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Centralis Governor's Office

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  • #91
    About the LV for Tacticus Academy.....why not build (Expensive) Crawlers and instabuild with them? Or do you plan to instabuild the LV with crawlers we already have?
    Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos


    • #92
      Is it actually more efficient to build crawlers at the base to instabuild than to just build the project?


      • #93
        Originally posted by Archaic
        In other words......

        Worms = Immune System of Planet
        Target of Immune System = Sentient Life
        Humans = Sentient Life
        => Humans = Target of Immune System

        Worms = Immune System of Planet
        Target of Immune System = Non-Chironian Forms of Life
        Humans = Non-Chironian Forms of Life
        => Humans = Target of Immune system.

        While we encourage the growth of more worms through our reintroduction of carbon to the biosphere, it is not because of this that the worms attack us. It is simply because we exist.
        You're reversing the problem : it is because we exist that the immune system of planet (fungus and worms) growthes, and this immune system attacks us because we are non chironians.
        "Just because you're paranoid doesnt mean there's not someone following me..."
        "I shall return and I shall be billions"


        • #94
          Worms = Immune System of Planet
          Target of Immune System = Non-Chironian Forms of Life
          Humans = Non-Chironian Forms of Life
          => Humans = Target of Immune system.
          Your point?

          You're reversing the problem : it is because we exist that the immune system of planet (fungus and worms) growthes, and this immune system attacks us because we are non chironians.
          ...? How was he reversing the problem? All he did was state the facts: we encourage the growth of more by introducing carbon into the biosphere, and these worms then proceed to attack us because we're sentient, non-chironian life forms.


          • #95
            Originally posted by GeneralTacticus
            Is it actually more efficient to build crawlers at the base to instabuild than to just build the project?
            Yes. Even if there isn't spaces nearby for them to harvest FoP's in the meanwhile, they're less expensive to rush than the flat 4 credits/mineral of SP's, and more flexible in the bargain.
            Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos


            • #96
              Originally posted by Pandemoniak
              Worms = Immune System of Planet
              Target of Immune System = Non-Chironian Forms of Life
              Humans = Non-Chironian Forms of Life
              => Humans = Target of Immune system.
              Worms have been seen to attack other worms in the wild.

              Originally posted by Pandemoniak
              You're reversing the problem : it is because we exist that the immune system of planet (fungus and worms) growthes, and this immune system attacks us because we are non chironians.
              If that was the case, we'd have fungal pops even if we weren't producing any minerals.
              Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos


              • #97
                Yes. Even if there isn't spaces nearby for them to harvest FoP's in the meanwhile, they're less expensive to rush than the flat 4 credits/mineral of SP's, and more flexible in the bargain.
                That assumes, of course, that I intend to do any crawler rushing at all...


                • #98
                  Originally posted by GeneralTacticus
                  That assumes, of course, that I intend to do any crawler rushing at all...
                  You don't have to rush the crawlers to get a payoff... just move them somewhere to crawl minerals, and you gain overall production (assuming you don't lose too many minerals to more-than-10-mineral-overrun on the crawlers).

                  There's also the matter, in this case, that we're not all sure we want the LV to be built in TA.


                  • #99
                    Well, it's the rushing that prevents that mineral overrun problem there Cedayon. And it's rather inexpensive to do that rushing usually, only a small outlay of credits.
                    Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos


                    • Originally posted by Archaic
                      Well, it's the rushing that prevents that mineral overrun problem there Cedayon. And it's rather inexpensive to do that rushing usually, only a small outlay of credits.
                      I meant in situations where the per-turn mineral production of the base exceeds the cost of the crawler. I guess that's where expensive crawlers come in


                      • *Stretches out in his comfy new chair*

                        Ahh, perfect. And post 100 in this thread to boot.

                        *Rubs his hands together in glee*

                        Well, let's see how much I can bother the DIA this turn about rushing, and everyone else with Terraforming polls....
                        Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos


                        • Originally posted by Archaic
                          Well, let's see how much I can bother the DIA this turn about rushing
                          The DIA is somewhat busy with a compilers project right now, but he'll be taking a look at the save shortly to consider that very question.


                          • Welcome to the office, Archaic I hope you enjoy the perks of the job. Unfortunately, the privatisation bonanza has pretty much ended, but the salary is enough on it's own...


                            • Originally posted by Archaic
                              Well, let's see how much I can bother the DIA this turn about rushing, and everyone else with Terraforming polls....
                              you're lucky. you actually had boreholes when you took over
                              /me grumbles


                              • *BUMP* First post updated (making use of the second post too, as it wouldn't fit otherwise).

