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To all governors: Governors orders format

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  • To all governors: Governors orders format

    To all governors, plz post your order in the order-threads in the following format, it makes a whole lot easier to carry out the orders:

    Build queues

    [City name]
    [queue entry 1]
    [queue entry 2]


    [home base] Crawler ([location]) [orientation], [status]
    - [orders]
    [blank line]
    [other crawlers]


    [home base] Former([location]) [orientation], [status]
    - [orders]
    [blank line]
    [other formers]

    (queue entry 1: state explicitly if the first item must replace the current item being build.)
    (status = in production/crawling/building farm/no order/etc..)
    (orientation = NW/SE/W/etc.. of nearest city)

    an example, data taken from voltaires orders and modified to fit format:

    Build Queues

    New Suez
    Colony Pod
    Children’s Crèche
    Colony Pod
    Probe Foil (in accordance with DPO orders)
    Supply Crawler


    New Suez Crawler (24, 92) north of New Suez, no orders
    -leave in present location
    -convoy Nutrients


    Crystalis Former (Crystalis) in Crystalis, no orders
    -more to 26, 104; 1 tile northwest of Crystails
    -plant Forest
    <Kassiopeia> you don't keep the virgins in your lair at a sodomising distance from your beasts or male prisoners. If you devirginised them yourself, though, that's another story. If they devirginised each other, then, I hope you had that webcam running.
    Play Bumps! No, wait, play Slings!

  • #2
    Duly noted and implemented.


    • #3
      noted but not yet implemented!
      Welcome to the DBTSverse!
      God, Allah, boedha, siva, the stars, tealeaves and the palm of you hand. If you are so desperately looking for something to believe in GO FIND A MIRROR
      'Space05us is just a stupid nice guy' - Space05us


      • #4
        Please also fill in the forms VC-567-4-PK for each citizen concerned by the last resolution (FG-145965) with all the informations required, and send them with five copies certified legal to the original by your local bureau at the governor.

        "Just because you're paranoid doesnt mean there's not someone following me..."
        "I shall return and I shall be billions"


        • #5

          I got be used as an example, little old humble me. It’s such an honor.
          You can only curse me to eternal damnation for so long!


          • #6
            Jedinica Vrijstaat orders

            plz post your order in the order-threads
            What order thread? Anyway, is this ok?

            Temporary orders for Jedinica Vrijstaat, MY 2208 onwards

            Build queues

            Stays the same.

            Please add Network Node at the end of the queue
            I request a hurry to the DIA TKG for the Recreation Commons in MY 2210. This to prevent rioting due to the population boom which hould start in MY 2209.

            Sheathed Sword
            Please add Recreation Commons at the end of the queue.

            Terminal Dogma
            Please add Recreation Commons at the end of the queue.

            Supply Crawlers

            Concordia crawler (12,90) NN of UNPD, crawling minerals
            -move to Tacticus Academy
            -rehome crawler to Tacticus Academy
            -ask General_Tacticus what to do next with it

            Pandemonium crawler (14,62) E of Sheathed Sword, being lazy
            -convoy nutrients at (13,61), NW of its current square

            Antioch crawler (12,70) S of Pandemonium, moving to Sheathed Sword
            -move to Sheathed Sword
            -rehome at Sheathed Sword
            -convoy minerals on (15,63), E-SE of Sheathed Sword

            Sheathed Sword crawler (12,62) in Sheathed Sword, in production in Sheathed Sword...
            -move to Concordia
            -rehome to Concordia
            -convoy minerals (12,74) NE of Concordia
            -move a Concordia worker to another tile


            Sheathed Sword former (13,59) N-NE of Sheathed Sword, building a condenser
            -finish condenser
            -build farm
            -build forest at (10,62) W of Sheathed Sword
            -build condenser on that location

            Sheathed Sword former (13,61) NE of Sheathed Sword, doing nothing
            -move one tile north
            -do the same as the above former

            Sheathed Sword former (12,61) in Sheathed Sword, in production in Sheathed Sword
            -move one tiles west
            -build road
            -build forest
            -build sensor array

            Pandemonium and Terminal Dogma former (15,63) E-SE of Sheathed Sword, planting forest and working as one team
            -finish forest
            -move to (18,64) N of Terminal Dogma and plant forest
            -move to (15,67) E-NE of Pandemonium and build farm
            -move to (13,69) SE of Pandemonium
            -build road
            -build farm
            -build solar collector

            Terminal Dogma former (18,64) N of Terminal Dogma, building farm
            -STOP building farm
            -plant forest
            -move two tiles south to (18,68), S of Terminal Dogma
            -build road
            -build mine

            Terminal Dogma former (18,66) in Terminal Dogma, in production in Terminal Dogma
            -move one tile south
            -build road
            -build mine

            Concordia former (19,67) SE of Terminal Dogma, no orders
            -move one tile NE to (20,66)
            -build road
            -move one tile SE to (21,67)
            -build road
            -move one tile SE to (22,68)
            -build road

            Pandemonium former (12,68) in Pandemonium, in production in Pandemonium
            -move one tile SE to (13,69)
            -build road
            -move one tile W to (11,69)
            -build road
            -move one tile N to (11,67)
            -build road

            Two Concordia formers (11,75) in Concordia, in production in Concordia, acting as one team
            -move to (12,72), N-NE of Concordia
            -plant forest
            -move one tile S to (13,73)
            -build road
            -build farm
            -build solar collector

            Man, giving former orders is boring using this method.

            Worker allocations

            Move to worker E of Concordia to N-NE of Concordia as soon as the forest is finished.

            Sheathed Sword
            Move the NE worker to E.
            Move the E-SE worker to E-NE.

            Terminal Dogma
            Move the doctor back to the field to NW-NW of Terminal Dogma.
            Move that worker N of Terminal Dogma as soon as the forest is finished.

            Request to the DPO DeathByTheSword

            Could you please upgrade the scout patrol garrison at Sheathed Sword to a police infantry unit?

            Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
            Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


            • #7
              Maniac's crawler has now been added to the order list.

