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Turn Report 2242-2249

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  • Turn Report 2242-2249

    Okay, some of the major events this time:

    1) We discovered Advanced Ecological Engineering and starte don Planetary Economics (Orbital Spaceflight was unavailable).

    2) The University was wiped out, sadly.

    3) We lost a probe foil to one of Yang's ships.

    4) We discovered that Morgan is only 4 turns away from building the Ascetic Virtues, and implemented emergency measures to deal with it.

    5) We managed to infiltrate the Believers at Valley of the Faithful.
    Attached Files

  • #2
    chatlog part 1

    Session Start: Sat Feb 08 22:45:57 2003
    Session Ident: #smacdg
    [22:45] * Now talking in #smacdg
    [22:46] * The-Evangelion-Freak has joined #smacdg
    [22:46] (The-Evangelion-Freak) Solaris
    [22:46] * The-Evangelion-Freak changes topic to 'Vote Solaris '
    [22:46] (Maniac^gov) It'll win. I'm sure of it.
    [22:46] (The-Evangelion-Freak)
    [22:47] * GeneralTacticus has joined #smacdg
    [22:47] (The-Evangelion-Freak) Hi
    [22:47] (Maniac^gov) Ah hello. :-)
    [22:47] (GeneralTacticus) Hi.
    [22:50] * Method has joined #smacdg
    [22:50] (Method) @topic
    [22:50] * Method is now known as TKG
    [22:50] (TKG) let's see here
    [22:50] (GeneralTacticus) Still need DBTs' orders.
    [22:50] * TKG changes topic to 'ACDG Turnchat Channel'
    [22:50] (Maniac^gov) Hi TKG, will you help me make the Aurillian orders?
    [22:50] (TKG) ok
    [22:50] * TKG is now known as Method
    [22:51] (Maniac^gov) Okay. What do you want to do of them?
    [22:51] (Method) well
    [22:51] (Method) do we have tree farms everywhere?
    [22:51] (Maniac^gov) I'll check.
    [22:51] (Method) build tree farms everywhere there aren't any
    [22:51] (Method) and do we have fusion yet?
    [22:52] (GeneralTacticus) Yes.
    [22:52] (Maniac^gov) Only in UNPD
    [22:52] (Method) build fusion labs everwhere there are tree farms
    [22:52] (Maniac^gov) And UNMI is building a second garrison!! intended?
    [22:52] (Method) not at all
    [22:52] (Method) build more a net node
    [22:52] (Method) erm
    [22:52] (Method) *-more
    [22:53] (Maniac^gov) Let's build rec commons and net node indeed
    [22:53] (Method) ok. do we need hab complexes?
    [22:53] (Method) in UNPD i think right?
    [22:53] (Maniac^gov) Wait a minute. i'll write things down.
    [22:54] (Method) game opening
    [22:55] (Maniac^gov) UN Marine Institute
    [22:55] (Maniac^gov) rec commons (switch first item)
    [22:55] (Maniac^gov) net node
    [22:55] (Maniac^gov) hab complex
    [22:55] (Method) rec commons
    [22:56] (Method) former
    [22:56] (Method) former
    [22:56] (Method) net node
    [22:56] (Method) hab complex
    [22:56] (Method) UNPD:
    [22:56] (Maniac^gov) in UNMI?
    [22:56] (Method) OTOH...
    [22:56] (Method) eliminate one of those formers
    [22:56] (Maniac^gov) do you mean sea formers?
    [22:56] (Method) make UNMI:
    [22:56] (Method) rec commons
    [22:56] (Method) sea former
    [22:56] (Method) net node
    [22:56] (Method) hab complex
    [22:56] (Maniac^gov) okay
    [22:57] (Method) UNPD:
    [22:57] (Method) finish hospital
    [22:57] (Method) then hab complex
    [22:57] (Method) fusion lab
    [22:57] (Maniac^gov) That should be a newly designed fusion sea former I guess
    [22:57] (Method) sure
    [22:57] (Method) ZG:
    [22:57] (Method) switch to tree farm
    [22:57] (Method) upgrade scout patrol to a garrison
    [22:58] (Method) then missile destroyer
    [22:58] (Method) DEM:
    [22:58] (Maniac^gov) Wouldn't we first build that garrison?
    [22:58] (Method) no need
    [22:58] (Method) we can upgrade it
    [22:58] (Method) the scout i mean
    [22:59] (Method) DEM:
    [22:59] (Method) switch to tree farm
    [22:59] (Method) fusion lab
    [23:00] * Method has quit IRC (Quit: )
    [23:01] * Method has joined #smacdg
    [23:01] (Method) oops
    [23:01] (Method) where were we?
    [23:01] (Method) Xan?
    [23:02] (Method) Xan:
    [23:02] (GeneralTacticus) DEM
    [23:02] (Method) Dem?
    [23:02] (Maniac^gov) I finished the build queues. No worries.
    [23:02] (Method) you sure? i thought i did DEM already
    [23:02] (Method) don't build those worms
    [23:02] (Method) whatever you do
    [23:03] (Maniac^gov) No? Then we won't grant DBTS' last request. But ok, if you veto it. ;-)
    [23:03] (Method) we're in FM
    [23:03] (Method) -30% on attack
    [23:03] (Maniac^gov) indeed
    [23:03] (Maniac^gov) I just added a tree farm to Xanadu and that's about it I guess
    [23:03] (GeneralTacticus) If you've got the roders doen, please post them in the orders thread.
    [23:04] (GeneralTacticus) * orders done
    [23:04] (Method) Xan:
    [23:04] (Method) finish creche
    [23:04] (Method) rec commons
    [23:04] (Method) tree farm
    [23:04] (Method) net node
    [23:04] (Method) or rather
    [23:04] (Maniac^gov) Yes?
    [23:04] (Method) -net node
    [23:05] (Maniac^gov) rec commons - net node?
    [23:05] (Method) no net node
    [23:05] (Maniac^gov) ah ok
    [23:05] (Method) creche, commons, farm
    [23:05] (Maniac^gov) Okay. Worker changes aren't really necessary I guess?
    [23:05] (Method) i should review these orders more carefully
    [23:05] (Method) i didn't check
    [23:05] (Method) DBTS has been slacking in Aur
    [23:06] (Method) no tree farms, building mind worms (of all things)
    [23:06] (Method) too much focus on military
    [23:06] (Method) (i didn't even have garrisons in my bases till 2200 in SP)
    [23:06] (Maniac^gov) I'll just add "Click on the base icon in the base production screen of UNPD and Zanarkand Gate."
    [23:07] (Maniac^gov) That should move some specialists and workers to forests
    [23:07] (Method) maybe i should take over aurillion afterall.
    [23:08] (Method) it seems to be stagnating
    [23:08] (Maniac^gov) Why not? :-)
    [23:08] (Maniac^gov) or at least until MWIA is back
    [23:08] (Method) yes. MWIA
    [23:08] (Maniac^gov) let's have a look at crawlers... I don't think anything is necessary.
    [23:09] (Method) GT: just use your judgement regarding formers
    [23:09] (Method) as long as your judgement is lots of boreholes
    [23:09] (Maniac^gov) Nope. Btw, what needs to be done with that sea colony pod off the Aurillian coast?
    [23:09] (Maniac^gov)
    [23:09] (Method) ****
    [23:09] (Method) i forgot about that
    [23:09] (Method) have it build where it is i guess :-/
    [23:10] (Method) unless you can think of somewhere better to put it
    [23:10] (Method) IIRC we havn't explored around there yet
    [23:10] (Maniac^gov) It's quite deep...
    [23:10] (Method) :/
    [23:10] (Maniac^gov) btw, I posted the orders.
    [23:10] (Method)
    [23:11] (Maniac^gov) Did I miss anything?
    [23:11] (Method) don't think so
    [23:11] (Maniac^gov) good
    [23:11] (Method) dammit DBTS! i would've done orders but he said he was going to
    [23:11] (Maniac^gov) yeah I know :-(
    [23:12] (Method) BTW: i finished your faction
    [23:12] (Maniac^gov) Btw, perhaps we can let that sea colony pod explore a little more north and build that base near that island (where we can buld some boreoles) and the nutrient special?
    [23:12] (Method) good plan
    [23:12] (Method) you mean just north of DEM?
    [23:13] (Method) or that island to the west...
    [23:13] (Maniac^gov) No no, that other island. Though around DEM might be good as well. let me see...
    [23:13] (Maniac^gov) (3.83) looks good indeed...
    [23:14] (GeneralTacticus) Ok, got the roders, now printing them.
    [23:14] (GeneralTacticus) Should be ready to go in a few minutes.
    [23:14] (Method) maniac: op me, i want to register this channel
    [23:14] * Maniac^gov sets mode: +o Method
    [23:14] (Maniac^gov) wanna play some dirty tricks? ;-)
    [23:14] (Method)
    [23:14] (Method)
    [23:15] * ChanServ sets mode: +ntr
    [23:15] (Maniac^gov) Say is (3.83) ok? There are probably better locations thinking from my memory of the Planet map, but at least we have explored that location.
    [23:16] (Maniac^gov) or 3.85 - more land
    [23:16] (Method) tacticus, can you register your nick so i can give you auto-op in here?
    [23:16] (Method) ok, is that near the island?
    [23:17] (Method) make it 3.85 then, i don't have the game open
    [23:17] (Maniac^gov) It's wes of Tacticus Academy
    [23:17] (Method) ok
    [23:17] (Method) ah yes good
    [23:18] * Method changes topic to 'test'
    [23:18] * changes topic to 'ACDG Turnchat Channel'
    [23:18] (Method) splendid
    [23:18] (Maniac^gov) Too late to put it in the orders thread now. We'l just tell G when he asks about it. :-)
    [23:18] (Maniac^gov) GT
    [23:19] * Method sets mode: +o GeneralTacticus
    [23:19] * Method sets mode: -o Method
    [23:20] (GeneralTacticus) Begin turnchat.
    [23:20] (Maniac^gov) ok
    [23:20] (GeneralTacticus) Implemented FM.
    [23:20] (Maniac^gov) and 20% psych ;-)
    [23:21] (Method) registered nickname with nickserv...
    [23:21] (GeneralTacticus) AMniac: that goes without saying
    [23:21] (GeneralTacticus) * Maniac
    [23:22] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Method
    [23:22] Method invited Lemmy into channel #smacdg.
    [23:22] * ChanServ sets mode: -o Method
    [23:23] * Lemmy has joined #smacdg
    [23:23] (Maniac^gov) hi
    [23:23] * Lemmy pokes Method for making his mIRC beep
    [23:23] (Lemmy) 'lo
    [23:23] (Method) heh
    [23:23] (Lemmy) first i thought someone was pm'ing, but there weren't any new windows
    [23:23] (Lemmy) then i thought i was disconnected, but that wasn't true either
    [23:24] (Method)
    [23:24] (Lemmy) then i thought kassi had been sending notices, wrong again
    [23:24] (Lemmy) then i read through all my windows and noticed an invite
    [23:26] (GeneralTacticus) Hi Lemmy.
    [23:26] (Lemmy) ey GT
    [23:29] (Maniac^gov) I'm about to send an impeachment request for Drogue to the judges...
    [23:29] (Method) there
    [23:29] (Method) all done, except MWIA
    [23:30] (GeneralTacticus) What's all done?
    [23:30] (GeneralTacticus) The PBEM stuff?
    [23:30] (Maniac^gov) our sactions
    [23:30] (Method) yep
    [23:30] (Method) i'm the usurpers now. cool graphics
    [23:31] (Method) or rather, morgan who just looks like the usurpers
    [23:31] (GeneralTacticus)
    [23:31] (GeneralTacticus) Pity they cou7ldn't have made them more balanced.
    [23:31] (GeneralTacticus) Then we could actually use them.
    [23:31] (Method) they can't run democracy...
    [23:31] (GeneralTacticus) I think the whole idea was pretty cool.
    [23:31] (Method) i played them once. good fun.
    [23:32] (Maniac^gov) They're more meant as AI opponents I guess.
    [23:32] (Maniac^gov) But easy.
    [23:33] (Maniac^gov) Could you please mail me my faction file? :-)
    [23:34] (GeneralTacticus) Who were you playign again? Pirates?
    [23:34] (Maniac^gov) Yep
    [23:34] (Method) oh uh yep.
    [23:34] (Method) or even better
    [23:34] (Maniac^gov) Bad builder faction, so I can't compete against you guys. But I think they're the most fun. :-)
    [23:34] (Method) --download the entire set
    [23:35] (Maniac^gov) ok
    [23:35] (Method) now recently updated
    [23:35] (GeneralTacticus) Pirates aren't always bad.
    [23:35] (GeneralTacticus) I played one game where I covered 2/3rds of the map with them.
    [23:35] (Method) so you can check that i didn't give myself +6 industry and archaic -9190234 probe
    [23:35] (Maniac^gov)
    [23:35] (Method) i like the pirates...havn't played much with them recently though
    [23:36] (Method) mainly morgan and zak.
    [23:36] (Method) i've been trying to improve my game by studying hendrik's jimmytrick's and archaic's saves.
    [23:36] (Method) and siks
    [23:36] (Method) not so much sik's though
    [23:36] (Maniac^gov) If I can make contact with everyone soon, I'll have an advantage over the Morganites and UoP. But otherwise... And with this huge map...
    [23:37] (Maniac^gov) Just read Vel's guide. Was sufficient for me.
    [23:37] (GeneralTacticus) And all that land in the way...
    [23:37] (Method) vel's
    [23:37] (Method) i have 3.0 somewhere...
    [23:37] (Maniac^gov) Good enough I' dsay.
    [23:37] (Method) it's easier just to view what other people do
    [23:37] (Maniac^gov) the basics of crawlers etc are in.
    [23:37] (Method) than to read a screen
    [23:38] (GeneralTacticus) MAniac: with that empath rover you want built in Concordia - do you want it to have Fusion?
    [23:38] * herc2 has joined #smacdg
    [23:38] (GeneralTacticus) Hi herc.
    [23:38] (herc2) hi guys
    [23:38] (Method) i did the archaic Vs pand challenge using the 2101 save...i was only even in techs.
    [23:38] (Method) ey herc
    [23:38] (Maniac^gov) no - that costs more and it doesn't help against worms
    [23:38] (Method) and mainly because i had contacted yang and zak
    [23:39] (Maniac^gov) just a plain 2e-1-2
    [23:39] (GeneralTacticus) Ok.
    [23:39] (GeneralTacticus) Just wondering.
    [23:39] (Maniac^gov) With that rushing, I should be able to build twose two military units in Concordia without any mineral loss
    [23:40] (Maniac^gov) Now five mins overlap, and then 25 production next turn to complete the empath rover of 30 mins
    [23:42] * Maniac^gov slaps herc2 around a bit with a large trout
    [23:42] (Maniac^gov) herc, are my DPO orders ok?
    [23:42] * Method kicks opera
    [23:43] * The-Evangelion-Freak was kicked by ChanServ (KICK by Method)
    [23:43] (Maniac^gov) eh?
    [23:43] (Method) he won't notice....
    [23:43] (GeneralTacticus) TKG: Should we rush the Rec Tanks in Shangri-La? The base will starve if we don't.
    [23:43] (Maniac^gov)
    [23:43] (Method) go for it
    [23:44] (Maniac^gov) how many does that cost?
    [23:44] (Method) not too much i hope
    [23:44] (Maniac^gov) it doesn't have 10 mins yet I think
    [23:44] (Method) o...
    [23:44] (GeneralTacticus) 160, or 144 for optimal pricing.
    [23:44] (Maniac^gov) just built
    [23:44] (Method) we're rich...aren't we?
    [23:44] (Maniac^gov) I guess
    [23:44] (GeneralTacticus) just over 2000 ECs after centralis rushing.
    [23:45] (Method) we're fine then. rush the tanks
    [23:45] (GeneralTacticus) And getting nearly 300 per turn.
    [23:45] (Maniac^gov) :-)
    [23:46] (GeneralTacticus) Next tech in 4 years, btw.
    [23:46] (GeneralTacticus) Get ready to greet the soil enrichers.
    [23:47] (Maniac^gov) now just wait for bio-eng and I can upgrade all my formers to super/clean
    [23:47] (Maniac^gov) if TKG allows it of course...
    [23:47] (Method) hm. you know...
    [23:47] (GeneralTacticus) Given the benefits, I'd impeach him if he didn't.
    [23:48] (Method) i've never really made good use of clean reactors before
    [23:48] (GeneralTacticus) Why not?
    [23:48] (Method) i don't know. probably because i put fungicide on instead
    [23:48] (Maniac^gov) They would save us like 50 mins per turn
    [23:48] (GeneralTacticus) They allow you to keep building untis ad infinitum without paying for support.
    [23:48] (Method) that's true, i know
    [23:48] (GeneralTacticus) TKG: with the extra formers you can build, fungicide becomes a waste.
    [23:48] (Maniac^gov) and it's not like we have that much fungus left
    [23:49] (Method) yeah i know, i know. but now that you mention it, it seems to make more sense
    [23:49] * Method thinks
    [23:50] (Method) splendid. now i can build my energy park even faster in SP
    [23:50] (Maniac^gov)
    [23:50] (Maniac^gov) I mean: :-)
    [23:50] * Method thinks more....submissive zak is researching bio eng as we speak...
    [23:51] (Method) this SP game is really falling into place
    [23:51] (herc2) Maniac sorry for delayed response. Yes
    [23:51] (Method) energy park...cloudbase, orbital spaceflight...
    [23:52] (Method) no match for hendrik though, not by a long shot. he had transcended by where i am now
    [23:52] (Maniac^gov) Ok, Herc, next time, could you please post at least "no orders" in the thread, so that I know if your silence is intended?
    [23:52] (herc2) oops
    [23:53] * Method wonders how badly he'll lose the pbem...
    [23:53] (GeneralTacticus) Maniac: Did you say something about halting production on the worms at DEM?
    [23:54] (Method) oh god yes!
    [23:54] (Method) no worms!
    [23:54] (Maniac^gov) yep: Method vetod.
    [23:54] (Method) not while in FM anyways
    [23:54] (GeneralTacticus) Ok then.
    [23:54] (Maniac^gov) or vetoed (sp?)
    [23:54] (Method) we need tree farms
    [23:54] (Method) vetoed? probably...
    [23:54] (Method) i'm sure that's it, yes
    [23:54] (Maniac^gov) I have vetoed...
    [23:55] (GeneralTacticus)
    [23:55] (GeneralTacticus) Build queue orders done.
    [23:58] * Method loads up SP
    [23:58] (Method) make mIRC beep if you need me
    [23:58] (Method) i'll check in every so often
    [23:59] (Maniac^gov) And how do you beep again?
    Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
    Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


    • #3
      chatlog part 2

      [00:00] (Method) dunno
      [00:00] (Method) oh no! borehole destroyed by spore launcher...
      [00:01] (Maniac^gov) I have winged a "Beeping" in the window menu, but to no effect.
      * Retrieving #smacdg info...
      [00:03] (GeneralTacticus) That just means that if anyone says anythin gin the chat window, it will beep.
      [00:04] (Method) advanced spaceflight
      [00:04] (Method) cloudbase academy
      [00:04] (herc2) so where are we now
      [00:04] (GeneralTacticus) I'm doing the worker palcement orders, still.
      [00:08] (GeneralTacticus) Ok, finsihed those and the crawler orders, for now.
      [00:10] (Method) when building an energy park...
      [00:11] (Maniac^gov) you get lots of energy...
      [00:11] (Method) does one build a line of solar collectors
      [00:11] (Method) and a line of mirrors?
      [00:11] (Maniac^gov) yep
      [00:11] (Maniac^gov) esese
      [00:11] (Maniac^gov) esese
      [00:11] (Maniac^gov) esese
      [00:11] (Maniac^gov) and so on...
      [00:12] (Method) you don't make line of collectors and alternate mirror/collector in the other line?
      [00:12] (Maniac^gov) you mean:
      [00:12] (Maniac^gov) esese
      [00:12] * HotEnamel has joined #smacdg
      [00:12] (Maniac^gov) sssss
      [00:12] (Maniac^gov) esese
      [00:12] (Maniac^gov) sssss
      [00:12] (Method) yes
      [00:12] (GeneralTacticus) TKG: What should I do with the sea colony pod DBTS built at Xanadu?
      [00:12] (Maniac^gov) Nope. :-)
      [00:12] (Method) uhm, north
      [00:12] (Maniac^gov) The echelons really add up
      [00:13] (GeneralTacticus) north to where?
      [00:13] * HotEnamel has left #smacdg
      [00:13] (Method) datalinks says mirrors aren't affected by other mirrors
      [00:13] (Method) to...3.85, was it?
      [00:13] (Maniac^gov) yep
      [00:13] (GeneralTacticus) Ok.
      [00:13] (herc2) re Sea pod Build I suppose
      [00:14] (GeneralTacticus)
      [00:14] (Method) ok, splendid. you just wait: i have the cloudbase now, opening the door for OPT's :Expect:
      [00:14] (GeneralTacticus) I dropped off our probe team to open a pod and it fell through a dimensional gate!
      [00:14] (Method) ****
      [00:14] (Maniac^gov) no, but the effect on solars really add up. Just draw the two alternatives on a piece of paper, and count how much energy each generates
      [00:14] (Maniac^gov) The probe team from the transport?
      [00:14] (GeneralTacticus) He's standign next to another CP, but he's also got a clear run fort he ocean.
      [00:15] (GeneralTacticus) Yes, that probe team.
      [00:15] (Maniac^gov) Where is he now? Next to a CP???
      [00:15] (GeneralTacticus) Oops, sorry. Next to a Unity Pod
      [00:15] (GeneralTacticus) 19,39.
      [00:16] (Method) wow: you're right, this one's crawling 9 energy
      [00:16] (Maniac^gov) I wouldn't pop the pod if it is in fungus
      [00:16] (Maniac^gov) otherwise...
      [00:17] (GeneralTacticus) It is in fungus.
      [00:17] (GeneralTacticus) So, just go for the coastline and wait to be picke dup?
      [00:17] (Maniac^gov) Perhaps you could let that probe team explore
      [00:17] (Maniac^gov) and let the transport pick up that other northern probe team that I ordered to explore north?
      [00:17] (Maniac^gov) from Metropolis
      [00:18] (GeneralTacticus) Given that there's nothign but fungus around there, I'd rather get the first probe team out of there and let the second one explore.
      [00:19] (Maniac^gov) Seems reasonable. But won't that other probe team run into fungus as well?
      [00:19] (Maniac^gov) No avoiding, certainly not under FM
      [00:19] (Maniac^gov) we can't send our military units out
      [00:19] (GeneralTacticus) Yes, tiw ill run into fungus, but it won't be quite so stuck in it.
      [00:20] (GeneralTacticus) * it will
      [00:20] (Maniac^gov) Do what you like I'd say. :-)
      [00:20] (GeneralTacticus) 2242 complete.
      [00:20] * The-Evangelion-Freak has joined #smacdg
      [00:20] (The-Evangelion-Freak) why was I kicked?
      [00:21] (herc2) wasn't me
      [00:21] (Maniac^gov) We thought you wouldn't notice...
      [00:21] (The-Evangelion-Freak) It was Method...
      [00:21] (Maniac^gov) Were we right?
      [00:21] (The-Evangelion-Freak) Ehm. I'm still a judeg
      [00:21] (The-Evangelion-Freak) *judge
      [00:21] (The-Evangelion-Freak) I was afk.
      [00:21] * Maniac^gov slaps Method around a bit with a large trout
      [00:21] (Maniac^gov) Confess!
      [00:21] (GeneralTacticus) Ok, one of our scout foils has been attacke dby an IoD, but ti survived.
      [00:22] (herc2) which one
      [00:22] (GeneralTacticus) * attacked by an IoD, but ti survived.
      [00:22] (Maniac^gov) which one? How much damage?
      [00:22] (GeneralTacticus) Down of the Cape of Storms.
      [00:22] (GeneralTacticus) Took 40% damaage, it was the one down south.
      [00:22] (Maniac^gov) (105.101)??? The closest one I can see.
      [00:23] (GeneralTacticus) Possibly. I'm still dealing withe verything else.
      [00:23] (GeneralTacticus) * everythign else
      [00:23] (GeneralTacticus) I now have to go through all of the GA announcments, too.
      [00:23] (Maniac^gov) repair until it has 4 moves and then move to Antioch I guess...
      [00:23] (herc2) is it that one next to a pod
      [00:23] (GeneralTacticus) Yes.
      [00:23] (GeneralTacticus) And, yes, it is 105,101.
      [00:23] (Maniac^gov) ok 105.101 indeed :-)
      [00:24] (herc2) go with Maniac's call
      [00:25] (GeneralTacticus) Pop the pod when back to 4 moves?
      [00:26] (Maniac^gov)
      [00:26] (GeneralTacticus) Next tech in 2 years
      [00:26] (The-Evangelion-Freak) Who are the five Justices at the moment, may I ask? Me, Hercules, Mr. President, MWIA and someone?
      [00:26] (GeneralTacticus) Pande.
      [00:26] (The-Evangelion-Freak) Thanks
      [00:26] (GeneralTacticus) Though IIRC, Mr. Prex didn't run alst time.
      [00:27] (GeneralTacticus) * Mr. PRez
      [00:27] (Maniac^gov) Have you received my PM?
      [00:27] (Method) hmm, amazing what 5 super formers can do to move a captured drone base to my #1 mineral base...
      [00:27] (Maniac^gov) MWIA, Kassi, Drogue, Herc and Pande are.
      [00:27] (The-Evangelion-Freak) Okay
      [00:27] (The-Evangelion-Freak) Hm, only four Justices at the moment then... and MWIA isn't too active either...
      [00:28] (Maniac^gov) So I'd propose you, Pande and Herc to decide about me impeachmeny request.
      [00:28] (The-Evangelion-Freak) Indeed. And so we need to select a Senior Justice... does that come before or after we decide whether or not to continue the impeachement process?
      [00:29] (herc2) OK who's to be impeached
      [00:29] (GeneralTacticus) Drogue.
      [00:29] (The-Evangelion-Freak) He hasn't given orders for 3 weeks...
      [00:30] (Maniac^gov) I have no choice.
      [00:30] (The-Evangelion-Freak) I do agree, there's sufficient grounds for an impeachement.
      [00:30] (The-Evangelion-Freak) What do you think, Herc+
      [00:30] (The-Evangelion-Freak) ?
      [00:30] (herc2) Give me 2 days
      [00:31] (Maniac^gov) And I'd like to find a replacement for next turnchat, so I hope the process does't take too long.
      [00:31] (The-Evangelion-Freak) We only have 48 hours Herc, we are a bit short of time now
      [00:31] (GeneralTacticus) Maybe Lemmy could take his old job back?
      [00:31] (herc2) I think he took the Akiria thing badly
      [00:31] (Lemmy) eh?
      [00:31] (Maniac^gov) Apparently... :-(
      [00:31] (The-Evangelion-Freak) That's no reason to neglect duty
      [00:32] (Maniac^gov) He isn't insulted he lost no???
      [00:32] (The-Evangelion-Freak) He was still an elected official, with a job. Results of other personal elections shouldn't affect that.
      [00:32] (Maniac^gov) If we lost a good person every time they lost an election... :-(
      [00:33] (herc2) Give me 48hrs
      [00:33] (The-Evangelion-Freak) We can't have people going "If I lose this one, I won't do anything". That's the behaviour of a petulent child
      [00:33] (The-Evangelion-Freak) herc - try to be as quick as possible, there are timezones and everything, except luckily Pande, I and you are in Europe
      [00:34] (The-Evangelion-Freak) I'll PM Pande about this discussion, then
      [00:34] (Method) MWIA is in oz
      [00:34] (Method) and thus...
      [00:34] (The-Evangelion-Freak) Yes, but we only need three Judges
      [00:34] (Method) ok
      [00:34] (The-Evangelion-Freak) Sure, if MWIA can participate, that's more then fine
      [00:34] (Maniac^gov) We can start the impeachment process. If Drogue turns up again, people will see it and they can vote against impeachment. I hope he turns up again, but if not, we can't waste time.
      [00:35] (Method) question: can you crawl from outside your territory?
      [00:35] (herc2) I contact Drogue forth with
      [00:35] (The-Evangelion-Freak) Maniac: But we do need the court's ruling to start it? And we can't without three Judges
      [00:35] (GeneralTacticus) Yes.
      [00:35] (GeneralTacticus) TKG: Yes.
      [00:35] (Maniac^gov) TKG : yes, but echelon mirrors will have no effect
      [00:35] (Method) oh, that's it
      [00:35] (GeneralTacticus) I beleive you can even crawl from inside othe rpeople's territory.
      [00:35] (Maniac^gov) I think so. I haven't read the constitution recently
      [00:35] (Method) i thought it saw a thread about someone having troubles with a park outside their territory
      [00:36] (The-Evangelion-Freak) We need three Justices to make a ruling, and we need a ruling to start the process
      [00:36] (Method) but it was just the mirrors
      [00:36] (Method) ok then (**** i need to build a base...)
      [00:36] (The-Evangelion-Freak) Ergo, I need Pande's, herc's, MWIA's, any two of them to agree with me to start it
      [00:37] (herc2) You mean impeachment
      [00:37] (The-Evangelion-Freak) Yes
      [00:37] (herc2) count me out
      [00:37] (The-Evangelion-Freak) Alright then
      [00:37] (Maniac^gov) TKG: Just build a base in the middle of your park. That also cuts down on the costs of raising terrain, if you'd want that.
      [00:37] (The-Evangelion-Freak) But do remember, the *people* do the decision in the end, not us
      [00:38] (GeneralTacticus) TKG: What should be done with those two formers Amniac is lending Solaris?
      [00:38] (The-Evangelion-Freak) So the people can choose not to impeach him. We would just decide that we need to poll it
      [00:38] (Maniac^gov) See Cedayon's orders
      [00:38] (Maniac^gov) build a condenser or so
      [00:39] (GeneralTacticus) I've noticed you people seem to be quite keen on having me act as I see fit
      [00:39] (The-Evangelion-Freak)
      [00:39] (Maniac^gov) GT: it's in the orders. Hercules: it's of course your right as a judge to decide against...
      [00:39] * GeneralTacticus is now known as GT^Commish_AFK
      [00:39] (GT^Commish_AFK) toilet.
      [00:40] (Maniac^gov) impeachment, but if there will be no impeachment and Drogue doesn't turn up, will you do the DEI and DPO orders for next week?
      [00:40] (herc2) Yes if that's what's needed
      [00:41] (Maniac^gov) Then I'm fine with it. I just want all orders delivered in time.
      [00:41] * GT^Commish_AFK is now known as GT^Commish
      [00:41] (GT^Commish) Back.
      [00:41] (Maniac^gov) And preferrably without having to do them myself.
      [00:42] (Method) OPT built
      [00:42] (GT^Commish) What's that again?
      [00:42] (Method) orbital power transmitter
      [00:42] * Lemmy has quit IRC (Quit: sleep)
      [00:42] (GT^Commish)
      [00:43] (Method) oh wow...the spartans are bigger than i thought
      [00:43] (Maniac^gov) - Finish road
      [00:43] (Maniac^gov) - Move to (14,56) (N)
      [00:43] (Maniac^gov) - Build farm
      [00:43] (Maniac^gov) - Build condensor
      [00:43] (Maniac^gov) - (depends on how long you want to loan them)
      [00:43] (Maniac^gov) (note: AFAIK Maniac has approved the former loan)
      [00:43] (Maniac^gov) For the two lent formers
      [00:43] (GT^Commish) Thanks.
      [00:44] (Maniac^gov) Btw, does Zak still live?
      [00:44] (GT^Commish) What should be done with those two AAA Missile units in Concrodia?
      [00:44] (herc2) Good question
      [00:44] (GT^Commish) Yes, but only for this turn.
      [00:44] (GT^Commish) His base is empty, and it has a Hive infantry regiment standign outside it.
      [00:45] (Maniac^gov) Herc: what to do with the Concordian infantries?
      [00:46] (herc2) Hold them there
      [00:46] (Method) forth, former army!
      [00:46] (Method) gtg, be back soon, perhaps
      [00:46] * Method has quit IRC (Quit: )
      [00:47] (GT^Commish) Ok, I have our northern scout foil 2 tiles away from a pod. Pop?
      [00:48] (herc2) I gues so
      [00:48] (GT^Commish)
      [00:48] (GT^Commish) Another IoD.
      [00:48] (herc2) *ugger
      [00:48] (GT^Commish) We're Trance, so we can probably kill it if it attacks us.
      [00:49] (GT^Commish) However, run?
      [00:49] (herc2) Stay
      [00:49] (GT^Commish) What for?
      [00:49] (herc2) ok run
      [00:49] (GT^Commish) It's supposed to be returning to our territory anyway.
      [00:50] (GT^Commish) Ok, about to infiltrate the Beleivers at Valley of the Faithful.
      [00:50] (Maniac^gov)
      [00:50] (GT^Commish) There's a pod right next to the base. Pop?
      [00:50] (Maniac^gov) How much moves left?
      [00:50] (GT^Commish) 3
      [00:50] (herc2) yes
      [00:50] (Maniac^gov) sure
      [00:50] (GT^Commish) Sonar Pod.
      [00:51] (GT^Commish) We now know the locations of 2 other nearby pods too.
      [00:51] (herc2) good
      [00:51] (GT^Commish) Infiltrated, all team members returned safely.
      [00:51] (GT^Commish) 2243 complete.
      [00:51] (herc2) lets prepare ourselves
      [00:51] (GT^Commish) Zakh is dead.
      [00:52] (GT^Commish) Drone Riots at Cyclops.
      [00:52] (GT^Commish) Using an Empath to calm peple down.
      [00:53] (herc2) you mean dead, no rebirth
      [00:53] (GT^Commish) Yes.
      [00:53] (GT^Commish)
      [00:53] (GT^Commish) But we knew it was going to happen.
      [00:53] (The-Evangelion-Freak) "Death gives birth to nothing." -- Gendou Ikari, NGE, episode 25: "Air"
      [00:53] (Maniac^gov) I disagree. ;-)
      [00:55] (The-Evangelion-Freak) The fate of destruction is also the joy of rebirth. -- SEELE, episode 25': "Air" [1]
      [00:55] (The-Evangelion-Freak) I'll stop quoting Evangelion now
      [00:56] (GT^Commish) "A witty quote proves nothing." - Voltaire
      [00:56] (The-Evangelion-Freak)
      [00:56] (Maniac^gov)
      [00:56] (The-Evangelion-Freak) Voltaire was a good guy, he saw no point in studying geometry
      [00:57] (GT^Commish) Ok, now what to do with that probe team that returned from the Beleivers?
      [00:57] (GT^Commish) It's in Shangri-La.
      [00:57] (herc2) go out again
      [00:58] (GT^Commish) I'd say wait to steal Silksteel Alloys from Yang in 6 years.
      [00:58] (GT^Commish) He'll have it by thne.
      [00:58] (GT^Commish) btw, I think I figured out why Yang was advacing in tech so quickly.
      [00:58] (Maniac^gov) We would have to steal it from one of the northern bases.
      [00:58] (Maniac^gov) So better start going north after all
      [00:58] (GT^Commish) No big deal.
      [00:59] (GT^Commish) f*ck.
      [00:59] (Maniac^gov) yes?
      [00:59] (GT^Commish) I tried to move that transport into the fungus, and an IoD popped out.
      [00:59] (Maniac^gov) ouch
      [00:59] (GT^Commish) Sit there and take the attack?
      [00:59] (GT^Commish) We have Trance.
      [00:59] (Maniac^gov) Run south I guess
      Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
      Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


      • #4
        [01:00] (GT^Commish) Ok.
        [01:00] (Maniac^gov) Vote?
        [01:00] (herc2) sit
        [01:00] (GT^Commish) 1 = sit, 2 = run, 3 = abstain
        [01:00] * Maniac^gov 2
        [01:00] (herc2) 1
        [01:00] (GT^Commish) 3
        [01:00] (Maniac^gov) Pst, Evfreak
        [01:00] (Maniac^gov) You can solve a major problem for us
        [01:01] * Maniac^gov slaps The-Evangelion-Freak around a bit with a large trout
        [01:01] * GT^Commish slaps The-Evangelion-Freak around a bit with a large trout
        [01:01] (The-Evangelion-Freak) Huh?
        [01:01] (The-Evangelion-Freak) I was writing a PM, what is it
        [01:02] (GT^Commish) Should our transport stay wher eit is, or run?
        [01:02] (Maniac^gov) We need your help in deciding what to do with a transport
        [01:02] (GT^Commish) There's an IoD next to it, but ti has Trance.
        [01:02] (The-Evangelion-Freak) what's inside the transport?
        [01:02] (Maniac^gov) a probe team
        [01:02] (GT^Commish) Nothing.
        [01:02] (Maniac^gov) oh
        [01:02] (The-Evangelion-Freak) Eh?
        [01:02] (Maniac^gov) even better
        [01:02] (GT^Commish) It was o it's way to pick the probe team up.
        [01:03] * The-Evangelion-Freak flips a coin *
        [01:03] (The-Evangelion-Freak) 2
        [01:03] (Maniac^gov)
        [01:03] (GT^Commish) Running.
        [01:04] (GT^Commish) I think the Believers at Valley of the Faithful are going to be in for a rude shock very soon.
        [01:04] (GT^Commish) That IoD that came out fo the pod is heading straight for them.
        [01:05] (The-Evangelion-Freak)
        [01:05] (GT^Commish) We really seem to have a habit of unleashing Planet on them, don't we?
        [01:05] (The-Evangelion-Freak)
        [01:06] (GT^Commish) We once got an ioD to sink their invasion force.
        [01:06] (The-Evangelion-Freak) Whee. That must have showed them.
        [01:06] (GT^Commish) Ok, about that northern scout foil: should it come home, or stick around to pop a couple more pods?
        [01:07] (herc2) So where are year and disposition
        [01:07] (GT^Commish) It's 2244.
        [01:08] (Maniac^gov) It's your base that gets the drones: I'd say you decide GT.
        [01:08] (GT^Commish) I think we shoudl stick aorund for now.
        [01:09] (GT^Commish) It's not as if the Drones are being very disruptive, and the pods might contain useful stuff.
        [01:09] (GT^Commish) 2244 complete.
        [01:09] (GT^Commish) Mindworms land near DEM.
        [01:10] (Maniac^gov) Btw, just wondering, is a former planting a forest east of Concordia?
        [01:10] (GT^Commish) Dunno, I'll check.
        [01:10] * Method has joined #smacdg
        [01:10] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Method
        [01:10] (GT^Commish) We discovered Advanced Ecological Engineering
        [01:10] (GT^Commish)
        [01:10] (Maniac^gov) I have ben asking for it for two weeks, so I want to be sure this time. ;-)
        [01:10] (The-Evangelion-Freak)
        [01:10] (Method) :relativelydance:
        [01:11] (GT^Commish) Ok, next tech time, and OOS isn't on the list
        [01:11] (Method) plan econ
        [01:11] (GT^Commish) * OS
        [01:11] (GT^Commish) Yep, that's there.
        [01:11] (Method) :dance,iguess:
        [01:12] (GT^Commish) Looks like that IoD shook things up at VoF, at elast.
        [01:12] (GT^Commish) Their garrison has taken 80% damage.
        [01:12] (The-Evangelion-Freak)
        [01:12] (Method) vally of faithful?
        [01:12] (Method) *the
        [01:12] (GT^Commish) Yes.
        [01:12] (The-Evangelion-Freak) yes
        [01:12] (Method) oh :dance,inthatcase:
        [01:13] (GT^Commish) AMniac: No, ther eis no former building a forest east of Concordia.
        [01:13] (GT^Commish) * Maniac
        [01:13] (Maniac^gov) yep
        [01:14] (Maniac^gov) Oh, could you please then let one fo the former building a borehole stop with their task and build a forest there.
        [01:14] (GT^Commish) Well, the boreohle is done, so I'll move one of the formers that was working on it over.
        [01:14] (Maniac^gov) ok thanks
        [01:15] (Method) raising land doesn't seem to destroy boreholes
        [01:15] (Maniac^gov) Have you switched one of the concordian specialists to that borehole, and does that generate eco-damage?
        [01:15] (Method) i feared for the bh's near my park
        [01:15] * NuclearisWinterius has joined #smacdg
        [01:15] * NuclearisWinterius has left #smacdg
        [01:15] (GT^Commish) TKG: Coudl I upgrade the NA Missile Tactical to have Fusion?
        [01:16] * herc2 has quit IRC (Quit: )
        [01:19] (Maniac^gov) Then there were four. :-(
        [01:19] * GT^Commish slaps The-Evangelion-Freak around a bit with a large trout
        [01:19] * GT^Commish slaps Method around a bit with a large trout
        [01:20] (Maniac^gov) Or two?
        [01:20] (The-Evangelion-Freak) oi
        [01:20] (The-Evangelion-Freak) I'm 'ere
        [01:20] (GT^Commish) Sorry, hitt he wrong target
        [01:20] (Method) gt: yes
        [01:20] (The-Evangelion-Freak) Just taking a screenshot and making a new avatar
        [01:21] (GT^Commish) TKG: thanks.
        [01:21] (Maniac^gov) :-(
        [01:21] (Method) how much?
        [01:21] (GT^Commish) 40 ECs.
        [01:21] (Method) ok.
        [01:26] (GT^Commish) Just poped a materials pod that finished the DEM Tree Farm for us
        [01:26] (GT^Commish) * popped
        [01:28] (GT^Commish) New base built E of Metropolis, what should be buit first?
        [01:28] (GT^Commish) * built
        [01:28] (Method)
        [01:28] (Method) we need TF's
        [01:28] (Method) how long till planet econ?
        [01:28] (Method) gt: formers
        [01:28] (GT^Commish) 5 years.
        [01:28] (Method)
        [01:29] (Method) and formers after that too
        [01:29] (GT^Commish) ?
        [01:29] (Maniac^gov) formers
        [01:29] (Method) new base:
        [01:29] (Method) formers
        [01:29] (GT^Commish) Two formers in a row, you mean?
        [01:29] (Method) formser
        [01:29] (Method) tanks
        [01:29] (Method) or commons, whichever is necessary
        [01:29] (Method) is it called capricorn?
        [01:30] (GT^Commish) Yes.
        [01:30] (GT^Commish) Ok, next to a pod up norh (near VotF). Pop?
        [01:31] (Maniac^gov) standard procedure: only when full movement left
        [01:31] (Maniac^gov) otherwise just explore a bit around it
        [01:31] (GT^Commish) We have full movement.
        [01:32] (GT^Commish)
        [01:32] (GT^Commish) Another IoD.
        [01:32] (GT^Commish) Those VotF-ers are really having a bad day.
        [01:32] (Maniac^gov)
        [01:32] (GT^Commish) 2245 complete.
        [01:33] (GT^Commish)
        [01:33] (Maniac^gov) my my
        [01:33] * Maniac^gov sets mode: +o The-Evangelion-Freak
        [01:33] * Maniac^gov sets mode: -o The-Evangelion-Freak
        [01:33] (GT^Commish) A Hive Missile Foil just appeared and sank our probe foil
        [01:33] (GT^Commish)
        [01:33] (Maniac^gov) oh boy. Is that the first real attack btw?
        [01:33] (GT^Commish) On anything of ours? Yes.
        [01:34] (Maniac^gov) This means WAR!!!
        [01:35] (GT^Commish) TeDo borehole complete.
        [01:35] (Maniac^gov) move worker?
        [01:35] (GT^Commish) It's already there.
        [01:36] (Maniac^gov) great.
        [01:36] (GT^Commish) Flamed the worms that landed near DEM, btw.
        [01:39] (Method) splendid
        [01:40] (GT^Commish) Maniac: Did you want a mine or a borehole on 16,68?
        [01:40] (Maniac^gov) err. Where is that? I just exited my game.
        [01:41] (GT^Commish) SWSW of TeDo.
        [01:41] (Maniac^gov) on a previously fungus rocky tile higher than 1000 metres? Mine I believe.
        [01:42] (GT^Commish) Yup, it fits those criteria.
        [01:44] (GT^Commish) btw, I just realized soemthing - we could completely cripple the Spartans if we launched an amphibious attack on Spoarta Command.
        [01:44] (GT^Commish) * Sparta
        [01:45] (Maniac^gov) It wouldn't make much of a difference for their inefficiency I think.
        [01:45] (GT^Commish) They'd have zero income and zero research.
        [01:45] (Maniac^gov) They might even get the idea to build a new HQ in the Monsoon Jungle. Then we're worse off.
        [01:45] (GT^Commish) Not that they get much anyway, but still...
        [01:45] (GT^Commish) IF, that is, they choos eto build a HQ at all.
        [01:46] (Maniac^gov) That's indeed a big question. :-)
        [01:46] (GT^Commish) Besides, it woudl take them quite a while to do so.
        [01:46] (GT^Commish) Their best base has a production of only 8.
        [01:47] (Maniac^gov) We should start a Hivean campaign too with conqering the Hive.
        [01:47] (Maniac^gov) Nice and close to our bases...
        [01:47] (GT^Commish) We shoudls tart with Labourer's Throng so we have a safe palce to disembark.
        [01:47] (GT^Commish) * should start
        [01:49] (Method) after we have circular quay in place
        [01:49] (Method) S S of LT
        [01:50] (Maniac^gov) Do we have ships en route to that location?
        [01:51] (GT^Commish) What ships?
        [01:51] (Method) any ships
        [01:51] (Method) namely ones with colony pods on them
        [01:51] (Maniac^gov) don't know. I thought Aurillion was building one cruiser, and you had a foil.
        [01:51] (GT^Commish) No sea colony pods.
        [01:51] (Maniac^gov) which I ordered to TBIBTU
        [01:51] (GT^Commish) And Aurillion is building a crusier, but that's it.
        [01:51] (Method) put one in TBIBTU
        [01:52] (Method) a sea pod
        [01:52] (GT^Commish) Done.
        [01:53] (GT^Commish) TKG: where was that base east of TBIBTU supposed to go?
        [01:55] * GT^Commish slaps Method around a bit with a large trout
        [01:56] * The-Evangelion-Freak slaps Method around a bit with Yang *
        [01:57] (GT^Commish)
        [01:57] (The-Evangelion-Freak) Even better:
        [01:57] * The-Evangelion-Freak slaps Yang around a bit with Method *
        [01:57] (GT^Commish)
        [01:57] (The-Evangelion-Freak) However, I think Method will do a better Director then a melee weapon
        [01:58] (The-Evangelion-Freak) *than
        [01:58] (The-Evangelion-Freak) I have problems with my thans and thens :/
        [01:59] * GT^Commish slaps Method around a bit with a large trout
        [01:59] (GT^Commish) Um, TKG, hello?
        [01:59] (Maniac^gov) How can we beep him?
        [02:00] (GT^Commish) Dunno.
        [02:00] (Maniac^gov) Kassi?
        [02:00] (The-Evangelion-Freak) ./msg Method WAKE UP!!!
        [02:00] (Method) ah!
        [02:00] -) *Method* WAKE UP!!!
        [02:00] (Method) you beeped me
        [02:00] (Method) what what?
        [02:00] (The-Evangelion-Freak) heh
        [02:00] (Maniac^gov)
        [02:00] (GT^Commish) Where shoudl we build that base east of TBIBTU?
        [02:00] (Method) uhm
        [02:01] (Method) i dunno
        [02:01] (Method) one sec
        [02:02] (Method) loading page...
        [02:03] (Method) term V archives...
        [02:04] (GT^Commish) btw, you know that we have twice as many votes as the rest of the Planetary Ciuncil put together?
        [02:04] (GT^Commish) * Council
        [02:04] (The-Evangelion-Freak) Whee
        [02:04] * herc2 has joined #smacdg
        [02:04] (GT^Commish) wb
        [02:04] (Method)
        [02:04] (Method) view that thread
        [02:04] (Method) quickpoll
        [02:05] (Method) between red, blue...
        [02:05] (Method) yellow and black
        [02:05] (herc2) sorry just back
        [02:05] (The-Evangelion-Freak) Hang on... if we have 2x votes, then all the other factions together have x votes. And we'd need 3/4 * 3x votes for diplomatic victory, no?
        [02:05] * Method sets mode: -o Method
        [02:05] (Maniac^gov) MMI
        [02:05] (GT^Commish) Kassi: We have 608 votes, tehr est put together have `200 votes (countring Morgan)
        [02:06] (Method) 3/4 * 3x?
        [02:06] (Maniac^gov) We need neural grafting for MMI.
        [02:06] (Method) we need MMI, and maniac said
        [02:06] (The-Evangelion-Freak) That means we do have the chance for a Diplomatic Victory, if we wanted it?
        [02:06] (Method) ok everyone, can we have a look at that thread please?
        [02:06] (GT^Commish) TKG:Well then we have a problem, because black has fungus on it, and w ehave no enabry formers.
        [02:06] (The-Evangelion-Freak) I mean, 608 out of 800 is the needed 75 %
        [02:06] (Method)
        [02:06] (Method) ok, blue yellow or red then...
        [02:07] (Method) or rather
        [02:07] (Method) blue or red
        [02:07] * Maniac^gov blue
        [02:07] (Maniac^gov) most land
        [02:07] (Method) i concur
        [02:07] (herc2) blue
        [02:07] * Method blue
        [02:07] (Method) blue it is
        [02:08] (GT^Commish) Ok.
        [02:08] (GT^Commish) 2246 complete.
        [02:08] (Method) now that you know how to beep me....
        [02:08] (Maniac^gov)
        [02:08] (The-Evangelion-Freak)
        [02:08] (GT^Commish) It seems nothign catastorphic has happened.
        [02:08] (GT^Commish) * nothing catastrophic.
        [02:09] * Method is now known as Rza
        [02:09] * Rza is now known as Method
        [02:09] (Method) hm
        [02:09] (GT^Commish) ?
        [02:09] (Method) nevermind...
        [02:09] (Maniac^gov) Rza the razor??
        [02:09] (Method) nevermind!
        [02:10] (Method) you don't need to know
        [02:10] (The-Evangelion-Freak) we never mind TKG
        [02:10] (Maniac^gov) Okay. I just wanted to check if you had to be accused of horrendously bad humour?
        [02:10] (Method) i don't expect anyone to understand it
        [02:10] (Method)
        [02:10] (GT^Commish) btw, Yang now has 3 missile needljets, and is building 3 more.
        [02:11] (The-Evangelion-Freak) Ah, horrendously bad humour while on duty... Lemmy did community service for that offence
        [02:12] (Method) beep me if i'm needed
        [02:13] (herc2) I think we are still Ok
        [02:13] (The-Evangelion-Freak) I'm off to bed, you know how to beep him, /msg Method Boo!
        [02:13] * The-Evangelion-Freak is now known as TEF|zzz
        [02:13] (Method) what...the....hell
        [02:14] (TEF|zzz) what
        [02:14] (GT^Commish) He was reminding us how to beep you.
        [02:14] (Method) the SPARTANS just landed MIND WORMS next to morgan energy monopoly
        [02:14] (GT^Commish) Oh.
        [02:14] (TEF|zzz) oh... good night, in any case
        [02:14] (Maniac^gov) see ya
        [02:14] (herc2) cya
        [02:14] (Method) this is the first time i've ever seen the spartans use native life
        [02:14] (GT^Commish) cya
        [02:17] (GT^Commish) Egregion founded.
        [02:17] (Method) they're no match for my 6er-1-2*2 though
        [02:17] (Method) (they did manage to destroy me chopper however. they'll pay...)
        [02:17] (Method) oh, and
        [02:17] (GT^Commish) And we've fianlly picked up that probe team.
        [02:18] (Maniac^gov) Is Morgan EM far from us? We could always send a peacekeeping force to 'pacify' the area.
        [02:18] (GT^Commish) He's talking about his own game.
        [02:18] (Method) yeah, sorry
        [02:18] (GT^Commish) f*ck, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck, f*ck,
        [02:18] (GT^Commish) f*ck.
        [02:18] (Method) uh oh
        [02:18] (Method) ****?
        [02:19] (herc2) catching up on movements
        [02:19] (GT^Commish) Morgan is only 5 turns away from building the Ascetic Virtues.
        [02:19] (GT^Commish) And we're 3 from PE.
        [02:19] (Method) well then
        [02:19] (Maniac^gov) Oh. I thought GT had said it about the worms.
        [02:19] (Method) we seem to have quite the perdicament
        [02:20] (herc2) we want PE
        [02:20] (Method) time to revive the idea of operation fallout, methinks
        [02:20] (GT^Commish) I think we should rush the Fusino LAb in NA , start on another SP, then switch to & rush the AV.
        [02:20] (Method) go for it
        [02:20] (Method) how much to rush?
        [02:20] (herc2) yeah
        [02:20] (Maniac^gov) I hope you don't want to rush almost the entire project though...
        [02:20] (GT^Commish) 124.
        [02:20] (Method) k
        [02:20] (herc2) yeah
        [02:21] (Method) us sensible rushing though...
        [02:21] (Method) use
        [02:21] (GT^Commish) That sis ensible rushing.
        [02:21] (GT^Commish) * is
        [02:21] (Method) splendid
        [02:22] * NuclearisWinterius has joined #smacdg
        [02:22] (GT^Commish) TKG: Can I also rush the Hab Complex in TBIBTU for 24ECs, so I can then build a crawler to hlep?
        [02:22] (GT^Commish) * help
        [02:23] * NuclearisWinterius has left #smacdg
        [02:23] -) *Method*
        [02:23] (herc2) can'tsee why not
        [02:23] (GT^Commish) With a crawler, we'll have 180 mins left when we need to rush it, which will mean we need 720 ECs.
        [02:23] (Method) ah! who beeped me
        [02:23] (Method) yes yes.
        [02:24] * GT^Commish is now known as GT^Commish_AFK
        [02:24] (GT^Commish_AFK) Toilet.
        [02:24] (Maniac^gov) If you want to rush that project, know I'll vote against it. About such an important matter a poll should be held IMO.
        [02:25] (herc2) u mean the hab complex?
        [02:26] (GT^Commish_AFK) We won't be at the point of rushing by the end of the chat.
        [02:26] * GT^Commish_AFK is now known as GT^Commish
        [02:26] (Maniac^gov) No the SP
        [02:26] (GT^Commish) 2247 complete.
        [02:27] (GT^Commish) That Morganite CP is still plodding northwards.
        [02:27] (Maniac^gov) Let it. It's not like we have enough people wanting to be governor of new bases anyway.
        [02:28] (Maniac^gov) So no more new bases to the north...
        [02:28] (GT^Commish) Herc: Can I send a Missile Tactical to defend Capricorn?
        [02:28] (GT^Commish) MAniac: Execpt possibly one on thr Ruins?
        [02:29] (herc2) At last a call to action. yes
        [02:32] (Method) do you think perhaps it's time we stopped expanding?
        [02:32] (Maniac^gov) well yes.
        [02:32] (Method) and, do you think i should call off the bases in the sea of pholus and mouth of hercules?
        [02:32] (Maniac^gov) Personally: YES!!!
        [02:32] (Method) i'll poll it.
        [02:33] (Maniac^gov) You could organize a poll with the following choices:
        Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
        Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


        • #5
          chatlog part 4

          [02:33] (GT^Commish) Let Morgan have them, if he likes.
          [02:33] (Method) good idea
          [02:33] (Maniac^gov) 1) Build the bases. I volunteer as governor
          [02:33] (Method) or, submissive yang
          [02:33] (Maniac^gov) 2) Don't build the bases. I'm not interested in taking active part.
          [02:33] (GT^Commish) If, that is, we want Yang as a submissive at all.
          [02:33] (Method) herc said he was waiting to govern the sea region.
          [02:33] (Method) i think
          [02:34] (Maniac^gov) Really.
          [02:34] (Maniac^gov) That would be great.
          [02:34] (Method) beeped him
          [02:34] (Maniac^gov)
          [02:35] (GT^Commish) Yes, he did say he wanted to govern a abs ein the mouth of Hercules.
          [02:35] (GT^Commish) * base in
          [02:35] (Method) wow. quite the typo there
          [02:35] (herc2) yes ido
          [02:35] (GT^Commish) 2248 complete.
          [02:36] (Method) you woundn't by chance want to govern Xenobanana! ?
          [02:36] (Method)
          [02:36] (Maniac^gov) That has sea bases too.
          [02:36] (Method) for now anyways
          [02:37] * Method returns to his game
          [02:37] (Maniac^gov) Thud said though he wanted to govern it.
          [02:37] (GT^Commish) TKG: You said there was going to be a seabase on 3,85, yes?
          [02:37] (Maniac^gov) yes
          [02:37] (Maniac^gov) no need to beep
          [02:37] (Maniac^gov) That should have an energy bonus, lots of ocean shelves and land in its radius
          [02:37] (GT^Commish) Ok, choice of Cicrcular Quay and UN SLippery Ground.
          [02:38] (GT^Commish) And, yes, ti does.
          [02:38] (GT^Commish) * it
          [02:39] (GT^Commish) quickpoll: 1 = CQ, 2 = UN SG, 3 = Abstain
          [02:39] * Maniac^gov 2
          [02:39] (herc2) 2
          [02:40] (GT^Commish) UN Slippery Ground it is!
          [02:40] (GT^Commish) Although personally I'd have favoured the default: U.N. Peace Anchorage.
          [02:40] (Maniac^gov) You have a point.
          [02:43] (GT^Commish) Okay, repoll: 1 = stick with UN SG, 2 = Go for UN PA, 3 = Abstain.
          [02:43] * Maniac^gov 1
          [02:43] * GT^Commish 2
          [02:43] (Maniac^gov) we shouldn't decide that among ourselves
          [02:43] (Maniac^gov) Propose the name for another sea base in the name thread
          [02:43] (herc2) 1
          [02:44] (GT^Commish) Oh well, I've been ouvoted anyway.
          [02:44] (Method) uhm
          [02:44] (GT^Commish) Yes?
          [02:44] (Method) we could go by what the poll says...
          [02:44] (Maniac^gov) Indeed.
          [02:44] (Method) which, IIRC, is circular quay
          [02:45] (GT^Commish) Which is what we're doing.
          [02:45] (Maniac^gov) Ah, didn't know that
          [02:45] (Method) good
          [02:45] (Method) what did it say in my orders?
          [02:45] (GT^Commish) Your roders said either UN SG or Circular Quay.
          [02:45] (Method) which was listed first
          [02:45] (GT^Commish) CQ
          [02:46] (Method) ok. so you know, base names are always going to be listed in order
          [02:46] (Maniac^gov) tsk tsk
          [02:47] (GT^Commish) Base renamed accordingly.
          [02:50] (herc2) Still here
          [02:50] (GT^Commish) Just popped a pod containing 150 ECs
          [02:51] (Method) good
          [02:52] (herc2) That will cover most of the Jazuzzi
          [02:52] (GT^Commish) Popped another pod enar VotF, which gave us maps, and revealed a Beleiver Impact foil in the fact nearby.
          [02:53] (GT^Commish) Okay, I think that's about it.
          [02:53] (GT^Commish) -END CHAT-
          [02:53] (Maniac^gov) huh, which year are we?
          [02:53] (GT^Commish) 2249.
          [02:53] (Maniac^gov) Oh, that went quick.
          [02:55] (Maniac^gov) And I was getting comfy in front of my computer with a bag of chips and a Fanta.
          [02:55] (herc2) yeah me too
          [02:55] (Maniac^gov)
          [02:55] (GT^Commish)
          [02:57] (herc2) so its bye bye
          [02:58] (Maniac^gov) Okay. See ye guys.
          Session Close: Sun Feb 09 02:58:25 2003
          Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
          Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


          • #6
            Good progress overall

            However... why were the Cyclops and Twin Peaks Tree Farms not rushed as I requested (and TKG approved)? Judging by the fact that we now have 3582 Energy I don't think it was a lack of cash...

            I would have happily been in the turnchat to remind you of these things, but it simply wasn't possible thanks to my Uni blocking the IRC ports...

            edit - I also ordered that (25,113) be condensor farmed, for the benefit of Heaven's Gate just across the bay... it is instead forested. Did the forest expand into that area before you could begin the farm, or something like that?


            • #7
              Weren't they rushed? Sorry, I thought they had been Any other mistakes you can see?


              • #8
                Twin Peaks and Cyclops are still building TFs, and are thus growing quite slowly. I'll try to make such things more memorable next time

                There were a few former slip-ups I think, but the only major thing I can see is the lack of TF rushing in those two bases.

                Btw, are you intending to have NA complete the Xeno Dome, or just building up mins for the AV?


                • #9
                  Just a prebuild for the AV.


                  • #10
                    sorry that i didnt give you the orders but i just heard that day that a friend of mine was in a carcrash and i forgot......
                    Welcome to the DBTSverse!
                    God, Allah, boedha, siva, the stars, tealeaves and the palm of you hand. If you are so desperately looking for something to believe in GO FIND A MIRROR
                    'Space05us is just a stupid nice guy' - Space05us


                    • #11
                      /me wonders if this is ever going to get un-stickied


                      • #12
                        When I'm reminded to, i.e., now

