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Orders 2206-2300

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  • Orders 2206-2300

    Nah, just kidding on the 2300 thingie...but since i'm acting commissioner now, i thought i'd post this to keep the game going.

    A request to all the governors, plz follow Maniac's example here:
    for posting orders, the screenshot isn't necessary, but the format is very helpfull.

    The turns will hopefully be played on Saturday, 2200 GMT as usual, probably on EFNet
    <Kassiopeia> you don't keep the virgins in your lair at a sodomising distance from your beasts or male prisoners. If you devirginised them yourself, though, that's another story. If they devirginised each other, then, I hope you had that webcam running.
    Play Bumps! No, wait, play Slings!

  • #2
    UPDATED prelim. governers orders session beyond 2206:
    [i will remove the prelim. on saturday..but aslong as that is up there done print them out or anything.....good format btw?]
    N of DEM:
    build forest at (4,100)
    clear fungus at (3,101)
    build road/farm/solar at (3,101)

    W of DEM:
    build farm/solar at (2,102)
    clear fungus at (3,103)
    build forest at (3,103)

    SE of DEM:
    finish forest
    build road to (5,113) (help next former)

    former at (7,105):
    keep old orders (is automated to build road to (5,113)

    2 formers S,SW of NT:
    1 former:
    move to (7,101) and build road/mine
    2 former:
    build road/farm/solar at (12,110)
    build road/mine at (14,110)

    SE,E of NT:
    build road to (7,111)

    formers at (20,106) and (21,105) are for Mysidia region


    unused crawler in forest south of ZG:
    crawl current location for minerals:

    new crawlers:
    first one from a base: minerals
    second one: minerals
    thirth one: nutrients
    fourth one: minerals:
    fifth one: nutrients

    BUT ALWAYS first crawl bonus tiles!

    Buildingqueues CHANGES:

    2 queue = network node
    3 queue = crawler

    5 queue = energy bank
    6 queue = crawler
    INSERT on space 3 a TRAWLER

    DEM: keep old orders

    last in queue = 1-1t-1

    EDIT: updated some things
    Last edited by DeathByTheSword; December 13, 2002, 15:50.
    Welcome to the DBTSverse!
    God, Allah, boedha, siva, the stars, tealeaves and the palm of you hand. If you are so desperately looking for something to believe in GO FIND A MIRROR
    'Space05us is just a stupid nice guy' - Space05us


    • #3
      prelim. DPO orders session beyond 2206:
      [i will remove the prelim. on saturday..but aslong as that is up there done print them out or anything]
      UPDATED prelim. DPO orders:
      Changed orders are like this
      TD situation:
      1)design unit 1-2t-2
      2)build unit 1-2t-2 in TD IF no minerals are lost by the change and rush as soon as possible
      4)build 1-2t-2 in pandemonium
      4b)rush build in pandemonium
      5)lets see what te worm does
      IF it attacks TD then:
      6a) it is done and we have lost some things in TD
      IF it attacks the scout:
      6b)hope scout wins
      if not:
      7a)next turn use 1-2t-2 from pandemonium to destory worm
      IF worm does nothing:
      6c)attack next turn with 1-2t-2 from TD or pandemonium to destroy worm
      If worm flees:
      6d) hunt it with 1-2t-2 from TD after a new garrison it build

      put a 2-1t-4 in buildingqueue (or a 1-2t-4?)
      put a probe foil in buildingqueue

      put a 2-1t-4 in buildingqueue (or a 1-2t-4?)
      attack worm with scout

      put a probe foil in buildingqueue

      use 2-1t-4 to pop pods in freshwater Sea BUT ONLY IF foil got FULL movement

      Sheathed Sword:
      put some kind of scout unit in buildingqueue (long planning not importent)
      Welcome to the DBTSverse!
      God, Allah, boedha, siva, the stars, tealeaves and the palm of you hand. If you are so desperately looking for something to believe in GO FIND A MIRROR
      'Space05us is just a stupid nice guy' - Space05us


      • #4
        Jedinica Vrijstaat Preliminary Orders


        Pandemonium former on (10,88), east of Tacticus Academy
        Finish the job of removing fungus, then move into Tacticus Academy to rehome that former. Control of that former then goes over to the governor of Centralis, General_Tacticus.

        Two formers NE of Sheathed Sword
        Let the two of them finish the condenser NE of Sheathed Sword. If finished, start on another farm&condenser on the tile north of that, where a road just has been built.

        Pandemonium Former on (15,63)
        First build road, then forest, then sensor array. If finished, build forest on (18,64), north of Terminal Dogma.

        Terminal Dogma former on (17,63)
        After the above former has built the road, move one tile west to help build forest and sensor array. If finished, build forest on (18,64), north of Terminal Dogma.

        Concordia former on (19,65), NE of Terminal Dogma
        Go build roads on the flat&moist and the rocky squares S-SE of Terminal Dogma (TD). Unless the Pandemonium trance scout skirmisher would loose against the mind worm, then move it into D in MY 2207.

        Concordia former residing in Terminal Dogma
        MY 2206: Stay put and hope for the best. Should a miracle have happened, build a farm on the energy bonus tile SW-W of TD. If finished, help the above former build roads.

        Formers built in Sheathed Sword
        Build farm&condensers like the two others.

        Formers built in Terminal Dogma
        First build forest N of TD. Then help build roads.

        Formers built in Pandemonium
        Build roads on the three unroaded non-fungal squares directly around the base.

        Formers built in Concordia
        Build farms & solar collectors on the rolling&rainy and the rolling&moist squares within the base radius.


        Concordia crawler on square (12,78)
        Move to Pandemonium, rehome and then move on to convoy nutrients NE of Sheathed Sword, tile (13,61).

        Crawler built in Sheathed Sword
        Convoy minerals on the rocky minerals SE of Sheathed Sword. If another crawler becomes available, please consult me. It depends on what terraformation works are already completed.

        Worker allocations

        When crawlers arrive to convoy terrain near Sheathed Sword, move the base's workers to the forest (if finished) or the rolling&rainy tiles.

        Build queues

        They are all changed!!!

        network Node - former - former - hab complex - research hospital

        Switch immediately in MY 2206!!!
        1-2t-2 trance scout skirmisher - former - recreation commons
        Please rush the trance scout skirmisher for 82 energy credits!!!

        Sheathed Sword
        crawler - former - trance scout skirmisher - crawler

        Terminal Dogma
        former - 1-1-1 police infantry - former - recreation commons

        Drawing is fun:
        Attached Files
        Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
        Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


        • #5
          Twin Sea Preliminary Orders

          Build Queues

          New Suez
          Colony Pod
          Children’s Crèche
          Colony Pod
          Probe Foil (in accordance with DPO orders)
          Supply Crawler

          Children’s Crèche
          Colony Pod
          Supply Crawler
          Colony Pod
          Network Node

          Colony Pod
          Children’s Crèche
          Recycling Tanks
          Supply Crawler
          Colony Pod


          Supply Crawler (24, 92) north of New Suez
          -leave in present location
          -convoy Nutrients

          Supply Crawler (New Suez) still in production, due for completion in 1 turn
          -move to 24, 96; 1 tile directly south of New Suez
          -convoy Minerals

          Supply Crawler (Mysidia) still in production, due for completion in 3 turn
          -move to 24, 98; 2 tiles northeast of Mysidia
          -convoy Minerals


          Crystalis Former (Crystalis)
          -more to 26, 104; 1 tile northwest of Crystails
          -plant Forest

          Mysidia Former (28, 108) southeast of Crystalis
          -leave in present location
          -plant Forest

          Mysidia Sea Former (Mysidia)
          -more to 20,100; 1 tile west of Mysidia
          -construct Kelp Farm

          New Suez Former (29, 107) southeast of Crystalis
          -finish planting Forest
          -move to 29, 105; north of present location
          -remove fungus

          New Suez Sea Former (22, 94) west of New Suez
          -finish constructing Kelp Farm
          -move to 21, 95; southwest of present location
          -construct Kelp Farm

          New Apolyton Former (20, 106) west of Twin Sea region
          -move to 20, 108; south of present location
          -construct Mine

          Tactius Academy Former (21, 103) suthwest of Mysidia
          -leave in present location
          -plant Forest

          U.N. Pizza Delivery Former (21, 105) west of Twin Sea region
          -move to 22, 102; south of Mysidia
          -plant Forest

          Ok, anything I’ve missed? And if any of the directors have any further requests for builds now’s the time to get them in.
          You can only curse me to eternal damnation for so long!


          • #6
            Directorate of Science orders

            Research Environmental Economics next. Second choice is Synthetic Fossil Fuels.
            Adam T. Gieseler


            • #7
              maniac, can you switch a few of those concordia farms to forests? we'll have tree farms soon, so farms/solars will soon become less useful.

              EDIT: after reading it over, DBTS, can you change a few too? perfect also: add a trawler to the queue in UNPD to trawl the FWC nuts, and mayber one in ZG for those mins.
              and maniac, go ahead with the rush. (i didn't see any other rush requests, did i miss anything?)
              Voltaire: i don't know if you ordered this or not, but i think we should get a harness on that FWC energy near suez and crawl/work it ASAP. also, can you make some more sea formers to 'form the FWC, esp around NA/UNPD?
              Last edited by Method; December 12, 2002, 21:58.


              • #8
                one more thing: for adam and drogue. this is the HIVE's research progress.
                and did we forget to trade for cyberethics last time?

                this has been a huge WAVE of orders brought to you by TKG, who just viewed the save
                Attached Files


                • #9
                  I won't be available, as we're going to be away for my grandmother's birthday, but the DoFA orders still haven't changed and should be easy enough to follow. As for govenror orders; how exactly does one post screenshots? Here are the orders in text:

                  Former Orders:
                  2 formers at 10,88: mine & road the square.
                  Former at 7,87: continue building sensor, then move N 1 tile and help build Condenser, farm, then move to, 11,83, and build farm & solar collector, in that order.
                  Former at 7,85: continue building Condenser, then build farm, then move to 9,83, and clear fungus.
                  Former at 6,90: continue planting forest, then build sensor, then move SE 1 tile and plant forest.

                  Crawler Orders:
                  Move crawler at TA S one tile & crawl minerals. When mine at 10,88 is complete, send crawler to crawl minerals from there.
                  When crawler at TA is complete send it S 1 tile and crawl minerals.
                  Move crawler at 16,84 to 15,81 (AFTER the nearby mindworm is killed) and crawl minerals.
                  Stop crawler at 12,78 and crawl minerals from there.
                  When TBIBTU crawler is complete, send it to 13,87 and crawl minerals.
                  When Antioch crawler is complete, send it to 11,89 and crawl minerals.

                  Build Queue Orders:

                  New Apolyton:
                  No changes.

                  Add 2-1t-4 foil to the beginning of the build queue.
                  Add Energy Bank to end of build queue.

                  Tacticus Academy:
                  Add Energy Bank to end of build queue.

                  Add 2-1t-4 foil to the beginning of the build queue.
                  Add probe foil to the queue after crawler.
                  Add Energy Bank to end of build queue.

                  Worker Placement Orders:

                  New Apolyton:
                  No change.

                  Move 13,87 worker to 14,84.

                  Tacticus Academy:
                  Move 7,89 worker to 9,87.
                  If we switch to Free Market, convert Doctor to worker at 7,89.

                  No change.


                  • #10
                    G_T, could you please copy and paste your latest DoFA orders? DE had trouble finding them the last time. Nobody remembered anymore what they were.
                    Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                    Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                    • #11
                      Got 'em.

                      DoFA Orders:

                      1) Keep trying to get whatever techs Morgan and Zakharov may have.

                      2) Keep trying to Pact with Zakharov.

                      3) Try for a straight-up peace deal with the Hive, with no concessions by either side (unless Yang offers them, but don't risk demanding them).

                      4) If peace is acheived, go for any techs Yang has, but don't trade away important techs.

                      5) Don't trade for energy, but be willing to trade it away.

                      6) Don't extort them for anything, or give in to any demands.


                      • #12
                        TKG updated orders change 3 farms in to forest and added trawler
                        Welcome to the DBTSverse!
                        God, Allah, boedha, siva, the stars, tealeaves and the palm of you hand. If you are so desperately looking for something to believe in GO FIND A MIRROR
                        'Space05us is just a stupid nice guy' - Space05us


                        • #13
                          DEI Orders:

                          1) The Western probe foil is to continue moving towards the coast of the other continent, and then up the coast, infiltrating the first faction they come across.

                          2) The Eastern probe foil is to move to The Leader's Horde and steal tech (hopefully synth foss fuels, since that should have been finished researching by then).

                          3) The Western Empath foil is to move directly West from Antioch, and follow the coastline of the other continent Westwards when it reaches it.

                          4)The Eastern Empath foil is to explore the unexplored regions to the North, near our coastline, poping pods and killing IoDs on the way.

                          5) The Scout patrol is to explore West towards the coastline.

                          I won't be here for turnchat (At an Idlewild gig ) so if anything needs doing at the time, Hercules can take my place, or DBTS (being DPO) if Herc can't make it.
                          For though he was master of the world, he was not quite sure what to do next
                          But he would think of something

                          "Hm. I suppose I should get my waffle a santa hat." - Kuciwalker


                          • #14
                            I have noticed some discrepancies between my and GT's orders.

                            My order:
                            Pandemonium former on (10,88), east of Tacticus Academy
                            Finish the job of removing fungus, then move into Tacticus Academy to rehome that former. Control of that former then goes over to the governor of Centralis, General_Tacticus.
                            His order:
                            2 formers at 10,88: mine & road the square.
                            I presume my order has preference as I own the former? Unlike Centralis region, three of my four bases belong the lower half of our faction concerning mineral production, so I need every mineral I can get. Therefore I'd like this rehoming.

                            Stop crawler at 12,78 and crawl minerals from there.
                            That tile is worked by Concordia and currently there are no other productive tiles available.
                            I'd like to suggest a solution to this problem though.
                            GT orders:
                            Send crawler at 12,78 to Sheathed Sword, rehome and work future forest on 15,63
                            I will then order
                            Send crawler at 12,90 to UNPD and rehome the crawler. Then send it back to its original location to crawl minerals.
                            Does this sound ok?
                            Extra advantage is the mineral production of Concordia decreases and therefore also the eco-damage.
                            Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                            Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)


                            • #15
                              I presume my order has preference as I own the former? Unlike Centralis region, three of my four bases belong the lower half of our faction concerning mineral production, so I need every mineral I can get. Therefore I'd like this rehoming.
                              As the orders are only in conflict due to the timing, yours gets priority.

                              Does this sound ok?
                              Extra advantage is the mineral production of Concordia decreases and therefore also the eco-damage.
                              Sounds good to me.

