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Elections: Director of Foreign Affairs

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  • Elections: Director of Foreign Affairs



    3 days open

    The poll is expired.

    <Kassiopeia> you don't keep the virgins in your lair at a sodomising distance from your beasts or male prisoners. If you devirginised them yourself, though, that's another story. If they devirginised each other, then, I hope you had that webcam running.
    Play Bumps! No, wait, play Slings!

  • #2
    After such a brilliant posting on the future techs, I and I am sure others will looked forward to an extraordinary position paper on Foriegn Affairs. You have my vote but I doubt you needed it.
    On the ISDG 2012 team at the heart of CiviLIZation


    • #3
      Thanks for your support, Hercules and everyone.

      My general stance on foreign policy can be found in The Empath Guild. I lay out the general principles I think are best to follow there; however, as Director I will implement the results of democratic polls, whatever those polls should be. My most important principle is democracy.

      I favor taking a conciliatory stance toward other Democracies, and a firm stance toward autocracies. For this reason, a war with Morgan would not get my support, although if it were supported by a good number I would poll for it.

      Most pertinently, within this next term we may have the opportunity of attaining the mantle of Planetary Governor. As Director, I will work to make this hope a reality.
      Adam T. Gieseler


      • #4
        Just how far do you intend to go in 'supporting democracy' and 'opposing autocracy'? General (un)friendliness? Treaties (or refusal to sign)? Military action? What about those democracies who may dislike us for their own reasons (Gaians and/or Morganites)? What criteria would need to be met before you would support military action?

        As for the Planetary Governorship (which I support us going for), just how far are you willing to go to obtain it? Would you draw the line at actions that might be considered immoral or underhanded (i.e. bribes)?


        • #5
          In general, I support considering gifts to other nations (of technology or energy credits, for example) only to other Democracies. For example, if Morgan contacted us and asked for our data on Doctrine: Loyalty, I would suppoirt giving it to him with the strong expectation that our Pact of Brotherhood might depend on it. If he then used that data to institute a Police State, I would deny any further requests he made of us, and recommend to the Director of Social Engineering that we not seek to go Free Market for the reason of gaining Morgan's firendship (though we might adopt a Free Market for other reasons).

          The only time this sort of thing has come up so far was in our war with Zakharov. At the time, it was by no means apparent that our denying him a gift of technology would produce Vendetta. Thus, I would have supported refusing the gift, with the goal of using our technologies as a bargaining chip to obtain University technologies. This was the action decided upon by GT, then Director of Foreign Affairs. It resulted in war. The war, however, was eventually called off by Zakharov, leading to the present state of uneasy peace.

          I don't support knuckling under to foreign demands. What I might support would be making gifts to other nations to gain their friendship. The distinction is a fine one, particularly if the request for a technological file is phrased as a demand, but it's a distinction I find pertinent.

          As to the specifics, once elections have closed I plan to post a series of polls to determine exactly what measures, if any, should be taken to gain the friendship of our neighbors. A seperate poll will be posted on the subject of bribes -- whether they are appropriate means toward the end of gaining other factions' support for the post of Planetary Governor. These might include energy credits or technologies. My personal opinion is that they are morally appropriate, and that technology should be used if possible and energy credits only when necessary. These all will be options on the poll -- its results will be my policy.

          Any other questions?
          Adam T. Gieseler


          • #6
            So... basically, you would support giving in to demands from other democracies, but only other democracies? Have I got it right?


            • #7
              I would consider giving in to demands from another democracy, if it served our purpose. I would not consider giving into demands from an autocracy.
              Adam T. Gieseler

