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Turn Report 2213-2216

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  • Turn Report 2213-2216

    Well, we didn't get as many turns done as I had hoped, as it was cut short a bit by my having to leave soon, but we did get through three turns. The main events:

    1) We contacted and infiltrated the Gaians, and got their world map and EE from them; they are located on the north of the large, eastern continent, and are apparently at war with the Spartans and Believers, who are also on their continent, are running a fundamentalist society, and have 4-3-1 units, among others.

    2) We suffered an epidemic of the Promotheus Virus at Zanarkand Gate; we lost two pop points, though we got 1 back immediately afterwards, and it didn't spread to any other bases.

    3) We suffered a wave of Drone Riots; in 2216 alone, nearly half our bases rioted. I'll leave it up to the governors to come up with solutions to this.

    Ok, gotta go.
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Session Start: Sun Jan 05 00:33:01 2003
    Session Ident: #smacdg
    * Now talking in #smacdg
    * sets mode: +nt
    *Furniture* !quote
    * Furniture changes topic to 'Welcome to the SMACDG Turnchat, moderated by your omniprotent op Furniture!'
    *Furniture* Bork.
    3*** Joins : GT^Commis (*!*
    3*** Joins : TKGDIA (*!*TKG32@
    *GT^Commis* hi TKG
    *TKGDIA* kass, let GT have op
    *TKGDIA* and hey
    *TKGDIA* you evil, evil furniture
    *TKGDIA* i can't stay
    * TKGDIA (~TKG32@ Quit
    *GT^Commis* Great. We have a turnchat of 1.
    *GT^Commis* *SIGH* I have no time to waste and I have most of the orders, so we might as welll get started now.
    *Furniture* oh, this started.
    *Furniture* One person? I thought the usual time was 22 GMT?
    *Furniture* (which is 46 minutes away)
    *GT^Commis* I had to move it forward by 1 hour, as we're leaving today and won't be back until Thursdat next week.
    *GT^Commis* Update: finished the first turn, Mysidia Drone Rioted, we finished the CDF, and Zanarkand Gate experienced a Promotheus Virus epidemic
    *Furniture* Forward? You mean backward?
    *GT^Commis* Earlier.
    *Furniture* Yeah, yeah. Hmm. An appalling turnout, to say the least.
    *GT^Commis* and we have no orders from Drogue.
    3*** Joins : Drogue (*!*
    *Drogue* Hi
    *Furniture* Speak of the Devil
    *Drogue* sorry, i thought it was 22:00
    *Furniture* *GT^Commis* and we have no orders from Drogue.
    *Furniture* 3*** Joins : Drogue (*!*
    *Furniture* *Drogue* Hi
    * Drogue is now known as Drogu|DEI
    *Drogu|DEI* sorry, iu thought it was 22:00
    *GT^Commis* Ah, you're here.
    *GT^Commis* We just had a virus epidemic in Zanarkand Gate.
    *Drogu|DEI* Ohhh not good
    *GT^Commis* Lost two pop points, but it didn't spread.
    *GT^Commis* luckily.
    *Drogu|DEI* My connections pretty shakey today, so if i dont talk for a bit, it's probably just an annoying line
    *GT^Commis* Ok, any orders for our exploration units? You haven't given any so far.
    *Drogu|DEI* sorry bout that, only got my connection back today... Gimme 2 sec and ill have them for you
    *GT^Commis* Also, does anyone have any idea where that new southern base was meant to be built?
    *Drogu|DEI* not really, ill try n find the thread
    *GT^Commis* TKG has it listed as one place, but the pod is going somewhere else (and that place is a much better site)
    *Drogu|DEI* I think we have one already with orders, and then the polled ones
    *Drogu|DEI* DEI orders: Western probe foil, keep moving north along the coast until you hit a new faction, and then infiltrate
    *GT^Commis* Just located Deirdre with said foil.
    *GT^Commis* Contacting now.
    *Drogu|DEI* YAY
    *GT^Commis* she wants the Hive comm frequency, for 50 ECs.
    *Drogu|DEI* give it
    *GT^Commis* agreed.
    *Drogu|DEI* she wont like him
    *GT^Commis* Now she's offering EE for
    *GT^Commis* Intellectual Integrity.
    *GT^Commis* I say we do it.
    *Drogu|DEI* Dont we get that from morgan?
    *GT^Commis* We don't have it, and I see no reaosn to refuse it from her.
    *GT^Commis* Morgan might not give it anyhow.
    *Drogu|DEI* ok, lets give it then
    *GT^Commis* Now she wants SothB for her maps. I'd do it, again.
    *Drogu|DEI* yep
    *GT^Commis* Ok, she says she has 4-3-1 unit, she wanted Doctrine: Loyalty from us (I refused), and she wants to sig a Treaty.
    *Drogu|DEI* great
    *Drogu|DEI* lets sign
    *GT^Commis* Done. She's complaining about our Planned economy, though. Shall we try for a PAct?
    *Drogu|DEI* No, she wont if shes complaining
    *GT^Commis* Ok, end diplomacy? She has nothing else.
    *Drogu|DEI* Yep
    *Furniture* Yeah, and even if she agreed, the pact wouldn't be on too stable grounds
    *GT^Commis* And we have a probe foil ready to infiltrate.
    *GT^Commis* Damn. The foil had no no movement left.
    *GT^Commis* What about the other probe foils?
    *Drogu|DEI* Eastern Probe Foil: keep infiltrating Yang, and steal tech from him, until we get his world map, and then use it to explore eastwards, towards
    the university (might have a new coastal base.
    *Drogu|DEI* Western Foil: Continue exploring west and south along other continent.
    *Drogu|DEI* Eastern Foil: Stay in TBIBTU immediatly and rest until fully repaired, and then continue exploring North along the coast
    *Drogu|DEI* Scout Patrol: Continue exploring. When all has been explored around the southern coastline, explore to the northern area, around the ruins.
    *Drogu|DEI* Do we have the new transport and new probe team in new suez yet?
    *GT^Commis* btw, Deirdre's maps are showing up the Spartans and Believers as well, and it seems the Gaians have taken a Spartan base.
    *GT^Commis* What about the prove foil at Antioch
    *GT^Commis* It just got built.
    *GT^Commis* ?
    *Drogu|DEI* Another one?
    *GT^Commis* Yes.
    *Drogu|DEI* Is it able to get to the spartans or believes easily?
    *Drogu|DEI* lets infiltrate one of them, whichevers easiest (i cant see the new maps yet)
    *GT^Commis* Well, yes, but it'd have to cross an ocean to get there.
    *GT^Commis* As for the probe & transport: The transport is quite low on the buold queue at NS.
    *GT^Commis* Now what to do about the damn southern CP?
    *GT^Commis* Where can we send it?
    *Drogu|DEI* I think it's worth it. We need infiltration first, and we already have a probe for deirdre
    *Drogu|DEI* Hmmmmm... if it has orders, leave them IMHO
    *GT^Commis* IT was being sent to a different square than TKG ordered, but I'd prefer to build the base where it is now (it just got there)
    *Drogu|DEI* I think it was meant to be built there, and the new cps for the spaces in the poll
    *Drogu|DEI* Kass, what do you think
    *GT^Commis* Ok, so build it where it is?
    *Drogu|DEI* lemme start up the sdave and have a look
    *Drogu|DEI* where's it been ordered to go, by TKG?
    *GT^Commis* S S S W SW of New Tassagrad
    *GT^Commis* 10,14
    *Drogu|DEI* Hmmmm... Are you sure it's the CP that TKG ordered to go there?
    *GT^Commis* He didn't give any other orders for it, and its the only one nearby.
    *Drogu|DEI* I think build it where it is. I think thats meant for a different CP
    *Drogu|DEI* we can build both anyway, both look like good locations
    *Drogu|DEI* He gave 3 base locations and 4 base names, so maybe he thought this would be founded too
    *Drogu|DEI* everyone was already expecting a Xanadu, and this is the only one so close to its build site
    *GT^Commis* Ok.
    *GT^Commis* So call it Xanadu?
    *Drogu|DEI* yep
    *Furniture* Xanadu :doitnow!.
    *GT^Commis* According to DBTS' order, it was meant to be built 1 tile SW.
    *Drogu|DEI* DBTS?
    *Drogu|DEI* The base?
    *GT^Commis* In his orders, it refers to it being built at 5,113.
    *Drogu|DEI* ive got the poll
    *Drogu|DEI* Yellow is clearly chosen
    *Drogu|DEI* 4 tiles SE of new base
    *GT^Commis* ?
    *GT^Commis* That has nothing to do with the base I'm talking about.
    *Drogu|DEI* 4 tiles directly south of for in the road between new base, NS and Crystalis
    *Drogu|DEI* doesnt it?
    *Drogu|DEI* same area isnt it?
    *Drogu|DEI* The bottom pic
    *GT^Commis* No. The on I'm talking about is nearer to DBTS' region.
    *GT^Commis* 6,112.
    *GT^Commis* We built it in the wrong place, didn't we?
    *Drogu|DEI* nah, 23, 111
    *Drogu|DEI* 23, 11 is yellow on the pic
    *Drogu|DEI* 111*
    *Drogu|DEI* sorry
    * GT^Commis calms down a bit.
    *GT^Commis* Ok, what do we do now?
    *GT^Commis* I REALLY don't want to have to load up the game again and go through all those f*cking former movements again.
    *Drogu|DEI* I no, wait a sec
    *Drogu|DEI* its meant to be one square south west of the nutrient, so it really doesnt matter beign there
    *Drogu|DEI* the red arrow
    *Drogu|DEI* top pic
    *Drogu|DEI* however, it makes almost no difference being on 6, 112
    *GT^Commis* Ok, well it was going to the nutrient and we agreed to build it where it was, so I built it on the nutrient. :Wall:
    *GT^Commis* though you're probably right, ti doesn't matter.
    *GT^Commis* Now what to do with the NT former NE of it?
    *Drogu|DEI* No idea, forest around it i guess
    *GT^Commis* There's forest there already.
    *GT^Commis* Clear fungus?
    *Drogu|DEI* yep, sounds good
    *GT^Commis* There's some covering a nice square just south of it.
    *Drogu|DEI* Yeh, looks like a good spot
    *GT^Commis* Dammit, who gives orders for Aurora?
    *Drogu|DEI* Voltaire I think
    *GT^Commis* I've got 1 former there and it's going to keep on building them ad infinitum, by the looks of it.
    *Drogu|DEI* Or maybe its for the new region (which willm be me)
    *GT^Commis* Ok, what to do with it then?
    *GT^Commis* What to build, and what to form?
    *Drogu|DEI* 19, 109, Forest 21, 107, Remove fungus. 2, 108, Remove fungus.
    *Drogu|DEI* either of those 3 looks good
    *Drogu|DEI* probably remove fungus 21, 107
    *GT^Commis* It's on it's way.
    *Drogu|DEI* Oh crap, I've gotta go :-( You've got my DEI orders, and most of the formers done, so I think its pretty straight forward now isnt it?
    *GT^Commis* yes.
    *GT^Commis* Until DBTS' orders run out, anyway.
    *Drogu|DEI* As DPO or as Governor?
    *GT^Commis* Governor. He's not DPO and there are no rders for that.
    *GT^Commis* One other thing, though; one of TKG's base locations is in Morganic territory.
    *Drogu|DEI* they must have built a new base :-S
    *GT^Commis* I'd say just build the base 1 tile NW.
    *GT^Commis* Was Morgan Mines there last time?
    *Drogu|DEI* cant remember
    *Drogu|DEI* yeh, 1 tile NW seems sensible considering
    *GT^Commis* Dammit, Drone riots at zanarkand Gate.
    *Drogu|DEI* anyways... better go, sorry I couldnt be more help
    *Drogu|DEI* bye all
    *GT^Commis* bye.
    * Drogu|DEI ( Quit
    *Furniture* Börk.
    *GT^Commis* f*cking hell.
    *GT^Commis* One more turn, then I'll wrap up. I've got no time for screwing around with this many formers.
    *Furniture* Roger that.
    3*** Joins : herc2 (*!*
    *herc2* good heavens I can read Kass's message, but a mi too late for themain chat
    *herc2* anyone still here
    *GT^Commis* Yes.
    *GT^Commis* We've contacted Deirdre and got EE from her.
    *GT^Commis* Plus we know where the Spartans and Believers are.
    *GT^Commis* Oh, and Drone Riots seem to be very frequent occurences.
    *herc2* Delighted to hear from you and delighted to know we've contacted Deirdre.Taliskers on me . Sorry I am very late.
    *herc2* Who else is here and what turn are you at
    *GT^Commis* Well, the Governors are NOT going to pleased with the mess they're facing right now. Something like half our bases jsut rioted in the last
    tur alone.
    *GT^Commis* Okay, last turn done. I'll post the report. Kass, can you deal with the log?
    *Furniture* Sure.
    * Logging #smacdg to 'D:\evangelion\eva\#smacdg.EFnet.20030105.log'
    *herc2* what was the cause of the riots
    *herc2* I guess you must be at 2220 then
    *GT^Commis* no, I had to cut the chat short.
    *GT^Commis* As for the riots; overpopulation and growth.
    *herc2* For me this is a first. Had to swap browsers to get here. But now know the procedure I think
    *GT^Commis* Ok, report posted.
    *herc2* OK Guess it time to quit here
    * herc2 ( Quit
    *GT^Commis* Kass? Um, the log?
    *Furniture* oh, yeah. yeah. mocking around with something else, got distracted.
    3*** Joins : Lemmy|AT (*!*
    *Lemmy|AT* Boo!
    *Furniture* Boo.
    *Lemmy|AT* :Scared:
    *Furniture* The turnchat is over.
    *GT^Commis* welcome, you're only an hour and fifty minutes too late.
    *Lemmy|AT* it wasn't at 2200gmt?
    *Lemmy|AT* i wasn't planning on coming anyway
    *Furniture* apparently not, and if it wasn't, it's 2246 now
    *GT^Commis* I had to move it to 2100 because we're leaving today
    *Lemmy|AT* ow..
    *GT^Commis* OH well, Kass can post the chatlog in his own time. bye.
    * GT^Commis ( Quit
    *Furniture* Meh, I was just posting it FCOL
    Session Close: Sun Jan 05 00:49:03 2003
    Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!


    • #3
      crap. bases being built in the wrong spots, because "that place is a much better site"? i don't remember what the results of the poll were, or even what pod you're talking about, but we still have to place bases where the poll say to


      • #4
        Re: Turn Report 2213-2216

        Originally posted by GeneralTacticus
        3) We suffered a wave of Drone Riots; in 2216 alone, nearly half our bases rioted. I'll leave it up to the governors to come up with solutions to this.
        Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos


        • #5
          TKG. Sorry about that. However, it had orders already to move to that spot, and I got confused about which pod GT meant, therefore gave bad advice. But it's only one sqaure away, so we thought it wasn't too bad, and as such did not warrent redoing it all again. I was not because we thought it was a better place, it was because we did not have orders for that pod, and as such went by the orders it the pod had in the game IIRC. On the last poll it was already decided, and filled in with a red line, and we did not have orders posted for it in the orders thread, only for the other base the is to be founded nearby.

          Could you post the location of each CP, and where it is going to, int he orders thread from now on? It was very time consuming and confusing to try to find out where it was meant to go, and sadly, we only found out after we'd decided to go with its orders and founded it.
          For though he was master of the world, he was not quite sure what to do next
          But he would think of something

          "Hm. I suppose I should get my waffle a santa hat." - Kuciwalker


          • #6
            *Would like to submit these turns as RP evidence for what you get under an inefficient Planned Economy*
            Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos


            • #7
              Originally posted by Archaic
              *Would like to submit these turns as RP evidence for what you get under an inefficient Planned Economy*
              <Kassiopeia> you don't keep the virgins in your lair at a sodomising distance from your beasts or male prisoners. If you devirginised them yourself, though, that's another story. If they devirginised each other, then, I hope you had that webcam running.
              Play Bumps! No, wait, play Slings!


              • #8
                Nice try.... But no relevance IMO. We'd have been even worse under FM. I'd like to use this to say we need more Rec. Commons, Net. Nodes etc. We need facilities, to improve life for everyone.
                For though he was master of the world, he was not quite sure what to do next
                But he would think of something

                "Hm. I suppose I should get my waffle a santa hat." - Kuciwalker


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Drogue
                  On the last poll it was already decided, and filled in with a red line, and we did not have orders posted for it in the orders thread, only for the other base the is to be founded nearby.
                  oh, it was that pod. that was decided a long time ago, during maniacs days iirc, and i didn't post orders for it because i knew it was already on a goto there. i see. sorry

                  so, what you're saying is that all the other pods went where they should?


                  • #10
                    Yes, AFAIK.
                    For though he was master of the world, he was not quite sure what to do next
                    But he would think of something

                    "Hm. I suppose I should get my waffle a santa hat." - Kuciwalker


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Drogue
                      Nice try.... But no relevance IMO. We'd have been even worse under FM.
                      How so? FM+20% Psych and we've got Golden Ages instead of Drone Riots.

                      Originally posted by Drogue I'd like to use this to say we need more Rec. Commons, Net. Nodes etc. We need facilities, to improve life for everyone.
                      Or perhaps they'd just like an efficient and fair economic system without a corrupt beauacracy.
                      Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos


                      • #12
                        Or perhaps they'd just like an efficient and fair economic system without a corrupt beauacracy.

                        How so? FM+20% Psych and we've got Golden Ages instead of Drone Riots.
                        Try building infrastructure first. I haven't check the savegame yet, but if there are that many drone riots, it probably means that we are lacking rec commons, holo theater ( with network node), hospitals etc .... and will not be able to get that many golden ages.

                        After those are built, the story will be different as, not only we will be able to control future drone riots but keep our cities into permanent golden ages as well.


                        • #13
                          You check the save games. The whole fact that we'd have Golden Ages was one of the arguements behind going FM w/ 20% Psych. Didn't you see how it would've improved our tech and cash rates? Yes, we need the infrastructure, but we can counter them in the meanwhile under FM much better than we can in Planned. Furthermore, we can build our infrastructure easier under it with both the rushes and the fact that we wouldn't need as many specialists. In fact, under Planned, many bases will never be able to go Golden Age no matter how many Talents we had, simply because of "Super Drones" caused when we have too many B-Drones.

                          After those infrastructure pieces are built, it'll be even easier to go GA under FM.
                          Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos

