I am afraid (although much to Archaic and GT's delight) I shall be going away, on secondment to Terminal Dogma (Oxford) University for a few says, for a series of interviews. I will be without the internet, and as such will be incommunicado until either Saturday or Sunday evening GMT.
If there is a Turnchat on Saturday, and I am not back, I nominate Hercules to be DEI in my place (just follow the prelim orders and the poll ), or if he is unavailable, DE or Lemmy can use their discression.
I ahve also proposed an Amendment, but just in the discussion stage, and will post the poll based on the discussion when I come back.
I shall see you all soon, and tell of the wonders I have encountered
If there is a Turnchat on Saturday, and I am not back, I nominate Hercules to be DEI in my place (just follow the prelim orders and the poll ), or if he is unavailable, DE or Lemmy can use their discression.
I ahve also proposed an Amendment, but just in the discussion stage, and will post the poll based on the discussion when I come back.
I shall see you all soon, and tell of the wonders I have encountered