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Turnthread MY 2264-2271

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  • Turnthread MY 2264-2271

    Several noteworthy things have happened this last seven years. An overview can be seen below. For more details, please read the chatlog.

    1) We researched and developed Retroviral Engineering, Mind-Machine Interface and Organic Superlubricant.

    2) We stole some top secret Hivean reports about the technology "Silksteel Alloys". U.N. Pizza Delivery is currently constructing the cruiser ACS "Pizza" to prototype this revolutionary alloy.

    3) the ship escorting the probe foil to Fecundity Tower was sunk right after we stole Silksteel Alloys. It was a close call.

    4) We are sad to report though the Hive were furious when they learned we stole their tech. As revenge Hive probe teams kidnapped the UNPD governor TKG. Our intelligence forces are working day and night to find out the whereabouts of this most esteemed member of our community, and we hope we can retrieve him as soon as possible.

    5) The Hive and Believers also decided to join forces against us. We are now facing an unholy alliance of atheists and religious fanatics.

    6) As if everyone is conspiring against us, Morgan cancelled our pact for no apparent reason. He is now belligerent against us, and everybody else seething.

    7) On a more brighter note, we completed the secret projects the Longevity Vaccine and the Neural Amplifier.

    8) Hercules B is now approaching Perihelion, increasing the native life.
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Maniac; March 8, 2003, 23:13.
    Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
    Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)

  • #2
    net income of 854/turn, reserves of 2993? I thought I told you to spend!

    *continues looking through save*

    looks great so far

    edit- why is there now a borehole NW NW of Cyclops? I thought that one was voted down.
    Last edited by Cedayon; March 8, 2003, 23:01.


    • #3
      Well yes, I spent a whole lot of money, but I figured I'd stop rushing in the end, so we would have lots of cash to spend the first turn of the next turnchat. This turnchat we were quite short on cash the first turn, with all the rush requests.

      Edit: I don't remember. We discussed it during the turnchat, TKG checked the MY 2264 save and he said it was already there. Not my responsibility in other words. I have to check out the MY 2264 save myself though.
      Last edited by Maniac; March 8, 2003, 23:06.
      Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
      Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


      • #4
        Something else you forgot to mention - Morgan cancelled our Pact.


        • #5
          [23:08] (Maniac) Okay guys, while you're discussing, could you please also ponder the following 6 questions:
          [23:08] (Method) go ahead.
          [23:08] (Maniac) Lucky asked for a police plasma sentinels, but
          [23:08] (Method) useless
          [23:08] (Maniac) without fusion reactor that costs...
          [23:08] (Maniac) 30 mins
          [23:09] (Maniac) with fusion reactor 40 mins but I could attach some bells and whistles to it like a laser weapon and a trance/ECM ability? Should I, and what extra ability?
          [23:10] (Method) i suggest trance
          [23:10] (Maniac) Anyone else or trance ok?
          [23:10] (Method) but police? why?
          [23:10] (Maniac) because lucky asks it
          [23:10] (Method) is someone a little too eager to get out of free market?
          [23:10] (Maniac) perhaps he's preparing for a return to green?
          [23:11] (Maniac) probably
          [23:12] * Method kicks SMAC
          [23:12] * DBTS slaps Method after reading the log....
          [23:12] * DBTS has quit IRC (Quit: )
          [23:12] (Method) i got "project complete" when i finished a tree farm o_O
          [23:12] (Maniac) anyway, trance it is. While I'm making the changes, the following question: Cedayon didn't give orders for several former upgrades like the fusion cruiser sea former to aquaformers, the pelagiformers equipped with super/clean etc. Should I make the upgrades?
          [23:13] (Method) what are peligaformers and what are chiroformers again?
          [23:14] (Method) i thoght chiroformers were super/clean
          [23:14] (GT^Commish) chiroformers are rovers, IIRC.
          [23:14] (Method) oooooh.
          [23:15] (Method) i dunno.
          [23:15] (Maniac) pelagiformers have clean for the moment, but not super
          [23:15] (Maniac) Make the upgrade?
          [23:16] (Method) IMO, yes
          [23:16] (Maniac) Same for sup fus cruiser formers?
          [23:16] (Method) ok
          [23:16] (Maniac) And the revised formers with fusion reactors. Change the production to fission reactors in Twin Sea?
          [23:16] (Maniac) Just say "yes"?
          [23:17] * Maniac slaps GT^Commish around a bit with a large trout
          [23:17] * Maniac slaps Evangelion-Freak around a bit with a large trout
          [23:17] (Evangelion-Freak) yes
          [23:17] (GT^Commish) Yes.
          [23:19] (Maniac) Did Cedayon veto those genejack factories in Aurillion?
          [23:19] (GT^Commish) Yes.
          [23:20] (GT^Commish) IIRC.
          [23:20] (Maniac) ok. Then they're thrown out of the build queues.
          [23:20] (GT^Commish) Whcih save are we using, btw?
          [23:20] (Maniac) the war savez
          [23:21] (Method) if you're stuck after what i have, insert a military that looks nice. but not too expensive
          [23:21] (Maniac) Ah yes, a last question before I begin with the formers and all:
          [23:22] (Maniac) MWIA asks for a 1/3AAA/1 clean for Jedinica, but what the hell does that mean? Fusion, fission? If fission, it's 40 mins. If fusion, 60 mins, but I can make it a missile AAA squad.
          [23:23] (Maniac) Meanwhile I'll do the rushes.
          [23:23] (Method) i guess wants a garrison. so i imagine he wants fusion
          [23:23] (Method) *he
          [23:28] (Maniac) Ah yes, could someone please mail Archaic at ? He asked to be notified when the turnchat began.
          [23:28] * Evangelion-Freak will
          [23:28] (Maniac) Give my thanks to Evangelion-Freak.
          [23:28] (Method) why does he always put xx's in it?
          [23:28] (Evangelion-Freak) I was gonna check my mailbox anyway...
          [23:29] (Evangelion-Freak) xxs?
          [23:29] (Method) he always write and says "just remove the xx"
          [23:29] (Maniac) To prevent searh robots to gain his addy for spam purposes.
          [23:29] (Evangelion-Freak) heh
          [23:29] (Method) how paranoid
          [23:29] (Evangelion-Freak) it's a hotmail address, he can't avoid spam
          [23:30] (Maniac) Do these interceptors at UN Slippery Ground have to do something or just sleep them?
          [23:31] (Method) not AFAIK
          [23:31] (Method) but then again, i'm just a governor
          [23:31] (GT^Commish) They were being used to hunt Hive ships.
          [23:31] (Maniac) ok
          [23:33] (Evangelion-Freak) ok, sent
          [23:34] (Maniac) Great, a crawler in Twin Peaks for which I have no orders, (as so many things in Akiria).
          [23:35] (Maniac) I crawl the condenser on (26.114) unless someone knows what else Herc wants.
          [23:35] (Maniac) or no, (20.110)
          [23:35] (Method) i don't know if herc knows what herc wants.
          [23:36] (Maniac) And he didn't give former orders either.
          [23:36] (Method) none?
          [23:36] (Method)
          [23:36] (Maniac) Or none that I understand.
          [23:36] (Maniac) Just have a look at them. I haven't got a clue what he wants.
          [23:36] (GT^Commish) Just act as you see fit in an emergency.
          [23:36] (Maniac) o
          [23:36] (Maniac) k
          [23:37] (Maniac) Anyone wants a borehole in Akiria?
          [23:37] (Method)
          [23:37] (Method) go for it
          [23:37] (Maniac) Nah, I'll just forest the place. That shouldn't give me an angry Hercules.
          [23:40] (Maniac) Busy sending the Aurillion formers to their home base... Btw, how long did you normally do over the first turn GT? :getting scared:
          [23:40] (GT^Commish) A long time.
          [23:40] (GT^Commish) Sometimes an hour or so.
          [23:41] (GT^Commish) But it gets much quicker afterwards.
          [23:43] (Maniac) hopefully. And then to think I already did the build queue changes before 22.00 GMT. Those took me a lot of time.
          [23:43] * Lemmy has joined #smacdg
          [23:43] (Lemmy) *poke*
          [23:44] (Maniac) What's up with you and the poking today??
          [23:44] (Lemmy) the poking is nothing new..
          [23:45] (Maniac) Ah ok, then I just spent more time than usual on the chats today. Turn done btw. I'll check if I missed some orders.
          [23:46] (Method) whats with the poking?
          [23:46] (Method) that's like saying "why is kass on IRC?"
          [23:47] (Evangelion-Freak) The Basement was just called a "Life deprivation area"
          [23:47] (Evangelion-Freak)
          [23:47] (Maniac) Ready for all kinds of disasters??
          [23:47] * Maniac pressed the 'turn done' button.
          [23:48] (Method) :scared?:
          [23:48] (Maniac) Longevity Vaccine researched.
          [23:48] * GT^Commish takes cover.
          [23:48] (GT^Commish)
          [23:48] (GT^Commish) What's our income now?
          [23:48] (Method) :vaccinedance:
          [23:48] (Maniac) Darn. Drone riots at Circular Quay. (
          [23:48] (Method) :smacdance:
          [23:48] (Method) :quaydance:
          [23:49] (Maniac) I hope I didn't miss any vital order.
          [23:49] (GT^Commish) "What's our income now?"
          [23:49] (Method) did you build the genejack factories?
          [23:49] (Method) did you start the neural amp?
          [23:49] (Maniac) I'll rush the rec commons. GT: one minute. can't see it right now.
          [23:49] (Maniac) busy with circ quay
          [23:50] (Maniac) 702/year Amplifier started.
          [23:50] (Method)
          [23:50] (GT^Commish)
          [23:50] (Maniac) Btw, did you know that Hercules asked for the Amplifier too in his orders?
          [23:50] (GT^Commish)
          [23:50] (Maniac) Fortunately for you your project will already be finished before his was about to start.
          [23:51] (Maniac) Anyway, did I have to do any rushes this turn?
          [23:51] (Method) :wtf:
          [23:51] (Method) he didn't even poll it!
          [23:51] (Maniac) indeed
          [23:51] (Maniac) So it was illegal in any case.
          [23:52] (Method) how odd.
          [23:52] (GT^Commish) Maybe he was hopsing to slip it by when no-one was looking.
          [23:52] (GT^Commish) * hoping
          [23:52] (Maniac) Then he should know me better.
          [23:53] * Method mutters about his attempt to slip in genejacks
          [23:54] (Maniac) NO sea former orders for centralis. i'll just farm and tidal harness around Circ Quay. Good for you GT?
          [23:54] (Method) oh crap. i have a sea former too don't i?
          [23:54] (Method) just build a few mining platforms in UNMI
          [23:54] (GT^Commish) Maniac: Yes, but then again I'm not governor any more.
          [23:55] (Maniac) Just assumed Archaic was your replacer until next month.
          [23:55] (GT^Commish) Yes, he is.
          [23:55] (GT^Commish) However, he's still governor right now.
          [23:56] (Maniac) Going to attack the mind worms near Deus Ex Machine now: cross your fingers!
          [23:56] (Maniac) They survived with 40% health left.
          [23:56] * GT^Commish puts on psiwarfare gear.
          [23:56] (GT^Commish) Whoo's they?
          [23:56] (GT^Commish) The worms?
          [23:56] (GT^Commish) The rover?
          [23:56] (Maniac) the rover
          [23:57] (GT^Commish)
          [23:59] (Method) it was empath wasnt it?
          [23:59] (Maniac) yep
          [23:59] (Method) are my worker placements all f*cked now?
          [23:59] (Maniac) TKG? what does your sea former in the FWC have to do?
          [23:59] (Method) but a mining platform or 2
          [23:59] (Maniac) Nope, that worm already was there last turn.
          [00:00] (Maniac) okay
          [00:00] (Method) was it on a farm?
          [00:00] (Maniac) I think so. Now only a road is left on the tile.
          [00:00] (Method) oh well. i was planning to erradicate the farms anyway
          [00:01] (Maniac) Five turns until completion of the neural amplifier after the crawler rushes.
          [00:02] (Maniac) 100/300 mins completed
          [00:03] (Method) splendid
          [00:03] (Maniac) Crystalis just finished CP construction.
          [00:03] (Maniac) Send it north to Solarian direction?
          [00:04] (Method) i guess
          [00:05] (Method) why are we still building CPs?
          [00:05] (Method) send it to Xan and have it join the base actually
          [00:06] (Maniac) In your dreams.
          [00:08] (Maniac) *sigh* Shangri La just build a crawler for which I have no orders.
          [00:09] (Maniac) So, whereto should I send the Valhallan probe foils?
          [00:09] (Method) the hive?
          [00:10] (Method) somewhere we havn't stolen tech from yet
          [00:10] (Maniac) Well I guess that would be either Fellowship City or the Sea Collective. Note btw that I can attack Sea Collective right now.
          [00:11] (Maniac) Attack it or wait for the probes?
          [00:11] * Maniac slaps GT^Commish around a bit with a large trout
          [00:11] * Maniac slaps Evangelion-Freak around a bit with a large trout
          [00:11] * GT^Commish slaps Maniac around a bit with a large trout
          [00:11] * Maniac slaps Lemmy around a bit with a large trout
          [00:11] (Maniac) Auch. That hurt.
          [00:11] (Evangelion-Freak) ey
          [00:11] (Lemmy) hm?
          [00:11] (Maniac) quickpoll:
          [00:11] (Method)
          [00:11] (GT^Commish) How long until the base gets a new garrison?
          [00:11] (Evangelion-Freak) uh, what was the question?
          [00:11] (Maniac) It's building a sea colony pod, finished in 13 turns.
          [00:12] (Maniac) It has a silksteel garrison now.
          [00:12] (GT^Commish) Attack Sea Collective or wait for the probes.
          [00:12] (Lemmy) tsk tsk EF...not paying attention?
          [00:12] (GT^Commish) How long until the probes get there?
          [00:12] * Method pokes lemmy
          [00:12] (Maniac) 1 = attack now and send the probes elsewhere 2 = wait with the attack until we have stolen the tech
          [00:12] (Maniac) 3 = abstain
          [00:12] (Method) and which is closer: fellowship city or se collective?
          [00:12] * Lemmy 2
          [00:13] (GT^Commish) Hello?
          [00:13] (GT^Commish) How long until the probes get there?
          [00:13] (Method) hm
          [00:13] (Maniac) Sea Collective is three tiles closer.
          [00:13] (Evangelion-Freak) hm
          [00:13] (Maniac) 25 to 28 movement points
          [00:13] (Method) 1
          [00:13] (Lemmy) that's only 1 turn?
          [00:13] * GT^Commish votes 1
          [00:13] * Lemmy 1
          [00:13] (Maniac) zero
          [00:13] (Method) 1 it is
          [00:14] (Maniac) ok
          [00:14] (Maniac) Commencing attack against Sea Collective. Estimated odds 12 to 5.
          [00:15] * GT^Commish takes cover.
          [00:15] (Method)
          [00:15] (Method) ???
          [00:15] (Method) !!!
          [00:15] (Maniac) Attack succesful. Second ship preparing to dock at the Sea Collective port.
          [00:15] (Method) ...
          [00:15] (Method)
          [00:15] (Maniac) 2 ec gained
          [00:16] (GT^Commish)
          [00:16] (GT^Commish) Did the base survive?
          [00:16] (Method) 1st peacekeeper conquest.
          [00:16] (Evangelion-Freak)
          [00:16] (Evangelion-Freak)
          [00:16] (GT^Commish)
          [00:16] (Maniac) Our first conquest/liberation.
          [00:16] (GT^Commish) Well?
          [00:16] (Maniac) Yes: one pop.
          [00:16] * Evangelion-Freak hums the theme to Command and Conquer: Red Alert *
          [00:16] (Method) oh yes. liberation is the correct word
          [00:16] (GT^Commish) :releif:
          [00:16] (Maniac) So, which project should I start there?
          [00:17] (Method)
          [00:17] (GT^Commish) That means we aren't war criminals.
          [00:17] (Method)
          [00:17] (Method) good to know
          [00:17] (Method) garrison?
          [00:17] (Method) and 1 question:
          [00:17] (Maniac) One of 10, 20 or 30 mins?
          [00:17] (Maniac) Mineral production 3.
          [00:17] (Method) does a 1-3t-4*2 cost the same as a 1-3t-1*2?
          [00:18] (Maniac) a foil instead of an infantry?
          [00:18] (Maniac) Yes.
          [00:19] (Maniac) But foils don't have police effect, and I don't think they gain a base defense bonus either.
          [00:19] (Method) no?
          [00:19] (Method) (nothing has police effect)
          [00:19] (Method) but sure, a 1-3t-1*2 then?
          [00:20] (Maniac) I'll make it a 2-3+t-1*2 for the same price.
          [00:20] (Method) and auto-naval yards gives us a +100% defence bonus right?
          [00:20] (Maniac) yes
          [00:20] (Method) ok. we should be fine
          [00:20] (Maniac) To ships alone of course
          [00:21] (Maniac) not against marines or aircraft
          [00:21] (Maniac) I'm about to pop a pod btw.
          [00:21] (Maniac) Sonar pod.
          [00:21] (Method) well a snowball in hell is more probably than AI marines
          [00:21] (Method) *probable
          [00:23] (Maniac) Btw, should I pop pods near Spartan territory (go west with the probe in Sea of Mnesimache) or go S instead?
          [00:24] (Method) uh
          [00:24] (GT^Commish) Pop pods.
          [00:24] (Method) west
          [00:24] (Method) "should i pop pods in the west, or in the south?"
          [00:24] (Maniac) west one vote. Someone else?
          [00:24] (Method) "pop pods"
          [00:25] (Maniac) Going west.
          [00:25] (Method)
          [00:25] (GT^Commish) West.
          [00:25] * Disconnected
          Session Close: Sun Mar 09 00:25:58 2003

          Session Start: Sun Mar 09 00:26:20 2003
          Session Ident: #smacdg
          [00:26] * Now talking in #smacdg
          [00:26] * Topic is 'ACDG Turnchat Channel'
          [00:26] * Set by TKG on Thu Jan 01 01:00:00
          [00:26] (Maniac) Did I scare you?
          [00:27] (Maniac) Or didn't you notice I suddenly disconnected?
          [00:27] (Maniac) Anyway, MY 2265 complete!
          [00:27] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Maniac
          [00:27] (Method) good
          [00:28] (Maniac) Well oh darn. Some Hive artillery attacked a ship near Sea Collective. Fortunately no one got hurt.
          [00:28] (GT^Commish)
          [00:29] (Maniac) Retroviral Engineering researched!
          [00:29] (Method) oh good
          [00:29] (Maniac) Now starting on MMI.
          [00:29] (Method) gtg, be back later in all probability
          [00:29] * Method has quit IRC (Quit: )
          [00:29] (Maniac) ok
          [00:30] * lucky22 has joined #smacdg
          [00:30] (Maniac) We'll have it in two turns. Income 723 ec/turn.
          [00:30] * GT^Commish is waiting for the riots to start in Antioch.
          [00:31] (Maniac) Wow - we got 6 expanding forests this year. And sorry to disappoint you: no Antiochian drone riots.
          [00:31] (GT^Commish) I wasn't expecting the dornes to revolt.
          [00:31] (GT^Commish) I was expecting it form the citizens and talents.
          [00:31] (GT^Commish) * drones
          [00:32] (Maniac) Rushing the hybrid forest of Twin peaks. And welcome, Lucky22.
          [00:33] (lucky22) sketchy but present
          [00:34] (Maniac) Should I upgrade the nine 0-3-1*2 super formers to super/clean for 540 ec?
          [00:35] (GT^Commish) How mcuh money do we have?
          [00:35] * lucky22 has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
          [00:35] (Maniac) Meanwhile a borehole near DEM is completed - checking.
          [00:35] (Maniac) 1441
          [00:35] (Maniac) ec
          [00:36] (GT^Commish) Go ahead with the upgrade,t hen.
          [00:36] (GT^Commish) * then
          [00:36] (Maniac) Done.
          [00:37] (Maniac) Wow. TKG wants to lower a mountain of more than 2000 metres to build a borehole.
          [00:38] * NuclearisWinterius has joined #smacdg
          [00:38] (GT^Commish) He always does stuff like that.
          [00:38] (Evangelion-Freak) ey, you don't belong here
          [00:38] (Evangelion-Freak) GT: /mode #smacdg +s
          [00:38] * NuclearisWinterius is simply not here
          [00:38] (Evangelion-Freak) That way others can't see this channel from /whois
          [00:39] * GT^Commish sets mode: +s
          [00:39] (Maniac) But can new people enter?
          [00:39] (Evangelion-Freak) Yes
          [00:39] (Evangelion-Freak) That way only other people on the same channel can see this from the /whois. But otherwise, you can come and go normally.
          [00:39] (NuclearisWinterius) May i stay here or will I be kicked?
          [00:39] (GT^Commish) Quickpoll:
          [00:39] (Evangelion-Freak) We've done it on #suomithreadi. of course, no one can't enter since everyone is banned
          [00:40] (Maniac) ah ok. No problem then. I thought wrongly it was something like that which didn't allow me to enter the channel some time ago.
          [00:40] (Maniac) I just HAD to test it.
          [00:40] (Evangelion-Freak) Okay, I hadn't banned .be
          [00:41] (Maniac) Anyway, returning to the game...
          [00:42] (Maniac) Okay, I just ran out of former orders for half of Centralis' formers. Starting to improvize.
          [00:43] (GT^Commish) Just build soil enrichers on all farm squares.
          [00:43] (Maniac) There are only one un-enriched squares in centralis, but ok.
          [00:44] (GT^Commish) After that, start moving up to Egregion and devleoping it.
          [00:44] (GT^Commish) Or start drilling boreohles.
          [00:44] (GT^Commish) * boreholes
          [00:44] (Maniac) Btw, there's a farm&solar collector tile below 1000 metres. Shouldn't I switch it to forest?
          [00:44] (GT^Commish) Where is it?
          [00:45] (Maniac) NW of TBIBTU
          [00:45] (GT^Commish) Yes.
          [00:45] (Maniac) okay
          [00:45] (Lemmy) i'm going to bed..
          [00:45] (Lemmy) bye
          [00:45] (Evangelion-Freak) 'night
          [00:45] (GT^Commish) 'Night
          [00:46] (Maniac) I'll send two of the four formers to Egregion, and the other two to build some roads near Circular Quay.
          [00:46] * Lemmy has left #smacdg
          [00:46] (Maniac) And Tac Ac just finished a chaos interceptor.
          [00:46] (Maniac) without orders
          [00:47] (GT^Commish) Just send it north to UNSG or thereabouts.
          [00:48] * NuclearisWinterius has quit IRC (Quit: )
          [00:48] (Maniac) And that leaves us with three.
          [00:49] (GT^Commish) And no directors.
          [00:49] (GT^Commish) Which means that you now have almost unlimited power.
          [00:49] (GT^Commish) As you can fill in for all of them.
          [00:50] (Maniac) Bah. I rather have a crowded room. Now I sometimes have the feeling I'm talking to an empty room.
          [00:50] (Maniac) Which means: Mwuhahahahaha! I'm dictator now!!!
          [00:51] (Maniac) Btw, should I send a AAA ship from UN Slippery Soil to accompany the foils to Fellowship City?
          [00:51] (GT^Commish) Yes.
          [00:51] (GT^Commish) We decided to do that before, didn't we?
          [00:52] (Maniac) I think so yes, just wanted to ask a second person as it isn't in MWIA's orders.
          [00:54] (Maniac) Some crawler from Deus Ex Machine just arrived at Solaris, while that region has too much crawlers for too little terraformation.
          [00:54] * Method has joined #smacdg
          [00:54] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Method
          [00:54] * Method sets mode: -o Method
          [00:55] (Maniac) Hi TKG, your DEM crawler just arrived at Solaris, but that region no longer needs crawlers. What should I do with the crawler??
          [00:56] (Method) sent it to DEM?
          [00:56] (Method) can it get there in 5 turns?
          [00:56] (Maniac) Make that two crawlers.
          [00:56] (Method) probably not...
          [00:56] (Maniac) not before the end of the chat I think
          [00:56] (Method) do we have any SPs in progress?
          [00:56] (Maniac) Yours, completed in three turns.
          [00:57] (Method) i'll sell them to jedinica for a base
          [00:58] (Maniac) o_0
          [00:58] (Method) well i dunno.
          [00:58] (Method) send them to UNPD
          [00:58] (Method) i'll find something for them to do
          [00:58] (Maniac) okay
          [00:58] (Method) (rush cyborg factory )
          [00:59] (Maniac) They should be back by the middle of the next turnchat.
          [00:59] (Method) :danceiguess:
          Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
          Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


          • #6
            *checks '64 save* well, I'll be, there's the borehole... I'll keep my peace... *to the Greenies* but I expect you all to scream bloody murder, especially Drogue and Herc, this is Akiria we're talking about!

            And good idea on saving some cash towards the end, allows more flexibility now

            2 turns to monopole magnets... mag tubes... *drool*

            edit - re crawlers, mag tubes, and DEM: TKG (or someone who can get this message to him), I'd suggest condensor-enricher-farming your nutrient bonus squares, as I think they generate 10 (!) nuts that way, perfect for crawling lots of food into, say, DEM ... when we get mag tubes, we'll be able to do this from all over the faction.


            • #7
              [01:01] (Maniac) Turn complete. Giving everything a final check. Final requests should be made now.
              [01:02] (Maniac) I'll rush a few constructions in all regions to avoid mineral waste.
              [01:02] (Method) lucky is here
              [01:03] (Maniac) Yeah, but he's having problems.
              [01:03] (Method) what kind
              [01:04] (Maniac) can't enter the chat or so
              [01:04] (Maniac) MY 2266 complete!
              [01:04] (Method)
              [01:05] (Maniac) No disasters happened.
              [01:05] (GT^Commish)
              [01:05] (Maniac) 763 ec / year
              [01:05] (Evangelion-Freak)
              [01:05] (Maniac) 1114.8 labs per year.
              [01:05] (GT^Commish) Wow, that's pretty fast growth.
              [01:05] (Method) :dance!:
              [01:05] (Evangelion-Freak) :somuchdanceyoucantimagine:
              [01:06] (Method) well, not really, considering the MY...
              [01:06] (Method) but, whatever
              [01:06] (GT^Commish) Growth from where we were before, I mean.
              [01:07] (Maniac) Busy lowering the +2000m mountain for TKG. (All that sand! )
              [01:07] (Method) i know
              [01:07] (Method) where's that?
              [01:07] (Method) north of UNPD?
              [01:07] (Maniac) No, DEM.
              [01:07] (Maniac) Near UNPD it already is lwoered.
              [01:08] (Method) did you finish the one N NW of dem?
              [01:10] (Maniac) That already was finished in the previous turnchat.
              [01:10] (Method) it was?
              [01:10] (Method) oh yeah, i guess so...
              [01:13] (Method) btw...PM me if you start the pbem before the 29th. i'll be around.
              [01:14] (Maniac) ready to pop the pod
              [01:14] (Maniac) How do you mean method? Won't you even visit Poly?
              [01:14] (Maniac) another sonar pod
              [01:14] (Method) i will, but i'll need to be reminded probably
              [01:15] (Maniac) Wow! MY 2267 complete as well. Odd. Checking for making some rushes.
              [01:15] (Method) i'll have to visit, keep up with current events, etc.
              [01:15] (Method) that was fast
              [01:15] (Method) are we going to 2271?
              [01:16] (GT^Commish) Sometimes turns end very fast if most of the formers ahve orders.
              [01:16] (GT^Commish) That is, if they're doign something.
              [01:16] (GT^Commish) * doing
              [01:17] (Method) that reminds me...
              [01:17] (Maniac) Yes?
              [01:17] (Method) i was just finishing up MWIA's faction.
              [01:17] (Method) nothing dg related.
              [01:18] (Method) carry on
              [01:18] (Maniac) Okay, then I'll end the turn.
              [01:18] (Maniac)
              [01:18] (Method) ?
              [01:18] (Evangelion-Freak) ?!
              [01:18] (Evangelion-Freak) the suspense!
              [01:18] (Method) can't be good
              [01:18] (Maniac) An IoD just surfaced right in the FWC and destroyed a supply foil
              [01:18] (Evangelion-Freak)
              [01:18] (Method) in the FWC?
              [01:19] (GT^Commish)
              [01:19] (Maniac) I hope we have an interceptor nearby.
              [01:19] (Method) was it one of mine?
              [01:19] (Method) cus if it was....
              [01:19] (GT^Commish) How did it surface there?
              [01:19] (Method)
              [01:19] (Maniac) Err...
              [01:19] (GT^Commish) From fungus?
              [01:19] (Maniac) It was near Aurora.
              [01:19] (GT^Commish) A pod?
              [01:19] (Method) probably mine.
              [01:19] (Maniac) There is no fungus or pods in the FWC
              [01:19] (GT^Commish) It couldn't have been from outside, as ther'es no way in.
              [01:19] (Method) i had one trawling nuts there
              [01:19] (GT^Commish) So where did it come from
              [01:20] (Maniac) Perhaps some secret green Akirian project?
              [01:20] (Method) impeach herc!
              [01:20] (Method)
              [01:20] (GT^Commish)
              [01:20] (Maniac) And some mysterious Morganite cruiser transport also passed our southern Akirian sensors I just built.
              [01:21] (Method) looks like i'll have to send my Secret Evil Aurillian Security Force™ after him
              [01:21] (Maniac) Great idea.
              [01:21] (Maniac) But now the good news: MMI researched!
              [01:21] * Method pushes the "unleash security force against new tassagrad" button
              [01:21] (GT^Commish)
              [01:21] (Maniac) Organice Superlub was next I believe.
              [01:22] (Method) I called the cyborg factory!
              [01:22] (Method)
              [01:22] (Maniac)
              [01:23] (Evangelion-Freak)
              [01:23] (Maniac) I just read in the message field: The Hive and Believers have agreed to combine forces against us.
              [01:23] (Method) MrWhereItsAt Zeta-5's faction is nearly done
              [01:23] (Maniac) And to a less important note: the Golden Age of New Apolyton has ended.
              [01:23] (GT^Commish) Why?
              [01:24] (Maniac) They got one drone.
              [01:24] (GT^Commish) From pop growth?
              [01:24] (Maniac) I guess so. Can't tell for sure.
              [01:24] (GT^Commish) If so, create an engineer.
              [01:24] (Maniac) okay
              [01:24] (GT^Commish) That should deal with it.
              [01:24] (Maniac) indeed, but take a worker frome the FWC or from forest?
              [01:25] (GT^Commish) Will taking the FWC worker slow down growth much?
              [01:25] (Maniac) nope, it currently has a surplus of 35
              [01:25] (GT^Commish) Take it,t hen.
              [01:25] (Maniac) well 26 now
              [01:26] (GT^Commish) * then
              [01:26] (Maniac) Anyway, i'll attempt to attack the IoD with an interceptor.
              [01:26] (Maniac) Odds 6 to 10, strongly against us
              [01:26] (Maniac) Attack?
              [01:26] (Method) 2
              [01:26] (GT^Commish) No.
              [01:27] (Method) er no
              [01:27] (GT^Commish) defintiely not.
              [01:27] (GT^Commish) * definitely
              [01:27] (GT^Commish) We need and empath foil.
              [01:27] (GT^Commish) * an
              [01:27] (Maniac) Man where do I have to find those.
              [01:28] (GT^Commish) You could switch a base to building one.
              [01:28] (Maniac) We don't have any, odd enough
              [01:28] (GT^Commish) However - is the IoD a real threat?
              [01:28] (Maniac) probably all upgraded
              [01:28] (Method) it'll attack UNMI. i have trance defenders....right?
              [01:28] (Maniac) Well it's in the FWC, where there are no defences, lots of former and two base
              [01:29] (Method) oh wait
              [01:29] (Method) forgot about espirito
              [01:29] (Maniac) Espirito del Aqua is closer
              [01:29] (Maniac) without trance
              [01:29] (GT^Commish) Can we upgrade it to ahve it?
              [01:29] (Method) so IOW, herc is fuqued
              [01:29] (GT^Commish) And how logn until the NA is built?
              [01:29] (Maniac) And there are three sea formers in between
              [01:29] (GT^Commish) Can we evacuate the formers?
              [01:29] (Maniac) I'll move them and upgrade the EdA defence forces
              [01:29] (GT^Commish) And how long for the NA?
              [01:30] (Maniac) Then just hope the IoD doesn't destroy aquaaforming first. NA??
              [01:30] (Method) any sense in rushing it?
              [01:30] (Method) amplifier
              [01:30] (Method) the neural one
              [01:30] (Maniac) next turn finished
              [01:30] (Method) good
              [01:30] (GT^Commish) So EdA is probably safe.
              [01:31] (GT^Commish) Hell, the IoD might even have a tough time with formers ocne it's done...
              [01:31] (Maniac) But the formers have only one movement point.
              [01:31] (GT^Commish) * once
              [01:31] (Maniac) yes, but the IoD attacks first
              [01:31] (GT^Commish) Can we cover them with the interceptor?
              [01:32] (Maniac) no
              [01:32] (GT^Commish) Well, we'll just have to run and hope for the best...
              [01:32] (Maniac) And no others are nearby this turn.
              [01:33] (Maniac) Just upgraded the EdA garrison. Continuing with other moves.
              [01:34] (Maniac) Wow. The sensors I just constructed in Akiria have spotted another IoD of the souther coast. ;(
              [01:34] (Maniac)
              [01:34] (Evangelion-Freak) :undance:
              [01:34] (GT^Commish)
              [01:34] (Method) tacticus: i just finished with the factions. if you can post them....
              [01:35] (GT^Commish) Can you email them to me?
              [01:35] (Method) i'm uploading it right now, so i'll give you the link in a sec
              [01:35] (GT^Commish) Ok.
              [01:35] (Maniac) And no extra defences are in a vicinity of one year.
              [01:35] (Method) :undance:
              [01:39] (Maniac) All Centralian former orders done. I'll move the whole lot of them to Egregion.
              [01:39] (Method) centralis is...finished with forming?
              [01:39] (Maniac) Well, all Archaic orders are done at least?
              [01:39] (GT^Commish) We still ahve some boreholes that need srilling.
              [01:39] (Method) ah.
              [01:40] (Maniac) There are still plenty of possibilities for boreholes.
              [01:40] (Method) let me know if any of my orders run out.
              [01:40] (Method) i don't want my formers going elsewhere...
              [01:40] (Maniac) Okay.
              [01:41] (Maniac) Btw, there are many terraformations done near Concordia which could increase the labs production if used. But Cedayon didn't give any worker orders for them. Should I be allowed to meddle a little myself??
              [01:42] (Method) sure. it's an "emergency" afterall
              [01:42] (Maniac) I guess so. I'll check out the other bases as well then.
              [01:42] (Method) are all my boreholes being worked?
              [01:43] (Method) new ones you forgot to switch perhaps?
              [01:43] (GT^Commish)
              [01:43] (GT^Commish) TKG, that file is too big.
              [01:44] (Method) too big for what?
              [01:44] (GT^Commish) It won't attach.
              [01:44] (Method) just link it
              [01:44] (Maniac) On second thought the specialist give more labs and economy than high terrain echelon mirrored and solar collector fields.
              [01:44] (Maniac) Btw, all boreholes are worked.
              [01:45] (Method) thanks
              [01:45] (GT^Commish) afk (toilet)
              [01:45] (Evangelion-Freak) that's pretty straightforward
              [01:45] (Evangelion-Freak) I usually say "afk (metabolism)"
              [01:45] (Method) metabolism...
              [01:46] (Evangelion-Freak) note though that mine is rather slow, since I seldom eat
              [01:46] (Method) a simple "afk" would do
              [01:46] (Evangelion-Freak) not necessarily
              [01:46] (Evangelion-Freak) afk (toilet) means you'll be back in about 10 minutes
              [01:46] (Evangelion-Freak) afk (tornado) means you might not be back at all
              [01:47] (GT^Commish) I don't usually tend to take ten minutes to go to the toilet...
              [01:47] (Maniac) Oh darn. I just noticed a missile needlejet is present in the base I'm going to probe next turn. I'll wonder what that will give.
              [01:47] (Evangelion-Freak) GT: It depends on two things: nature of the emergency, and if there's any reading there
              [01:47] (GT^Commish) Maniac: IS there any danger that it will kill the probe? If not, I don't se ehow it matters.
              [01:48] (Maniac) Only if it kills the escorting ship.
              [01:48] (GT^Commish) Which is unlikely.
              [01:48] (GT^Commish) What year are we at, btw?
              [01:48] (Maniac) Anyway, Method, your former orders for UNPD are done.
              [01:49] (Method) ok
              [01:49] (Method) let me see then
              [01:49] (Maniac) Still MY 2268. This turn seems to go a little slower.
              [01:49] (Method) i'm loading the game
              [01:49] (Maniac) Getting something to eat. Ponder it in the meanwhile.
              [01:50] (Method) i'll have to check my borehole sites
              [01:51] (Method) dammit!
              [01:51] (Maniac) There, back.
              [01:51] (Maniac) Are your pictures deleted?
              [01:51] (Method) the picture's gone, mark deleted it
              [01:51] * Method nods
              [01:52] (Method) maybe i still have it on my hard drive
              [01:52] (Method)
              [01:52] (Maniac) I guess MarkG doesn't recognize a SMAC shot when he sees it. He didn't even recognize the Peacekeeper landscape.
              [01:52] (GT^Commish) ?
              [01:53] (Method) so do we have a borehole at 9,95 and
              [01:53] (Method) and...
              [01:53] (GT^Commish) What relevance does that have?
              [01:53] (Method) 11,93?
              [01:53] (Maniac) Btw, should I just leave the two ships in Sea Collective?
              [01:53] (GT^Commish) Probably.
              [01:53] (Method) may-nee-ack..
              [01:54] (Maniac) Not in (9.95)
              [01:54] (Method) ok, do that
              [01:54] (Method) is there still a crawler there?
              [01:54] (Maniac) And (11.93) is impossible. Unless I read your orders wrong, you ordered a borehole one tile NW of that
              [01:54] (Maniac) Nope, sent to rush the NA
              [01:55] (Method) ****, i did?
              [01:55] (Method) is it built?
              [01:55] (Maniac) yep
              [01:55] (Maniac) I'll check if I read your order correct.
              [01:55] (Method) crap. that interferes with centralis's plans
              [01:56] (Method) it was probably my fault
              [01:56] (Maniac) Turn finished btw, checking for rushes
              [01:56] (Maniac) and for TKg's orders
              [01:56] (Method) in that case, turn 11.93 into a forest
              [01:56] (Method) after you finish with 9.95
              [01:56] (Maniac) Already done
              [01:56] (Method) pl
              [01:56] (Method) er
              [01:56] (Method) ok
              [01:57] (Maniac) 225/50=???
              [01:57] (Maniac) plerok?
              [01:57] (Method) no
              [01:57] (Method) my hand was shifted over 1 key
              [01:57] (Maniac) 4.5
              [01:57] (Method) so instead of typing ok i typed pl
              [01:57] (Maniac) Rushing a former for 68 ec
              [01:57] (Method) er is
              [01:57] (Maniac) ah I see
              [01:58] (Method) BTW
              [01:58] (Method) how big is UNPD now?
              [01:58] (Maniac) 4
              [01:58] (Maniac) 14
              [01:58] (Method) plenty of room
              [01:59] (Method) so, we have a borehole at 10,92? and you're currently lowering 9.95?
              [01:59] (Method) or roading, whatever came first
              [02:00] (Maniac) Nope. Two former just arrived there. It's for next turn.
              [02:00] (Method) ok
              [02:00] (Maniac) Which I'll end right now.
              [02:00] (Method) how many crawlers are still at UNPD?
              [02:00] (Method) 1?
              [02:00] (Method) and it's on the sensor?
              [02:00] (Maniac) Yes
              [02:00] (Method) ok, good.
              [02:00] (Maniac) The mind worms landed near Aurora.
              [02:01] (Maniac) A Morganite cruiser appeared in Akirian sensors. Morgan requests contact. Accept? AFAIK Hercules has given no DFA orders.
              [02:01] (Method) er
              [02:01] (Method) didn't we get in crap for this last time?
              [02:02] (Maniac) indeed
              [02:02] (Method) maybe he just wants to trade techs?
              [02:02] * Maniac slaps GT^Commish around a bit with a large trout
              [02:02] (Method) are we still pacted
              [02:02] (Maniac) GT: emergency
              [02:02] (Maniac) yeah I think so
              [02:02] (GT^Commish) We're accepting cotnact, not iniating it.
              [02:02] (GT^Commish) So do it.
              [02:02] (Maniac) can't see it right now
              [02:02] (Maniac) ok
              [02:02] (Maniac) (--- no good
              [02:02] (Method) end of pact?
              [02:02] (Maniac) Yup
              [02:03] (Maniac) He doesn't like our humanitarian whimpering.
              [02:03] (Method) oh well. time to start conquering him
              [02:03] (Maniac) Is that his gratitude for us going FM???
              [02:03] (GT^Commish)
              [02:03] (Method) morgan bank will fall once we get shards
              [02:04] (GT^Commish) What's his attitude?
              [02:04] (Method) he is no longer useful. he must die :evildance:
              [02:04] (Maniac) Two units returned from Morgan territory to our bases. ???? No clue which units those are.
              [02:04] (Method) i mean...
              [02:04] (Method)
              [02:04] (Method) the colony pod?
              [02:04] (Maniac) Can't check the attitude right now
              [02:04] (Maniac) NA finished.
              [02:05] (Maniac) man oh man
              [02:05] (Maniac) drone riots in UN Slippery.
              [02:05] (GT^Commish) Yes?
              [02:05] (Maniac) I created an empath
              [02:06] (Maniac) His attitude is belligerent.
              [02:06] (Method) what's DEM doing now?
              [02:06] (Maniac) Did we upset his mommy?
              [02:06] (Maniac) research hospital
              [02:06] (GT^Commish) Well, there goes his economy.
              [02:06] (Method) ok
              [02:07] (Method) can you make it an aero complex?
              [02:07] (Maniac) And all the rest is seething.
              [02:07] (Maniac) Sure
              [02:07] (Method)
              [02:07] (Method) everyon is seething...PB Time!
              [02:07] (Maniac) and research hospital after that?
              [02:07] (Method) *everyone
              [02:07] (Method) sure
              [02:07] (GT^Commish) T'would seem we haven't exactly endeared ourselves to the other factions...
              [02:07] (GT^Commish) Well screw them.
              [02:08] (GT^Commish) No one off our conteinent operates democratic societies anyway.
              [02:08] (Method) (little do you genejack factory will be operational in no time (/i))
              [02:08] (GT^Commish) * continent
              [02:08] (Method) no?
              [02:08] (GT^Commish) Nope.
              [02:08] (Method) not even deirdre?
              [02:08] (Maniac) Well because I cancelled the genejack construction in UNPD it is now out of build orders.
              [02:08] (Method) fundy i guess
              [02:09] (Method) i know. you just wait. next time
              [02:09] * Method plots
              [02:09] (GT^Commish) Yang Miriam, & Santiago are Frontier (and anti-democratic), and Deidre is fundy.
              [02:09] (Maniac) Morgan is demo
              [02:09] (GT^Commish) I know.
              [02:09] (GT^Commish) I said off our continent.
              [02:09] (Maniac) Miriam is fundy now
              [02:09] (Method) off our continent
              [02:09] (Method) technically, the spartans aren't anti-demo
              [02:10] (Maniac) Method, what do I have to build in UNPD?
              [02:10] (GT^Commish) Yes, the Spartans are anti-demo.
              [02:10] (Method) uh,
              [02:10] (Method) are you out of orders?
              [02:10] (GT^Commish) They beleive in the entire faction being run on military lines.
              [02:10] (Method) what have you built so far?
              [02:11] (Maniac) Do I really have to say the entire list?? Very long.
              [02:11] (Method) make it a....cent preserve i guess
              [02:11] (Maniac) ok
              [02:11] (Method) no, this chat i mean
              [02:11] (Method) but whatever
              [02:12] (Method) have we probed the hive yet?
              [02:12] (Method) and are we about to?
              [02:13] (Method) *or
              [02:13] (Maniac) no
              [02:13] (Maniac) this turn yes
              [02:13] (Method) good
              [02:14] (Method) silksteel
              [02:14] (Maniac) Should I attack the mind worm outside Aurora with the just completed interdceptor in NA
              [02:14] (Maniac) ?
              [02:14] (Method) are any formes in dange?
              [02:14] (Method) danger
              [02:14] (Method) formers
              [02:14] (GT^Commish) Chances of winning?
              [02:15] (Maniac) no a crawler is
              [02:15] (Method) hm
              [02:15] (Maniac) moving it away
              [02:15] (Method) what if we just put a garrison in its way?
              [02:15] (Maniac) the Auroran garrison has no trance
              [02:16] (Method) oh
              [02:16] (GT^Commish) Hello?
              [02:16] (GT^Commish) "Chances of winning?"
              [02:16] (Maniac) Okay GT, I'm gonna fly the needlejet over to see
              [02:17] (Maniac) 151 to 64, but those odds are wrong since the unit is fusion
              [02:17] (Maniac) rather 151 to 128
              [02:17] (GT^Commish) How mcuh damage could the worm cause if we didn't hit it?
              [02:18] (Maniac) destroy terraformations?
              [02:18] (Maniac) We still got that IoD to deal with too
              [02:18] (GT^Commish) Might as well hit it.
              [02:18] (Maniac) okay, gonna attack?
              [02:18] (GT^Commish) Go ahead.
              [02:19] (Maniac) We survived.
              [02:19] (Maniac) 40% hitpoints left
              [02:19] (GT^Commish)
              [02:20] (Maniac) I'm away for a while (metabolism
              [02:20] * Maniac is now known as Maniac-afk
              [02:22] (Method) here's something to keep you occupied in the meantime:
              [02:22] (Method) [19:45:47] (NuclearisWinterius) I am wnating to learn some basics on finnish
              [02:22] (Method) [19:46:53] (The-Vangelis-Freak) ok, well the first thing youll need to learn is that monkeys are alled apina in finnish
              [02:22] (Method) [19:47:00] (mrmitchell) **** = vittu
              [02:22] (Method) [19:47:05] (mrmitchell) that's all you really need to know
              [02:22] (Method) [19:47:29] (NuclearisWinterius) why should I know what apina means?
              [02:22] (Method) [19:47:46] (mrmitchell) becuase most Finns vittu apinas.
              [02:22] (Method) -)remove from log(-
              [02:26] (Method) that's quite the "metabolism" there maniac...
              [02:27] (Maniac-afk) well yes, it's the grand metabolism
              [02:27] * Maniac-afk is now known as Dictator_Maniac
              [02:27] (Dictator_Maniac) Back.
              [02:28] (Dictator_Maniac) okay, back to business.
              [02:28] (Method) dictator?
              [02:28] (Dictator_Maniac) Ah. Xanadu finished a probe foil.
              [02:28] (Method) who ordered that?
              [02:28] (Method) i'm certain i didn't...
              [02:28] (Dictator_Maniac) Method: well GT allowed me to play Commish today, and no dorector is present, making me onmipotent.
              [02:29] (Dictator_Maniac) I get it.
              [02:29] (Dictator_Maniac) It's one of the two units rehomed by Morgan cancelling the pact.
              [02:29] (Dictator_Maniac) back to pod popping
              [02:29] (Method) oh...this doesn't interfere with probing the hive does it?
              Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
              Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


              • #8
                [02:30] (Dictator_Maniac) Fortunately not.
                [02:30] (Dictator_Maniac) Heh
                [02:30] (Dictator_Maniac) A hive foil has entered the range of our AAA probe escort
                [02:30] (Method) steal it?
                [02:30] (Dictator_Maniac) Enter it?
                [02:30] (Method) how much?
                [02:30] (Dictator_Maniac) Oh great.
                [02:30] (Dictator_Maniac) Yang wants contact.
                [02:31] (Dictator_Maniac) I guess i'll accept it.
                [02:31] (Method) ok, be we don't accept peace...right?
                [02:31] (GT^Commish) What does he want?
                [02:31] (GT^Commish) And, no, we can't accept peace.
                [02:31] (Dictator_Maniac) He wants Sea Collective for peace.
                [02:31] (Dictator_Maniac) So no I guess.
                [02:31] (GT^Commish) Give him the finger.
                [02:31] (Method) you only guess?
                [02:31] (Dictator_Maniac) Never! Mwuhahaha! Sea Collective shall stay mine for all time!!! I'll say.
                [02:32] (Method) you'll say mwuhahahaha! ?
                [02:32] (Dictator_Maniac) Now he wants 1875 ec. *sigh*
                [02:32] (Dictator_Maniac) That's something I added myself.
                [02:32] (Method) say "shrivel and die, you )insult("
                [02:32] (GT^Commish) Yeesh, he's changed a lot since before, hasn't he?
                [02:32] (Dictator_Maniac) Refusing the 1875 I suppose.
                [02:32] (GT^Commish) Before that he was begging for it...
                [02:33] (Method) he's just pissed because we captured his base
                [02:33] (Dictator_Maniac) And now of course he offers a truce for nothing again.
                [02:33] (GT^Commish) Refuse, again...
                [02:33] (Dictator_Maniac) Refuse it as polled.
                [02:33] (Dictator_Maniac) Hah! Defend yourself or be crushed!
                [02:33] (Method) i found it
                [02:33] (Method) "Shrivel and Die, you [19:45:47] (NuclearisWinterius) I am wnating to learn some basics on finnish
                [02:33] (Method) [19:46:53] (The-Vangelis-Freak) ok, well the first thing youll need to learn is that monkeys are alled apina in finnish
                [02:33] (Method) [19:47:00] (mrmitchell) **** = vittu
                [02:33] (Method) [19:47:05] (mrmitchell) that's all you really need to know
                [02:33] (Method) [19:47:29] (NuclearisWinterius) why should I know what apina means?
                [02:33] (Method) [19:47:46] (mrmitchell) becuase most Finns vittu apinas.
                [02:33] (Dictator_Maniac) The transport is 150 ec to bribe
                [02:33] (Method) oops
                [02:34] (Method) "Shrivel and Die, you inhuman monster!"
                [02:34] (Dictator_Maniac) 0-1+3
                [02:34] (GT^Commish) I presume Yang ended the conversation?
                [02:34] (Dictator_Maniac) Yep
                [02:34] (Method) oh, it's a transport? pfft
                [02:34] (Dictator_Maniac) I'll first steal Silksteel Alloys before thinking about the transport
                [02:34] (GT^Commish) Do we have any planes nearby to sink it?
                [02:34] (Method)
                [02:35] (Dictator_Maniac) Does the AI raise land???
                [02:35] (Dictator_Maniac) Or do I have bad eyes?
                [02:35] (Method) no?
                [02:35] (GT^Commish) ?
                [02:35] (Method) i've never seen it
                [02:35] (GT^Commish) What happened?
                [02:35] (Method) wait, yes i have. nevermind
                [02:35] (Dictator_Maniac) fellowship city is not bordering the sea, moving the probe to the next base up north...
                [02:35] (Method) it's rare though
                [02:35] (Dictator_Maniac)
                [02:36] (GT^Commish) We do have another base we can target, though, don't we?
                [02:36] (Dictator_Maniac) Perhaps I was just mistaken by the name.
                [02:36] (Dictator_Maniac) yes
                [02:36] (Dictator_Maniac) great
                [02:37] (Dictator_Maniac) A transport just is located right in front of the sea tile giving access to Fecundity Tower.
                [02:37] (Method) fellowship city was never coastal
                [02:37] (Dictator_Maniac) Sending the AAA ship to sink it
                [02:37] (Dictator_Maniac) I see
                [02:37] (Method) what about labourer's throng? communal nexus?
                [02:38] (Dictator_Maniac) Silksteel Alloys stolen from Fecundity Tower.
                [02:38] (Method)
                [02:38] (Dictator_Maniac) Probe returned to Shangri La.
                [02:38] (GT^Commish)
                [02:38] (Dictator_Maniac) What should I do with the two probes now??
                [02:38] (GT^Commish) How long until OrgSuper?
                [02:38] (Dictator_Maniac) 2 turns
                [02:38] (GT^Commish) Send them to commit sabotage, maybe?
                [02:38] (GT^Commish) Incite drone riots?
                [02:38] (Dictator_Maniac) what base
                [02:39] (GT^Commish) Any base where they would work.
                [02:39] (Dictator_Maniac) I'll send them ti UN Slippery
                [02:39] (Method) now we can research magnets-)nanomineaturisation-)indus nanorobots
                [02:39] (GT^Commish) We nee dother things along the wya, don't we?
                [02:39] (GT^Commish) * way
                [02:39] (GT^Commish) * need other
                [02:39] (Method) no
                [02:39] (Method) adv spaceflight perhaps
                [02:40] (Method) other than that, we should go on to digital sentience as fast as we can IMO
                [02:40] (GT^Commish) For the Cybernetic Backbone?
                [02:40] (Method) and cybernetic society
                [02:40] (Method) then the greens might let us back into FM
                [02:41] (GT^Commish) Not likely.
                [02:41] (GT^Commish) I don't expect them to ever accept FM to save their own lives.
                [02:41] (Method) they'll have their planet and efficiency, and i'll have my (s)evil(/s) research
                [02:41] (Method) and +2 economy too
                [02:42] (Dictator_Maniac) Method, all terrain in Xanadu base radius is forest or borehole, except a condenser & the terrain which is also in the radius of Cyclops. What should I do with the Xanady formers?
                [02:42] (Method) really? already?
                [02:42] (Method) even 5,109?
                [02:42] (Dictator_Maniac) all done
                [02:43] (Method) kickass
                [02:43] (Dictator_Maniac) 8.114 not
                [02:43] (Method) and 7.133 is forest?
                [02:43] (Method) *113
                [02:43] (Dictator_Maniac) yes
                [02:43] (Method) ok. forest 8.114
                [02:43] (Dictator_Maniac) I let the Akirian formers help you btw.
                [02:43] (Method) send the rest to...
                [02:43] (Dictator_Maniac) They didn't have anything better to do
                [02:43] (Method) the nearest borehole project
                [02:44] (Dictator_Maniac) That's near DEM
                [02:44] (Method) fine
                [02:44] (Method) actually
                [02:44] (Method) have them convert all DEM's farms to forest
                [02:44] (Dictator_Maniac) which is only 2 turns from completion. By the timez they arrive there...
                [02:44] (Dictator_Maniac) ok
                [02:44] (Dictator_Maniac) will do that
                [02:45] (Method) what about 8,98? have we started there yet?
                [02:45] (Dictator_Maniac) done
                [02:45] (Method) cool
                [02:45] (Dictator_Maniac) ZG is alread helping UNPD
                [02:46] (Method) ah.
                [02:46] (Method) we should start an energy park
                [02:46] (Method) where, i have no clue..
                [02:46] (Dictator_Maniac) above Soalris
                [02:46] (Dictator_Maniac) I suggested it at the end of January
                [02:46] (Method) really far. lots of fungus...
                [02:47] (Method) but with mag tubes
                [02:47] * Method shrugs
                [02:47] (Dictator_Maniac) It would be reserved for Concordia and New Apolyton of course.
                [02:47] (Method)
                [02:47] (Dictator_Maniac) indeed, only after we have magtubes it's doable.
                [02:47] (Method) you may purchase my formers
                [02:47] (Method) of course, there's a bit of room west of UNPD
                [02:47] (Dictator_Maniac) Anyway, MY 2269 complete and I have 3000 ec in cash. I'll rush every base.
                [02:47] (Method) not much
                [02:48] (Method) room i mean
                [02:48] (Method) ok, cool
                [02:48] (Method) we had an energy emergency
                [02:48] (Dictator_Maniac) Well for a decent energy park you need at leadt 5 on 5.
                [02:48] (Method) yeah...
                [02:48] (Method) more formers!
                [02:51] (Method) i hope archaic won't mind if circular quay mysteriously turns into a land base
                [02:51] (Method) and TacAc suddenly finds itself at 3500m
                [02:52] (GT^Commish) Why would CQ turn into a land abse?
                [02:52] (GT^Commish) And why would we care if TA found itself on a mountain? More energy for the solar panels.
                [02:52] (GT^Commish) * base
                [02:52] (Method) if an energy park was to spring up overnight west of UNPD
                [02:53] (Method) it might eat up a bit of ocean
                [02:53] (GT^Commish) That's also S of TA, right?
                [02:53] (Method) well, sw
                [02:53] (GT^Commish) 'Cos we're already planning on building an energy park S of there.
                [02:53] (Method) north of DEM
                [02:53] (GT^Commish) of TA, that is.
                [02:53] (Method) from 8.92 south and west?
                [02:54] (Method) with all the fungus...
                [02:54] (GT^Commish) No.
                [02:54] (Dictator_Maniac) 90% of the bases rushed and still 1200 ec in reserve.
                [02:54] (GT^Commish) IIRC, the plan didn't involve much fungus clearing.
                [02:54] (Method) no?
                [02:54] * Evangelion-Freak has quit IRC (Quit: reboot)
                [02:54] (Dictator_Maniac) MY 2269 ended (finally).
                [02:54] (Method) well that's where south of TA is...
                [02:54] (GT^Commish) Actually, it involved zero fungus clearing.
                [02:55] (Method) there's only 7 tiles south of TA that aren't in base radius or aren't fungus
                [02:55] (Dictator_Maniac) Increase native life activity for 20 years. Hercules' (B) fault.
                [02:55] (GT^Commish) I'll try and dig up the pic.
                [02:55] (Dictator_Maniac) And the mind worms have landed near Cyclops.
                [02:55] (Dictator_Maniac) And Aurora...
                [02:55] (GT^Commish) TKG:
                [02:56] (Method) hmm. ok
                [02:56] (Dictator_Maniac) And a Hive missileship killed our AAA ship near Fecundity Tower. Are you guys listening?
                [02:56] (Method) yes we are
                [02:56] (GT^Commish)
                [02:56] (Method) :undance:
                [02:56] (Dictator_Maniac) 6-4-4 ship to be more precise
                [02:57] (GT^Commish) Do we have any nearby planes?
                [02:57] (GT^Commish) I want to sink that ship.
                [02:57] (Method) well what we should do is raise it all to 3500m, and clear the fungus, making it huge! mwuhahaha
                [02:57] (GT^Commish) btw, can we start upgrading our interceptors to be Clean.Chaos?
                [02:57] (GT^Commish) Clean/Chaos
                [02:57] (Dictator_Maniac) Nope. Too far away from anything we have
                [02:57] (Method) wait till fusion?
                [02:57] (Dictator_Maniac) Shouldn't it be better to wait for fusion or shard?
                [02:57] (GT^Commish) Maybe.
                [02:58] (Dictator_Maniac) Then upgrade our entire military
                [02:58] (Method) shard, better yet. fusion will be obsolete after a year or 2
                [02:58] (GT^Commish) But how long will it take to get there & then prototype them?
                [02:58] (Method) 5-6 turns?
                [02:58] (Method) provided we research shards next
                [02:58] (Method) end of next chat perhaps
                [02:59] (Dictator_Maniac) Method:
                [02:59] (Dictator_Maniac) Give larger build queues next time.
                [02:59] (Method) sorry
                [03:00] (Dictator_Maniac) UNPD and Xanadu out of orders.
                [03:00] (Method) i forgot to put things after my genejacks
                [03:00] (Dictator_Maniac) What should I build?
                [03:00] (Method) in UNPD?
                [03:00] (Method) and xan?
                [03:00] (Dictator_Maniac) yes
                [03:00] (Method) unpd has aero complex already?
                [03:00] (Dictator_Maniac) all
                [03:01] (Method) how about...a centauri preserve?
                [03:01] (Dictator_Maniac) Just done. It hasn't got a command centre, but that's about it.
                [03:01] (Method) if not, a unit?
                [03:01] (Dictator_Maniac) bio lab
                [03:01] (Method) give MWIA a boat
                [03:01] (Dictator_Maniac) skunkworks
                [03:01] (Method) oo, skunkworks. ok
                [03:01] (Dictator_Maniac) ok
                [03:01] (Method) and xan...
                [03:01] (Dictator_Maniac) skunkworks in the queue
                [03:02] (Method) hybrid forest in xan?
                [03:02] (Method) net node?
                [03:02] (Method) fusion lab
                [03:02] (Method) hab complex
                [03:02] (Method) plenty to be done
                [03:02] (Dictator_Maniac) ha complex
                [03:02] (Method) fusion lab already? that was fast
                [03:02] (Dictator_Maniac) I'll do. It's size 9.
                [03:02] (Dictator_Maniac) or no, it can take size 11
                [03:02] (Dictator_Maniac) Fusion lab then.
                [03:03] (Method) ok. i didn't think i had one
                [03:03] (Method) then hab complex after that
                [03:03] (Method) BTW: how'd we get a borehole on 7,115?
                [03:03] (Method) i hope i didn't order that...
                [03:04] (Dictator_Maniac) Btw, GT, do you also play the last turn (that will be MY 2271 now) or just finish MY 2270, press turn complete and then save?
                [03:04] (Dictator_Maniac) Yes you did.
                [03:04] (Dictator_Maniac) Illegal?
                [03:04] (Dictator_Maniac) tsk tsk tsk
                [03:04] (Method) no, it's there in my save
                [03:05] (GT^Commish) Maniac: I play the turn as far as current orders allow.
                [03:05] (Method) the 2264 one
                [03:05] (Dictator_Maniac) Hercules will be thrilled.
                [03:05] (GT^Commish) It cuts down on the startup time in the next chat.
                [03:05] (Dictator_Maniac) okay
                [03:05] (Method) i don' think i ordered that
                [03:05] (Method) i don't see it at least
                [03:06] (GT^Commish) So, are we at 2271, btw?
                [03:06] (Dictator_Maniac) No 2270
                [03:06] (Dictator_Maniac) I think that borehole already was there when I started the save. Or at least formers were already building and I let them complete it. I should check it.
                [03:07] (Method) no, it's in my 2264 save.
                [03:07] (Method) and i didn't order it in the 2264 orders thread.
                [03:07] (Dictator_Maniac) Anyway, should I attack worms outside Cyclops? Chances are 1 to 1.
                [03:07] (Method) so GT can explain to herc
                [03:07] (Dictator_Maniac) ok
                [03:08] (GT^Commish) Would we have ebtter odds if we let them atack us?
                [03:08] (GT^Commish) The worms, that is?
                [03:08] (Method) akirian formers were doing it anyways. looks like cedayon finally caved :P
                [03:08] (Dictator_Maniac) yes
                [03:09] (Dictator_Maniac) but probably *they* won't attack after they've destroyed all the terraformations on that tile
                [03:09] (Dictator_Maniac) sending an empath rover - should have donethat earlier
                [03:09] (GT^Commish) If the odds are 1 to 1, it's probably best not to.
                [03:09] (Dictator_Maniac) and the IoD is still in the FWC
                [03:09] (GT^Commish) And, yes, that's a very good idea.
                [03:10] (Dictator_Maniac) ok I'll wait, it'll be for the next turnchat
                [03:10] (Method) after the skunkworks you can build a unit in UNPD
                [03:10] (Method) an empath foil or chopper
                [03:10] (Dictator_Maniac) Great idea.
                [03:10] (Dictator_Maniac) I'll suggest it in the command center
                [03:11] (Method) just in case we have any unexpected pops from my rampant borehole-button-pushing
                [03:11] (Method)
                [03:11] (Method) or *cough*genejacks*cough*
                [03:11] (GT^Commish) How many Hybridforests do we have?
                [03:11] (Method) 3 from Aur at least...
                [03:11] (Method) or...4
                [03:12] (Method) did xan build one yet?
                [03:12] (Dictator_Maniac) 14
                [03:12] (Dictator_Maniac) on 34 bases
                [03:12] (Method) so 28 clean mins
                [03:12] (Method) plus preserves
                [03:12] (Method) plus pops
                [03:12] (Method) plus 16 (?)
                [03:13] (Dictator_Maniac) Btw, do I also have to build mining platforms around UNMI?
                [03:13] (Method) er, yes
                [03:13] (Dictator_Maniac) ok
                [03:13] (Method) what do you mean, "also"
                [03:13] (Method)
                [03:13] (Method) you didnt put any around UNPD did you? :quitescared:
                [03:14] (Method) if you did, that's my fault for not being clear...
                [03:14] (Dictator_Maniac) well you said so...
                [03:14] (Method) oh well
                [03:14] (Dictator_Maniac) Not around UNPD
                [03:14] (Method) i did say "build mining platforms"
                [03:14] (Method) where'd you put them?
                [03:14] (Dictator_Maniac) One around ZG, and several outside the FWC
                [03:14] (Method) ok, whatever
                [03:15] (Dictator_Maniac) 13.99
                [03:15] (Method) that's fine
                [03:15] (Dictator_Maniac) 1.103 building one - I can still stop it
                [03:15] (Method) put a whatchacallit..
                [03:16] (Method) tidal harness there
                [03:16] (Dictator_Maniac) ok
                [03:16] (Method) BTW....didn' i give that former to cicular Quay?
                [03:16] (Dictator_Maniac) amready compleyed
                [03:16] (Dictator_Maniac) not a clue
                [03:16] (Dictator_Maniac) popping pod
                [03:16] (Method) whatever. the harness'll do good
                [03:16] (Dictator_Maniac) 50 ec yuppee
                [03:17] (GT^Commish)
                [03:18] (GT^Commish) Anything else that needs to be done?
                [03:18] (Dictator_Maniac) Btw, GT, I did have to build platforms around Circular Quay right? I don't remember so well...
                [03:19] * GT^Commish is checking the orders thread.
                [03:19] (Method) so are we done?
                [03:19] (Dictator_Maniac) no no
                [03:19] (Dictator_Maniac) what makes you think that?
                [03:19] (Method) another turn?
                [03:19] (Dictator_Maniac) Am I too slow?
                [03:19] (GT^Commish) Archaic didn't say one way or the other.
                [03:19] (Method) the " Anything else that needs to be done?" part
                [03:20] (Method)
                [03:20] (GT^Commish) That was me.
                [03:20] (Method) yeah, whatever...
                [03:20] (GT^Commish) I was wondering if we were done.
                [03:20] (Method) anyways...
                [03:20] (Dictator_Maniac) Sea Collective just built its first defence
                [03:20] (Method) good
                [03:20] (GT^Commish)
                [03:20] (Method) ooh, i know what we can do
                [03:20] (Dictator_Maniac) I'll switch to an aquaformers. Whoever will govern that base can switch it next turnchat
                [03:21] (GT^Commish) Yes?
                [03:21] (Method) after skunkworks, UNPD can build a 10-4-6*2
                [03:21] (Dictator_Maniac)
                [03:21] (GT^Commish) how long to Org Super?
                [03:21] (Method) uh, it's up to cedayon
                [03:21] (GT^Commish) Or do we have it already?
                [03:21] (Method) unless he'll do it himself
                [03:21] (Dictator_Maniac) next turn
                [03:22] (Dictator_Maniac) btw, should we rename our chaos cruiser to something more fancy?
                [03:22] (GT^Commish) Like what?
                [03:22] (Dictator_Maniac) Like "Enterprise" Class Cruiser or something?
                [03:22] (Method) we seem to be doing pretty well, despite having a maniacal dictator...
                [03:22] (Dictator_Maniac) "Audacity" class cruiser
                [03:22] (Dictator_Maniac) I don't know
                [03:22] (GT^Commish) Do stuff like that when we get a miltiary tech that won't be obsolete ebfore ti can be used...
                [03:22] (Method) the SS Pizza?
                [03:22] (GT^Commish)
                [03:23] (Dictator_Maniac) Ok. I'll propose it in the command centre as well when I think about it.
                [03:23] (Method) or UN Fusion Delivery?
                [03:24] (Method) how about "Hey Yang, Look what TKG Built!"
                [03:24] * Method sees if that will fit
                [03:25] (GT^Commish) So how much else needs to be done?
                [03:25] (Method) yep it fits
                [03:25] (Dictator_Maniac) Just noticed UNMI was about to ruit next turn - empath created
                [03:25] (Method) uh oh. no net node yet?
                [03:25] (Method) hm
                [03:26] (Dictator_Maniac) nope
                [03:26] (Dictator_Maniac) 2 mins under construction
                [03:26] (Method) ok
                [03:26] (Method) still only 2 mins? blah...
                [03:27] (Method) if only we had subsea trunklines...and lots of mining platforms...
                [03:27] (Dictator_Maniac) turn complete. I'll do some rushes, but not many, so we have lots of cash to spend on the first turn ofthe next turnchat.
                [03:27] (Method) rush something in aurillion
                [03:28] (Dictator_Maniac) 16x4.5=??
                [03:28] (Dictator_Maniac) 72
                [03:28] (Dictator_Maniac) Abother former for TBIBTU
                [03:29] (Dictator_Maniac) ending the turn with 2001 ec
                Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                • #9
                  [03:30] (Dictator_Maniac) One MW destroyed near Cyclops. A second still there. Another mind worm landed near Aurora. Org Sup researhced.
                  [03:30] (Method) good
                  [03:30] (GT^Commish)
                  [03:30] (GT^Commish) Starting on Adv Spaceflight, I presume?
                  [03:31] (Dictator_Maniac) OKay guys. Monopole Magnets or Adv Spaceflight?? Quickpoll? I guess the DoS can still change the tech.
                  [03:31] (Method) insert...10-(4)-6*2 (deep, AAA) into UNPD Q
                  [03:31] (Method) what was first on the poll?
                  [03:31] (Method) did they tie?
                  [03:31] (Dictator_Maniac) Can somebody check please? I already have quite a few windows open.
                  [03:32] (Dictator_Maniac) checking now myself
                  [03:32] (Method) uhm
                  [03:32] (Dictator_Maniac) Monopole Magnets is our next tech
                  [03:32] (Method) magnets
                  [03:32] (Method) o
                  [03:32] (Dictator_Maniac)
                  [03:32] (Dictator_Maniac) ok
                  [03:32] (Dictator_Maniac) long live the energy park I guess.
                  [03:33] (Dictator_Maniac) Desiging a AAA Fusion Cruiser.
                  [03:33] (Dictator_Maniac) How should I baptize it?
                  [03:34] (Dictator_Maniac) It'll probably be the o,ly ship of that kind, as we'll soon have shards.
                  [03:34] (Method) hit it with champagne?
                  [03:34] (Dictator_Maniac) The SS Pizza?
                  [03:34] (GT^Commish) So why bother designing it, if it won't be used?
                  [03:34] (Dictator_Maniac) Or ACS Pizza
                  [03:34] (Method) ACS Pizza
                  [03:34] (Dictator_Maniac) One unit will be built
                  [03:34] (Method) we're prototyping silksteel
                  [03:34] (Dictator_Maniac) ok
                  [03:35] (Dictator_Maniac) and fusion at once
                  [03:35] (GT^Commish) And wtf is the techpoll?
                  [03:35] (Method) but fusion is going to be replaced, but whatever.
                  [03:35] (GT^Commish) I can't seem to find it anywhere.
                  [03:35] (Method) magnets
                  [03:35] (GT^Commish) So, I mean where is it?
                  [03:35] (Method)
                  [03:35] (GT^Commish) * no
                  [03:35] (Dictator_Maniac) ACS "Pizza" under consrtruction.
                  [03:36] (Dictator_Maniac) So, I guess I'll do a few more former movements, but for most of them, I have been improvizing for turns, so I'll leave them for the next turnchat.
                  [03:36] (Method) ok
                  [03:37] (Method) someone mail me the turn?
                  [03:37] (Dictator_Maniac) Can't you even download anymore when you're banned???
                  [03:37] (Dictator_Maniac) That's bad.
                  [03:37] (GT^Commish)
                  [03:37] (Dictator_Maniac) Anyway, any idea what I should put in the turnthread as most important events?
                  [03:38] (Method) i don't *think* so
                  [03:38] (GT^Commish) Um... tech acquisitions, mainly.
                  [03:38] (Method) built neural amp, probed silksteel
                  [03:38] (GT^Commish) And building the Neural Amplifier.
                  [03:38] (Dictator_Maniac) MMI, Sil, Retro..
                  [03:38] (Dictator_Maniac) Anything else
                  [03:38] (GT^Commish) And the LV.
                  [03:38] (Method) er
                  [03:38] (Dictator_Maniac) ah yes
                  [03:38] (Method) the
                  [03:38] (Dictator_Maniac) and Hercules B
                  [03:38] (Method) thingy..
                  [03:38] (Method) superlube
                  [03:38] (Dictator_Maniac) And Miriam and the Hive allied
                  [03:38] (GT^Commish) And perihilion.
                  [03:38] (Dictator_Maniac) indeed
                  [03:39] (Dictator_Maniac) And TKG was kidnapped by Hive probe teams.
                  [03:39] (Method) yes
                  [03:39] (Method) that too.
                  [03:39] (Method) quickly which base is highest up in mineral production/
                  [03:39] (Method) ?
                  [03:39] (Dictator_Maniac) And one of our ships was sunk. That should be the important things I guess.
                  [03:39] (Dictator_Maniac) DEM
                  [03:39] (Method) 2nd?
                  [03:40] (Dictator_Maniac) I'm still gonna do a few former movements though - NA
                  [03:40] (Method) oh well
                  [03:40] (Dictator_Maniac) then UNPD and ZG
                  [03:40] (Dictator_Maniac) and Xanadu on fifth
                  [03:40] (Method) ok. i'll poll for cyborg factory in UNPD. NA has enough projects already
                  [03:40] (Dictator_Maniac) :applause:
                  [03:40] (Method) or, someone else can for me
                  [03:40] (Dictator_Maniac) How will you do that.
                  [03:40] (Dictator_Maniac) ah indeed
                  [03:41] (GT^Commish) Why not build it in DEM, if it has the highest mineral production?
                  [03:41] (Dictator_Maniac) To spread things a little
                  [03:41] (Method) it just finished a project
                  [03:41] (GT^Commish) So?
                  [03:41] (Dictator_Maniac) You never know we get a meteroid
                  [03:42] (Dictator_Maniac) another borehole finished near UNPD
                  [03:42] (Method) good
                  [03:42] (Dictator_Maniac) but it still doesn't beat NA
                  [03:42] (Method) ok
                  [03:43] (Dictator_Maniac) DEM forested
                  [03:43] (Method)
                  [03:43] (Dictator_Maniac) popping pod
                  [03:43] (Dictator_Maniac) sonar of course...
                  [03:43] (Method)
                  [03:44] (Dictator_Maniac) Auch.
                  [03:44] (Method) ?
                  [03:44] (GT^Commish)
                  [03:44] (Dictator_Maniac) One of the Centralian formers opened a pod and two mind worms appeared
                  [03:44] (GT^Commish)
                  [03:44] (Dictator_Maniac)
                  [03:44] (GT^Commish) Is there anything enarby that could kill them?
                  [03:44] (GT^Commish) * nearby
                  [03:44] (Method) about an empath copter instead of a boat?
                  [03:45] (Method) or an empath rover
                  [03:45] (Dictator_Maniac) Too little too late. One former is toast.
                  [03:45] (Method) mine or archaic's?
                  [03:45] (Dictator_Maniac) Archaic's
                  [03:45] (Method)
                  [03:46] (Method) but :unrelief: too
                  [03:47] (Dictator_Maniac) We're gathering quite a force already near Egregion. We should soon be able to transport 8 troops to UN Slippery if we want.
                  [03:47] (Method) cool
                  [03:48] (Dictator_Maniac) but unfortuantely we haven't yet an offensive air force to empty the bases, nor marines
                  [03:49] (Method) we should wait until after the cyborg factory to build most of our units perhaps
                  [03:49] (GT^Commish) That sound slike a good plan.
                  [03:49] (GT^Commish) * sounds like
                  [03:49] (Dictator_Maniac) Okay. All units that could be moved with the order I have are done. I'll post the save.
                  [03:50] (GT^Commish)
                  [03:50] (Method) good
                  [03:50] (Method) someone?
                  [03:51] (Method) anyways, gtg
                  [03:51] (Method) later
                  [03:51] * Method has quit IRC (Quit: )
                  [03:52] (Dictator_Maniac) Okay, GT? could you please detop the previous turnthreads and the orders thread?
                  [03:53] (Dictator_Maniac) already done
                  [03:53] (GT^Commish) Stickied.
                  [03:54] (Dictator_Maniac) writing the important events...
                  [03:59] (GT^Commish) Are you doing the chatlog, btw?
                  [04:00] (GT^Commish) Or shall I?
                  [04:00] (Dictator_Maniac) I will
                  [04:02] (GT^Commish) I note you didn't do as asked with the NA workers.
                  [04:02] (Dictator_Maniac) What was asked?
                  [04:03] (GT^Commish) Create an engineer.
                  [04:03] (Dictator_Maniac) Really?? I did.
                  [04:03] (GT^Commish) It's an empath in the save.
                  [04:04] (Dictator_Maniac) Odd.
                  [04:04] (Dictator_Maniac) Must have mistaken then.
                  [04:04] (Dictator_Maniac) In any case, the drone was gone, which was most important.
                  [04:04] (GT^Commish) Not in the save it isn't.
                  [04:05] (Dictator_Maniac) ??? Then perhaps NA has grown evern further creating a new drone. It has 25 food surplus after all.
                  [04:05] (GT^Commish) Yes, it's at 16 pop.
                  [04:06] (GT^Commish) that must be it.
                  [04:06] (Dictator_Maniac) In the future we/you could of course always check every base at the end of the turn to prevent thse things.
                  [04:07] (Dictator_Maniac) What do you think about the first post of the turnthread btw?
                  [04:07] (GT^Commish) Nice.
                  [04:07] (GT^Commish) I presume the kidnapping refers to TKG's banning?
                  [04:08] (Dictator_Maniac) indeed
                  [04:08] (GT^Commish) Wow, Ankh-Morpork grew pretty fast
                  [04:08] (GT^Commish) Damn condesnors.
                  [04:08] (Dictator_Maniac) I'll now post the chatlogs.
                  [04:09] (Dictator_Maniac) after some () replacing of course
                  [04:09] (GT^Commish) And where did that borehole come from, btw?
                  [04:10] (Dictator_Maniac) Which One? I'm afraid I no longer have the game open.
                  [04:10] (GT^Commish) The one enar Cyclops.
                  [04:10] (GT^Commish) * near
                  [04:10] (GT^Commish) Which Cedayon si now asking about.
                  [04:10] (GT^Commish) * is
                  [04:10] (Dictator_Maniac) You mean the one we discussed with TKG, that was created illegally?
                  [04:10] (GT^Commish) Yes.
                  [04:11] (Dictator_Maniac) In what thread is Cedayon asking it?
                  [04:11] (GT^Commish) The turnthread.
                  [04:11] (Dictator_Maniac) That already existed in MY 2264, TKG told us. Not my responsibility.
                  [04:12] (GT^Commish) btw, you wouldn't happen to know why Yang's powergraph took such a huge dive, would you?
                  [04:12] (GT^Commish) A turn or two ago it plummeted.
                  [04:13] (Dictator_Maniac) Because we prototyped a chaos weapon
                  [04:13] (Dictator_Maniac) probably
                  [04:13] (GT^Commish) But this didn't happen to anyone else.
                  [04:13] (Dictator_Maniac) check out how powergrap are calculated. He must have had lots of missile weapons.
                  [04:13] (Dictator_Maniac) and the others not
                  [04:13] (GT^Commish) Or does his wepaonry being obsolete reduce his pwoer rating?
                  [04:13] (GT^Commish) Ah, yes, he did.
                  [04:14] (Dictator_Maniac) indeed, no longer top of the notch
                  [04:14] (GT^Commish) Hordes of them.
                  [04:14] (Dictator_Maniac) Anywya, to post the chatlog, I have to close this window. I'm gone for a few minutes. i'll probably come back in a while.
                  [04:14] (Dictator_Maniac) *to post and edit it - replace the ()s*
                  [04:14] (GT^Commish) Ok,
                  [04:15] (GT^Commish) .
                  Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                  Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                  • #10
                    [02:27] * Maniac-afk is now known as Dictator_Maniac
                    yea, enough of this what-the-people-want crap, time to really see what this machine colony can do!

                    [04:08] (GT^Commish) Wow, Ankh-Morpork grew pretty fast
                    [04:08] (GT^Commish) Damn condesnors.
                    I knew what I was doing


                    • #11
                      [23:10] (Method) but police? why?
                      [23:10] (Maniac) because lucky asks it
                      They build 10 turns quicker, we can only rush facilities according to the last poll on the subject. After they are built, through traffic is free at all times.

                      Sorry about the hole in the crawler orders, and sorry I wasn't there. I think we're set for next week!!


                      • #12
                        I tried, I tried to be there. Couldn't connect for some reason. So frustrating trying to get through.

                        Well done Maniac on your first Commish. Will talk to you later about those MW and IODs near Aurora.

                        That Borehole completed at end of 2264 might have to go. Workers are boycotting it. Overall though a successful turn.

                        What's this with TKG, banned. I missed something.

                        Will examine chat for herc and green comment. so watch it
                        On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation


                        • #13
                          What's this with TKG, banned. I missed something.
                          Apparently TKG uploaded an mp3 onto the site so he could access it at school, and was banned for three weeks over it.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by lucky22
                            we can only rush facilities according to the last poll on the subject.
                            Hmm? That's news to me ...

                            Seriously, though, the votes were 2 for yes (all rushes), 4 for yes (all rushes at 10+ mins), and 4 for yes (only facility rushes at 10+mins). This works out, at worst, to a tie which I can (and would) break in favor of rushing anything at 10+ mins; and more realistically I should (and did) just lump the unconditional yes's into the yes's for all 10+ mins rushes... so unit rush requests will be considered, though examined more closely.


                            • #15
                              Note to self... spend time with girlfriend an OTHER time to the next SMAC DG chat....

                              Back to the ROOTS of addiction. My first missed poll!

