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Election : Governors

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  • Election : Governors


    Centralis Region

    Jedinica Region

    Aurillion Region

    Twin Sea Region

    Akiria Region
    Centralis: GeneralTacticus
    Centralis: Write-in
    Centralis: Abstain
    Jedinica: Maniac
    Jedinica: Write-in
    Jedinica: Abstain
    Aurillion: DeathByTheSword
    Aurillion: Write-in
    Aurillion: Abstain
    Twin Sea: Voltaire
    Twin Sea: Write-in
    Twin Sea: Abstain
    Akiria: Drogue
    Akiria: Cedayon
    Akiria: Write-in
    Akiria: Abstain

    The poll is expired.

    <Kassiopeia> you don't keep the virgins in your lair at a sodomising distance from your beasts or male prisoners. If you devirginised them yourself, though, that's another story. If they devirginised each other, then, I hope you had that webcam running.
    Play Bumps! No, wait, play Slings!

  • #2
    Go STEP-CCCP Alliance !
    Refuse the dictaroship of the markets suppoerted by General Tacticus and abstain to vote for him !
    Join the struggle to protect Planete's fragile ecosystem and support Drogue as a governor !
    "Just because you're paranoid doesnt mean there's not someone following me..."
    "I shall return and I shall be billions"


    • #3
      I think someone would need to know more about my intentions to imply that voting against me is "protecting Planet's fragile ecosystem". Drogue would do an excellent job of that, I'm sure, but I'm not exactly planning to trash the place either Is there a good place for discussing this?


      • #4
        i'd like to have more debate (and a post from voltaire) before i vote


        • #5
          Well, having viewed some of the other election threads, I've concluded that here is a good place to explain what I would like to do if elected Governor of Akiria.

          Primary Goals (roughly in order of priority, although I don't forsee having to forego any of them):
          - Significantly increase energy output, lab points in particular.
          - Reach and maintain drone-less conditions in all bases.
          - Raise mineral output to at (or a few points below) the ED limit in all bases where this is feasible.
          - Maintain the current state of no eco-damage.
          - Expand the already extensive forest to cover almost all the region, except small plots of highly productive farmland.
          - Grow all the bases to, at least, what they can support without hab complexes.
          - Make good use of the Freshwater Sea by putting kelp farms and tidal harnesses off the coast of New Tass and Aurora, as well as all around UNMI.
          - Use (hopefully) increased mineral output to contribute to our military.

          Secondary Goals:
          - Find out from the people what kinds of terraforming they want done/don't want done. See that their wishes are carried out.
          - Ascertain from the people what they want done with the fungal patch in the center of the region. Make it so.

          The specifics:
          "Significantly increase energy output, lab points in particular"
          Infrastructure is key to this of course. Network nodes, energy banks, and tree farms (and HFs, when the tech is here) are particularly important. Research Hospitals and Bio labs will follow if they are feasible. The other side of this is specialists: I intend to terraform high-output farms to be crawled for nutrients to keep the growth rate up(Drogue's done some of this, I notice), and to have the people work however many forest squares are needed to get a good mineral production... everyone past that I intend to make a specialist, either for psych if it is needed, or for labs if the people are already content.

          "Reach and maintain drone-less conditions in all bases."
          Again, infrastructure is key. I consider rec commons basic and essential, and they are fairly inexpensive, so they're high on the priority list. Network nodes are also great boons, thanks to our glorious () Virtual World. The psych bonuses from research hospitals and the ever-critical tree farms could also be quite helpful in increasing the effects of our psych specialists and (if we ever do any) psych spending.

          "Raise mineral output to at (or a few points below) the ED limit in all bases where this is feasible."
          This mostly comes down to working forest, in my plan; however, I am pleased to note that there is 1 pre-existing mine near Cyclops that can be crawled for a helpful 4 minerals a turn. In any case the point here is to get a good industrial output going while not generating any ED. Minerals are secondary to energy; however, and I only want them to facilitate building the infrastructure necessary to give our people the quality of life they deserve (and, er, to make more energy and perhaps some units to help everyone else out ).

          "Maintain the current state of no eco-damage."
          It sounds simple. It is. Absolutely no ED. Even if means pulling stopping a lot of mineral production. Were this some other more industrial region, I would not be so adamant, but this is Akiria and I think it would be disrespectful of me to pursue ED-causing methods here. This also includes keeping a careful watch on non-forest terraforming... at least until we get HFs

          "Expand the already extensive forest to cover almost all the region, except small plots of highly productive farmland."
          I've already mentioned this. The forest part should be ovbious. The farms I intend to place on rainy and/or nutrient bonus squares. I intend the farms to consist of basic farmland augmented by a condensor if feasible/necessary (and Soil Enrichers if we get them). Some squares I'm considering are: (12,106), (12,104), (18, 108), (19,111), and (18,112). Moist squares could also be used, if the nutrients were needed, because condensors would make them rainy.

          "Grow all the bases to, at least, what they can support without hab complexes."
          This may be difficult if we go Green, but it could happen with enough of the above-mentioned farms, and with tree farms so that our forest-workers could support themselves nutrient-wise. If necessary I'll hold off on specialists in order to work more land to keep up a good growth rate in the smaller bases. Children's Creche's are a necessity, of course.

          "Make good use of the Freshwater Sea by putting kelp farms and tidal harnesses off the coast of New Tass and Aurora, as well as all around UNMI."
          Fairly self-explanitory. Will require building some more Sea Formers (or politely asking other governors for some former time ). To be attended to when other pressing matters are dealt with, but there's the potential for a great deal of nuts and energy. The odd mining platform for UNMI could be tossed in if that's what the people want. Perhaps it would be better to crawl in minerals for that base, though.

          "Use (hopefully) increased mineral output to contribute to our military."
          I'm thinking mainly naval and air here. I just want to make sure we support the folks who protect us This is secondary to keeping our bases drone-free, producing enough formers and crawlers, etc., of course.

          "Find out from the people what kinds of terraforming they want done/don't want done. See that their wishes are carried out."
          I was considering just stating "I won't build any boreholes, period", along the same lines as the "No ED, period" thing... however, I feel it would be more democratic to do a poll if I get elected, to see what the people want (ie Boreholes, Boreholes only outside of base radii, or none at all?). I intend to do a similar poll for mines and such. Question: should this sort of poll be open to all citizens, or just Akirians?

          "Ascertain from the people what they want done with the fungal patch in the center of the region. Make it so."
          I want to see if the people want the place declared some kind of "national park", if you will. Has this already been discussed?

          ... Well, that was long ... In any case, please keep the above in mind when casting your vote for Governor of Akiria.

          Oh, questions anyone wants me to answer?
          Last edited by Cedayon; January 28, 2003, 23:32.


          • #6
            I will post more direct goals, and update the Akiria thread sometime soon (it is now time for a new 15 year predictin about each base )... My aims and objectives still stand from there, as do my promises. However, I shall reiterate here:
            1) Build Tree Farms and other facilities built in all cities. Each base should have a Tree Farm, Children’s Crèche, Recycling Tanks, and others as appropriate. All bases are currently undergoing a massive restructuring of build orders to this end.

            2) Get a Freshwater Sea Base up and running quickly, and getting much energy for the faction, with trawlers if the need is felt. Also get population boom, since population can rise by much in sea bases.

            3) Get Twin Peaks, and the new base: formed, crawling, and getting population rises. Make them into successful bases.

            4) Make New Tassagrad and Aurora into world renowned bases for beauty, style, happiness and productivity.
            My biggest priorities are:
            Getting the new bases terraformed, using forests and farm/condensors (which we had none off before I started, and now we have 3 or 4, with more being built) to crawl mostly... so they get enough energy. I want to make a freshwater sea base an energy base too, trawling energy resources from around, and possibye housing the supercolider and theory of everything.

            Building facilities for the citizens to enjoy. CC's in every base, Net Nodes, energy banks and tree farms in most, if not all, and plenty of research hospitals.

            All this will be accomplished without the need for fungal-pops. I will support this environment. I do not want my people living in fear of fungal pops, or worm-rape.

            This would also be further on if my build queues and former moves had been carried out, but I can thoroughly understand that it is very hard playign for 3 hours, and commend what GT's done.

            I also like the RP side of it, so given time (which I will have, no more interviews and exams from thursday ) I will be much stronger on the RP side of them, enhancing the charateristics of each base. I have appointed Majors of some of the bases too, whoare welcome to advise/decide build queues etc if they wish, and also RP for their base. Akiria is very strong on tourism, seeing it's location and culture. I would like to enhance this further.

            I agree with most of Cedayon's points. Especially the no ED. The fungal sea is mostly used for exploring the native life, and for science, however I would like to declare it a national park at some point. Base growth is a big thing too, shown by my adding Children's Creche's high in the build queues, and the pop-boom in NT. I like Cedayon's policies, much are very close to my own, however I would like to stay consistant, and feel Akiria will still do best under me, if I didn't, then I wouldn't be running.

            What would be the direction you woudl go RP wise for Akiria Cedayon? What do you see in it's future?
            For though he was master of the world, he was not quite sure what to do next
            But he would think of something

            "Hm. I suppose I should get my waffle a santa hat." - Kuciwalker


            • #7
              I just noticed. It says there has been 10 voters, but there are 11 votes cast for some elections? And we've had 4 write-in options, yet nobody has said who they wish to write-in for.
              For though he was master of the world, he was not quite sure what to do next
              But he would think of something

              "Hm. I suppose I should get my waffle a santa hat." - Kuciwalker


              • #8
                who'll build the most crawlers, that's what i want to know

                this is a damn tough choice.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Pandemoniak
                  Go STEP-CCCP Alliance !
                  Refuse the dictaroship of the markets suppoerted by General Tacticus and abstain to vote for him !
                  Join the struggle to protect Planete's fragile ecosystem and support Drogue as a governor !
                  Strawman of Market Economics intended to bring about an Appeal to Emotion!
                  Ignoring the fact that GT's values have reduced the level of eco-damage in his region significantly!
                  Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos


                  • #10
                    I suspect Cedayon you chose the wrong Gov contest. But a very credible effort.
                    On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation


                    • #11
                      Argh, poly ate my post ... starting over...

                      I was typing off the top of my head earlier, so I forgot one goal that's very important to me (just below drone-less conditions on the list):

                      crawlers, so TKG will vote for me err, did I say that out loud? Do note, however, that crawlers will be integral to my farming (and perhaps mineral) strategy, so quite a few will be built. Oh, and if the DIA were to request some crawlers, I'm sure a few would make their way into the queues

                      Increasing the number of talents in the region, perhaps sufficiently to trigger Golden Ages. I'm mostly concerned about making sure there are no drones, but I don't want to stop there. Our people deserve to be happy, not just content. This will focus mostly on infrastructure and specialists, as can be expected. Golden Ages are somewhat unlikely without colony-wide psych spending, though.

                      On to the question:
                      from my distinguished opponent:
                      What would be the direction you woudl go RP wise for Akiria Cedayon? What do you see in it's future?
                      I see it becoming a critical part of the colony, not thus distinguished for its industrial capacity or huge population, but rather for its intellectual and cultural development, quality of life, and a beautiful environment (think trees, lots and lots of trees ). Universities, parks/gardens, and party houses recreational facilities will be the most prominent parts of the infrastructure. Tech-sector industries like software development, medical research, and the like are the areas where I hope to see Akiria contributing in the more "practical" area.

                      As for more pure RP elements: I like the descriptions you've put up in the Akiria thread, I'll probably expand upon those, and continue to do so (especially as the bases grow and change). I then want to support the Akirian people in adding to the picture of their bases and region, and in becoming a more involved and lively community. Oh, and I never did tell any of you what my character was doing in Uni territory before the Hive invasion... (self-plug) I rather like writing fiction, and I've got some ideas for what I think will be some good stories that will add more detail and atmosphere to the demo game in general (self-plug).

                      Sorry to ramble so... to sum up RP-wise I will try to enhance the current background and work with the people to make an interesting story of our experience as Akirians.

                      *crosses fingers hoping poly won't eat his post and clicks the submit button*


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Hercules
                        I suspect Cedayon you chose the wrong Gov contest. But a very credible effort.
                        I didn't enter because I wanted to win or felt I deserved the position more than Drogue, I entered because I felt the people deserved to choose (ie people in the nominations thread we more-than-hinting that they wanted more contested elections).

                        And last I counted there were 14 active voters, 11 of which are accounted for in the Akirian poll... it's not quite over, but I'm happy either way

                        edit: maybe someone accidentally clicked those write-ins? without them the numbers add up...
                        Last edited by Cedayon; January 28, 2003, 23:18.


                        • #13
                          Go STEP-CCCP Alliance !
                          Refuse the dictaroship of the markets suppoerted by General Tacticus and abstain to vote for him !
                          Join the struggle to protect Planete's fragile ecosystem and support Drogue as a governor !
                          As Archaic said, not only is this a strawman of my own economic position (which, in any case, has no bearing on my ability to govern Centralis, which I believe I have done very capably), it also ignores my record in the area of ecodamage (which has been massively reduced in NA from 80 to 0 and has been limited to only 9 in TA), and the fact that I have massively boosted both economy and industry in Centralis, and completely eliminated Drones from Centralis.

                          Let's take a look at some relevant statistics (I can provide some for economy, labs and mineral production if you like):


                          2202: 84
                          2235: 9
                          Total Decrease: 75
                          % Decrease: 833.3%
                          Rate of Decrease: 2.3 per turn per year / 25.3% per year

                          Social Structure:

                          2202: 6 Talents, 8 citizens, 4 Drones, 1 Doctor, 0 Technicians
                          2235: 5 Talents, 26 citizens, 0 Drones, 0 Doctors, 5 Technicians

                          I would say things have improved enormously for the people and environment of Centralis, wouldn't you?


                          • #14
                            Cedayon is actually WINNING now

                            1) The crappy metaspam is an affront to the true manner of the artform. - Dauphin
                            That's like trying to overninja a ninja when you aren't a mammal. CAN'T BE DONE. - Kassi on doublecrossing Ljube-ljcvetko
                            Check out the ALL NEW Galactic Overlord Website for v2.0 and the Napoleonic Overlord Website or even the Galactic Captians Website Thanks Geocities!
                            Taht 'ventisular link be woo to clyck.


                            • #15
                              a *very* tough choice, but i made it. and methinks the lose can replace voltaire, who seems to have disappeared again

