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Turnthread MY 2264-2271

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  • #16
    Re: Turnthread MY 2264-2271

    Originally posted by Maniac
    5) The Hive and Believers also decided to join forces against us. We are now facing an unholy alliance of atheists and religious fanatics.
    I just noticed this... wow, we've really managed to p.o. the whole range of people... and Yang and Miriam are *pacted* !?! ... sounds like Mao and Mohammed conspiring or something


    • #17
      Ok, all we need to see now will be Deirdre declaring war on us, and we'll be fighting every faction on Planet other than the Morganites.


      • #18
        Sounds like a job for the Dir of Foreign affairs.
        On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation


        • #19
          More like a job for MWIA.


          • #20
            [03:20] (Dictator_Maniac) Sea Collective just built its first defence
            [03:20] (Dictator_Maniac) I'll switch to an aquaformers. Whoever will govern that base can switch it next turnchat
            [03:21] (Method) uh, it's up to cedayon
            [03:21] (Method) unless he'll do it himself
            K, someone really needs to *tell* me these things, unless you actually expect me to pick it up from the log

            *goes off to the IA office to post it for discussion*


            • #21
              Haven't got the latest save yet, but will view it and do most of the orders this time tomorrow - my flatmate can just sort out his own problems!

              As for the other factions, unless things have drastically changed, Gaia and Miriam have a war against Sparta taking up their time, and none of these guys have any real naval strength. Also, (IIRC) only one (Gaia?) has Needlejets, so we need worry only about Yang for the immediate. However, I will keep abreast of military matters overseas (I hope we stay Governor in perpetuity! ) and plan potentail measures for if they start to militarise further in our direction.

              Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


              • #22
                Okay, to answer some of your concerns:

                1) Apparently Miriam recently developed needlejets too, which is a bit of a worry; I haven't investigated the Gaians.

                2) The Gaian + Believer vs. Spartan war is still going on pretty much endlessly, and this doesn't seem likely to change.

                3) Our position as Governor remains largely certain, as even if all five other facitons voted for the other candidate, we would still have enough votes to win by a large margin.


                • #23
                  I'd like to raise an issue I have been worrying about the last week. The last two turnchats lasted more than five hours, so it was both times after 4.00 o'clock in my time zone when we finished. I may be a night creature, but after 4.00 is really pushing the limit. For this reason people like Lemmy and Kassiopeia are also unable to attend the entire chat. And since we are getting more and more bases and units, it's likely the time needed to play seven turns will only increase. Therefore I'd like to propose to do one of the following things:

                  1) Start the turnchat earlier. That's far from an ideal solution though because it may bring the New Zealanders into serious problems , instead of the Europeans now.
                  2) Play fewer turns than seven each turnchat. The disadvantage of that is that the game will really slow down to crawl speed.
                  3) Hold more than one turnchat per week, an extra session the Wednesday for example. Problem with that is that the Commissioner must be available. Another problem may be the orders, but if only a few turns are played, a decent orderset should be able to last more than one turnchat.

                  What do you think? Is any of these solutions feasable?

                  Edit: Or we could just elect ourselves Supreme Leader now we have MMI and end the game.
                  Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                  Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                  • #24
                    I agree this needs to be addressed, though I'm not sure what sort of accomodation can be found with the commissioner in Melbourne and the Alpha Talent somewhere in Central/Western Europe (I think I remember which country, but you probably don't have it in your location field for a reason).

                    1) to starting earlier (for me), since right now it starts at 5:00pm where I'm at.

                    2) to fewer turns per turnchat, though things are speeding up (in terms of tech advances and such) lately and it would give the governors finer control... hmm, actually it wouldn't be so bad with:

                    3) An extra Wednesday session wouldn't be bad at all, and we could split the turns between Wednesday and Saturday (or do 4 each or something). If GT isn't available for a session, it's ok as long as Maniac is. (note, btw, that it's incredibly unlikely that I'll be able to get into IRC on wednesdays, in fact the only one I that will be like that is next wednesday because I'm on Spring Break)

                    And yes, diplomatic victory is within our reach, but I do not think it is yet within our grasp... not quite enough votes, unless 936 is 3/4s of the total votes. We'll probably cross the threshold if we can really trash Yang and/or get a few people to vote for us (fantastically unlikely, except maybe Morgan). Once we get the Clinical Immortality SP, though, it's in the bag.

                    I'm of the opinion that the DFA should post a poll (or perhaps discussion, prior to a poll) on whether or not and to what degree we should pursue a diplomatic victory.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Cedayon
                      (I think I remember which country, but you probably don't have it in your location field for a reason).
                      Well since I am participating in the democracy game I just put Jedinica as my location. Nothing wrong with my region Flanders, country Belgium or community EU. Just the opposite I'd say. One of the best places to live in the world.

                      Anyway, I really hope our Commissioner answers in this thread...
                      Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                      Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                      • #26
                        1) Start the turnchat earlier. That's far from an ideal solution though because it may bring the New Zealanders into serious problems , instead of the Europeans now.
                        I don't think that would be possible as long as I'm Commish, unelss we find another time altogether; I get little enough sleep as it is, and putting it any earlier wouldn't help.

                        2) Play fewer turns than seven each turnchat. The disadvantage of that is that the game will really slow down to crawl speed.
                        3) Hold more than one turnchat per week, an extra session the Wednesday for example. Problem with that is that the Commissioner must be available. Another problem may be the orders, but if only a few turns are played, a decent orderset should be able to last more than one turnchat.
                        This might be a potential solution, or I could just do a turnthread on Wednesdays instead.


                        • #27
                          dont want to say i told you so.....but i told you so that we needed to attack morgan when it was much easier...
                          Welcome to the DBTSverse!
                          God, Allah, boedha, siva, the stars, tealeaves and the palm of you hand. If you are so desperately looking for something to believe in GO FIND A MIRROR
                          'Space05us is just a stupid nice guy' - Space05us


                          • #28
                            Well the time issue is a difficult one. Having chats earlier doesn't hurt me enormously (though it is non-ideal, starting as they do currently at 10am here on Sunday), but GT, the Commish, I might add, is 2 hours behind me, thus I think he shows quite some dedication already getting up for 8am on a Sunday morning!

                            Turnchats every now and again would be fine, and even in the Civ3 game, where we still have chats, they tend to be populated with very few people, and even less Ministers, effectively making them turnthreads.

                            Turnchats at a different time in the week would be nigh-on impossible for me to attend, for one. Unless we had them sometime from 0600 GMT through until about 1500 GMT I am at work all week, and sporadically available to the Net. I am sure these times in turn cause problems for Americans with sleep, and with Europeans for work!

                            Fewer turns? Could work. What is the big time drain in the chats now? It's not rushing or moving military around, I imagine. It would have to be all the formers. Hopefully we will build no further bases, giving us a timeline for a near maximum amount of terraforming in the future. Yes I know we will keep building boreholes and whatever for crawling, but if they are away from our bases this should take far less micromanagement.

                            Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!


                            • #29
                              Turnchats every now and again would be fine, and even in the Civ3 game, where we still have chats, they tend to be populated with very few people, and even less Ministers, effectively making them turnthreads.
                              Glad to hear we're not alone.

                              This might be a potential solution, or I could just do a turnthread on Wednesdays instead.
                              I wouldn't object to that personally. Should I urge all officials to make their next orderset before Wednesday?

                              Anyway, is there anyone who could attend a turnchat Wednesday 2200 GMT, or am I the only lucky bastard who doesn't have to go to university at all the Thursday?
                              Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                              Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                              • #30
                                I can be in the turnchat this wednesday... not sure about this coming saturday, or any time after that, though.

                                I'd like it if there were a turnchat this wednesday, but obviously I'm not the only one who needs to agree.

