Originally posted by Cedayon
Well, one system involves determining what job a citizen should perfrom, and telling them to do that job. The choice to not do that job is sometimes available (depends on the system), but that choice means they won't work at all. It's pretty much a "the government's way or the highway" sort of deal. Is something else happening in our current economy? What about the proposed Green economy? How would people become employees (ie they submit a request to the employer, or to the government, or do they receive one or more possibilities from the government)?
Well, one system involves determining what job a citizen should perfrom, and telling them to do that job. The choice to not do that job is sometimes available (depends on the system), but that choice means they won't work at all. It's pretty much a "the government's way or the highway" sort of deal. Is something else happening in our current economy? What about the proposed Green economy? How would people become employees (ie they submit a request to the employer, or to the government, or do they receive one or more possibilities from the government)?
In a Green economy, the bureaucracy medium would be suppressed : the outstanding and direct contact with the Mother Matrix, Gaia, would be so deep that we wouldnt need any kind of bureaucracy. On the contrary, the general knowledge -- being taught or being "presient" by Planet's words of scientific materialism would encourage a natural way of recycling and preserving natural ressources to a minimum consumation, incresaing even more our efficiency.
As for the relation between economico-inustrial groups and the State, there would be a half-free market, half state property : any industry and economy needed by human inhabitants on Planet, set up by Planet herself, would stay nationalized, while the rest would benefit of a total freedom of exchange, motivated only by the laws of supply and demand, not guaranteed by an evil fiction of an invisible hand keeping things in order, by guaranteed by the centaurian empathy herself : Planet would be this invisible hand.
Meaning that certain people would not be able to get certain jobs? I'd take that as a given to the extent that someone without medical training couldn't be a doctor. Or do you mean that the poor would be "forced" by circumstances to work in low-paying jobs(perhaps in appalling conditions not known to the government) because they couldn't afford the education to become eligible for the better jobs? That's a real concern for me, but I'm very confident that we can solve the problem of this sort of poverty if we have enough wealth to fund educational programs and the appropriate infrastructure. There don't have to be any poor people! I've already gone over (in another thread) how all drones under 40/20/40 could be converted to presumably-above-the-poverty-line citizens. Or do you think there are still poor even in drone-less society? If so, point them out to me and I'll look into how their conditions could be improved under FM.
Of course there is the State subvention by energy allocation, which would calm down the situation, providing the dying people just what they need to survive --air, food, housing-- but that will certainly not let them emancipate economically.
Sorry for rambling on, but I'm really trying to find the people you say will suffer under FM, and find out how to ensure the system will work for them too. FM = more wealth = better conditions for everyone if (big if) that wealth is properly used.
Just tell me if I have forgot anything and I'll be glad to answer your question.