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Turn report 2256-57

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  • Turn report 2256-57

    Sadly I can only post this very short turn report, and I can't even post a save file, because GT suddenly disconnected 90 minutes after the turnchat had started, and he hadn't returned 30 minutes later. Neither did I have the completed MY 2256 save, so I couldn't continue.

    In any case:

    We researched neural grafting.
    We started on bioengineering, which will be researched in three years.
    We learned the secrets of applied relativity from the alien artifact in Sheathed Sword.
    As a consequence Concordia will soon start on the Supercollidor.

    Please read the chatlog for more.
    Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
    Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)

  • #2
    [17:19] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) k, is it past 2200 now?
    [17:19] (GeneralTacticus) Yes.
    [17:19] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) I'm logging
    [17:19] (Maniac^JVgov) 22.09 GMT
    [17:19] (The-Evangelion-Freak) 22:07
    [17:19] (GeneralTacticus) I've been playing for 10-15 minutes now.
    [17:19] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) have been logging for several hours, in fact
    [17:19] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) ah, I see
    [17:20] (Method) you have, havn't you...
    [17:21] (GeneralTacticus) Cedayon: YOu do realize, I hope, that Aurora currently
    doesn't have a Recycling Tanks?
    [17:21] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) yes
    [17:21] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) what's 1/1/1 compared to the other priorities?
    [17:21] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) AFK a sec
    [17:22] (GeneralTacticus) It's not that minor, especially given how cheap the tanks
    [17:23] * herc2 has joined #smacdg
    [17:23] (Method) herc2? where's herc1?
    [17:23] (herc2) hello chaps
    [17:23] (Method)
    [17:24] (herc2) there never was a herc1
    [17:24] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) back
    [17:24] (The-Evangelion-Freak) herc2 killed herc1 in a battle for survival on the
    deck of a battle ship
    [17:25] (Method) ah.
    [17:25] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) yea, I know the tanks are cheap,and I plan on getting
    them... I guess you could put it in above the hybrid forest
    [17:25] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) Hey herc
    [17:27] (GeneralTacticus) Maniac: When you said that you wanted the whole Concordia
    queue changed including the first item, did you mean including the current
    [17:28] (Maniac^JVgov) yes
    [17:28] (Maniac^JVgov) First the hybrid forest, and please rush it immediately
    [17:28] (GeneralTacticus) Are you quite sure?
    [17:28] (GeneralTacticus) It will cost 960 ECs.
    [17:29] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) wow
    [17:29] (Maniac^JVgov) ?
    [17:29] (Method) veto
    [17:29] (Maniac^JVgov) Concordia hybrid forest in MY 2257: 388 ec
    [17:29] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) it's 56
    [17:29] (Maniac^JVgov) From my orders. Next turn I mean.
    [17:30] (Maniac^JVgov) Is that ok Method?
    [17:30] (Method) 388? yes
    [17:30] (herc2) thgat's high
    [17:30] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) not for a hybrid
    [17:30] (Method) a year's income, IIRC
    [17:30] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) less than a years
    [17:31] (Method) i thought we made 300andsomething/year
    [17:31] (herc2) poll
    [17:31] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) it tends to go up several every turn
    [17:31] (GeneralTacticus) We currently make ~459
    [17:31] (GeneralTacticus) per turn
    [17:31] (Maniac^JVgov)
    [17:32] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) FM
    [17:34] (The-Evangelion-Freak)
    [17:34] (Method) eek?
    [17:34] (The-Evangelion-Freak)
    [17:34] (Method) eek what
    [17:34] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) Fr-eek
    [17:34] (The-Evangelion-Freak) 459 / turn
    [17:34] (The-Evangelion-Freak)
    [17:34] * Method shrugs
    [17:34] (GeneralTacticus) 468 now.
    [17:34] (The-Evangelion-Freak)
    [17:34] (GeneralTacticus) With a couple more engineers.
    [17:34] (Method) that's not *that* much...
    [17:34] (The-Evangelion-Freak)
    [17:34] (Method) for what year we are in.
    [17:35] (GeneralTacticus) I recall one game as the Pirates when I was making over
    5000 ECs per turn.
    [17:35] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) I imagine it'll be in the 500s by the end of the chat,
    if not close to the 600s
    [17:35] (The-Evangelion-Freak)
    [17:36] (The-Evangelion-Freak) 5k EC
    [17:37] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) It can get quite high indeed, but usually by that time
    you're only playing because you don't want to win quite yet
    [17:37] (herc2) Surely that's too high
    [17:37] (Method) too high?
    [17:38] (Method) no such thing
    [17:38] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) indeed
    [17:38] (Method) that's like saying "i get too much tech/turn" or "i have too many
    planet busters"
    [17:38] (Method) erm...
    [17:38] (Method) nevermind that last one
    [17:38] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) being able to pay for an economic victory on a huge
    map out of your per turn income is perhaps borderline, but you can find uses for
    [17:38] (GeneralTacticus) TKG: What should be done with the crawler that was
    crawling nutrients on the DEM borehole?
    [17:38] (Method) send it to solaris
    [17:39] (Method) it's in my orders...
    [17:39] (Method) actually
    [17:39] (GeneralTacticus) On the way.
    [17:39] (Method) i said send it to NewTass but cedayon didn't want it..
    [17:39] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) Solaris needs it more
    [17:40] (Method) yup
    [17:40] (GeneralTacticus) Ok, build queue 7 crawler orders done, now doing rush
    [17:40] (GeneralTacticus) * &
    [17:41] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) *watches energy banks deplete*
    [17:41] (Method) hang on...
    [17:42] (Method) i forgot rush orders for Aur, so i'll check if i need any now
    [17:42] (Maniac^JVgov) You already have all those former rushes no?
    [17:42] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) The DIA forgot rush orders? wow
    [17:42] (Method) only 2 in Xan
    [17:42] (Method) nowhere else
    [17:42] (Method) and they're not this turn
    [17:43] (Maniac^JVgov) Does that mean I can ask for another hybrid forest rush in
    TeDo next turn?
    [17:43] (Method) maybe....
    [17:43] (Method) 32 EC rush in UNMI.
    [17:44] (Method) that's it. Xan is next turn, and everywhere else is 9-11 turns
    away from HF's, much too expensive
    [17:44] (GeneralTacticus) Rushing that cruiser former would cost almost 100 ECs,
    you know.
    [17:44] (GeneralTacticus) Not 32.
    [17:44] (Method) are you sure?
    [17:44] (GeneralTacticus) Yes.
    [17:44] (Method) oh wait, yeah.
    [17:45] (Method) ok, nevermind
    [17:45] (Method) (damn unit rushes!)
    [17:45] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) btw, is New Tass properly set up build queue wise?
    [17:46] (GeneralTacticus) You, mean, with Operation WMoCs implemented?
    [17:46] (GeneralTacticus) Rush orders complete, on to formers.
    [17:46] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) yep
    [17:46] (GeneralTacticus) Yes, it is.
    [17:47] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) k, thanks
    [17:47] (GeneralTacticus) Cedayon: The forest you asked for SE of AM will repalce a
    farm on a rolling & rainy tile. Are you sure you want go ahead?
    [17:48] * Maniac^JVgov is now known as Maniac-AT
    [17:48] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) of A-M?
    [17:49] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) hmm, I don't think that's what I meant
    [17:49] (Method) morepork
    [17:49] (Method) solaris
    [17:49] (Method) hmmm.
    [17:49] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) is that the square just NE of the condensor farm?
    [17:50] (GeneralTacticus) Yes.
    [17:50] (herc2) Deux ex Machina is woefully un-defended btw. Iwant thisredressed
    [17:50] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) herc, it helps if you let us know these things before
    the turnchat
    [17:50] (Method) busy with hybrid forest, herc
    [17:50] (Method) cedayon
    [17:51] (GeneralTacticus) Yes, especially when you've been asked to provide a list
    of what you want and yet refuse to give one.
    [17:51] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) and GT: put a soil enricher on that square... does
    this screw up the rest of those former orders?
    [17:51] (GeneralTacticus) Soil enricher on which square?
    [17:51] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) on the farm-rainy square
    [17:51] (GeneralTacticus) I don't see why it would.
    [17:52] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) k... I guess I just didn't see the farm square when I
    was looking at the save
    [17:57] (herc2) fair point. the difficulty is deciding between asking for units
    that will be outdated within a couple of turns.
    [17:57] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) they can be upgraded if need be
    [17:57] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) we just need units to upgrade, first
    [17:57] (GeneralTacticus) Cedayon: Will the appearance of an extra crawler screw up
    Operation WMoCs?
    [17:58] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) I can't see how it could
    [17:58] (herc2) however it is not a crisis
    [17:58] (Method) (send my extras to solaris, BTW)
    [17:58] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) herc: Cyclops is building some defensive units
    sometime during the chat, they could be sent to the base in question if need be
    [17:58] (GeneralTacticus) You said in yourorders for me to get rid of ojne of the
    crawlers however I liked, by rushing a project or whatever.
    [17:58] (GeneralTacticus) * your orders
    [17:59] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) I don't think 1 crawler would get us the Dome any
    [17:59] (Method) yeah, but ced says he doesnt want them
    [17:59] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) 2 would, but it'd only be 1 turn
    [17:59] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) I think Solaris needs them more
    [17:59] (Method) to solaris!
    [17:59] (The-Evangelion-Freak) Solaris
    [17:59] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) especially if that red guy shows up and starts making
    a mess
    [17:59] (The-Evangelion-Freak) np : Takayuki Hattori - Yurika
    [18:00] (The-Evangelion-Freak) erm
    [18:00] (Method) oh, BTW. herc, can we upgrade the scout in DEM to a 1-3t-1*2
    [18:00] (GeneralTacticus) It's on the way then.
    [18:00] (Method) ?
    [18:00] (Maniac-AT) with laser weapon?
    [18:00] (The-Evangelion-Freak) no : Yasunori Mitsuda: Xenogears - Solaris, Eden of
    [18:00] (The-Evangelion-Freak) s/no/np/;
    [18:00] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) oh, I forgot: could the police infantry in Capricorn
    be upgraded to 1-3-1*2 ECM?
    [18:00] (herc2) re DEM I think so
    [18:00] (Maniac-AT) with laser weapon?
    [18:00] (GeneralTacticus) With handgun or laser?
    [18:00] (Method) sure...
    [18:01] (Method) laser, if it doesn't cost
    [18:01] (GeneralTacticus) Laser would cost 10 ectra ECs.
    [18:01] (GeneralTacticus) * extra
    [18:01] (Method) it is?
    [18:01] (Maniac-AT) ow
    [18:01] (Maniac-AT) odd
    [18:01] (Method) no then.
    [18:01] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) pop guns then
    [18:02] (herc2) re capricorn yes
    [18:03] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) thanks
    [18:04] (herc2) re TBIBTU request aerospace complex
    [18:04] (GeneralTacticus) With that AA in ShSw - we decided that we ought to cash
    it, didn't we?
    [18:04] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) yep
    [18:04] (Method) yup
    [18:04] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) cash it now


    • #3
      [18:05] (GeneralTacticus) Applied Relativity.
      [18:05] (Maniac-AT) Really?
      [18:06] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK)
      [18:06] (GeneralTacticus) Yes, realy.
      [18:06] (Method) :realitvelydance:
      [18:06] (GeneralTacticus) * really
      [18:06] (herc2) bonus
      [18:06] (Method) erm
      [18:06] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) so, Maniac, time for the supercollider plan?
      [18:06] (Method) *-a
      [18:06] (Maniac-AT) Indeed... let me revise the build queues.
      [18:06] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) or does it need to be polled?
      [18:06] (GeneralTacticus) Why were you so surprised?
      [18:07] (Maniac-AT) Oh btw. Are we already MY 2257?
      [18:07] (GeneralTacticus) No.
      [18:07] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) I doubt it
      [18:07] (Maniac-AT) OK thanks.
      [18:07] (GeneralTacticus) I'd have said so if we were.
      [18:07] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) GT wouldn't end a turn without telling us, would he?
      [18:08] (Maniac-AT) I'm just not paying attention very well.
      [18:08] (Maniac-AT) I could have missed the message.
      [18:08] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) ah
      [18:09] * Tuome has joined #smacdg
      [18:09] * Tuome has left #smacdg
      [18:09] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) nah, things move too slow message wise here
      [18:09] * Tuome has joined #smacdg
      [18:09] (Method) tuome...
      [18:09] (Tuome)
      [18:09] (GeneralTacticus) Besides, every 'turn end' message is followed by reports
      of all the latest calamities.
      [18:09] (Method) what brings you here?
      [18:10] (GeneralTacticus) Which ar ekind of hard to miss.
      [18:10] (GeneralTacticus) * are kind
      [18:10] (Maniac-AT) I'm thinking about ordering Concordia to build the
      Supercollidor after the hybrid forest is completed, and let all other Jedinican
      bases produce crawlers.
      [18:10] (Tuome) I'm not an active at DG, but I can idle and watch your
      conversation, can't I?
      [18:10] (Maniac-AT) Would that be ok for everyone?
      [18:10] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) GT: indeed... I think those explicit "turn ended"
      messages are actually redundant with the "F*ck!" messages
      [18:10] (Method) yup
      [18:10] (The-Evangelion-Freak) I don't mind
      [18:10] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) it's ok with me
      [18:10] (Method) just curious tuome, that's all
      [18:11] (GeneralTacticus) @ Cedayon
      [18:11] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) both Tuome watching and Maniac's plan
      [18:11] (herc2) no problem
      [18:11] (Method) your tuomerehuian logic may have been interfeering with you
      judgement, that's all ;-)
      [18:12] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) afaik Secret Projects don't have to be polled until
      Sunday, so Maniac's supercollider plan can be implemented immediately
      [18:13] (herc2) not sure about that
      [18:13] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) why's that?
      [18:14] (Maniac-AT) Ok, GeneralTacticus, please let all bases complete their
      current project, the first I ordered in my build queues, with the requested
      rushes and all, but after that let them all start on supply speeder until the
      supercollidor is built. If enough crawlers have been built, return to the
      previously ordered queue. Is that possible? GT, TKG, Herc, anyone?
      [18:14] (GeneralTacticus) Yes, it's possible.
      [18:14] (Maniac-AT) Thanks.
      [18:14] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) it's essentially what I'm doing with the XD, so it's
      [18:14] (Method) ok
      [18:15] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) looking like 3 Secret Projects in one turnchat
      [18:15] (herc2) of course
      [18:16] (Maniac-AT) But could you please check at the end of each turn if I won't
      loose lots of minerals. For example if Valhalla produces 25 mins; and if it
      currently has 3 mins in store, that would mean 13 mins would be lost when the
      crawler of 30 mins is completed. Some small rushes could prevent that.
      [18:17] (GeneralTacticus) Cedayon: what do you want done with the 2 formers on
      [18:17] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) North of Cyclops on a condensor square?
      [18:17] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) Those are TKGs
      [18:18] (Method) they are
      [18:18] (Method) or, one is
      [18:18] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) both are, iirc
      [18:18] (Method) i ordered a forest crawler from xan to crawl it
      [18:18] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) unless they're homed to an akirian base
      [18:18] (Method) the condensor
      [18:18] (GeneralTacticus) One of them's from NA, the other's from Xanadu.
      [18:18] (Maniac-AT) Ah TKG, are you still sending crawlers into Solarian direction?
      [18:19] (Method) i only had 3
      [18:19] (GeneralTacticus) Anyway, what should they do?
      [18:19] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) TKG's decision
      [18:19] (Method) i have orders for it, don't i?
      [18:19] (Maniac-AT) The formers? The crawlers?
      [18:19] (GeneralTacticus) TKG: I can't find them.
      [18:19] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) the formers are the things at issue, I think
      [18:19] (Method) ok then
      [18:19] (GeneralTacticus) The formers.
      [18:19] (Method) if it's a Xan former, send it to build a borehole near Xan
      [18:19] (Maniac-AT) ah ok
      [18:19] (Method) one already started
      [18:19] (GeneralTacticus) Where enar Xan?
      [18:20] (Method) there should be 2 places i put in my orders
      [18:20] (GeneralTacticus) Ok, and the one from NA?
      [18:20] (Method) that too, unless you want it back
      [18:21] (GeneralTacticus) Could do with some extra formers.
      [18:21] (GeneralTacticus) Still need to build a few soil enrichers and clear some
      [18:21] (Method) take it then.
      [18:21] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) I'm returning that TA former near new Tass to you, as
      [18:22] (GeneralTacticus) Thanks.
      [18:22] (Method) if you pass by a borehole spot in aur, feel free to help out
      [18:22] (GeneralTacticus) Now, what were we going to do with that fusion probe foil
      in the Great Marine Rift?
      [18:23] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) something devious?
      [18:23] (Maniac-AT) pop pods.
      [18:23] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) ah, something suicidal, I see
      [18:23] (GeneralTacticus) Only with full movement, yes?
      [18:23] (Maniac-AT) right one
      [18:23] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) can someone say "IoD"?
      [18:23] (Maniac-AT) on
      [18:23] (Maniac-AT) Can someone say "run"?
      [18:24] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) and let the IoD somehow find it's way to messing up
      [18:24] (Maniac-AT)
      [18:24] (Maniac-AT) That has been their common practice lately.
      [18:25] (GeneralTacticus) 2256 complete.
      [18:25] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) the bribes have been working
      [18:25] (Method) can anyone thing of a word that ends in dance, by chance?
      [18:25] (The-Evangelion-Freak) Redundance :P
      [18:25] (Method) other than transcendance, redundance
      [18:25] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) lol
      [18:25] (Method) good riddance
      [18:25] (The-Evangelion-Freak) We've been :dancing: like mad
      [18:25] (GeneralTacticus) Severe hailstorms destroy all solar colelctors near
      Greenhouse gate.
      [18:25] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) poor Deidre
      [18:25] (Method)
      [18:26] (GeneralTacticus) Morganite troops continue to move furthe rinto our
      [18:26] (Method)
      [18:26] (Method)
      [18:26] (GeneralTacticus) * further into
      [18:26] (Method) :undance:
      [18:26] (herc2) yeh my friend
      [18:26] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) arrange an accident
      [18:26] (GeneralTacticus) NG discovered.
      [18:26] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK)
      [18:26] (GeneralTacticus) Now researching BE.
      [18:26] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK)
      [18:26] (GeneralTacticus) Will be done in 3 turns.
      [18:26] (herc2) At last
      [18:26] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) NICE
      [18:26] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) the labs are crankin
      [18:27] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) btw, what will we research after BE?
      [18:27] (herc2) it has been polled
      [18:27] (Maniac-AT) Applied Rel ;-)
      [18:27] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) we already have AR
      [18:27] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) from the AA in SS
      [18:28] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK)
      [18:28] (herc2) org Super
      [18:28] (GeneralTacticus)
      [18:28] (Maniac-AT) There's a tie in the poll
      [18:28] (GeneralTacticus) I've been waiting for that for ages.
      [18:29] (Method) :whatdance:?
      [18:29] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) frankly I'd prefer superstring theory because it'll
      get us closer to mag tubes... but OS is good...
      [18:29] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) the poll is tied between ST and OS, btw
      [18:30] (Maniac-AT) We'll have to quickpoll it once the moment arrives. Bioeng
      might give us other techs like MMI as well.
      [18:30] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) k
      [18:30] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) we need magtubes
      [18:30] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) and AR was one of the pre-reqs
      [18:30] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) ST is the other
      [18:31] (Method) gtg
      [18:31] * Method has quit IRC (Quit: )
      [18:31] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) ah, the disappearing DIA
      [18:31] (GeneralTacticus) Actually, we're going to need Silksteel Alloys for
      [18:31] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) .. doh
      [18:31] (GeneralTacticus) But we can steal that from the Hive quite easily.
      [18:31] (herc2) going for Os
      [18:31] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) I knew I would make a mistake if I kept talking
      without looking at the save
      [18:31] (GeneralTacticus) Once we have the probes.
      [18:32] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) I'd very much like Silksteel stolen, then
      [18:32] (Maniac-AT) I ordered some probe foils in Valhala, but those will be
      delayed due to the Supercollidor.
      [18:32] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) aren't there some probe teams about to be loaded up
      somewhere arond there?
      [18:32] (GeneralTacticus) Nope.
      [18:32] (Maniac-AT) Nah. They all were killed.
      [18:33] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) eh? I thought I saw 2 probe teams in one of our
      north-east coast bases in the save
      [18:33] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) ah well
      [18:33] (Maniac-AT) Valhalla
      [18:34] (Maniac-AT) But we haven't got the transport. I was building that in
      Valhalla, but due to the SP...
      [18:34] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) they're dead now? Did I miss a "F*ck!"?
      [18:34] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) ahh
      [18:34] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) k
      [18:35] (GeneralTacticus) btw, you know that our territory south of Concordia is
      now one huge forest?
      [18:35] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) that was the idea
      [18:35] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK)
      [18:36] * Maniac-AT has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
      [18:36] * Maniac-AT has joined #smacdg
      [18:36] (Maniac-AT)
      [18:37] * Trip has joined #smacdg
      [18:37] (Trip) :smacdance:
      [18:37] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) attack of the rebelling connection, Maniac?
      [18:37] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) Hey Trip
      [18:37] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) He-who-spameth-more-than-I
      [18:37] (GeneralTacticus)
      [18:37] (Maniac-AT) Apparently. I must have said something wrong.
      [18:37] (Trip)
      [18:38] (Trip) you can never face me!
      [18:38] (Trip) muahaha
      [18:38] (Trip) :cutedance:
      [18:38] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) I'm working on that post-per-day count
      [18:38] (Trip) so am I :Þ
      [18:38] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) bah, go mod something
      [18:38] (Trip)
      [18:38] (herc2) my god i have met with Trip (I think)
      [18:39] (Trip) I think I'm Trip :Þ
      [18:39] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) never can be sure
      [18:39] (Trip) if not, my condolences
      [18:40] * GeneralTacticus has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
      [18:40] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) whoops
      [18:40] * Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK shouldn't have pressed that button
      [18:41] (Maniac-AT) man man man
      [18:41] (Cedayon^AkGov|WAIK) hey, it's not my fault they forgot to label the button "d/c the commissioner"!


      • #4
        Apologies for dissappearing, but I lost my intetrnet connection fo no apparent reason and it took more than an hour to reconnect. Here is the save.
        Attached Files


        • #5
          well, it looks like i didn't miss much afterall.


          • #6
            So, are there any plans to play a few more turns before next Saturday, keeping us on schedule?

            Please alse remember my original intention was the February government will only be disbanded AFTER the turnchat on 1 March. So you have still have to make orders for next week.
            If people want the new government already acting the first of March, I'll start the elections sooner than the current planned date of the 26th.
            Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
            Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


            • #7
              Probably not, unless you'd be willing to hold the chat, or we held it at a different time to the usual one.


              • #8
                Well, I would be willing to hold a chat this Wednesday 22.00 GMT (or earlier - even better). Then I could experience first hand once the how the commissioners suffer. Th question is though, will we all be able to make new orders for a chat three days later?
                Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                • #9
                  usa sucks


                  • #10
                    That might not be enough time, given the polls that will need to be carried out (and indeed need to be done right now).


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by ottok
                      usa sucks
                      I won't claim I disagree with that, but this is not really the appropriate thread.

                      That might not be enough time, given the polls that will need to be carried out (and indeed need to be done right now).
                      Speaking of which, don't forget your own Centralian polls!
                      Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                      Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                      • #12
                        Like what? The LV one?


                        • #13
                          Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                          Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                          • #14
                            Suppose I might as well get on with it...

