As I stated in the DIA election thread, I want to form some general policies regarding our energy reserve and what we do with it, and I want it do so democratically. This thread is for eliciting ideas and suggestions before the actual polls, since the options are not clearly defined.
For those of you unfamiliar with the latest data (pulled from the pre-truce save):
Our current energy reserves: 1090 energy credits
Our current net energy income: 616 energy credits per turn (*great* job on getting it this high, everyone)
edit - Required # energy credits to begin cornering the global energy market: 27615 energy credits
Anyway, the main topics I want to discuss (feel free to bring up other ones that you feel are relevant) :
1) What sort of energy reserves should we maintain? This breaks down into two questions, imo:
a) What amount of ecs in the bank should we "aim" for? 500? 1000? 5000? 10000? etc...
b) How "strictly" should that threshold be observed? No special spending at all until it is satisfied, or just reduced spending (for some to-be-determined definition of "reduced")
2) What kind of general policy do you all want for rushes? Only facility rushes that are past the first 10 mins? Only rushes that satisfy a certain ecs spent to turns saved ratio? Do you feel the policy should be different depending on the nearby industrial resources (ie min production and crawlers for extra mins)?
3) How should our rushing "allowance" be divvied up amongst the regions? Should we bother with that kind of policy? Should we base it on mineral/energy production, while giving extra subsidies to developing regions (ie Solaris)?
Anyway, thanks for your time, let me know your ideas everyone
For those of you unfamiliar with the latest data (pulled from the pre-truce save):
Our current energy reserves: 1090 energy credits
Our current net energy income: 616 energy credits per turn (*great* job on getting it this high, everyone)
edit - Required # energy credits to begin cornering the global energy market: 27615 energy credits
Anyway, the main topics I want to discuss (feel free to bring up other ones that you feel are relevant) :
1) What sort of energy reserves should we maintain? This breaks down into two questions, imo:
a) What amount of ecs in the bank should we "aim" for? 500? 1000? 5000? 10000? etc...
b) How "strictly" should that threshold be observed? No special spending at all until it is satisfied, or just reduced spending (for some to-be-determined definition of "reduced")
2) What kind of general policy do you all want for rushes? Only facility rushes that are past the first 10 mins? Only rushes that satisfy a certain ecs spent to turns saved ratio? Do you feel the policy should be different depending on the nearby industrial resources (ie min production and crawlers for extra mins)?
3) How should our rushing "allowance" be divvied up amongst the regions? Should we bother with that kind of policy? Should we base it on mineral/energy production, while giving extra subsidies to developing regions (ie Solaris)?
Anyway, thanks for your time, let me know your ideas everyone
