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Centralis Governor's Office

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  • #76
    Anyway, what is the connection between the high concentration of worms near inhabited area, and the fact that they want to feed on us with a demonstartion that show that mineral production encourages native flora growth ?
    "Just because you're paranoid doesnt mean there's not someone following me..."
    "I shall return and I shall be billions"


    • #77
      No direct connection, as far as I can tell. Just a related fact, which also proves that the worms aren't attacking us because they're annoyed with us for polluting, they're attacking us because they're annoyed with us for existing.


      • #78
        Helllllllo New Apolyton! *Walks in carrying his heavy luggage* Any nice apartments available here in our lovely capital?
        Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos


        • #79
          There's some very nice housing east of the UN Government Palace that we built for Morganite immigrants; you're welcome to move in there. It's quite expensive, but I'm sure we can arrange a special deal for our party leader.


          • #80
            Archaic, can you plesae scroll up and answer my question ?
            "Just because you're paranoid doesnt mean there's not someone following me..."
            "I shall return and I shall be billions"


            • #81
              GT's already answered it. There's no direct connection. It's just a related fact, which also proves that the worms aren't attacking us because they're annoyed with us for polluting, they're attacking us because they're annoyed with us for existing.

              Ah, that sounds just perfect GT. The in-house cable gets the Anime channel I hope?
              Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos


              • #82
                Of course. Anything available on any network on the planet (well.. except the Hive, Spartan, and Beleiver ones, but they're not very interesting anyway), and the place has a direct link to the Virtual World, so you can access it whenever you like for free.


                • #83
                  Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos


                  • #84
                    Originally posted by Archaic
                    GT's already answered it. There's no direct connection. It's just a related fact, which also proves that the worms aren't attacking us because they're annoyed with us for polluting, they're attacking us because they're annoyed with us for existing.
                    Well, that also how I considered it and if this ecosystem's growth is encouraged by our presence and our mineral production, and is far more developped around inhabited areas, then it is clearly a immune system, at a planetary scale.
                    "Just because you're paranoid doesnt mean there's not someone following me..."
                    "I shall return and I shall be billions"


                    • #85
                      The worms are the Planet's immune system. Go read 'Mind Worm, Mind Worm', by Dr. Pravin Lal.


                      • #86
                        Indeed, thats exactly what I said. But I didnt know M. Lal from the Lal-O-Mart had a PhD...

                        Anyway :
                        One must wonder anyway Drouge......and this is an RP arguement do you know that our mineral production is harmful to planet? You say it's damaging the eco-system, and all I see is the mineral production rising to a level where the native plant life is actually encouraged to grow. What was pollution back on earth might for all we know be just what this planet likes. Certainly seems a more reasonable arguement than your "planet is rising up against us!" pleas.
                        So GT, we both agree on that : the native ecosystem of fungus and minworms is a planetarian immune system, encourage to grow by our "contamination" (read ecodamage) of the Planet entity. This immune system is rising up against us.

                        And thanx to Archaic's demonstration, this is specifically because he pointed that the mindworms were attacking us, that we can say that, because if they simply liked the way we ecodamage the environment and grow, that would make no sense at all.
                        "Just because you're paranoid doesnt mean there's not someone following me..."
                        "I shall return and I shall be billions"


                        • #87
                          Indeed, thats exactly what I said. But I didnt know M. Lal from the Lal-O-Mart had a PhD...
                          I mean the original Pravin Lal. You know, the Unity Chief Medical Officer?

                          So GT, we both agree on that : the native ecosystem of fungus and minworms is a planetarian immune system, encourage to grow by our "contamination" (read ecodamage) of the Planet entity. This immune system is rising up against us.
                          No, not quite. The job of the worms is to hunt down sentient life and destroy it; that's why we're attacked even when we aren't polluting (as we arne't right now). The pollution just makes it easier, by feeding the fungus.

                          And thanx to Archaic's demonstration, this is specifically because he pointed that the mindworms were attacking us, that we can say that, because if they simply liked the way we ecodamage the environment and grow, that would make no sense at all.
                          It's kind of like leaving a piece of rotten meat outside. The flies will lay their larvae (fungus) on the meat, which will then produce flies (worms), which, in this case, try to kill us.


                          • #88
                            In other words......

                            Worms = Immune System of Planet
                            Target of Immune System = Sentient Life
                            Humans = Sentient Life
                            => Humans = Target of Immune System

                            While we encourage the growth of more worms through our reintroduction of carbon to the biosphere, it is not because of this that the worms attack us. It is simply because we exist.
                            Veni Vidi Castravi Illegitimos


                            • #89
                              Eco-damage does stimulate native growth and aggression, indeed. This can be taken as both good and bad (on one hand they're trying to kill us, on the other hand they experienced a significant boost in growth because of us). It's somewhat moot right now, though: We aren't producing any Eco-damage right now; in fact we're building Centauri Preserves and the Xenoempathy Dome

                              Planet (or the native life, at least) still attacks us, though... not as often, but still attacks us... because our very presence is reacted to as a threat by the native lifeforms.


                              • #90
                                *BUMP* Okay, base info updated (though not entirely... there are a few things that still need to be done, but it's too late to do it right now), and here are the prlim. orders:

                                PRELIMINARY ORDERS AS OF MY 2249:

                                Build Queue Orders:

                                Tacticus Academy:
                                When Bio-Engineering is done, insert Longevity Vaccine at end of build queue (if queue finishes before tech, insert placeholder)

                                Insert Hybrid Forest at end of build queue.

                                Insert former at start of build queue.
                                Insert former into queue after Children’s Creche.

                                Worker Placement Orders:

                                Crawler Orders:
                                Move 13,82 crawler 1 tile NE & keep crawling minerals.

                                Former Orders:
                                Tacticus Academy former (9,83), WW of Antioch, move to 7,85.
                                - Stop.
                                - Build soil enricher.
                                - When done, continue building soil enricher son every farm square in the region.

                                Tacticus Academy former (9,83), WW of Antioch, move to 7,85.
                                - Build soil enricher.
                                - When done, continue building soil enricher son every farm square in the region.

                                Antioch former (7,85), NNW of Antioch, no orders.
                                - Build soil enricher.
                                - When done, continue building soil enrichers on every farm square in the region.

                                ThisBaseIsBelongToUs former (9,83), WW of Antioch, move to 7,85.
                                - Stop.
                                - Build soil enricher.
                                - When done, continue building soil enricher son every farm square in the region.

                                ThisBaseIsBelongToUs former (14,86), SW of TBIBTU, no orders.
                                - Drill borehole.
                                - When done, move to 10,90 & drill borehole (if substantially leading in poll)

                                New Apolyton former former[/I] (14,86), SW of TBIBTU, no orders.
                                - Drill borehole.
                                - When done, move to 10,90 & drill borehole (if substantially leading in poll)

                                ThisBaseIsBelongToUs former (10,80), N of Antioch, plant forest.
                                - Continue current project.
                                - Move NE, build road, then forest. Next move back and build soil enrichers on every condenser square in Centralis.

                                Rush Requests:

                                Biology Lab in NA for 56 ECs (optimal price)
                                Fusion Lab in TBIBTU for 58 ECs (optimal pricing)
                                Sky Hydroponics Lab in TA for 180 ECs (optimal pricing)
                                Rec Tanks in Egregion for 28 ECs.
                                Sea formers in Circular Quay for 41 ECs.

                                Centauri Preserve in Antioch for ~120 ECs

                                Centauri Preserve in NA for ~90 ECs.

                                Total: ~563 ECs.

