] *BOOM*
              [20:56] [Cedayon] should be at 15 or so not long after that
              [20:56] [DPO_WIA] My warcry.
              [20:56] [GT^Commish] No more Hive rover.
              [20:57] [DPO_WIA] The kills mount up...
              [20:57] [Cedayon] Must... crush... socialism!
              [20:57] [Method|Evil] [20:46:49] [DPO_WIA] Kill everyhting. BWWAAAAAGH!!! i'd add
              that to my sig if i could.
              [20:57] [DPO_WIA] Just think - with teh Cyb Fac in the picture, that's + 2 more
              morale for all new choppers too...
              [20:57] [Method|Evil] ooh, how evil
              [20:57] [Method|Evil] rush the Cyb FAC!
              [20:57] [Cedayon] speaking of, turns on the Cyb FAc?
              [20:57] [Cedayon] *is considering it*
              [20:58] [GT^Commish] 2.
              [20:58] [Cedayon] rush cost?
              [20:58] [Cedayon] to get it down to 1
              [20:58] [DPO_WIA] :/me is succeeding in infecting everyone with his bloodlust
              [20:58] [GT^Commish] 352 ECs.
              [20:58] [Cedayon] reserves?
              [20:58] [GT^Commish] 5956.
              [20:58] [Cedayon] rush it
              [20:58] [DPO_WIA] I gotta find out later how you guys rush to within one turn's
              [20:59] [DPO_WIA] Do IT!
              [20:59] [Cedayon] it's a simple formula
              [20:59] [DPO_WIA] Spend! I want the biggest milit expenditure on Planet.
              [20:59] [DPO_WIA] I looked, but found about ten of them in the forums.
              [20:59] [DPO_WIA] I had to do it more or less trial and error yesterday
              [21:00] [Cedayon] divide the game's "suggestion" by the total number of minerals
              remaining, that's the cost per min... unless there's a whole lot left and it gets
              kinda odd
              [21:00] [Cedayon] status on the JV chopper program?
              [21:00] [GT^Commish] Vel found the formula for determining cost per mineral.
              [21:00] [DPO_WIA] But isn't that just an average? i thought the cost per min
              depended on how much had been done?
              [21:00] [GT^Commish] All choppers 2 turns away.
              [21:00] [GT^Commish] WIA: For untis, yes.
              [21:00] [Cedayon] yea, Vel's formula is exact, mine is just an approx
              [21:00] [GT^Commish] * units
              [21:01] [Cedayon] how much to get the choppers down to 1 turn?
              [21:01] [GT^Commish] For untis, the cost is 2 per min, plus remaining mins/20.
              [21:01] [Cedayon] starting with the cheapest, if you don't mind
              [21:01] * Method|Evil hopes he has build Qs for after the cyb fac
              [21:01] [DPO_WIA] If we get to the end of orders, we will need good AAA defenders
              for the Hive bases.
              [21:02] [GT^Commish] Okay: Valhalla: 60 ECs.
              [21:02] [Cedayon] MWIA, want that chopper next turn?
              [21:03] [DPO_WIA] The more in place the sooner the better.
              [21:03] [DPO_WIA] I will need those defenders before the attack though.
              [21:03] [Cedayon] then rush the Valhalla one
              [21:03] [DPO_WIA] And a few extra Interceptors for air cover.
              [21:03] [GT^Commish] Concordia: 117.
              [21:03] [Cedayon] would you prefer some of the choppers on order in JV be changed
              to different units?
              [21:04] * Method has joined #smacdg
              [21:04] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Method
              [21:04] [Cedayon] hmm, 117 is a bit high, but we're rolling in cash...
              [21:04] [GT^Commish] which is the real Metohd?
              [21:04] [Method] just ignore me, i'm fiddling about with evil chanserv options
              that'll keep trip out
              [21:04] [GT^Commish] * Method
              [21:04] [GT^Commish] So, rush or not?
              [21:04] [Cedayon] go ahead and rush the Concordia one, but that's enough for now
              chopper wise
              [21:04] [DPO_WIA] Time isn't really much of an issue, but if we had the Defenders
              first, then they would arrive in UNSG about the same time as the last Choppers -
              your call
              [21:05] [Cedayon] the military unit slots are yours to change, MWIA, I just put
              choppers in because I knew you'd want them
              [21:05] [Cedayon] just keep it at/under 70 mins or so
              [21:05] [Cedayon] per unit
              [21:05] [DPO_WIA] That's fine - concentrate on choppers, then whilst they're
              causing damage and improving morale, build and ship the defenders
              [21:06] [DPO_WIA] 70/unit? Got it.
              [21:06] [Cedayon] I'm not planning on doing much military unit building once the
              current orders are done
              [21:06] [Cedayon] I think ~20 units is plenty from JV
              [21:06] [DPO_WIA] Sure.
              [21:06] * DPO_WIA is taking notes.
              [21:06] [DPO_WIA] Yeah - need to convince the other govs to do their bit.
              [21:07] [Maniac] Just tell me when I need to be persuasive.
              [21:07] * DPO_WIA smiles beautifully
              [21:07] [Maniac] Or if you want we could change all Akirian orders to military
              units if you want.
              [21:07] [Cedayon] I hold the purse strings, albeit loosely, and I can remind them
              of this when they're determining build orders
              [21:07] [Maniac] Saying "if you want" twice...
              [21:08] [Cedayon] and I think Akiria needs more time to improve itself before going
              all-out military production
              [21:08] [Method|Evil] *cough* boreholes *cough*
              [21:08] [Cedayon] indeed
              [21:08] [Cedayon]
              [21:08] [Maniac] Its mineral production isn't much beneath the Concordian one.
              [21:08] [DPO_WIA] OK.. I just want a unit or two per high-min base. It will slow
              things down by 3 or 4 turns max.
              [21:09] [Method|Evil] it's beneath the aurillian one though
              [21:09] [Method|Evil] infact...
              [21:09] [Method|Evil] YOU ALL ARE! BWAHAHA
              [21:09] [Cedayon] Aurillion is the industrial center of the faction now
              [21:09] [Maniac] What defensive AAA units do you want?
              [21:09] [DPO_WIA] As I recall, SOME bases can't build anything but units...
              [21:09] [Method|Evil] UNPD
              [21:09] [DPO_WIA] Ideally 1-best-1*2 AAA Clean
              [21:09] [Cedayon] We can always build crawlers, formers, or satts instead of
              [21:09] [Maniac] They could be built in New Tassagrad and Twin Peaks (after command
              centre is constructed.
              [21:10] [Method|Evil] i didn' order any facilities for UNPD, so you can use it for
              your unit-building needs, after i get a few energy sats.
              [21:10] [DPO_WIA] Don't remember to build the hard shell, lest the soft gooey stuff
              inside be vulnerable...
              [21:10] [GT^Commish] Okay, the onyl regino that really needs any more mag tubes is
              Twin Sea now.
              [21:10] [DPO_WIA] I am that hard shell.
              [21:10] [Cedayon] I intend to do little but build energy satts and crawlers once
              the military units are done in JV
              [21:11] [Cedayon] estimate on Twin Sea's mag tubes being done?
              [21:11] [DPO_WIA] Fair enough, JV has mobilised a lot, and fast.
              [21:11] [Cedayon] just keep a few choppers around to prevent invasion or attacks
              from the north, and I'm happy security-wise
              [21:11] [Maniac] Cedayon, won't you improve the infrastructure, and build revised
              formers and crawlers for an energy park??
              [21:12] [Cedayon] if there's infrastructure to be built, I'll build it, and I'll be
              building crawlers... if more formers are needed, I'll build those too
              [21:12] [Cedayon] I was just stating my preferences
              [21:12] [GT^Commish] Twin Sea's magtubes should only take another few turns.
              [21:12] [Method|Evil] i'm also planning evil north of DEM, BTW
              [21:12] [Method|Evil] more destruction of ocean :P
              [21:12] [Method|Evil] and fungus, all that naturey stuff :P
              [21:12] [Cedayon] on the mag tubes, it's not likely that a few turns of a few
              bases being semi-disconnected will matter much
              [21:13] [Cedayon] how's JV forming going? sent any formers north yet?
              [21:13] [GT^Commish] btw, Centralis has now been virtually de-formered.
              [21:13] * Method sets mode: -o Method
              [21:13] [Method]
              [21:13] [GT^Commish] They're all off building tubes in other regions.
              [21:13] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Method
              [21:13] [DPO_WIA] Good idea, O Evil One - less fungus = less parasitic incursions
              [21:13] * Method has quit IRC (Quit: )
              [21:14] [Cedayon] bring back the native ones if you want, once the network is
              almost done
              [21:14] [Method|Evil] blah, i'll finish that up later...
              [21:16] [Cedayon] any centralis assistance with the energy park will be well
              remembered when it comes time to allocated the squares for crawling, though
              [21:16] [Maniac]
              [21:16] [Method|Evil] fine. i'll build my OWN energy park :P
              [21:17] [GT^Commish] Can I rush the TA hydro sat for 92 ECs?
              [21:17] [Cedayon] go right ahead
              [21:17] [Cedayon] nut satts =
              [21:17] [GT^Commish] And the NA one for 60?
              [21:17] [Cedayon]
              [21:18] [Cedayon] any other good rushes that you see?
              [21:18] [Method|Evil] *cough*Xanadu*cough*
              [21:18] * Maniac has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
              [21:18] [Cedayon] just scroll through the bases if that's what it takes
              [21:18] [Method|Evil] uh,oh.
              [21:19] [Cedayon] AT go poof
              [21:19] [GT^Commish] Xanadu could rush it's Research Hospital for 92 ECs.
              [21:19] [Method|Evil] ok?
              [21:19] [Cedayon] hmm... yea, go for it
              [21:19] [GT^Commish] What was that Maniac said about his connection not dropping
              [21:19] [Method|Evil] :P
              [21:19] [Cedayon] it's only natural that it do so after he says that
              [21:20] [DPO_WIA] We should all shut up when he gets back, and hope it freaks him
              [21:20] [DPO_WIA]
              [21:20] * Maniac has joined #smacdg
              [21:20] [Cedayon] connection problems?
              [21:20] [GT^Commish] wb
              [21:20] [Method|Evil] [21:10:40] [DPO_WIA] We should all shut up when he gets back,
              and hope it freaks him out.
              [21:20] [Method|Evil] [21:10:44] [DPO_WIA]
              [21:20] [Method|Evil] P
              [21:20] [Maniac] Yes, and I knew two minutes in front I was going to be
              [21:20] [DPO_WIA] Guys didn't play along..... tattle tales!
              [21:20] [Method|Evil]
              [21:21] [DPO_WIA] Grumble... ya dirty grass!
              [21:21] * DPO_WIA sends ACS Pizza to track doen Evil
              [21:21] * Method|Evil hides
              [21:21] * Method|Evil points to lemmy
              [21:21] [DPO_WIA] Wherever you find evil, root it out and chase it.... BWWWWAAAAGH!
              [21:21] * Method|Evil points to kass
              [21:22] [Cedayon] *points to finland*
              [21:22] * Method|Evil points to finland
              [21:22] * DPO_WIA commisions second ship for that duty
              [21:22] [Method|Evil] damn!
              [21:22] [Cedayon]
              [21:22] [Method|Evil] did you ever see Evil, Evil Finland?
              [21:23] [Method|Evil] i have it linked on my notepad...
              [21:23] [Cedayon] I've been there
              [21:23] [DPO_WIA] Ship returns damaged.... we're gonna need a bigger boat...
              [21:23] [DPO_WIA] Only Sweden for a day
              [21:23] [Maniac] Darsnan posted in the smacdg pbem thread btw.
              [21:23] * Method|Evil builds ACS WhereItsAt
              [21:23] [GT^Commish] Twin Sea net is almost complete.
              [21:23] [Cedayon] I was in Helsinki for 2 weeks or so... it rained on me, hard
              [21:23] [DPO_WIA] I didn't know Helsinki was in England
              [21:23] [Method|Evil] right, are we about to begin that?
              [21:24] [DPO_WIA] Or New Zealand in summer
              [21:24] [Cedayon] pbem? start?
              [21:24] [DPO_WIA] Darsnan?
              [21:24] * DPO_WIA goes looking
              [21:24] [Method|Evil] CMN
              [21:24] [Method|Evil] oh, he posted again
              [21:24] [Method|Evil] ?
              [21:24] * Method|Evil looks
              [21:25] [Maniac] He says something about a "prize" we should "race" for.
              Does that mean we aren't playing on DD's map?
              [21:25] [Maniac] Not that I would complain of course.


              • #8
                [21:25] [GT^Commish] Right, our entire faciton is nwo linked to the magtube netowrk

                [21:25] [Cedayon]
                [21:25] [GT^Commish] * now
                [21:25] [Method|Evil] uh oh?
                [21:25] [DPO_WIA] A prize, eh...
                [21:25] [Method|Evil] i don't like the idea of a prize
                [21:25] [Cedayon] TKG, deploy the police!
                [21:25] [Method|Evil] because i'm liekly not to get it :P
                [21:25] [Method|Evil] *likely
                [21:26] [Method|Evil] maybe he just means the Unity wreckage?
                [21:26] [Method|Evil] :hope:
                [21:26] [Maniac] But then you can team up to grab it from the one who has it.
                [21:26] [Cedayon] (secret, evil, police race down all the magtubes)
                [21:26] [Maniac] Perhaps a bunch of boreholes. *shrugs*
                [21:26] [Method|Evil] borehole cluster
                [21:26] [Method|Evil] they have that already :P
                [21:27] * Method|Evil plots to steal the prize ]:-D
                [21:27] [DPO_WIA] Maybe its the boreholes next to the jungle near Mt Planet and the
                Uranium falts with 50 odd pods
                [21:27] [GT^Commish] Okay, oen thing we absolutely MUST do if I'm to keep my
                sanity, is disband some formers.
                [21:27] [Method|Evil] hmm, boreholes on Mt Planet Jungle?
                [21:28] [Method|Evil] NEVER!
                [21:28] [Cedayon] you could just put the formers on the energy park up north
                [21:28] [Method|Evil] YOU SHALL NOT TAKE MY FORMERS FROM ME! BWAHAHAHA!
                [21:28] [Cedayon] (this is why I didn't plan on building more formers, Maniac)
                [21:28] [GT^Commish] Ok, you try moving them around the map for hours on end
                [21:28] [Method|Evil] what are my formers doing now? clearing fungus north of DEM i
                [21:29] [Cedayon] and we complain loudly if he messes up any of our former orders
                [21:29] [GT^Commish] Building magtubes.
                [21:29] [Method|Evil] ah yes. well, no need for any more, as long as you have the
                blue ones done i guess.
                [21:29] [GT^Commish] And the era of independant regional formers is over.
                [21:29] [DPO_WIA] We have more than 80 land formers!
                [21:30] [Cedayon] closer to 100 now, I'd think
                [21:30] [GT^Commish] Yes.
                [21:30] [Cedayon] which means we can build an energy park really fast
                [21:30] [Method|Evil] yes...north of DEM
                [21:30] [Cedayon] think the entire north part of our continent, minus a few bases
                [21:31] [Method|Evil] that's just my style: tearing down mountains for a boreholes,
                ripping them out of the sea for an energy's what i do.
                [21:31] [Cedayon] I'm like that too, in my games, I'm being somewhat more moderate
                in this DG
                [21:31] [DPO_WIA] There's a LOT of fungus to deal with up there.... I sense a need
                for defensive Infantry
                [21:31] [GT^Commish] Shall I send the empath choppers worm hunting?
                [21:31] [Method|Evil] that's because you governed akiria :/
                [21:31] [Cedayon] the fungus is easily moved through, but empath choppers and
                rovers are a must
                [21:31] [DPO_WIA] And the odd Empath Chopper, perhaps in an airbase.
                [21:32] [Method|Evil] you weren't *allowed* to build boreholes.
                [21:32] [GT^Commish] Hello?
                [21:32] [Method|Evil] ok?
                [21:32] [DPO_WIA] From where, GT?
                [21:32] [Cedayon] some "real" units too, in case those mines up there mean enemy
                [21:32] [GT^Commish] From UNPd.
                [21:32] [GT^Commish] And in Akiria.
                [21:32] [Cedayon] I *could* have asked for boreholes in Akiria, but I would have
                been shredded
                [21:32] [Method|Evil] i know
                [21:32] [DPO_WIA] Ensure there is one around in case of worms, but send one or two.
                [21:33] [Cedayon] I'd ask for some in JV, but I'm not sure where I can put them
                [21:33] [Cedayon] beyond those already in the orders from Maniac's days
                [21:33] [Cedayon] *considers doing some altitude rearranging to permit more
                [21:34] [Maniac] You could tear down a forest east of Concordia.
                [21:34] [Method|Evil] what year?
                [21:34] [Cedayon] '76?
                [21:34] [GT^Commish] '75.
                [21:34] [Method|Evil]
                [21:34] [Cedayon] k
                [21:34] [Cedayon] *will take a look at JV in the '78 save to scout for more
                borehole locations*
                [21:35] [GT^Commish] I think we're going to have to end the chat earlier today.
                [21:35] [Cedayon] k
                [21:35] [GT^Commish] 76-77
                [21:35] [Cedayon] preferably after we get adv. spaceflight
                [21:35] [GT^Commish] That won't be until '78.
                [21:35] [Cedayon] doh
                [21:36] [Cedayon] we need to spend all this money somehow, and rushing a bunch of
                energy satts sounds like a good way to me
                [21:37] [DPO_WIA] What reserves do we have, BTW?
                [21:37] [DPO_WIA] ANd how long 'till Cyb Fac?
                [21:37] [Cedayon] Cyb Fac's done
                [21:37] [Method|Evil] we rushed it
                [21:37] [DPO_WIA] Ah - good.
                [21:38] [Cedayon] I'm not sure 1 turn was worth the 350+... but it felt good
                [21:38] [DPO_WIA] It has made me happy
                [21:38] * Method|Evil shrugs
                [21:38] [Cedayon] my job has become less maintaining a reserve and more finding
                stuff to spend on
                [21:38] [Method|Evil] and me. now i can continue with infastructure
                [21:38] [GT^Commish] :releif: 2275 complete.
                [21:38] [Method|Evil] dance
                [21:38] [Cedayon] yea, I wanted to give DEM some more time on infra
                [21:38] [Method|Evil]
                [21:38] [GT^Commish]
                [21:39] [Cedayon] catastrophe?
                [21:39] [GT^Commish] Worm landing near DEM.
                [21:39] [Cedayon] yep
                [21:39] [Method|Evil] do we still have copters left in uNPD?
                [21:39] [Cedayon] nearby empath units?
                [21:39] * Method|Evil hopes his garrisons will hold out
                [21:39] [Cedayon] oh, wait, the empath units don't *need* to be nearby anymore
                [21:39] [Method|Evil] right
                [21:39] [GT^Commish] Cyborg Factory Complete.
                [21:40] [Method|Evil] ok
                [21:40] [Cedayon] c'mon, zip one down from as far away as possible on the tubes,
                and flame some worms
                [21:40] * Method|Evil wishes there was cloudbase academy...
                [21:40] [GT^Commish] Hive air force flies by UNSG for the second time in the chat.
                [21:40] [DPO_WIA] Hive Air Force will fall....
                [21:40] [GT^Commish] Hive transport approaching; kill it with a chopper?
                [21:40] [Method|Evil] but of course
                [21:41] [DPO_WIA] Yeah, as long as the chopper can return safely.
                [21:41] [DPO_WIA] Otherwise,....yeah.
                [21:41] [GT^Commish] *BOOM*
                [21:41] [GT^Commish] no more Hive transport.
                [21:41] [Cedayon]
                [21:41] [DPO_WIA] Units killed?
                [21:41] [GT^Commish] 2 units killed.
                [21:41] [DPO_WIA] Good.
                [21:41] [GT^Commish] Including the transport.
                [21:42] [Cedayon] any more potshots to take?
                [21:42] [GT^Commish] Can I send a probe foil to sabotage something in TLH?
                [21:42] [GT^Commish] Not really.
                [21:43] [DPO_WIA] Where is this probe foil?
                [21:43] [Method|Evil] steal energy?
                [21:43] [GT^Commish] It's in UNSG.
                [21:43] [Cedayon] Yang doesn't have much
                [21:43] [GT^Commish] And stealing energy will be useless.
                [21:43] [Cedayon] I'm surprised he's not gone bankrupt yet
                [21:43] [GT^Commish] He has.
                [21:43] [Cedayon] how much does he have, btw?
                [21:43] [GT^Commish] At least once.
                [21:43] [GT^Commish] 242.
                [21:43] [DPO_WIA] Not much point really. What good would it do? We'll take them
                [21:43] [GT^Commish] He keeps going yb scrapping facilities.
                [21:43] [Cedayon] yea, I figured
                [21:43] [DPO_WIA] The more infra there, the better for us.
                [21:44] [GT^Commish] So, can I use them to blow somethign up?
                [21:44] [Cedayon] better to save the probe for tech, right?
                [21:44] [DPO_WIA] If you want to attack, go for it though.
                [21:44] [GT^Commish] What tech?
                [21:44] [Cedayon] why alleviate his cashflow problem?
                [21:44] [Cedayon] I was going to add that there wasn't tech to steal
                [21:44] [GT^Commish] Come to think of it, there is a Hive probe team there.
                [21:44] [GT^Commish] Can I kill it, instead?
                [21:44] [DPO_WIA] OK - sounds good.
                [21:44] [Cedayon] if it's Hive, kill it
                [21:44] [DPO_WIA] Kill it WHOEVER's it is
                [21:45] [DPO_WIA] If they are in league with Yang they must suffer.
                [21:45] [Cedayon] yea, pretty much only Morgan doesn't get shot on sight
                [21:45] [GT^Commish] f*ck.
                [21:45] [DPO_WIA] Uh oh
                [21:45] [Cedayon] the first of the chat
                [21:45] [DPO_WIA] What
                [21:45] [GT^Commish] It ran our of movement and is now a sitting duck.
                [21:45] [Cedayon] *surprised it took this long*
                [21:45] [GT^Commish] * out
                [21:45] [Cedayon] oops
                [21:45] [GT^Commish] Should we send an interceptor to guard it?
                [21:45] [DPO_WIA] Damn. It might get saved by a Jet
                [21:45] [GT^Commish] Well?
                [21:45] [DPO_WIA] Is it really worht it?
                [21:45] [GT^Commish] Yes.
                [21:45] [GT^Commish] It's elite.
                [21:46] [DPO_WIA] If you think so, then go for it.
                [21:46] [GT^Commish]
                [21:46] [GT^Commish] Just opened a pod near Capricorn and got an AA out of it.
                [21:46] [Cedayon] excellent!
                [21:46] [DPO_WIA] yay!
                [21:47] [GT^Commish] Cash it in?
                [21:47] [Cedayon] how soon can we cash it?
                [21:47] [DPO_WIA] That one RIGHT THERE?
                [21:47] [DPO_WIA] 2 turns?
                [21:47] [GT^Commish] We can cash it now, if you like.
                [21:47] [GT^Commish] With the mag tubes.
                [21:47] [Method|Evil] yay!!!!
                [21:47] [DPO_WIA] Joy!
                [21:47] [Cedayon] cash it
                [21:47] * Method|Evil hopes...spaceflight..spaceflight..
                [21:47] [DPO_WIA] How soon till Adv Space?
                [21:47] [Cedayon] 2 turns, I think
                [21:47] [GT^Commish]
                [21:47] [DPO_WIA] Cash it
                [21:47] [GT^Commish] It has no mvement.
                [21:47] [GT^Commish] * movement
                [21:47] [Cedayon] ah well
                [21:47] [Method|Evil] :P
                [21:47] [DPO_WIA] Oh.
                [21:48] [GT^Commish] Next turn,t ehn.
                [21:48] [Cedayon] tell the unit that found it to *push* it to the nearest net node

                [21:48] [DPO_WIA] Get all our hopes up, why don't you?
                [21:48] [DPO_WIA] Now if I had a gravhsip....
                [21:48] [DPO_WIA] or a transport chopper....
                [21:50] [GT^Commish] TKG: I assume we should build a Centauri Prserve in DEM, yes?
                [21:50] * GT^Commish slaps Method|Evil around a bit with a large trout
                [21:50] [Method|Evil] yes
                [21:50] [Cedayon] how much to rush?
                [21:51] [GT^Commish] 92 ECs.
                [21:51] [Cedayon] 2 turns out?
                [21:51] [GT^Commish] Sorry, 98.
                [21:51] [Method|Evil] rush!


                • #9
                  [21:51] [GT^Commish] And, yes, it seems two turns off.
                  [21:51] [Cedayon] rush it then, DEM deserves a gift after spending so much time on
                  [21:51] [GT^Commish] * is
                  [21:52] [Method|Evil] yes. one of genejacks
                  [21:52] [GT^Commish] Attacking the worms near DEM with an Empath rover.
                  [21:52] [Cedayon] and it's gonna need all the clean mins it can get when we get a
                  min building...
                  [21:52] [GT^Commish] Killed two worm and got 80 ECs.
                  [21:52] [Cedayon] I can't give unconstitutional gifts, sorry TKG
                  [21:52] [GT^Commish] * worms
                  [21:52] [Method|Evil] :P
                  [21:52] [Method|Evil] it's *not* unconstitutional! :P
                  [21:52] [Cedayon] whoa, almost paid for the Centauri Preserve, how ironic
                  [21:52] [Cedayon] it is when it's been voted down
                  [21:53] [Method|Evil] :danceydanceydancey:
                  [21:53] [Method|Evil] well....i can poll it again! :evildance:
                  [21:53] [GT^Commish] TKG, you can always post anothe rpoll after this chat.
                  [21:54] [Cedayon] on the other hand, if you want to make a small
                  contribution to my stealth genejack research program...
                  [21:55] [Cedayon] any promising rushes, particularly JV choppers?
                  [21:55] * Method|Evil offers cedayon UNMI in excahnge for genejacks
                  [21:55] * Cedayon prompts his lab flunkies to get cracking on that ethical cloaking
                  [21:56] [GT^Commish] We can rush the concordia shopper for 117 ECs.
                  [21:56] [GT^Commish] * chopper
                  [21:56] [Cedayon] go for it
                  [21:56] [DPO_WIA] My lovely airforce....
                  [21:56] [Cedayon] I'd like it to be ready to build the supercollider for next chat
                  [21:56] [DPO_WIA] and ToE?
                  [21:57] [GT^Commish] It already has the cupercollider
                  [21:57] [Cedayon] sorry, I meant ToE ... and I know, I was suggesting the rush for
                  you, MWIA
                  [21:57] [Method|Evil] you mean theory of everything
                  [21:57] [Cedayon] *just wants lots of lab points, doesn't care what the things are
                  [21:57] [Method|Evil] :P
                  [21:57] [DPO_WIA] Hmm.. ToE doubles labs, Supercollider doubles research... any
                  [21:58] [Cedayon] Xenobanana Research Center, for all I care
                  [21:58] [Method|Evil] nope
                  [21:58] [DPO_WIA] This is from the datalinks
                  [21:58] [Cedayon] same thing
                  [21:58] [Method|Evil] the same
                  [21:58] [DPO_WIA] AhA! Inconsistent documentation!
                  [21:58] [DPO_WIA] bad Firaxis! Patch it PATCH IT!
                  [21:58] [DPO_WIA]
                  [21:58] [Cedayon] not the only thing inconsistent about this game
                  [21:58] [Method|Evil] like isaac newton's and copernicus' from Civ2 if you recall
                  [21:58] [Cedayon] indeed
                  [21:59] [Cedayon] in fact I wouldn't be surprised if those were simply renamed from
                  the civ2 files they used while making SMAC
                  [21:59] [Method|Evil] IIRC, one of them says "increases by 100%" and one says
                  [21:59] [Method|Evil] silly firaxis.
                  [21:59] [Cedayon] just gimme my tech
                  [21:59] [Method|Evil] says' Mr-Never-Been-DoR
                  [21:59] [Method|Evil] :P
                  [22:01] [Method|Evil] maniac: i'm also pro-darsnan map.
                  [22:01] [Maniac] Great.
                  [22:01] [Cedayon] I've only been electable for 2 terms, DoR didn't come up
                  [22:01] [Maniac] Btw guys, it's getting late. It's time for me to go.
                  [22:01] [Method|Evil]
                  [22:01] [Method|Evil]
                  [22:01] [GT^Commish] cya
                  [22:02] [Method|Evil] ok, later.
                  [22:02] [Cedayon] take care Maniac
                  [22:02] [Maniac] tx bye
                  [22:02] * Maniac has left #smacdg
                  [22:02] [Cedayon] now we can proceed with our evil plan
                  [22:02] [Cedayon]
                  [22:02] [Method|Evil] yes: boreholes in akiria! :evildance:
                  [22:02] [GT^Commish]
                  [22:02] [Cedayon] *gets out the crown*
                  [22:02] [Cedayon] revolution!
                  [22:03] * GT^Commish deploys the tanks.
                  [22:03] * Method|Evil overthrows Maniac's mayor in New Tassagrad
                  [22:03] [DPO_WIA] Tanks?! I have tanks and you didn't tell me!!?!?!
                  [22:03] [DPO_WIA]
                  [22:03] * Method|Evil invades new tassagrad with his Secret Evil Aurillian Police
                  [22:03] [GT^Commish] No, no, no.
                  [22:03] [GT^Commish] I have tanks.
                  [22:03] [Cedayon] oh, whoops, MWIA's still here, gotta wait on the evil plan
                  [22:03] [DPO_WIA] That;s my next goal, BTW.
                  [22:03] * DPO_WIA sees all from his flagship
                  [22:03] [GT^Commish] Hovertanks?
                  [22:03] [Method|Evil] ah yes. industrial nanorobotics...or nanosomethingorother
                  [22:03] [DPO_WIA] Yep. I'll push to get them
                  [22:04] [Cedayon] hmm, anyone know the path to ht's?
                  [22:04] [Cedayon] from where we are
                  [22:04] [Method|Evil] i'll find it
                  [22:04] [Cedayon] ... do we really need them though?
                  [22:04] * Method|Evil pulls out his tech tree
                  [22:04] [GT^Commish] We could research the tehc now if we wanted to.
                  [22:04] [Cedayon] choppers are pretty devestating
                  [22:04] [DPO_WIA] Nanomin - it's next!
                  [22:04] [Cedayon] awesome!
                  [22:04] [Cedayon] *looks at the AA and grins*
                  [22:05] [Method|Evil] yess! nanomin! then indus nano!
                  [22:05] [Method|Evil] nanomin: requires magnets and superlube
                  [22:05] [Method|Evil] indus nano: rquires nanomin and indus auto.
                  [22:05] [Method|Evil]
                  [22:05] [Cedayon] another good reason for us getting magnets
                  [22:05] [Cedayon] *polishes his beloved mag tube network*
                  [22:05] [Method|Evil] then digital sentience. indus nano and mind mac
                  [22:06] [Cedayon] ooo
                  [22:06] [Cedayon] ahh
                  [22:06] [Cedayon] Cyber?
                  [22:06] [Method|Evil] god yes.
                  [22:06] [Cedayon] that'll be some serious tech
                  [22:06] [Cedayon] multiple techs/turn here we come!
                  [22:10] [Method|Evil] i'll have to reboot
                  [22:10] [Cedayon] just curious: what's our reserve, and per turn income?
                  [22:10] [Method|Evil] be back in a bit
                  [22:10] [Cedayon] k
                  [22:10] * Method|Evil has quit IRC (Quit: )
                  [22:10] [GT^Commish] Reserve: 6168.
                  [22:10] [Cedayon]
                  [22:10] [GT^Commish] Income: 830.
                  [22:10] [Cedayon] I can't spend it fast enough!
                  [22:10] [GT^Commish] Down a bit from the start, due to losing Gaian commerce.
                  [22:11] [Cedayon] right, that would hurt... hmm, any bits of infrastructure in
                  rushing range?
                  [22:11] [GT^Commish] Some more hydro sats in TA and Antioch.
                  [22:11] [Cedayon] *will quit bugging you about rushes if you just want to get done*
                  [22:12] [GT^Commish] I WANT those rushes.
                  [22:12] [Cedayon] if they're over 10 mins and not yet within a turn, rush em
                  [22:12] [Cedayon] we're practically drowning in cash, spending it's better than
                  waiting for another crash
                  [22:13] [Cedayon] if you want you can pretty much just go through the whole faction
                  and rush anything past 10 mins that would save a turn, unless it's a really large
                  price (ie over 150 or so, ask me in that case)
                  [22:14] [GT^Commish] Nah.
                  [22:14] [GT^Commish] Would take too long.
                  [22:14] [Cedayon] k
                  [22:14] * Method|Evil has joined #smacdg
                  [22:14] [Cedayon] those satts are important though
                  [22:14] [Cedayon] since we want to have the nut satts out of the way when we get
                  energy satts
                  [22:14] [Cedayon] wb TKG
                  [22:14] [GT^Commish] TKG is going to be ahppy about what's going on near DEM.
                  [22:14] * Method|Evil nods
                  [22:14] [GT^Commish] * ahppy
                  [22:14] [GT^Commish] * happy
                  [22:14] [Method|Evil] earthquake?
                  [22:14] [GT^Commish] No.
                  [22:14] [Method|Evil]
                  [22:14] [Method|Evil] damn
                  [22:14] [Cedayon] lol
                  [22:14] [GT^Commish] The fungus field is almost gone.
                  [22:15] [Cedayon]
                  [22:15] [Method|Evil] ah. start roading and raising it then! :evildance:
                  [22:15] [GT^Commish] I've buried it in formers.
                  [22:15] [Method|Evil] erradicate the sea!
                  [22:15] [Cedayon] remember the rules, TKG


                  • #10
                    [22:15] [DPO_WIA] How much longer do you think we'll go?
                    [22:15] [Method|Evil] no, this sea isn't a national park though
                    [22:16] [GT^Commish] MWIA: To teh end of the turn, I'd say.
                    [22:16] [Cedayon] neither's the FWS, but changing sea to land is a touchy subject
                    for some folks
                    [22:16] [Cedayon] anything in Aurillion rushable?
                    [22:16] [Cedayon] *trying to placate the evil person*
                    [22:17] [Method|Evil]
                    [22:17] [Cedayon] (and spend some of this enormous reserve)
                    [22:17] [Method|Evil] when the world is mine, you'll do well as an assistant
                    [22:17] [Method|Evil]
                    [22:17] [Cedayon] I'm planning to seek other worlds when victory in sight, but
                    thanks for the job offer
                    [22:18] [Method|Evil] :P
                    [22:18] [GT^Commish] 2276 complete.
                    [22:19] [GT^Commish] Ankh-Morpork was attacked by mindworms, but we killed them
                    without losing any health at all.
                    [22:19] [GT^Commish] * actually we did, I just didn't notice
                    [22:19] [GT^Commish] The probe foil survived.
                    [22:20] [Cedayon]
                    [22:20] [GT^Commish] Can I pick off Hive troops at will?
                    [22:20] -] -DPO_WIA- your input is requested
                    [22:20] [Cedayon] *beeped MWIA*
                    [22:20] * GT^Commish slaps DPO_WIA around a bit with a large trout
                    [22:20] [DPO_WIA] Here
                    [22:20] [GT^Commish] Well?
                    [22:20] [DPO_WIA] Hang on - reading
                    [22:21] [Cedayon] it's a simple question, one I expect you to answer with yes
                    [22:21] [DPO_WIA] Yeah - as long as they're within two away or can get back to the
                    base safely - fire at will
                    [22:21] [GT^Commish] Excellent
                    [22:21] [DPO_WIA] Go for base troops if you like
                    [22:21] [DPO_WIA] I like
                    [22:21] [GT^Commish] 1 Hive missile squad outside TLH dead
                    [22:21] [Cedayon] have you ended the '76 turn yet, btw?
                    [22:22] [GT^Commish] Yes.
                    [22:22] [GT^Commish] Damn.
                    [22:22] [Cedayon] oh, k
                    [22:22] [GT^Commish] TLH has an Aerospace Complex.
                    [22:22] [GT^Commish] This may make things a bit tricky.
                    [22:22] [DPO_WIA] Yikes! That's what our probe has to get then
                    [22:22] [GT^Commish] So, shall we send them in to do it?
                    [22:22] [Cedayon] specific targeting is also a bit tricky
                    [22:22] * Method|Evil curses lack of WAVE
                    [22:22] [DPO_WIA] Yes. It's Elite
                    [22:22] [GT^Commish] We only get oen short, because there's another Hive probe team
                    defending the palce.
                    [22:23] [Cedayon] PB!
                    [22:23] [GT^Commish]
                    [22:23] [DPO_WIA] We need that AC down.
                    [22:23] [GT^Commish] Neither of the probe foils at UNSG have any movement left.
                    [22:23] [Cedayon] bah
                    [22:23] [DPO_WIA] Next time then.
                    [22:23] [Cedayon] bomb TLH till the rubble bounces
                    [22:23] [GT^Commish] well, I can see another target.
                    [22:23] * DPO_WIA takes more notes.
                    [22:23] [DPO_WIA] What?
                    [22:24] [GT^Commish] Another out-of-base unit.
                    [22:24] [Cedayon] pick 'em off
                    [22:24] [GT^Commish] *BOOM*
                    [22:24] [DPO_WIA] Well, there you go...
                    [22:24] [GT^Commish] And we can still pick off some troops in TLH, it'll just eb
                    [22:24] [DPO_WIA] Anything getting morale upgrades?
                    [22:24] [GT^Commish] * be
                    [22:24] [GT^Commish] No upgrades yet.
                    [22:24] [GT^Commish] So, shall we kill a few?
                    [22:25] [Cedayon] I imagine any new choppers in JV did...
                    [22:25] [GT^Commish] Yes.
                    [22:25] [GT^Commish] They're commando.
                    [22:25] [Cedayon]
                    [22:25] [DPO_WIA] What are the odds? Commandos? Sweet.
                    [22:25] [GT^Commish] Anyway, I'll pick off any more Hive troops I see, cash the AA,
                    and end the chat.
                    [22:25] [DPO_WIA] Yup.
                    [22:25] [DPO_WIA] Sounds fine.
                    [22:25] [Cedayon] agreed, I'll post the log if you start the thread
                    [22:25] [GT^Commish] Ok.
                    [22:26] [GT^Commish] UNSG is going to need an AC.
                    [22:27] [DPO_WIA] AC?
                    [22:27] [Cedayon] to repair choppers
                    [22:27] [GT^Commish] Aeor complex.
                    [22:27] [GT^Commish] * Aero
                    [22:27] [DPO_WIA] Ah -Complex. It sure is.
                    [22:27] [Cedayon] feel free to switch and rush if the mins are there
                    [22:27] [GT^Commish] We have four damaged choppers here.
                    [22:28] [GT^Commish] Rushed.
                    [22:28] [Cedayon] good
                    [22:28] [GT^Commish] And we also have 5 dead Hive units.
                    [22:28] [DPO_WIA] Just like that! Nice.
                    [22:28] [Cedayon]
                    [22:28] [GT^Commish] 4 military ones and a former.
                    [22:28] [GT^Commish] This is a turkey shoot.
                    [22:28] [Cedayon] they're paying off nicely
                    [22:28] [Cedayon] I know, we just needed the guns
                    [22:28] [GT^Commish] Anyway, cashing the AA.
                    [22:28] [Cedayon] rays:
                    [22:29] [GT^Commish]
                    [22:29] [Cedayon] (for adv. space)
                    [22:29] [GT^Commish] Nanominituarization.
                    [22:29] [Cedayon] just as good
                    [22:29] [GT^Commish] Say hello to hovertanks.
                    [22:29] [Cedayon] oooo
                    [22:29] [Cedayon] Hey, MWIA...
                    [22:29] [Method|Evil] yay
                    [22:30] [Method|Evil] now...indus nano!
                    [22:30] [GT^Commish] Ok, save posting time.
                    [22:30] [DPO_WIA] Nanomin!!!!
                    [22:30] [DPO_WIA] I have tanks!
                    [22:30] [GT^Commish] Yup.
                    [22:31] * DPO_WIA thins about new prototypes
                    [22:31] [DPO_WIA] Glorious new shiny prototypes
                    [22:31] [DPO_WIA] Yum.
                    [22:31] [Cedayon] I'll build you some tanks with some of the remaining military
                    unit slots, MWIA
                    [22:31] [Cedayon] just tell me what you want on them
                    [22:31] [DPO_WIA] We can likely upgrade some old things anyway.
                    [22:31] [DPO_WIA] I'll have a glance at it.
                    End of #smacdg buffer Sat Mar 15 22:32:49 2003


                    • #11
                      a few comments after a brief inspection of the save:

                      It may appear that I've been financially irresponsible from the log, I assure you all that this isn't the case:

                      reserve: 6499ecs (!!)
                      net income: 870ecs/turn (would be higher if we hadn't lost Gaian trade... and we're getting energy satt tech next turn!)

                      If anything I wish we had spent more, but I didn't want to bog GT down in scanning the whole faction every turn.

                      About Egregion: it's now got a +1 nutrient surplus (from satts), please change the crawler that's crawling 1 nut so that the base doesn't grow and throw things awry.

                      Speaking of satts, we built 5 new nut satts (mostly in Centralis, as I recall, from all the rushes for them that I approved) bringing our total to 8.

                      edit - Btw, GT, there are 2 choppers at UNSG from JV that have not been rehomed to Eg. I understand that you were bogged down in hours and hours of stuff, so I'm not upset, but I want this remedied yesterday


                      • #12
                        I have not been very active yesterday, as there weren't any emergencies which required my attention.
                        Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                        Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)

