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Orders for turnchat 2257-2264, Saturday 2200 GMT

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  • #16
    Cedayon's previous Solarian orders. I'll check later if they need updating.

    Originally posted by Cedayon
    I went ahead and did them... If someone else already has Solaris taken care of and I just missed it, ignore this post.

    Feel free to pick these apart and change whatever, anyone, as I don't have authority here.

    Possible Orders for Solaris 2256-

    Requests to the DIA
    Rush requests as follows:
    Requested immediately (in order of priority):
    - Network Node in Shangri-La in 1 turn with 10 mins over for 144ec
    - Children's Creche in Metropolis in 1 turn with 10 mins over for 6ec (I just want the overrun)
    Requested in one turn (on 2257):
    - Network Node in Ankh-Morpork in 1 turn with 10 mins over (whatever it takes )

    Upgrade requests: 2 land formers upgraded to super formers, will probably cost 120ec in total

    Requests for Sanity
    Capricorn and UNXB are currently supporting so many units that they are either producing stuff at a crawl (Capricorn has +1 mins) or completely shut down (UNXB is at 0). Please do something about this, possibly rehoming some of those noodles to Metro or elsewhere.

    Build Queues

    Current Project: FSS (change to network node and rush after 1 turn)
    Queue (changed):
    Supply Crawler
    Rec Commons
    Supply Crawler
    Supply Crawler

    Current Project: Children's Creche (change to network node, accept 4 min loss, and rush)
    Queue (changed):
    Supply Crawler
    Children's Creche
    Rec Commons
    Supply Crawler

    Current Project: Children's Creche (chuck in a few ec's to get a head start on the next thing)
    Queue (changed):
    Network Node
    Supply Crawler
    Rec Commons
    Supply Crawler

    Current Project: Recreation Commons
    Queue (changed):
    Supply Crawler
    Network Node
    Supply Crawler
    Children's Creche
    Supply Crawler

    U.N. Aquaxenobanana
    Current Project: Children's Creche (change to Network Node)
    Queue (changed):
    Sea Former
    Children's Creche
    Sea Trawler
    Rec Commons
    Sea Trawler


    Just pick good spots when the crawlers come on-line. Just go for squares that only have significant amounts of 1 resource (ie condensor farms and rocky mines)


    3 former group just SE of A-M
    - upgrade the non-super former to a super former
    - plant forest
    - move to (16,56) (SE), build farm, soil enricher, and condensor
    - move to (18,56) (E), plant forest
    - move to (17,57) (SW), build farm, soil enricher, and condensor
    - move to (17,55) (N), build road, plant forest
    - move to (16,54) (NW), build road, plant forest
    - move to (17,53) (NE), build road, plant forest

    2 former group SW SW of Capricorn
    - upgrade the non-super former to a super former
    - build road, plant forest
    - move to (24,62) (SE), build road, farm, soil enricher, and condensor
    - move to (24,60) (N into fungus), remove fungus, build road, plant forest
    - move to (26,60) (E into fungus), remove fungus, build road, plant forest
    - move to (25,61) (SW into fungus), remove fungus, build road, plant forest

    Newly built former should go to nearby former groups. Except a Metro former, perhaps, which should improve Metro's squares.


    No need for changes, at least until some of those terraforming orders get done, then you might want to switch people to forests (or condensor farms if the crawlers aren't available yet).
    Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
    Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


    • #17
      I guess these should still work too:

      DEI: the Sheathed Swordian probe foil pops pods in the west, IF it has full movement.
      The probe foils being produced at Valhalla will gather at UN Aquaxenobanana, and when they have both arrived there, they will try to steal Silksteel Alloys from Fecundity Tower (or any base that's closer and hasn't been infiltrated before).

      DPO: Place one interceptor in Shangri La and Capricorn, and send them four squares out each turn to check for that Hive ship. If found, attack. If not found, return. Using this method there shouldn't be pacifist drones except the turn we shoot the Hive ship.
      New order/thought: Perhaps we should consider escorting the probe foils with the AAA ship currently escorting the sea colony pod to that base site east of U.N. Aquaxenobanana.
      Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
      Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


      • #18
        DIA orders

        Sea Base Name
        UN Slippery Ground (S-S of Leader's Horde)

        Land Base Name
        Eskerdom (you never know I guess )

        Rush requests

        *Jedinica: the two Jedinican requests are approved.
        *Akiria: I'm a little confused by the Akirian requests, as the orders seem to be for MY 2256. In any case, rush the network node in Espirito del Aqua for 138 ec. Anything else Cedayon?
        *Aurillion: rush the first Xanaduan former for 72 ec. The second one should be a similar amount of cash.
        *Centralis: the build queue rush requests granted, but do not upgrade the formers yet. I think it would be better to upgrade all our formers at once in the unit workshop, when we have saved enough money (see below).
        *Twin Sea: no rush requests made, so none have to be granted.
        *Solaris: several seem outdated as well: so new ones are:
        **Ankh-Morpork network node: 156 ec
        **Capricorn: rush the rec common as soon as the base has 10 minerals - drone riots are approaching.

        Former upgrades

        GT, you should really clean out the Unit Workshop to make room for new unit designs. All slots are already used, and there are plenty of obsolete models we don't even have one unit of anymore.

        When we discover Bioengineering, design four new former types:
        1) "Revised Formers": 0-1-1 super/clean (infantry chassis)
        2) "Chiroformers": 0-1-2*2 super/clean (rover chassis)
        3) "Pelagiformers": 0-1-4*2 super/clean (destroyer chassis)
        4) "Aquaformers": 0-1-6*2 super/clean (cruiser chassis)

        When we have enough money to upgrade all of that unit type, AND keep 1000 energy credits as a reserve: upgrade in the following order:

        1) the 39 super formers (0-1-1 super) to Revised Formers
        2) the (currently) 9 super fusion formers (0-1-2*2 super) to Chiroformers
        3) the 1 fusion sea formers (0-1-4*2) to Pelagiformers
        4) the 4 sea formers (0-1-4) to Pelagiformers
        5) the (currently) 3 super fusion cruiser formers (0-1-6*2 super) to Aquaformers

        I'll leave the upgrading of the other models to TKG/Cedayon, because I have no idea why the hell we needed fungicidal fusion formers and formers with plasma armour in the first place.
        Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
        Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


        • #19
          Originally posted by Maniac
          DIA orders

          Rush requests
          *Akiria: I'm a little confused by the Akirian requests, as the orders seem to be for MY 2256. In any case, rush the network node in Espirito del Aqua for 138 ec. Anything else Cedayon?
          Just the NN in EdA, ignore the build queue orders and just keep doing what you were doing.

          I'll leave the upgrading of the other models to TKG/Cedayon, because I have no idea why the hell we needed fungicidal fusion formers and formers with plasma armour in the first place.
          I did mean to ask you about that GT: I prefer you use super formers to fungicidal formers when I say "former", I thought this would be fairly obvious ... and I can't think of a good reason in our situation for building a former with armor, although sometimes it's useful to upgrade a former to such.


          • #20
            The main reason we have formers with armour is that they cost the same as formers without it, so why not?


            • #21
              Originally posted by GeneralTacticus
              The main reason we have formers with armour is that they cost the same as formers without it, so why not?
              really? oh, well then


              • #22
                I see. Odd. But do they cost the same to upgrade as well?
                Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                • #23
                  No idea.


                  • #24
                    /me coughs

                    IOW, detop reminder

