This constitution is not an amendment, but would make a passage from the Second United Nations Organization ot the Third United Nations Organization.
Main changes from the last Constitution :
I may have forgotten some![relief](
Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world,
Whereas disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous acts which have outraged the conscience of mankind, and the advent of a world in which human beings shall enjoy freedom of speech and belief and freedom from fear and want has been proclaimed as the highest aspiration of the common people,
Whereas it is essential, if man is not to be compelled to have recourse, as a last resort, to rebellion against tyranny and oppression, that human rights should be protected by the rule of law,
Whereas it is essential to promote the development of friendly relations between factions,
Whereas the peoples of the United Nations have in the Charter reaffirmed their faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person and in the equal rights of men and women and have determined to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom,
Whereas Member Bases have pledged themselves to achieve, in co-operation with the United Nations, the promotion of universal respect for and observance of human rights and fundamental freedoms,
Whereas a common understanding of these rights and freedoms is of the greatest importance for the full realization of this pledge,
Now, Therefore the General Assembly of the Peacekeepers of the United Nations declares this Constitution as a common standard of achievement for all peoples and all nations, to the end that every individual and every organ of society, keeping the Declaration of Human Rights constantly in mind, shall strive by teaching and education to promote respect for these rights and freedoms and by progressive measures, national and international, to secure their universal and effective recognition and observance, both among the peoples of Member Bases themselves and among the peoples of other territories.
ARTICLE I : General Assembly Structure
The General Assembly is the main deliberative organ of the United Nations. It is composed of representatives of all Member Bases, each of which has one vote. Each base of the United Nations can present one or several representative, to be registered in the Citizen Registry.
ARTICLE II : Executive Structure
Alinea 1 : This is the administrative section of our faction. The Executive branch is made up of the Commissioner and the Alpha Talent. These two are required to abide by the suggestions of the commitees, who represent the will of the people.
Alinea 2 :
Has the right of:
Has the duties of:
The Commissioner shall physically play the game.
Alinea 3 :
Has the right of:
Has the duties of:
The alpha talent is the second of the commissioner and is responsible for elections, finding out what the people want and helping the commissioner as best as his abilities let him.
ARTICLE III : Committee structures :
Alinea 1 : Presidents of Committees are elected in the area they oversee, and they have the task of informing and advising the people on our situation.
Alinea 2 : They are required to conduct polls in order to interpret the people’s will. They are then to carry out that will, by giving their orders to the Commissioner.
Alinea 3 : Any President of Commitee is allowed to appoint any Representative of the General Assembly as Vice-President of his commitee, who will be given the same rights and duties than the President.
Alinea 4 : In any case of conflict, the President's choice always prevail over the Vice-President's.
Alinea 5 : In case of impeachment or resignation of the President, the Vice-President is to take the President's rights and duties.
Alinea 6 : All Presidents and Vice-Presidents are allowed to advise and consult with each other. They are also granted the right to petition for changes or actions from other Directors that may be critical to the their department. Ultimately, however, it is the Director in charge of his/her section that has the final say in how things are handled.
Alinea 7 : Directors must poll all major decisions. They are only given the right to act without polling in case of emergency during a turnchat.
Science and Technology Committee
The President and/or Vice-President has the right of:
Has the duties of:
The President of the Science and Technology Committee shall choose the advancement to research.
Exploration, Intelligence and Counter-Intelligence Committee
The President and/or Vice-President has the right of:
Has the duties of:
The President and/or Vice-President of Exploration, Intelligence and Counter-Intelligence Committe is in command of exploration units and covert ops units.
Disarmament and International Security Committee
The President and/or Vice-President has the right of:
Has the duties of:
May NOT:
Start wars if there hasn’t been official poll that says it is ok
The President and/or Vice-President of Disarmament and International Security Committee controls all military units.
Special Political Committee
The President and/or Vice-President has the right of:
Has the duties of:
May not:
Declare blood truce, peace, pacts if there hasn’t been a poll saying it is ok.
The Special Political Committee will do all foreign negotiations
Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Committee
Has the right of:
Has the duties of:
May NOT:
Change the social engineering settings if there hasn’t been a poll saying it is ok.
The Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Committee is responsible for the social engineering’s page
Administrative and Budgetary Committee
The President and/or Vice-President has the right of:
has the duties of:
The President of Administrative and Budgetary Committee is the head of the Local Representative Assembly.
Local Representatives :
A Local Repsentative, in its own region, have the rights of:
have the duties of:
May NOT:
give orders in a specific field if the director of Internal affaires uses his veto on the subject.
Governers are assign by the people to take care of a certain region of our faction.
ARTICLE IV: Administrative and Government policies
Alinea 1 : Amendments
Amendments to the Constitution can be submitted by any member of our faction. First in a form of a thread where exact lines can be discussed and after that in a poll. An amendment is passed and made official by a 2/3 or greater vote on the amendment's inclusion.
Alinea 2 : Office Terms
All office terms shall last one month. A member can run for a different office at the end of his term, but he cannot change offices during it. If a member is elected three times into any government office, that member may not noinate himself for any government office the fourth consecutive term. After the fourth term he may run for any government office that is available. If this rule let not have a fully seated government, the rule will be deemed invalid for that term.
Alinea 3 : Impeachment and Resignations:
Alinea 3.1 : Every member of our faction is recognised the right to bring foreword the issue of impeachment of any government official at any time. The Constitutional Court look at the demand and determine if an impeachment progress is to be cancelled.
Alinea 3.2 the Rules for the poll
Alinea 3.3 : The rules for the first post:
Alinea 3.4 : If impeachment happens the Alpha Talent choose to takes his place or appoint his Vice-President, until a new election has been held at the end of the term.
Alinea 3.5 : Every government official may resign from office the alpha talent will do the same as with impeachment. If the alpha talent has to take over 2 or more government places we will freeze the game until new elections are held.
Alinea 4 : Playing ahead:
No person is allowed to play ahead for any reason.
Alinea 5 : Base Names:
The Alpha Talent, the Commissioner, the President or Vice-President of Administrative and Budgetary Committee will pick several names from the name thread and will put them in a poll where a name for a new base can be chosen. The names with the most votes will be chosen for the base and will be scraped from the list. The same counts for landmarks. If someone wants to name a place without a landmark a poll has started about giving it a name or not.
Alinea 6 : No-confidence votes
The words ‘abstain’ and 'xenobanana' will have the same utilisation : if a candidate ora proposition receives a majority vote of abstain and/or xenobana, the result of this poll would be considered as a non-confidence vote.
ARTICLE V : Elections and polls
Alinea 1 :
There will be 3 types of polls:
Alinea 2 : Elections
May only be started by the alpha talent. Must have election
in the subject line. They are purely decision-making polls.
Alinea 2 : Official polls
May only be started by a government official. Must have official in the subjectline, and must be used as information gathering or decision making
Alinea 3 : Unofficial polls
May be started by all members of the faction. They are purely information gathering polls
ARTICLE VI : United Nations Declarations of Human Rights
All Citizens of the U. N. Faction shall carefully regard the Declaration of Human Rights
ARTICLE VII: The U.N. Constitutional Court
Alinea 1. Purpose:
The Court is constituted to rule upon: contested disputes involving legal interpretation, validity of polls, violations of the Constitution, or any other legal dispute involving the game.
Alinea 2. Construct of the Court:
Alinea 2a. Size of Court:
The Court is composed of five Justices. Each Justice is to to be elected by the people.
Alinea 2b. Terms in office:
There is no limit to the number of terms a Justice may serve. Each Justice serves a term of two months. All appointments and re-appointments must be approved by a majority vote of the public.
Alinea 2c. Senior Justice:
At the beginning of each case, the complainant is to select a 'Senior Justice', who will be responsible for ensuring that a report is published for each decision made by the court, showing the rationale behind the decision. If the report is not provided, this may be grounds for an appeal. The Senior Justice will also preside over any hearings before The Court.
Alinea 2d. Other Governmental Posts:
A Justice may serve in other governmental posts, but may not serve as Commissioner or Alpha Talent while a serving Justice.
Alinea 3. Case Structure:
Alinea 3a. Quorum:
At least three Justices must be involved in any ruling that is made. If only three justices are involved and they cannot agree, a non-voting justice must step in to break the deadlock.
Alinea 3b. Rulings:
All rulings are immediately official and final except where appeals are granted.
Alinea 3c. Appeals:
Appeals may be granted if there are grounds to believe that the constitution has not been applied properly. Any citizen directly involved in the case may make an application for an appeal. If 3 of the 5 judges decide to grant the appeal, a new trial will be created to examine the case. In that case, the current verdict is placed on hold until after the appeal process.
Alinea 3d. Injunctions:
The Court cannot stop the game to make a decision without a 2/3 vote amongst the people. In case of an emergency due to timing of a turnchat and poll of the populace, the Court may halt the game for 24 hours, but only by unanimous vote of the Court and only if a specific case has been presented to them that must be decided prior to the turnchat. In the emergency case, the Court would immediately have to present a 24 hour poll to the people for their approval of the Injunction. If not approved by the time of the poll's closure, the game immediately resumes where it was before.
Alinea 3e. Case Presentation:
The Court cannot act on any issue until a citizen of the nation brings forth an Issue to The Court. Issues to The Court should be posted publicly and must involve a dispute that the court is empowered to rule upon.
Main changes from the last Constitution :
- Changing of Names : Committees instead of Directorates, etc...
- Creation of Vice-Presidents of Commities, so that the game invite more players
- Bill of Rights replaced by the UN Charter of Human Rights
I may have forgotten some
Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world,
Whereas disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous acts which have outraged the conscience of mankind, and the advent of a world in which human beings shall enjoy freedom of speech and belief and freedom from fear and want has been proclaimed as the highest aspiration of the common people,
Whereas it is essential, if man is not to be compelled to have recourse, as a last resort, to rebellion against tyranny and oppression, that human rights should be protected by the rule of law,
Whereas it is essential to promote the development of friendly relations between factions,
Whereas the peoples of the United Nations have in the Charter reaffirmed their faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person and in the equal rights of men and women and have determined to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom,
Whereas Member Bases have pledged themselves to achieve, in co-operation with the United Nations, the promotion of universal respect for and observance of human rights and fundamental freedoms,
Whereas a common understanding of these rights and freedoms is of the greatest importance for the full realization of this pledge,
Now, Therefore the General Assembly of the Peacekeepers of the United Nations declares this Constitution as a common standard of achievement for all peoples and all nations, to the end that every individual and every organ of society, keeping the Declaration of Human Rights constantly in mind, shall strive by teaching and education to promote respect for these rights and freedoms and by progressive measures, national and international, to secure their universal and effective recognition and observance, both among the peoples of Member Bases themselves and among the peoples of other territories.
ARTICLE I : General Assembly Structure
The General Assembly is the main deliberative organ of the United Nations. It is composed of representatives of all Member Bases, each of which has one vote. Each base of the United Nations can present one or several representative, to be registered in the Citizen Registry.
ARTICLE II : Executive Structure
Alinea 1 : This is the administrative section of our faction. The Executive branch is made up of the Commissioner and the Alpha Talent. These two are required to abide by the suggestions of the commitees, who represent the will of the people.
Alinea 2 :
Has the right of:
- Playing the game for the citizens
- Acting as he deems fit if there is an emergency
- Advising any other part of the government
Has the duties of:
- Following directors orders on there field of expertise
- Posting SAV`s and turnlogs on the forum
- Overall keeping the citizens aware of there situation.
- Making turnthreads and keeping them updated
- Serving his faction the best he can
The Commissioner shall physically play the game.
Alinea 3 :
Has the right of:
- Acting as he deems fit if there is an emergency
- Taking over the Commissioners seat with its right and duties if the current Commissioner is somehow not available.
- Starting elections
- Advising any other part of the government
Has the duties of:
- Posting polls he hear the peoples voice
- Posting elections polls
- Posting cabinet threads for his term
- Posting nomination threads
- Being a substitute when a goverment official is impeached or has resigned
- Serving his faction the best he can
The alpha talent is the second of the commissioner and is responsible for elections, finding out what the people want and helping the commissioner as best as his abilities let him.
ARTICLE III : Committee structures :
Alinea 1 : Presidents of Committees are elected in the area they oversee, and they have the task of informing and advising the people on our situation.
Alinea 2 : They are required to conduct polls in order to interpret the people’s will. They are then to carry out that will, by giving their orders to the Commissioner.
Alinea 3 : Any President of Commitee is allowed to appoint any Representative of the General Assembly as Vice-President of his commitee, who will be given the same rights and duties than the President.
Alinea 4 : In any case of conflict, the President's choice always prevail over the Vice-President's.
Alinea 5 : In case of impeachment or resignation of the President, the Vice-President is to take the President's rights and duties.
Alinea 6 : All Presidents and Vice-Presidents are allowed to advise and consult with each other. They are also granted the right to petition for changes or actions from other Directors that may be critical to the their department. Ultimately, however, it is the Director in charge of his/her section that has the final say in how things are handled.
Alinea 7 : Directors must poll all major decisions. They are only given the right to act without polling in case of emergency during a turnchat.
Science and Technology Committee
The President and/or Vice-President has the right of:
- Starting polls to ask the people what there wishes are in his area
- Ordering the Commissioner what the next researched advancement is
- Advising any other committee.
- Requesting buildings to the Administrative and Budgetary Committee or to any Local Representative of the United Nations.
Has the duties of:
- Starting polls to ask the people what their wishes are in his area
- Listing to the will of the people in his area
- Giving his opinion to the director of foreign affairs about any talks, which effect his area, with other factions
- Serving his faction the best he can
The President of the Science and Technology Committee shall choose the advancement to research.
Exploration, Intelligence and Counter-Intelligence Committee
The President and/or Vice-President has the right of:
- Starting polls to ask the people what there wishes are in his area
- Ordering the commissioner to move any exploration units and covert ops units
- Asking the director of Peacekeeping Operations for exploration units
- Advising any other part of the government
Has the duties of:
- Starting polls to ask the people what there wishes are in his area
- Listing to the will of the people in his area
- Consulting the director of Foreign Affairs during covert ops actions
- Giving back control of exploration units to the director of Peacekeeping Operations when the situation asks for it
- Serving his faction the best he can
The President and/or Vice-President of Exploration, Intelligence and Counter-Intelligence Committe is in command of exploration units and covert ops units.
Disarmament and International Security Committee
The President and/or Vice-President has the right of:
- Starting polls to ask the people what there wishes are in his area
- Ordering the commissioner to move military units
- Ordering the commissioner to design military new units, disband old military units and upgrade current military units.
- Advising any other part of the government
- Requesting buildings and military units with the Director of buildings productions.
Has the duties of:
- Starting polls to ask the people what there wishes are in his area
- Listing to the will of the people in his area
- Giving his opinion to the Special Political Committee about any talks, which affect his area, with other factions
- Designating a portion of his units as exploration units
- Serving his faction the best he can
May NOT:
Start wars if there hasn’t been official poll that says it is ok
The President and/or Vice-President of Disarmament and International Security Committee controls all military units.
Special Political Committee
The President and/or Vice-President has the right of:
- Starting polls to ask the people what there wishes are in his area
- Ordering the commissioner on talks with foreign factions
- Advising any other part of the government
Has the duties of:
- Starting polls to ask the people what there wishes are in his area
- Listing to the will of the people in his area
- Maintaining good foreign connections
- Giving his opinion to the Exploration, Intelligence and Counter Intelligence Committee on covert ops actions
- Consulting for advice any other director if his area is being discussed with foreign factions
- representing our faction in the councel
- Serving his faction the best he can
May not:
Declare blood truce, peace, pacts if there hasn’t been a poll saying it is ok.
The Special Political Committee will do all foreign negotiations
Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Committee
Has the right of:
- Starting polls to ask the people what there wishes are in his area
- Ordering the commissioner to change the social engineering’s page
- Advising any other part of the government
Has the duties of:
- Starting polls to ask the people what there wishes are in his area
- Listing to the will of the people in his area
- Consulting for advice committees which are effected by changes made in the social engineering’s page
- Serving his faction the best he can
May NOT:
Change the social engineering settings if there hasn’t been a poll saying it is ok.
The Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Committee is responsible for the social engineering’s page
Administrative and Budgetary Committee
The President and/or Vice-President has the right of:
- mapping out regions in our faction
- advising any Local Representative on how he should run his region
- veto an orders from a Local Representative
- moving colony pods
has the duties of:
- dividing formers, crawlers and funds over regions in our faction
- making a list of every build request by other Committees that has to be divided between the regions in our faction
- polling the peoples wishes on colonizing decisions
The President of Administrative and Budgetary Committee is the head of the Local Representative Assembly.
Local Representatives :
A Local Repsentative, in its own region, have the rights of:
- ordering the commissioner to:
- move formers for his region
- move crawlers for his region
- start buildingqueues for his region
- rush constructions for his region
- move workers
- advising any director that concern his region
- polling for guidelines for his region
[all within the parameters given by the Administrative and Budgetary Committee]
have the duties of:
- carrying out orders from the Administrative and Budgetary Committee
- advising the rest of the faction about this region the best he can
May NOT:
give orders in a specific field if the director of Internal affaires uses his veto on the subject.
Governers are assign by the people to take care of a certain region of our faction.
ARTICLE IV: Administrative and Government policies
Alinea 1 : Amendments
Amendments to the Constitution can be submitted by any member of our faction. First in a form of a thread where exact lines can be discussed and after that in a poll. An amendment is passed and made official by a 2/3 or greater vote on the amendment's inclusion.
Alinea 2 : Office Terms
All office terms shall last one month. A member can run for a different office at the end of his term, but he cannot change offices during it. If a member is elected three times into any government office, that member may not noinate himself for any government office the fourth consecutive term. After the fourth term he may run for any government office that is available. If this rule let not have a fully seated government, the rule will be deemed invalid for that term.
Alinea 3 : Impeachment and Resignations:
Alinea 3.1 : Every member of our faction is recognised the right to bring foreword the issue of impeachment of any government official at any time. The Constitutional Court look at the demand and determine if an impeachment progress is to be cancelled.
Alinea 3.2 the Rules for the poll
- There has to be started a one-choice-poll with the options: YEA, NEA and ABSTAIN
- 5 days open
- 2/3 YEA vote to pass the proposal or under 1/3 NEA vote to pass the proposal
Alinea 3.3 : The rules for the first post:
- The unbiased reason why the person in question could be impeached
- The job of the person in question
- The time when the poll ends
Alinea 3.4 : If impeachment happens the Alpha Talent choose to takes his place or appoint his Vice-President, until a new election has been held at the end of the term.
Alinea 3.5 : Every government official may resign from office the alpha talent will do the same as with impeachment. If the alpha talent has to take over 2 or more government places we will freeze the game until new elections are held.
Alinea 4 : Playing ahead:
No person is allowed to play ahead for any reason.
Alinea 5 : Base Names:
The Alpha Talent, the Commissioner, the President or Vice-President of Administrative and Budgetary Committee will pick several names from the name thread and will put them in a poll where a name for a new base can be chosen. The names with the most votes will be chosen for the base and will be scraped from the list. The same counts for landmarks. If someone wants to name a place without a landmark a poll has started about giving it a name or not.
Alinea 6 : No-confidence votes
The words ‘abstain’ and 'xenobanana' will have the same utilisation : if a candidate ora proposition receives a majority vote of abstain and/or xenobana, the result of this poll would be considered as a non-confidence vote.
ARTICLE V : Elections and polls
Alinea 1 :
There will be 3 types of polls:
- Elections
- Official
- Unofficial
Alinea 2 : Elections
May only be started by the alpha talent. Must have election
in the subject line. They are purely decision-making polls.
- Poll:
- Office in question
- ONLY names candidates
- Abstain option (will Refrain from banana)
- Write-in-option
- 3 days open
- First post:
- ONLY names candidates
- Link to discussion thread
- Expire date
Alinea 2 : Official polls
May only be started by a government official. Must have official in the subjectline, and must be used as information gathering or decision making
- Poll:
- Abstain
- Write-in-option
- Minimum of 2 days
- Maximum of 7 days
- Clear and not biased question and answers
- First post:
- Further explanation of the questions and answers
- Link to discussion thread (if any)
- Expire date
- Stated: information gathering or decision making
Alinea 3 : Unofficial polls
May be started by all members of the faction. They are purely information gathering polls
- Poll:
- Minimum of 3 days
- First Post:
- Expire date (if any)
- Link to discussion thread (if any)
ARTICLE VI : United Nations Declarations of Human Rights
All Citizens of the U. N. Faction shall carefully regard the Declaration of Human Rights
ARTICLE VII: The U.N. Constitutional Court
Alinea 1. Purpose:
The Court is constituted to rule upon: contested disputes involving legal interpretation, validity of polls, violations of the Constitution, or any other legal dispute involving the game.
Alinea 2. Construct of the Court:
Alinea 2a. Size of Court:
The Court is composed of five Justices. Each Justice is to to be elected by the people.
Alinea 2b. Terms in office:
There is no limit to the number of terms a Justice may serve. Each Justice serves a term of two months. All appointments and re-appointments must be approved by a majority vote of the public.
Alinea 2c. Senior Justice:
At the beginning of each case, the complainant is to select a 'Senior Justice', who will be responsible for ensuring that a report is published for each decision made by the court, showing the rationale behind the decision. If the report is not provided, this may be grounds for an appeal. The Senior Justice will also preside over any hearings before The Court.
Alinea 2d. Other Governmental Posts:
A Justice may serve in other governmental posts, but may not serve as Commissioner or Alpha Talent while a serving Justice.
Alinea 3. Case Structure:
Alinea 3a. Quorum:
At least three Justices must be involved in any ruling that is made. If only three justices are involved and they cannot agree, a non-voting justice must step in to break the deadlock.
Alinea 3b. Rulings:
All rulings are immediately official and final except where appeals are granted.
Alinea 3c. Appeals:
Appeals may be granted if there are grounds to believe that the constitution has not been applied properly. Any citizen directly involved in the case may make an application for an appeal. If 3 of the 5 judges decide to grant the appeal, a new trial will be created to examine the case. In that case, the current verdict is placed on hold until after the appeal process.
Alinea 3d. Injunctions:
The Court cannot stop the game to make a decision without a 2/3 vote amongst the people. In case of an emergency due to timing of a turnchat and poll of the populace, the Court may halt the game for 24 hours, but only by unanimous vote of the Court and only if a specific case has been presented to them that must be decided prior to the turnchat. In the emergency case, the Court would immediately have to present a 24 hour poll to the people for their approval of the Injunction. If not approved by the time of the poll's closure, the game immediately resumes where it was before.
Alinea 3e. Case Presentation:
The Court cannot act on any issue until a citizen of the nation brings forth an Issue to The Court. Issues to The Court should be posted publicly and must involve a dispute that the court is empowered to rule upon.