So, Ladies and Gentlemen, without futher ado I present my first technology poll as Director of Science. As I'm sure you're all aware I "started" last week, but, as I was on holiday Maniac very kindly covered for me. Many thanks 
Now, I believe our busy researchers are getting on with Monopole Magnets at the moment. They may need some time, as I've heard that they're pretty confused as to where exactly the other pole has got to. So the question is : What next?
Well, my researchers have not yet built me a time machine that will allow me to "play ahead" as they call it, so I cannot completely predict the future, but looking at our current level of knowledge seems to indicate that the following possiblities will be coming up in the future. Choose one in the poll above. I'll reccommend the most popular to be researched first, and the second most popular be researched next, if our scientists can go that fast. OK?
Unified Field Theory
A big favorite of all Ursula Le Guin fans, this will make it possible to join all our little fields into one big field. So we can grow lots of rice.
It will also allow the Theory of Everything to be built. Which is kinda nice. (Only a theory, mind)
Oh - and a very nice gun too, that we can use to kill people. (Attack 12)
Photon/Wave Mechanics
This will give us tasty level 5 armour. It will also lead to even better protection, I hear, with level 6 armour and Tachyon Fields the logical extension. Something to do with light refraction, I'm told.
Organic Superlubricant
Umm, we have this already. Don't vote for it.
Advanced Ecological Engineering
We also have this already. So don't vote for this either.
Borges said,
"Mirrors and fornication are to be despised, as both multiply the number of humans."
We can add a third with Biomachinery, as it will let use cloning to increase our population growth. Also leads to Homo Superior, which is good only for a cheap giggle. And Nanohospitals.
Xenobanana Bio-Lobotomics
Several of our most prominent researchers believe that it is possible to completely remove someone's frontal lobes, and replace them with a nice healthy Xenobanana. Vote for this option only if you want to fund this essential research into Counterstrike players, PTW designers and MoO3 beta testers. Their families will, of course, be well cared for.
As Organic Superlube is looking good (and doesn't it always?) then it may be possible that we can follow it with Advanced Spaceflight. So I'm adding that to the poll too. A vote for Advanced Spaceflight would have been a de facto vote for Superlube,(if we didn't have it already) with the possiblity, of course, that it's not available to choose from. For the same reason I'm adding Probablity Mechanics, which is a vote for Photon/Wave Mechanics, again with the chance that... blagh, I'm sure you've all got it by now. In the case of a tie, I have 1 vote too, and I vote that you don't wear it with that shirt.
Choose wisely.
(Edited to remove things we've already researched/make more of a mess of this poll)

Now, I believe our busy researchers are getting on with Monopole Magnets at the moment. They may need some time, as I've heard that they're pretty confused as to where exactly the other pole has got to. So the question is : What next?
Well, my researchers have not yet built me a time machine that will allow me to "play ahead" as they call it, so I cannot completely predict the future, but looking at our current level of knowledge seems to indicate that the following possiblities will be coming up in the future. Choose one in the poll above. I'll reccommend the most popular to be researched first, and the second most popular be researched next, if our scientists can go that fast. OK?
Unified Field Theory
A big favorite of all Ursula Le Guin fans, this will make it possible to join all our little fields into one big field. So we can grow lots of rice.

Oh - and a very nice gun too, that we can use to kill people. (Attack 12)
Photon/Wave Mechanics
This will give us tasty level 5 armour. It will also lead to even better protection, I hear, with level 6 armour and Tachyon Fields the logical extension. Something to do with light refraction, I'm told.
Organic Superlubricant
Umm, we have this already. Don't vote for it.
Advanced Ecological Engineering
We also have this already. So don't vote for this either.
Borges said,
"Mirrors and fornication are to be despised, as both multiply the number of humans."
We can add a third with Biomachinery, as it will let use cloning to increase our population growth. Also leads to Homo Superior, which is good only for a cheap giggle. And Nanohospitals.
Xenobanana Bio-Lobotomics
Several of our most prominent researchers believe that it is possible to completely remove someone's frontal lobes, and replace them with a nice healthy Xenobanana. Vote for this option only if you want to fund this essential research into Counterstrike players, PTW designers and MoO3 beta testers. Their families will, of course, be well cared for.
As Organic Superlube is looking good (and doesn't it always?) then it may be possible that we can follow it with Advanced Spaceflight. So I'm adding that to the poll too. A vote for Advanced Spaceflight would have been a de facto vote for Superlube,(if we didn't have it already) with the possiblity, of course, that it's not available to choose from. For the same reason I'm adding Probablity Mechanics, which is a vote for Photon/Wave Mechanics, again with the chance that... blagh, I'm sure you've all got it by now. In the case of a tie, I have 1 vote too, and I vote that you don't wear it with that shirt.

Choose wisely.
(Edited to remove things we've already researched/make more of a mess of this poll)