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Official: Fiscal Policy

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  • Official: Fiscal Policy

    Well, here's the poll, please vote once in each of the two categories.

    Question 1: Should we maintain an energy credit reserve?

    The answers should be fairly self explanatory.

    Question 2: What kind of non-emergency rushes should be permitted, in general?

    Should be fairly straightforward... "in general" refers to established bases, for the most part. If there's a really new base that really needs that former... well, first I'd see if there's any other ways to get a former over there, but I'd consider a rush if the mineral production was too low.

    I didn't include some of the options I was meaning to in the second part because I figured it's better for me to use common sense when faced with large rush requests rather than go by a general policy that might not be good for the situation. Trust me