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National Fascist Drones Party

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  • National Fascist Drones Party

    National Fascist Drones Party

    This is the official thread for the upstart NFDP, discussion of membership and political theory here.

    First and foremost, we reject the poisonous ideology of Marxism and its materialistic conception of human conflict as rooted in economic productivity and fictitious “class warfare.” History is not a struggle of Drones against Talents, but rather a struggle of culture for supremacy, with the State as the ultimate personification of its people. The Drone and the Talent are equal only in so far as their potential can only be fulfilled through the State, their contribution essential to the perpetual war of culture in which only the Humans of superior ability and determination can prevail.

    We also reject the tenets of Liberalism and Pacifism as cradle Marxism and cowardice, abhorrent to the virtues of Fascism which stresses heroism and service to the defense of one’s country.

    We support Democracy. Fundamentalism is not an option, as we are strictly secular.

    We support a Free Market, as the private ownership of capital is a key virtue of Fascism, although under the direction of the interests of the nation. However, the needs of the State may take precedence in a time of war or necessary increased industrial growth, and a Planned Economy required.

    We value Power above all else. The sniveling Marxist intellectuals and self-interested Morganite-like capitalists do not work in the interests of the people.

    Looking for members, please post if you’re interested.

  • #2
    Wow, kind of like Italian Futurists of the 1930s with American Eagles tatooed on your butts. Good luck. I'll refrain from joining.


    • #3
      whatever. a free market supporter is a free market supporter. welcome abord


      • #4
        *Sighs* Well, at least they can finally stop pointing at me and calling me a facist. But now I can't point at the Marxists and call them warmongers either.
        Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos


        • #5
          I hope you guys aren't taking this too seriously. It is just a game.


          • #6
            Interesting... and another FM'er is another FM'er... but to entirely dismiss "class warfare" as a genuine phenomenon is farther than I can really go.

            In any case, welcome to the game


            • #7
              C'mon and join people. Halt the Red Plague!


              • #8
                Go vote for FM here:

                if you want to halt the Red "Plague"

                Posted by nuplicid in the econ poll thread:
                Free Market!
                *disembodied voice:* Mission Accomplished!
                Last edited by Cedayon; January 31, 2003, 19:45.


                • #9
                  Well, like TKG said - a supporter of FM is a supporter of FM, no matter what their other views are. We need all the help we can get.


                  • #10
                    The NFDP is certainly interested in thwarting the Marxist domestic agenda, but also wants to work for the foundation of a Peacekeeper Empire.

                    Any Hawks out there?


                    • #11
                      We used to have a Hawk Party when the game was just starting up, but they pretty much whithered away after that, along with the Fundamentalist Faction, which provided our first Commissioner.

                      btw - you need to join the ACDG civgroup. Go up to the top of the screen, where you should see a column called 'civgroups', with 'Alpha Centauri Democracy Game (52):' under it; click 'join'.


                      • #12
                        Ah, thank you.


                        • #13
                          The title alone already made me laugh. A good addition to the political spectrum I guess. The only thing missing now is a moderate social-democratic party like P4.
                          Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                          Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by nuplicid
                            C'mon and join people. Halt the Red Plague!
                            well first of all, i'd hardly consider the "reds" as you call them a plague, and second of all, parties have mostly died out, so i doubt you'll find anyone wanting to join. everyone who wants to be in a party already is, but most people just don't want to be.

                            EDIT: ah yes, the good old P4. if only it served a purpose
                            Last edited by Method; January 31, 2003, 21:09.


                            • #15
                              'Plague' would imply that they're still spreading. They've become more of a basic fact of life.

