Contrary to what I thought, it is impossible to have exact and precise statistics. The game keeps telling me new results each time I check the stats I have, so dont it for a total truth :
Planned / Wealth (current) :
29 EC / Next tech in 9 turn, 14 turns for a tech / 82 pure reseacrh
Planned / Knowledge :
30 EC / 7 turns (11 turns) / 98 pure research, techs 20%cheaper
FM / Wealth :
85 EC / 6 turns (8 turns) / 148 research
FM / Knowledge :
82 EC / 5 turns ( 7 turns) / 172 research, tech 20ù cheaper
Sorry I wanted to give more statistics, like drones riots, base growth, etc... but since no stats are correct I dont really see the use. Moreover, I give you all these stats that are actually useless, since seeing the number of drione riots that occured this turn, they are completely wrong
Votes are open though.
Poll for Economics
Poll for Values
All questions are welcome.
Planned / Wealth (current) :
29 EC / Next tech in 9 turn, 14 turns for a tech / 82 pure reseacrh
Planned / Knowledge :
30 EC / 7 turns (11 turns) / 98 pure research, techs 20%cheaper
FM / Wealth :
85 EC / 6 turns (8 turns) / 148 research
FM / Knowledge :
82 EC / 5 turns ( 7 turns) / 172 research, tech 20ù cheaper
Sorry I wanted to give more statistics, like drones riots, base growth, etc... but since no stats are correct I dont really see the use. Moreover, I give you all these stats that are actually useless, since seeing the number of drione riots that occured this turn, they are completely wrong

Votes are open though.
Poll for Economics
Poll for Values
All questions are welcome.