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Orders for turnchat 2249-2256, 15/2/2003, 2200 GMT

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  • #16
    Directorate of Science orders

    Direct our research according to this poll. As I will not be able to attend the turnchat, the Commissioner is empowered to break any ties should they occur.
    Adam T. Gieseler


    • #17
      Originally posted by Cedayon
      Hmm, maybe I'll redo the format of my former orders, then...

      Btw, who's doing orders for Solaris?
      i thought maniac was until MWIA got back. i could do them if neither of you want to though.


      • #18
        Originally posted by TKG
        i thought maniac was until MWIA got back. i could do them if neither of you want to though.
        Oh, Maniac is doing them, k ... I just wanted to make sure someone was doing it so GT doesn't kill us come turnchat time


        • #19
          And I thought Cedayon was doing them. I'll try to have in some 20 hours. if anyone feels tempted to do them in the meantime, be my guest!

          PS: One of those two formers loaned to Solaris I have recalled to Sheathed Sword as a lot of soil enrichers and boreholes will be built there soon. The second (the one with synthmetal trance defence) I have ordered rehomed to Ankh-Morpork and have given over control to the Solarian authorities.
          Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
          Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


          • #20
            I've gotta go somewhere about... now, really ... but I'll be back in 2 hours or so and I'll do Solaris' orders then.


            • #21
              On request I've made these orders for Solaris. Feel free to pick them apart and change whatever, anyone, as I don't have authority here.

              Possible Orders for Solaris 2249-

              Requests to the DIA
              Rush requests as follows:

              Format of rush costs:
              Cost for no carryover (Cost for 10 mineral carryover)

              Requested immediately:
              - Children's Creche in Ankh-Morpork in 1 turn for 46ec (66ec)
              - Fung. Formers Mk2 in Shangri-La in 1 turn for 37ec (dunno what for +10)
              - Supply Crawler in Metropolis in 1 turn for 7ec
              - Fung. Formers Mk2 in Capricorn in 1 turn for 85ec
              - Fusion Sea Formers in U.N. Aquaxenobanana in 1 turn for 42ec

              Requested for a bit later:
              Whatever you can live with the cost of rushing, Solaris, at this stage, really needs whatever funds we can give it.

              Build Queues

              Current Project: Children's Creche
              Queue (not changed):
              Supply Crawler
              Rec Commons (if necessary)
              Supply Crawler
              Network Node

              Current Project: Former
              Queue (not changed):
              Children's Creche
              Supply Crawler
              Rec Commons (if necessary)
              Supply Crawler
              Network Node
              Former (if necessary)

              Current Project: Supply Crawler (for the nearby rocky mine)
              Queue (not changed):
              Children's Creche
              Rec Commons (if necessary)
              Supply Crawler
              Network Node
              Former (if necessary)

              Current Project: Former
              Queue (changed):
              Rec Commons (if necessary)
              Supply Crawler
              Children's Creche
              Network Node
              Supply Crawler

              U.N. Aquaxenobanana
              Current Project: Fusion Sea Formers
              Queue (not changed):
              Children's Creche
              Rec Commons (if necessary)
              Sea Trawler
              Sea Former (if there's enough minerals to spare the support)
              Network Node
              Sea Trawler


              Just pick good spots when the crawlers come on-line. A really good one, though, is for a Metro crawler to convoy minerals from the adjacent mine at (17,59, just W of the base).


              Ankh-Morpork Former (18,54) (SW of Shangri-La), building condensor
              - Finish condensor
              - Build Soil Enricher
              - Move to (18,52) (N)
              - Build road
              - Plant Forest (or should it be farmed?)
              - Move to (17, 51) (NW)
              - Build road
              - Build mine

              Metropolis Former (22,58) (NE E of Metro), removing fungus
              - finish removing fungus
              - Build road
              - Build farm
              - Build condensor (if necessary)
              - Move to (24, 60) (SE)
              - Remove fungus
              - Build road
              - (from here depends on priorities)

              If Shangri-La builds a former, have it assist the A-M former nearby.
              If Capricorn builds a former, have it assist the Metro former nearby.
              If UNABanana build a former, put a mining platform or two up in the kelp squares, toss in a tidal harness if there's time.

              Terminal Dogma Former (14,56) (S of A-M), no orders
              - recalled by Maniac, so do as he says... thanks for the formers, Maniac, that condensor farm is working wonders for A-M

              Sheathed Sword Former (same place as the TD former), no orders
              - move to A-M (N)
              - rehome to A-M (as per Maniac's orders)
              - move back to (14,56) (S)
              - build soil enricher
              - move to (16,56) (E)
              - build farm
              - build soil enricher
              - build condensor


              - The base will grow in 2 turns, creating a drone riot situation (if nothing changes), so in 1 turn (on 2250) pull a worker into empath duty to avert that.

              Metro Worker at (16,60) (W SW of base)
              - Switch to the unworked forest square, it's better

              U.N. Aquaxenobanana:
              - The base will grow in 1 turn, creating a drone riot situation (if nothing changes), so immediately pull a worker into empath duty to avert that.

              New Workers
              - At this stage the bases simply need food, the workers should be placed accordingly. If possible, work some good mineral squares. Hopefully some more forest can be planted soon (even though I'm doing little but condensor farms right now ).
              Last edited by Cedayon; February 14, 2003, 13:47.


              • #22
                PRELIMINARY ORDERS AS OF MY 2249:

                Build Queue Orders:
                New Apolyton:
                Add former to beginning of build queue.
                Add former to build queue after Fusion Lab.


                Tacticus Academy:
                Insert Hybrid Forest at end of build queue once PE is discovered.
                Insert Aerospace Complex after that.


                Worker Placement Orders:
                Tacticus Academy:
                Switch one Empath to an Engineer.

                Crawler Orders:
                Have 16,88 crawler cash in at NA for AV.

                Former Orders:
                Tacticus Academy former (9,79), NNW of Antioch, clear fungus.
                - Continue clearing fungus.
                - When done, build farm, solar, then soil enricher. Next move back and build soil enrichers on every condenser square in Centralis.

                Tacticus Academy former (8, 84), SWSW of Antioch, construct soil enricher.
                - Continue current project.
                - When done, carry on building soil enrichers on every condenser and farm square available.

                Antioch former (9,79), NNW of Antioch, clear fungus.
                - Continue clearing fungus.
                - When done, build farm, solar, then soil enricher. Next move back and build soil enrichers on every condenser square in Centralis.

                ThisBaseIsBelongToUs former (9,79), NNW of Antioch, clear fungus.
                - Continue clearing fungus.
                - When done, build farm, solar, then soil enricher. Next move back and build soil enrichers on every condenser square in Centralis.

                ThisBaseIsBelongToUs former (16,86), SE of TBIBTU, no orders.
                - Clear fungus.
                - Build road.
                - Plant forest.
                - Move W & repeat.
                - Move NW & repeat

                New Apolyton former (16,86), SE of TBIBTU, clear fungus.
                - Clear fungus.
                - Build road.
                - Plant forest.
                - Move W & repeat.
                - Move NW & repeat

                ThisBaseIsBelongToUs former (10,80), N of Antioch, plant forest.
                - Continue current project.
                - Move NE, build road, then forest. Next move back and build soil enrichers on every condenser square in Centralis.

                Rush Requests:
                (Excluding cost of AV in NA)

                Fusion Lab in Antioch for 128 ECs (optimal price)
                Centauri Preserve in TA (after Biology Lab) for 144 ECs (optimal price)
                Hybrid Forest in TA (after Centauri Preserve) for ~420 ECs (optimal price)

                Total: ~672 ECs.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Cedayon
                  Terminal Dogma Former (14,56) (S of A-M), no orders
                  - move to A-M (N)
                  - rehome to A-M (as per Maniac's orders)
                  Sheathed Sword Former (same place as the TD former), no orders
                  - recalled by Maniac, so do as he says... thanks for the formers, Maniac, that condensor farm is working wonders for A-M
                  Note: it's the Sheathed Swordian former that I would prefer to rehome to Ankh-Morpork, not the Terminal Dogmatic. Currently a Pandemonian former is under as well to be rehomed at ShSw. That way every base in Jedinica will support three land formers, no more, no less.

                  Note: I have updated my previous orders post for sea formers.
                  Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                  Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Maniac
                    Note: it's the Sheathed Swordian former that I would prefer to rehome to Ankh-Morpork, not the Terminal Dogmatic.
                    Edited my orders to reflect this.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Cedayon
                      Fung. Formers Mk2
                      Supply Crawler
                      Fusion Sea Formers
                      fung. formers mk2? what?
                      supply crawlers i *think* are the same cost with the rover chassis with fusion (are they?) so we might as well build them, and are your sea formers super?


                      • #26
                        Those are just what the bases are producing currently... I just put "former", "Supply Crawler" and such in the build queue, GT's the one who picks which one.

                        I could see about changing the model, though it might cost some minerals for the ones currently being built.

                        I would prefer fission super, myself...


                        • #27
                          Okay, the only orders we need now are TKG's approval or otherwise of the requested rushes, Herc's, and some DEI orders (although we can probably just carry on doing what we were ebfore, which was exploring to the nroth and recalling the combat foils).


                          • #28
                            all rushes, especially aurillian ones are approved. and tacticus, insert a few well-placed rushes into twin sea aswell

                            i'll have the DIA orders ready soon, base placements and such...


                            • #29
                              Btw, I won't be able to attend this turnchat. Like the last one, I'm on campus and my University has an irrational hatred for IRC.


                              • #30
                                I just realied something: Who's running UN Circular Quay??
                                UN Circular Quay build queue (also change current construction)
                                police infantry
                                super fusion cruiser former (same type as in Jedinica VS)
                                rec commons

                                D of Science order

                                Move the alien artifact near N of Ankh-Morpork to Sheathed Sword, but do NOT cash it in until AdamTG says to do so.

                                DEI orders

                                Same old orders as last time (I wrote them 10 minutes ago, but I lost them and I don't feel like rewriting) EXCEPT:
                                *(126.88) trance laser skimship move to UN Circular Quay
                                *TBIBTU probe team move to Valhalla
                                *Two exploring units in Twin Peaks and trance scout defensive N of Ankh-Morpork return to control of the DPO.
                                *Fusion probe team to be constructed (tbc) in Concordia: move to Valhalla
                                *Fusion probe foil tbc in ShSw: explore the three large unexplored spots on the map in the sea west of ShSw.

                                DPO orders

                                *the mind worm on (7.95) should move to the fungus tile (16.74) (when in fungus they don't cost support)
                                *trance scout defensive (14.52) moves to Sheathed Sword
                                *the two AAA missile infantries and the gatling squad move to Valhalla

                                I have the feeling I missed some things, but whatever...
                                If any military units get finished, please ask in the chat what to do with them.

                                Hercules, perhaps you should post a poll asking if we should invade the Hive, and ask how many units each region should deliver for that war, in absolute numbers or as a percentage of the total mineral production of that region which should support offensive military units. Then you have legal arguments and the governors can't refuse to build military units, command centres & aerospace complexes.
                                Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                                Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)

