As soon as the crawler in the queue at Egregion is completed and crawling 2 Nuts, the final Talent can be changed to an Empath and that's that.
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Orders for turnchat 2264-2271?, 8 March, Saturday 2200 GMT
K, so I've got, for the first turn:
- 4ecs rushes for JV, and a standing request for facilities past 10 mins, if reasonable and affordable.
- ~230ecs rushes for Aurillion
- ~130ecs rushes (for the first turn) for Twin Sea
- Solaris: upgrade of A-M's defensive unit to plasma police, and a rushing of Capricorn's rec tanks when they're past 10 mins.
- a standing request for everything past 10 mins in Centralis.
- nothing (on the first turn) for Akiria
My orders (as DIA) :
JV and Aurillion facility rushes (the specific ones) approved, as well as the upgrade in Solaris, any extra ecs left after that, above a 400ec reserve (because the income will bring it back above 1000 next turn) may be divided between Voltaire's crawler rushing and Archaic's facility rushing and former upgrading/rushing, prioritizing the rushing of hybrid forests and the upgrading of formers, and JV's standing request for facility funding, and whatever else people want that's past 10 mins
In future turns continue dividing spending between Facility rushes as they come up (just that Hybrid in Twin Peaks, right?) and Voltaire's, Archaic's, and my ongoing requests. Please, please be sure to maintain the proper reserve and to spread the cash around fairly evenly... but other than that, go for it if it's cost efficient
Any questions/suggestions?Last edited by Cedayon; March 8, 2003, 13:09.
Orders thus amended. No need to go about scrapping any old formers, btw, we'll need all that we can get to build our mag tube network in record time and really make my job interesting
edit- just to re-iterate: I will not be at the turnchat, most regrettably, so I won't be available for on-the-spot rush request consideration... if you want it rushed/upgraded, let me know now, everyoneLast edited by Cedayon; March 8, 2003, 00:54.
I'm not sure if I will be there or not either. If I am there, I will not have access to the save. this shouldn't present much of a problem unlesss there is a major Hive invasion (and we should be able to see that coming). All bases within operational range of their airforce are protected, and there are no formers or crawlers at risk of bombardment. From the next time I am here, pending the events of the chat, I will post a list of requests to various Governors for military construction in order to better defend against any one-off Hive attacks such as the one that took out our formers.
* takes off his DIA hat, and puts on his JVGov hat*
I amended my build queues to reflect the DPO orders (even added the rover into SS's queue, since it won't slow things down *that* much, and I also changed SS's queue a bit, bumped the centauri preserve past the HF and AC).
I also added, due to Maniac's protest in the JV thread, a standing request for facility rushes in JV if they're over 10 mins, and the rush is reasonable and affordable.
* takes off his JVGov hat and puts on his DIA hat*
I amended my DIA orders, pretty much just approving everything that's over 10 mins, so long as it's done on a schedule that maintains our reserve and spreads the funds out fairly evenly. The specific rushes/upgrades come first, btw, standing orders are more of a "oh, look, we still have cash, let's spend it" sort of deal
I am currently able to read the chat room but my posting speed is much too slow to participate, unless I jury-rig some kind of communication using the forums. I'll try to get mIRC downloaded. I can't vote in polls from here either, though I can from work. There is obviously a problem- maybe it's my browser. I'm running on a Pentium I with 16mb of RAM (), so there may be a clue there.